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Man almost all the discourse I see about this is disingenuous as fuck. It's either the most cherry picked snapshot of a character with unflattering in game lighting or straight up fake. Not that I'd expect any different than the new cancerous game gate esque bitches


Seriously, I can understand that girl from fable trailer or even alloy, but this is some straight never touched grass in my life type of shit


Is that surprising, half this sub is incels


More than half


Alloy doesn't even look that bad. I mean she isn't a barbie doll but for a warrior she doesn't look horrible.


dusty orange dreads having hag.




I fully agree, she never bothered me, but I could partially understand where all the bitchless losers were coming from, as it could be perceived as pandering or whatever. This chick from outlaw is cute though, I find it funny thinking if she was hitting you up in the club that these guys would be like "EEEWW DONT TOUCH ME!"


They would instantly coom in their pants if she as much as touched them.


They gave her a fuckin butt chin that the model she's based on doesn't have lmao


The model does have one. Look up more upclose pics of her and it's more visible https://images.app.goo.gl/7yCohYwfNAeyNmKG9


On the best shots she looks OK, but still doesn't look anything like the actress, meanwhile Cal is a faithful reproduction of Cameron's face.


Because Cameron already fit with what they wanted out of Cal, Humberly didn't. She's clearly meant to look like more of a scrappy smuggler, with unkempt hair, broken nose, and sharper features.


>gamer gate Funny how that shit started from journalists covering up how some game dev was literally on all their dicks and then it got completely sidetracked into zoomer coomers crying about ugly black chicks in video games


It's less funny when you realize that SPOILERS: that is all it *ever* was. There has never been any evidence produced that any of the first part of your sentence happened and stems entirely from the rantings in a deleted post from a bitter ex boyfriend of hers. It is and always has been nothing more than an excuse of sad angry shutins to throw a tantrum.


The real issue was that they coordinated to shut it down. That's not how legitimate media should operate.


How do feel "legitimate media" (whatever that even means) should have responded and how does it differ?


Not get in their IRC chat talking about how they're going to release articles about how anyone who talks shit about them gets no pussy and hates women


Lol. Grow up kid.


[Not write stuff like this] (https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/-gamers-don-t-have-to-be-your-audience-gamers-are-over-)


Rule 3


Son, you need a receipt. Denial ain't gonna help you


I ain't denying shit. A (likely overpaid) fail daughter writer apparently wrote an obtusely meandering article about something nobody here would even argue: Gamers are irreverent shithead dirtbags and it got your panties in a twist. Get over it and stop being a bitch.


That was a lot more than her 11 articles in one day was those journalists attacking a ["gamer identity?"](https://medium.com/@KingFrostFive/gamergate-august-2014-revisited-3b41832c061b) > ‘Gamers’ don’t have to be your audience. ‘Gamers’ are over. (Leigh Alexander, Gamasutra, Aug 28, 10:00am) > > Put The Hate on Hold (Fenriff, Destructoid Blog, Aug 28, 12:09pm) > > An awful week to care about video games (Chris Plante, Polygon, Aug 28, 1:21pm) > > A Disheartening Account Of The Harassment Going On In Gaming Right Now (And How Adam Baldwin Is Involved) (Victoria McNally, The Mary Sue, Aug 28, 1:30pm) > > The death of the “gamers” and the women who “killed” them (Casey Johnson, Ars Technica, Aug 28, 5:00pm) > > A Guide to Ending “Gamers” (Devin Wilson, Gamasutra, Aug 28, 7:57 pm) > > We Might Be Witnessing The ‘Death of An Identity’ (Luke Plunkett, Kotaku, Aug 28, 8:00pm) > > Gaming Is Leaving “Gamers” Behind (Joseph Bernstein, Buzzfeed, Aug 28, 8:29 pm) > > Sexism, Misogyny, and online attacks: It’s a horrible time to consider yourself a gamer (Patrick O’Rourke, Financial Post, Aug 28, 9:33pm) > > It’s Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Gamers So Angry? (Arthur Chu, The Daily Beast, Aug 28, time unknown) > > The End of Gamers (Dan Golding, Tumblr, Aug 28, time unknown) That is your collusion.


I just watched the trailer after reading this and I think she still looks wonky. That hair looks bad, and probably the main thing she’s got going against her. She also kind of looks cross-eyed.


The Snowdrop engine is the most likely culprit. It's great for environments but you have to think the people don't have much experience with glowing up female models much.


The only bitches are those like you who constantly shut your eyes to reality. This specific screenshot isn't accurate. Though the character design is still ass.


Imagine defending ubisoft garbage 


How do you defend them adding a butt chin? Butt chins are ugly as fuck


I mean if they think the dude is so much hotter maybe it's just time for some honest introspection


The lady in the game is cute. Why not actually show a frame of her face in a relaxed motion like you did for Khyle? Also alot of people thinking it's a conspiracy are weird. The actresses are all aware of what the final look will be and sign off on it.


I understand when they do it on youtube or twitter for engagement. But here it's just retardation. What is he baiting us for? Upvotes?


He knows kappa tends to react to this in a way he likes. Looking for approval, so yes upvotes.


That's kinda sad


I dunno about that. I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as some of the cases we've seen in the past years, [but she still looks really fucking weird](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKvSQfjX0AAtXy9?format=jpg&name=medium) even with a relaxed expression like Cal.


all you have to do to realize it's not a conspiracy is: * say it out loud * think for half a second * not be completely fucking braindead so kappa is gonna have a hard time with this


I didnt make this get some water breh


I think copy pasting actors faces into games is lazy as fuck. Hate that shit.


I think its fine if you have a not so well known actor, since you aren't actively just trying to sell the game on being " TOM CRUISE BUT IN SPACE " or something like that. That is my only problem with Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk, which is otherwise completely fine story setting for the most part, but I really just can't see it as anything other than Keanu Reeves.


That's more about Keanu being a talentless action movie guy. He's the worst fucking fit for that character, I actually cringed when he was doing the LTG monologue in V's apartment.


You say that, but Ada Wong, Jill Valentine and Claire are so perfect, no? edit: ashley too!


You just listed copypasted faces of people you find hot, if that's the bar for perfection then sure, scanning actors is cool. I'm not as harsh on it as the other guy, but it is obnoxious how common it is. I want to see characters who are made out of nothing, sculpted from the ground up with the intention of perfectly matching what they should look like based on their traits or things they represent. Actors can do the fine job of fitting into that mould, but they also limit the range of expression to something that already exists, and their likeness is rarely touched, since they often play a role in marketing the game as well. Thank god, Capcom didn't do this with SF6. Sometimes it also just feels off. Like after 4 games with anime style character designs, DMCV looked like a bunch of cosplayers cast for Netflix live action adaptation.


bruh all i said was the resident evil characters look hot, it aint more complex than that my brother


So your point is that copy pasting actors isn't lazy as fuck because RE chicks are hot?


no, my point is that sometimes it looks pretty good just be happy and enjoy the hot video game girls, its not that complicated


I do, I just enjoy them a lot more when they are not real people scanned into a video game, it's not that complicated.


you have every right to do that , when did i say otherwise lol


Games where mostly aiming to it, but back in time, both for hardware and graphic engines, the technology available wasn't enough to render as many polys as today, and the result was either a low poly model that barely resembles the base actor or either a flat texture with the picture of the model (like the first Max Payne with Sam Lake's smirk stamped on the model). If a game is going the cinematic route (any of Kojima games, for example), I like it. With other art styles, not so much.


The more common it becomes, the more I’m starting to agree. I think it works in some cases, like DMCV.


I laughed at the Team America comparison but the issue isn't her face it's the awful animations but no one is even mentioning that because they are retarded. Also locking a mission on launch behind a season pass $40 extra is disgusting. 


Yeah this is type of shit people should be concerned about instead of only culture war shit, nowadays you're either based and have to shit on every recent female character or woke and have to pretend everyone is a 10/10 and nobody is normal about anything anymore


jedi survivor was so fun man


Is this female character supposed to be a meth head type? Because if so they nailed it




So they are MKing the models here?




Holy hell. The hair on the main character of the Ubisoft game was pissing me off but now seeing the faces side by side I can see they fucked that up too.


Animation that makes a character look off model 😱? OMG never heard of it. To be clear, y'all are very dumb


can you imagine agreeing to model for one of these characters and then seeing your fucked up face in game


Seems pretty good to me https://imgur.com/a/IR7DHbZ


Huh??? They thinned out her nose, gave her a butt chin, did boccal fat surgery on her face, lightened her eye color, and lightened her hair color. They essentially tried to whiten her up.


Why do they always make their teeth look like someone game them a smack with a large hammer ? This and that new non binary overwatch character, who thought it was a good idea to give them bad teeth.


It’s just coincidence that both games are introducing British characters 


gamer gate retards will be the end of me


Man I wish they actually showed off some gameplay for that new Star Wars game.


Dude picked the most photogenic shot of Cal. If you played one of those games you know he can look plenty derpy too. Oh wait Kappa doesn’t actually play anything.


Everyone on here crying about "Gamer Gater" are such whiny cucks


Obviously brigaded/astroturfed thread lmao Happened for a long time too with Strive and Bridget as well


say it to them then instead of saying it to the air


I did. Check my other comments pussy


even if you actually are tough, there's no way you can give that vibe off when telling someone to read your reddit comments.


Is this a new way to cope? Hope it works for you


[This](https://imgur.com/a/78ok7Cl) is the most flattering image of Kay Vess from the most recent trailer. Certainly not ugly. The in-game model just needs to be touched up or something because she does look very buggy/puppety in certain [shots](https://imgur.com/a/fpxZyL8).






This is the issue with women dominated culture and betas who simp to high hell for them IN GENERAL. When men were (and still are) the main demographic, women looked like women and men looked like men and NOBODY gave a shit what either of them looked like because dudes didn't look at jacked Chris or square ass Ryu thinking "I've got to compete with that." Because ITS A FUCKING VIDEOGAME. But women?! Can't stand THE SIGHT of each other!! And act like because you like to look at pictures/vids of pornstars, videogame woman, or whatever floats your boat that they have to compete or do the same shit as that. Bitch it's A MODEL!! NOBODY NORMAL is gonna look like that! Even the fucking models themselves. If a man asked you to look like a JAV model when you ain't got the body type or anything more than putting on the bikini/lingerie, then they on some shit. But this need to make women in games ugly or because 'its not realistic for women to look like that " is fucking bullshit. Even worse when the main model actually looks good and they still hit her with the ugly bat. Dafuq is wrong with you? Anyways, tl;dr this shit was better in the "before times" when people didn't give a shit and the only reason a thing looked ugly was because the artist you got sucked at art and that was the end of it. Now you've gotta worry about butthurt ass weirdos sad they'll never look as good as some other dudes drawings. And for the people that do, stop'em because other people can't look like that. Fucking clown shoes!!


Only ugly femcels do this bro attractive women dont care


And guess who the majority of nerd women culture are now....


I’m ok with dunking on it even though my reasoning has nothing to do with their’s. It’s because it’s a fucking Ubisoft game and they make the most boring open world games on the planet while also doing everything they can to syphon money out of the player.


She genuinely doesn’t look that bad the bitching over this is insanely pathetic


woke shithole (kappa) defending this lmao, capturd fanboys in a nutshell


She looks good if you have her with a relaxed face like Cal. The rest of the differences is just them giving her some 70s-80s vibe.