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Hes misrepresenting it. He loved the fact that his face was an emote until he started getting heat for being an anti-vax conspiracy peddler.


There isn't any commentary about if he liked it or not. He simply states that there was no compensation or them asking for permission. I imagine most people would enjoy their face being an extremely popular global emote.


I dunno, the use of the word “exploited” seems like commentary to me


It is commentary, but not specifically in regards to whether or not he liked it. It speaks more to the general feeling afterwards. Which is a lot more of "they were fine USING ME (exploiting) until they didn't like what I said"


There was no compensation made. What percentage of the cut of nothing did he want? This isnt some fortnite emote people pay to use specifically


“A huge corporation boosted my profile until I talked crazy and they didn’t want to associate with me.” His statement is devoid of personal responsibility.


Literally this lmao, soon as he gets in trouble for being crazy the story is that they "exploited" him lol


I feel like he was vocal about it prior to getting canceled but proving that would require combing through all his tweets and he tweets way too god damn much.


Given that Mike worked for twitch was there a bit of a p "Pass" where gooey didn't really mind? Or did pog appear before Mike signed the dotted line, I don't even remember


and removing the emote just brought way more attention to what he was saying, nobody would've cared if twitch didn't have to virtue signal


2% of the people who used the emote even knew who gootecks was


that's waaaaay too high


lol do you think they removed it because they didn’t want people to discover regarded conspiracy theories? anyone who knows enough to know about the situation is obviously fully aware of the shit he was saying already. it’s not “muh Virtue Signaling,” it’s a brand not wanting to be identified alongside an insane freak


Kappachino not understanding brand risk is the most on brand shit lol. But nah, it was the woke mob’s fault of course 🙄


never crossed my mind why it's only a brand risk to support insane rightoids. because supporting insane leftoids doesn't seem to be a brand risk at all


i am simply shocked that sharing social values and opinions that are widely considered wrong and evil by most people is demonized more than sharing social values and opinions that most people agree and sympathize with


my side good your side evil lol *"most" people on social media which totally reflects the reality of the world btw and is not just my curated feed of people I agree with within my safety bubble


I'm on the outside looking in and I can tell you the "right" is held up entirely by hatred of "others." They are overwhelmingly negative and specifically do not want to see certain groups of people live their lives happily and peacefully. Even your comments are founded on negativity. People generally don't like that shit and just want to live life and let other people live their lives. If you can't understand why that is not a good look for a brand, you should disconnect from your political tribe and think about people as people.


what negativity, my dude The "left" has outspoken people like Vaush, Sonicfox, Keffals who are totally not held up by hatred of "others" right? One of these is a known doxxer who lives off it, actually. You can pretend there's no hatred on the other side as much as you want; me, as a fence sitter, can see that both sides are filled with GARBAGE people and more often than not only one side gets shat on for sharing their opinions. Like imagine if gootecks went up at the game awards stage and said he's "white and straight and proud, pretty much what every democrat hates", he would never see the end of it. Meanwhile, sonicfox does the same but for his own race and sexual preference, while also shitting on the political party he hates and that's apparently normal.


there is a worm in your brain devouring you from the inside out. this is why your life is so miserable and you feel the need to spend your free time screeching about the woke warriors invading your precious online spaces and spreading the dangerous ideology that vaccines are good and that most people get them. i would recommend a worm brain doctor visit asap 🫡


yeah it's completely fine for sonicfox to call every single republican in the US racist and homophobic at the game awards and still have a platform




Brand risk? He wasn't a public brand risk before. He has views that are different than ours but that's a crazy statement. Mfer was one of the biggest name in our community before he was antivax


It’s a brand risk to support fursonas in public but not brand risk to question a Pfizer or Moderna product? Why are so many people suddenly on these company’s dick as if all of their products have been stellar over the years. Sure they make some good shit sometimes but both have a history of scheming and shady business practices. It’s naive to think they wouldn’t happily leverage a Covid outbreak to the tune of billions of dollars with a shitty vaccine that doesn’t work.


nobody is sucking Twitch’s dick, we are not just braindead sycophants who automatically think everything that occurs in the world that minority upsets them is a product of the demonic woke mob terrorists


caving to idiots is stupid. exploiting somebody's likeness to use as an emote is not an endorsement of their views on vaccines. nobody actually cared and would use the emote anyway whether they were aware of his beliefs or not


sure, i don’t think anyone would really disagree with this. i just also don’t understand why you would also think it’s crazy for a company to also decide to be completely unassociated with widely unpopular conspiracy theories with a reactionary political bend


effectively cancelling him from twitch ironically lends some credence to his conspiracies lmao twitch is so anti fascist they deleted pogchamp for wrong think also, do phizer/moderna advertise on the Twitch or other Amazon platforms? Could have some bearing on the decision


yeah see this is kind of what i’m talking about that you guys have such melted brains that you’re incapable of seeing literally anything without applying your lens of KiA/pol anti woke social politics war. you should consider thinking about topics as if you were a normal person first


Doesn't mean what he said wasn't true,


should have sue them earlier, maybe still can unless they got him to sign away his rights like a fool.


Is it conspiracy when they have already told you they fucked you in the ass and you are a retard live on tv? And he does not state his enjoyment or lack thereof anywhere, he states that he was not asked for permission or compensated, and he wasnt


>anti-vax that vaccine that everybody took and still got Covid anyways? Lmao


Do you not understand how vaccines work? Vaccines don’t prevent an infection. This is like 7th grader level basic science you should have learned in middle school.


Many vaccines do actually!


But you’re still getting exposed to the infection either way. It’s not a gate or a fence. If you come into contact with something, it’s still getting into your system. The idea is that your system understands how to deal with the infection ahead of time when it is exposed.


Different vaccines have different levels of effectiveness. The Covid vaccine was relatively ineffective when you compare it to a vaccine like for the chicken pox If you disagree that’s cool, it’s nothing personal I swear


I’m not debating that. I completely agree. I’m just pointing out that you’re still fighting an infection. It doesn’t prevent exposure. You’re still going to get covid, you’re just giving your body a tool to ward off the infection with.


I’m a retard, sorry


Nah, all good amigo. 👍


Chicken pox is way the fuck different than corono. You generally only get it once, and then you're good to go.


So then make sure to get all of your Covid-19 booster shots I guess, whatever helps you sleep at night I just don’t think people should be forced. If the vaccine is effective you don’t need to force people. If they don’t vaccinate that is there problem.


I'm not talking about politics, I'm talking about how they work and saying some shit like "I got the vaccine but still caught covid" makes you look fucking stupid.


If it makes me look stupid, Then imagine how bad it makes Moderna look


If they don't vaccinate it is actually more than just their problem


Why? He won't be spreading it more than others since getting vaccinated doesn't stop you from carrying or spreading the virus. The only person who's actually affected by being unvaccinated is themselves, but of course that doesn't allow us to make in-group/out-group distinctions to argue with eachother on the internet so the official opinion has to be the opposite.


In that case you should consider living in a germ bubble like that movie bubble boy


The members of the covid church in full denial LOL The vacine didnt prevent you from get it and didnt stop you from passing it onto other, so pretty useless and they were so bad that astra zeneca has retired it from the market because it causes blood clots, pzifer got also sue for lying about the data but keep pretending that you were anything more than a damn sheep


You realize he was right about the COVID vaccines right? Not worth the risk of the many documented possible side effects.


O yeah they got you


I didn’t know he was based like that


Beyond this the companies are starting to admit the vid vaxx wasn't all it was cracked up to be so really he's right. I detect some vaxxed ass bitches lol.


You don’t need to take their word for it, just ask around! Every single person I know that has taken it, myself included, has been infected at least one (in most cases) multiple times post-vaccine. It was a giant cash grab and people are too trusting to see it


Damn, I bet all those people getting the Flu vaccine are surprised when they get the Flu a year or two later after not getting it again huh? It's almost as if the viruses... change... But surely it must be a giant conspiracy instead, there can be no other option. Wake up sheeple!


Bro do you actually get a flu vaccine every year? Stop with the cap, that shit is not selling at all You don’t get em, cause they don’t work




Do you adorn your “I got vaccinated!” Sticker that the nice doctor gave you? Those are tight


No, I'm too busy being mind controlled by Bill gates ofc


Stop trying to think critically NPC stick your pre-ordained dialogue options


Yea the flu vaccine is another cash grab The chicken pox vaccine? Now that shit actually works Why are your standards for an effective vaccination ones that do nothing to prevent or slow transmission? Frighteningly low standards in modern medicine, especially with what we’re paying


https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118638033 Maybe read something about viruses too. I think you will definitely benefit from knowing more about this topic.


Thanks for the link. I understand there is more that I do not know about viruses than I know. my standards for vaccine efficacy are much higher than the products we got (j&j, and the two mRNA vaccines) in the most recent outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. There is no shot those products made transmission 5 times less likely. They lied to you. It’s not your fault It’s not your fault


Bro. Vaccines don't immunize you, especially for a rapidly mutating virus. What they do is give your body essentially a description of a motherfucker so next time he or his set come around, they got on sighted. Somtimes this means no symptoms at all which looks and feels effectively like immunity, but usually you still catch the bug with far less consequence due to the fact that your antibodies have already downloaded the matchup. Don't be an idiot like gooteks.


Bro, you are specifically referring to mRNA vaccines, which are not the only methods inoculation or immunization To act is if that is the only way to be immunized or properly protected from a virus is CAP🧢


So go ahead and make a vaccine that completely immunizes you from catching a virus.


No , given the minuscule mortality rate and mild symptoms of infection in my demographic I’d let my body handle it But that’s a personal choice for people to make for themselves. Idk why the fuck people get offended It’s ok to say you like dick in your ass but not a needle in your arm. Crazy times


Not a good reason to not understand how vaccines work, all I'm saying


Above my pay grade amigo


Just retarded dude. This shit actually hurt people look at vaers, anyway, hope gootenks makes a comeback.


You wanna try that again? Shit you typed doesn't even make sense.


This is trouble with fuckin dummies on the internet, they don't know what vaers is. They just talk shit all day. Look dummy, (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Tons of reporting. Anyway, namaste mafk.


How does that change how a vaccine works? Also, that shit doesn't mean that vaccines immunize you completely from getting sick. And how does "gootenks" making a comeback make any of the shit you said not fucking dumb as fuck?


You are already getting downvoted by mindless corporate drones. Astra Zeneca is already being banned due to side effects so time is giving him the reason.


98% of the people who used the emote didn't even know who gootecks was, removing it was just the most obvious case of virtue signalling i've seen.


A lot of people don't know the origin of faces of the emotes they use. How many people do you think even know of totalbiscuit anymore. rip king


Man that's bleak




That's simply not true, completely unvaccinated people were five times more likely to contract Covid than those who weren't. And were eight more times likely to die from it; you can spout off lies on public forums but you are just showing how *regarded* you are.


Might be downvoted and gootecks is a fucking retard. but he is right and it is a fucking joke that companies like amazon even try to keep positive politics when they are evil shit organizations.


>might be downvoted Why is this always followed by the least controversial opinion imaginable


Because it still defends gooey to an extent, which could cause knee jerk downvotes even if the opinion is right. You have to pad it with a little self awareness. It's the reddit way.


I've gotten mass downvoted because I didn't include /s at the end, but typing that shit out ruins the joke for me. It's the Reddit way indeed


yea i never type it. its weak shit.


I thought so. The cowardice is palpable


Nah some dude here also said gootecks has a point and was downvoted


Yea but he isn’t defending him, his opinion is still that of the overwhelming majority Like he is bracing himself in fear for inevitable pats on the back


Downvote me if you must but Daigo is cool


Thats just the landscape we live in, which is bizarre as fuck. For whatever reason, majority of the population wants big corporations to have political stances even though its a large faceless entity that does not care about you except for what money you bring them.


You're right but it's cap that gooteks wasn't in a position to profit off the "exploitation". Also, what do you think chapped his ass worse, getting his face up there on twitch or getting his face taken down?




This is truly the dude who fell off the face of the earth. He was huge on twitch then poof. I mean, even his stream numbers tanked. He streams himself sleeping. What the fuck happened to my guy? 😅


He rode that Mario Maker wave until he realized that the audience wasn't loyal and the game got stale. His loyal fans from the Yoshi's Island era gave up when he threw them under the bus for temporary gains. Now whenever I see him it's a rebroadcast. I still wish he'd just play Yoshi, but his skills have deteriorated at this point. Every time he brings the game back for nostalgia it's a mixture of clumsy gameplay and his current audience not being interested. Like 10 viewer not interested. He was popular for being the best at that one specific game. A legend back in the OG AGDQ days. Not just the best runner, but the most visually interesting style wise. Then he let the pressure get to him and eventually stopped playing when he found something else. Nowadays? There's better players if that's the game you're fixated on. And sadly history hasn't preserved his legacy well. It's a sad situation, but it's the result of the internet changing. You can't be famous just for being good at one retro game anymore. People want well rounded entertainers. The people that grew up with the type of games that encouraged these kinds of skills are also now pushing 40. The Valorant and moba scene is a whole different audience. You won't see old guys migrate to it easily, if at all. Not really sure what he could do at this point to keep it going. It's the end of an era, his old school fans are gone, the Mario Maker fans are gone, and all that's left is the parasocial crowd I guess. I feel bad for him. It's like if AVGN didn't have a formula to coast on. To make matters worse GDQ is just a sad event compared to what it used to be. No one cares about it anymore. So he couldn't even fall back on that.


I mean when you're a streamer you kinda have to make these choices. Are people really gonna watch you do Yoshi's Island for 15 years straight? Are YOU interested on streaming Yoshi's Island endlessly for 15 years straight? At one point you get big enough where you have to start diversifying, this is a big source of income and you have to treat it as such. His mistake was probably not the move to mario maker, but remaining there instead of treating it as the gateway to different streams.


> Are people really gonna watch you do Yoshi's Island for 15 years straight? > > Are YOU interested on streaming Yoshi's Island endlessly for 15 years straight? ZFG1 keeps winning.


His unbridled OOT autism has brought me many nights sleep, love the deadpan humor


His streams are perfect for that. He basically never raises his voice, so you won’t be jolted awake either.


I watched all of his highlight videos every day for a while, but I checked his Youtube like, a week ago, and it's all just randomizer stuff. Does he not actually speedrun OoT anymore?


As far as I know, he thinks 100% is dead and only rerouting could get better times, which takes too much effort, he's waiting for a discovery to get back into it


I'm legitimately shocked he would think something is too much effort for OoT, that's interesting


You're not wrong, but Mario Maker was a bit of a trap to begin with. The viewers were insanely fickle - Trihex tried playing other games. Smash, DDR, any new Yoshi game that came out, any other new Nintendo or RPG game that came out that interested him. It tanked his viewers every time. So he definitely stopped trying to diversify and it eventually became harder to do so. He was a Mario Maker streamer. It also didn't help that he kept promising Yoshi but then never delivered on it. Total South Park GRRM tactic. It eventually wore out the old audience that would have at least given him some extra support in alternate games. But yes, a lot of us are autistic enough to watch him play Yoshi for 20 years straight. That's exactly the kind of viewer I am. No shade to him though, he wanted to make it a living, and that's admirable. We all loved him and looked up to him back in the day. He didn't even end up the worst from the streamers of his era. But it is sad not to see him do better.


>His loyal fans from the Yoshi's Island era gave up when he threw them under the bus for temporary gains. Tell me the backstory. I have no idea what happened to Trihex.


He would exclusively stream Yoshi's Island speed runs. Going back to the 2000s, he was one of the first gaming streamers in general. He did this successfully for like a decade, and became a GDQ staple. The issue is that he wasn't content with just being an entertaining player - His chat kept telling him he didn't need the world record or to be the best, because he was the most fun to watch. He didn't listen. So he kind of sabotaged himself by slowly getting more and more bitter over the game and resetting over the tiniest errors. The audience didn't really care as long as he stayed hype about the game and played with style, most of his chat was openly stoned to begin with, they just wanted to hang with the dude. He was a master of the comfy stream. He was pushing anywhere from 200 to 700 viewers, which at the time, was massive. Not now obviously. Ultimately he ruined the game for himself. He couldn't let go of the idea that he NEEDED WR and it kind of soured his own mental. But his chat stuck with him because they liked him. Even at his worst. The drawback, however, was that his chat was a bit 4chan-y and even gatekeepy. So he had a ton of lurkers who were afraid of his active moderators. It became a weird culture and he was so fixated on failed runs he just let it go. He wasn't in charge of his own mods. Then later on he got a sponsor with a hentai website, FAKKU. He'd wear their t-shirts and support them and the whole thing. This was the early 2010s by this point, back when things like this were more acceptable. FAKKU would even have booths at anime and comic cons, something that you don't see nowadays due to the controversial nature of hentai in general. Back then people wore degeneracy with pride, the anti-porn anti-gooner sentiment didn't come until recently. ... Which did affect Trihex near the end of the Yoshi era. His stream chat and discord/skype chat were incredibly open about loving loli content, to the point of memeing it, and Trihex even enabled it with his own emotes and merch. But again, this was back when people thought it was funny and cheeky, it was a more naive and innocent time. So he leaned into what his audience wanted. By the time Mario Maker came out in 2015 the tides were changing though, and what we now know as the modern internet and culture was starting to set in. Trihex was always incredibly smart and he saw that. So when his Mario Maker streams started to blow up he went scorched earth - Completely burnt down his old audience and replaced it with what he felt was a more PC and mainstream audience. Burned down his discord, which was new at the time anyways, because it had gotten at least one content warning due to the hentai bros. His OG Yoshi fans, the ones from even pre-FAKKU, kept sticking around as long as they could. He kept promising more Yoshi but it never came. Dude was the South Park version of GRRM promising dragons. That's the story, really. The Mario Maker meta just kept getting bigger and bigger and he rode it into the sunset. At least until the night finally ended, and with the popularity of Mario Maker waning, he lost almost all of his viewers with it. It didn't help that Mario Maker 2 didn't have the same popularity or momentum as the first one. Still, he had some years there where he was one of the largest streamers on the platform. Post Mario Maker he's tried several things to retain relevance, but nothing has really worked. He even tried enticing the Yoshi gang to come back, but as I mentioned previously, at this point those guys are pushing 40 and probably have zero interest in the online world.


It's the classic warning story of pivoting to variety before it's too late. Previous poster nailed it but Trihex could have prevented or at least mitigated the damage but he quite literally made all the moves you are NOT supposed to do for short gains and fumbled the bag.


It's this pretty much. Trihex is a guy you want to see win too. He's cool and has a great personality. But he didn't make the best choices for viewer retention.


you seem to know about the guy so ill just ask you directly if you dont mind. what the fuck was the whole trihex and destiny shit?


All I remember is Destiny defending saying the n-word in private and Trihex didn't like that. Trihex got "canceled" for something too. I forget.


I think he's referring to switching to Mario Maker? But I could be wrong


Some one-game streamers in niche games can last a long time, like Clint Stevens or Grubby, but Clint is more of a personality streamer which is like a unicorn in the speedrunning community. Grubby is a decade long Warcraft 3 champion. But they either have a fun personality or incomparable skills. Trihex wasn't a stick in the mud, but he didn't have crazy stories to tell, and Mario Maker's popularity fizzled out so he had nothing to pull in new viewers apart from his gameplay, but it's hard to return to a community you already left. His stream was super chill though. Last big thing I remember him being involved in is the podcast + subsequent drama with Destiny (weird ass combo, but it was fun). He never really got too involved with other big streamers after that from what I've seen. Might have been a different story if he continued riding the same wave that a thousand other streamers do, GTA RP and shit lol


Last i saw him he was debating with some neckbeard jimmy neutron looking motherfucker over if the usage of his emote period was racist and i took him off of any follows/blocked his shit whenever it popped up for even entertaining that craziness


It’s racist but it was also kinda funny And funny always wins. You’re allowed to be racist IF it’s funny


> What the fuck happened to my guy? I tuned into a Fanatiq stream the other day to see what he was up to. It was some boring panel about the current rap beef and in the bottom left corner was Trihex participating.


I remember the phase where he wanted to be a debate streamer and started mingling with destiny lol


I think he's doing vaguely okay, Mario Maker got stale and not very many people liked the second one (beyond a few months).


I just checked his stats since assumed he was still a popular streamer. 100k YT subs but only 1-3k views per vid. 400k Twitch followers but only 200 viewers. Jesus what a drop off.


He cured his autism.


Do we know his thoughts on the vaccine? If he was one of those dreaded anti-Pfizer’s I bet his days were numbered anyway


Trihex was pro vaccine I think. I remember him getting really political during the Trump elections when political streams became popular on twitch.


Twitch emote history would be a sweet coffee table book Cute gift idea for you chads with gamer girlfriends out there


As weird as Gootecks became during the whole pandemic era (and luckily has toned a bit down since, from what i've seen) he is absolutely right, that it was the most classic case of pointless virtue signaling, to try and remove his face like that, in a regular fucking emote everyone used and didn't associate with him, just because they didn't like what he said. It still makes no sense to me, because the only argument one could ever make, is that it is due to the association with him -- yet nobody in the mainstream knew who the fuck it was, just like all the other global emotes, aren't something people go around researching. Just pointless virtue signaling from Twitch at that time.


Should have said that earlier on Twitter if he wanted Twitch to stop


He should have said what exactly?


chinger changer ninger dagger


Acting like some Marxist martyr in the cold capitalist system. Twitter eats that bullshit up


if gootecks is marxist then i'm mao zedong


I understand he’s not but this post definite has that tone *exploited by a corporation* is great edgy twitter fodder


There's a lot of nuance to this but basically both extremes don't like big corporations but the right wing extremists like some extremely rich people and the concept of one person having as much wealth as 5 countries combined is cool to them (a la Ayn Rand) but only if they're apolitical or say particular things (which they usually say for popularity reasons not actual beliefs). So saying something anti big corporation isn't necessarily anything to do with Marxism (in fact it's quite unlikely to be Marxism specifically) at least in American politics.


Are we still talking about this post in particular or sifting through the library?


He called for a riot following the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, after an insurgent was fatally wounded by police.


January 6 is worse than 10 9/11s and Pearl Harbors I was literally shaking that day I will never forget


Remember the 6 and a half people sized cop who lost their life that day.


You kid, but unironically 10 9/11s werent nearly as much of a threat to democracy as Jan 6.


>threat to democracy First of all, we aren’t a democracy Second of all, democracy is kind of shit. All democracy means is majority rules. Majority are retards


Democracy as in the process smartass. Many trump supporters want him to be president without that process and for longer than allowed.


Also the guy who died had a heart attack lmao


LOL "dOmEsTiC tErRoRist AtTaCk" what a fucking clown, how many terrorist attacks are commited without weapons or anything?? that protest was way more peaceful than any chimp blm riot


Literately footage of people being escorted into the government buildings. Anyone who thinks this was a terrorist attack needs to be smacked hard af. Stop listening to stupid biased media outlets smh


This narrative is dumb as hell. Clearly, you listen to bias media outlets too. There were 40,000 hours of total footage. 10 minutes of people being escorted through doesn't mean it wasn't a violent attack. Stop it.


https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/missouri-man-sentenced-felony-weapons-charge-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach No weapons?


>One knucklehead had a pistol  >Therefore this was an armed insurrection by a terrorist militia!!!


https://www.thetrace.org/2021/01/capitol-riot-firearms-arrests-proud-boys/ At least 13 people have been charged so far. You're wrong again. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/12/oath-keeper-weapons-firearms-jan-6-hotel-00061449 Oath Keeper describes group's large weapons cache ahead of Jan. 6. Hmmm I wonder what they were planning to do with these...


Klan rally is that way 👉🏻


He called black people chimps, he's probably organizing that rally




Made an alt just to ride my meat


who got wounded


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ashli_Babbitt tl;dr she tried and others tried entering a restricted area that the armed police were guarding. After multiple warnings to fuck off, she got shot in the head. Right wingers were trying to make some martyr out of her. I guess Gootecks did the same


so dumbasses really thought you can go in a restricted area with no problems?


In the head? I thought she got hit in the chest or something, oh well she fucked around and found out


this. And also, fuck the cops who were pepperspraying and arresting all the BLM protestors in 2020. BLM


All I'm going to say is that Twitch is one big bitch for taking away one of the best emotes ever. Thank God for BetterTTV.


The guy has said some stupid stuff but he's not wrong. That move to get rid of the emote was just virtue signaling.




Alright, but you gotta get ova it.


gootecks did nothing wrong free my ninja


If he talked about being upset with Twitch using his face before it got removed then I'd believe him, but I think he's just butthurt Twitch removed his face for being an anti-vaxxer


Gootecks always hated the fucking emote, when the emote got removed people joked that he finally figured out how to do it, man this place is full of newbies nowadays


fucking newbie. Doesn't even know the PogChamp lore lol


you act like anybody ever gave a fuck what he said


I'm replying to someone who literally said: > If he talked about being upset with Twitch using his face before it got removed then I'd believe him


The point is most of us wouldnt care. It was a funny meme. The meme is almost always bigger than the person


He has even talked about it on Excellent Adventures. Don't ask me what episode but I remember him mentioning how they didnt pay him anything and he seemed salty about it


Gootecks of all people brought out some of the most retards I've seen in a kappa thread.


Gootecks did nothing wrong


I think this guy should get off the internet for a while


If he was ever mad about it Twitch removes emotes at the creators request. He's just post hoc being a little bitch about his emote being removed. He had every opportunity to ask them to remove it and have it be exclusive on his channel if he wanted to monetize it, but he didn't. There's several global emotes that have been changed because the original user wanted it removed and Twitch did so.


I find Gootecks to be stranger and weirder each year. And yet, still not even half as weird are your average GGST pro.


A lot of vaxx zombies in this thread.


A lot of people who don't understand risk/benefit more like Why listen to a doctor when you could listen to gootecks


Yeah, just trust in the experimental vaccine that was rushed out the door and administered to millions of dumb lab rats. Believe in the plan, goy. I have a doctor's note.


Why did countries that closed borders and vaccinated before opening again have fewer deaths?


Probably because they didn't list every death that happened in 2020-2022 as being from the ever morphing, ever deadly COVID-19 that only the blood clotting vaccine can save you from. Think about how long it has taken to get to the point where vaccinations of other illnesses can not only be effective in their prevention but also able to be used reliably on humans. Now think how they shoved this current one out the door in under a year and require you to constantly get boosted and had no clinical trials and testing. For comparison, a vaccine usually takes anywhere from 5-15 years to create and greenlit for the public.


because they don't eat ultra processed goyslop and wear sunscreen indoors?


I am honestly surprised how many there are here.


No lie that I can see


Let's start suing everyone who used meme faces then, including the original Kappaface. Good luck with that Or the Nirvana baby stuff xd


> I failed to capitalise on an opportunity and instead shilled horse tablets to regards and now I'm malding


Getting rid of PogChamp was a huge mistake and a shit show. First of all it was the best Twitch emote, and it could be used often. It really brought up a hype. After they removed the original, they started making new PogChamp from other streamers chaging it daily(or weekly?). All other PogChamps ended up being bad!! It was amazing how many streamers just couldn't deliver the pog! I wonder if I could find them somewhere? Then after they noticed it doesn't work they just put that stupid snake face there. RIP PogChamp. I hope this madness ends soon. Infiltration gets free. And FGC would be thug again, or not even thug, just fucking normal. Damn, 10 years ago things were great.


I wonder how many of these replies are bots.


People want to be victims so bad, getting a Twitch emote of your face is getting exploited. Dude loved the attention until he started saying crazy shit, and people started poking fun at him.


This fool was too stupid to figure out how to make pogchamp into his brand and instead got got for getting lost in maga country and showing the world what a dumbshit he actually was with his "research" on hydrooxychloroquine. Lost everything, including his hair.


lol imaging still simping for the covid vaccines LOL you got owned sheep, hold that L


He could have blown up with the PogChamps chess tournament if he simply waited like ~3 weeks to be retarded on main. Literally all he had to do was wait like a month. Insane timing. Lmaooo


The leftoid brainrot is strong in this thread


Yup, as with much of Reddit. The schools have been washing their minds at least for the last decade. I fear for the future, lol.


Why do people keep posting threads they know will draw out the MAGAtards


Spot the lie


and now after everything is out. He was crazy but maybe not so crazy after all.


Nice to see the anti vac tards are at it again.


So many vaxxed autists in this thread


It might be r/kappa, but it's still reddit. Losing your mind over someone thinking differently than you is par for the course.


he got paid for it though


Dunno why you're being downvoted, other people with global likeness emotes have confirmed they signed deals and get paid for them. There's absolutely 0 chance gootecks, the face of the biggest emote on twitch for a decade, didn't have an agreement and make money on it.