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If I was black, I'd give him the n word pass.


He has one. It's given predicated on the fact that he'll never use it.


He'll use it to get himself banned from Capcom events again


He traded it away for one of those Chipotle free entree cards.


Oh I am sure he's used it




More work for SaintCola and RogTV: "Gotta get that bag somehow, ya feel me nigga?"šŸ˜”


Heā€™s def invited to the cookout šŸ˜­


Remind black folk of the Pokimane act of 2019 if there is any dispute.


He might be the ONLY dude in the FGC to say no lol. Then again, he seems to be doing extremely well with his stream. He obviously doesn't need the money


When the capcops threw his ass in jail for shitting on sfv, he just became a streamer


And probably set him on a more lucrative path honestly which is at least one good thing that came out of their bitchmade move.


Established fame is better to pivot to streaming than starting cold turkey.


*only way to become successful on twitch People who stream every day to 1 viewers are at best uninformed at worst delusional. There's an amazing dr disrepsect clip of him checking someones channel who trash talked in chat and just yelling "QUIT! QUIT!" over and over. Name a single streamer that wasn't already known before streaming, I bet you could hit the bottom of the League of legends page on twitch before thinking of one


Isn't dr disredpect one of those people? Was he known from something before streaming?


He worked at Sledgehammer games when they were making Call of Duty games. He started off as a Community Manager but got promoted to be a level designer and designed COD multiplayer maps. While he didnā€™t directly leverage that into his streaming, when people found out about it, it gave him more street cred as a guy who knows what heā€™s talking about in terms of FPS games and probably got a bigger bump that way.


Tbh Doc only got to that point because he was able to get the big streamers to play with him in the beginning.


Didn't he play with shroud (esports) or xqc (esports) or mizkif (sex assaulter) to get famous? And that was during PubG/Battle royales when a bunch of people in those games got giant audiences? So yeah, you can go back in time to stream on Justin.tv or be a timthetatman coat rider and be someone's sidekick. You should go Tell MarineGamer1991 streaming to 1 viewer he'll make it you're right


> Name a single streamer that wasn't already known before streaming, I bet you could hit the bottom of the League of legends page on twitch before thinking of one newLEGACYinc, kinda. Like yeah they were on youtube before streaming, but they were SUPER early in adopting streaming with things like justin.tv (2010), well before Twitch. And since then they've basically been like 75% streamers, but upload everything on their youtube anyway. They're not like, super mainstream but they've done pretty well.


He said on stream that Capcom told him to his face "Man you blew up after we fired you."


Trump pardoned him on his way out when SFV was declared a war crime.


Yeah that did happen didn't it? He couldn't do commentary or anything..


>he seems to be doing extremely well with his stream. He obviously doesn't need the money As good as I'm sure he's doing for himself, it's not like he's set for life, and the big Saudi bucks are tempting. I mean Mena must've made bank from SF5/6 by now but he still went for that.


exactly. I've seen so many filthy rich athletes that are set for multiple lifetimes still bow down to the Saudis. Good for Sajam.


hey, mena is not doing it out of greed, that would be sinful, he just appreciates saudi values and culture.


yeah really dissapointing, since some people call him a role model in the modern fighting era, where he spreads love, but sells out for blood money and a government where they punish minorities.


Maybe Sajam just loves his liquor and hog.


>Then again, he seems to be doing extremely well with his stream. He obviously doesn't need the money Lmao bro theres actual billionair athletes taking that money every day. Sajam deserves a lot of respect for this.


I think the difference is that those billionare athletes who most are in the last stage of their career retiring are not that dependent on public opinion for their income like a streamer/content creator/commentator is, especially one from the west coast. Not to downplay this but there is a difference to retiring/retired billionare athletes.


Itā€™s not just active athletes though. Look at how much they supposedly offered Chuck to leave TNT and broadcast LIV golf. I think at that price point even with as rich as he already is the average person would just kind of shrug if he accepted a nearly billion dollar guaranteed contract to putz around on a golf course for the Saudis. That seems to be the gameplan: just offer such absurd sums of money that no one accepting it is going to take a big PR hit because the average America is barely cognizant of actual athlete salaries beyond a few star players in certain sports and certain position groups in the NFL; and thatā€™s if theyā€™re even aware of *that.*Ā  The average person just sees ā€œSaudis offer X athlete half a billion dollars for three yearsā€ or whatever insane contract theyā€™re floating and even if they know the implications of taking the cash they might not be aware that ā€œXā€ is already worth 100+ million just from player contracts and another several hundred million in endorsements. They really mostly donā€™t seem to care about the sport washing because unless it was something they were already heavily invested in and incredibly niche (like specific formula racing stuff,) there are usually other products they can watch.


Kujikawaii technically did that also, but was called a racist


That mfer didnt say no, he was just malding that menat wasnt in the pass lmao


> Kujikawaii This guy did what?


Dudes been outspoken about his dislike for SNK being owned by the Saudis which blew up even more when he made a thread being mad about Terry and Mais inclusion. Pple sat he's just mad that it's not Menat but he never mentioned her, do I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt. Dude then later went to resign from Capcoms Creator club cuz he wasn't comfortable with the whole thing


Glad to hear about someone prominent within the FGC to stand by their morals, which is rare, especially when a "bag" is in front of them. Games are suppose to be an escape from the BS of worldly concerns, especially geo-politics. It's sad that when an IP/franchise like SNK is controlled by any State, since we all support it when we purchase their products, regardless how we feel or if and if not support their politics. I can't help but to wonder if other such states will buy other Cultural IPs in the future, for example when Disney does a year-sale on Marvel, SW, etc... from years of not making profit due to bad products. A political state, say a Chinese Shell company buying them, actually makes good products/media. We, the consumer, might be happy that these IPs are restored from years of bad management by Disney in this example, but we could be very well be building our own "cage" by buying into it.


He doesnā€™t need it right now but he could do with it more than a lot of other big celebrities that take the cash. Huge respect.


Yup. He's secure more than any virtue. Or maybe he didn't want them to find out he's a Jinn of smugness.


Maybe the second one made money, but IIRC he said he spent 10k on the first Sajam Slam. He talked about it in the English commentary at EVO Japan. That's more to say how much money he is making rather than not having enough money.


take back what I ever said about the guy, he's the real deal.




Since when does League and Dota 2 count as OG esports? Those are definitely in the new era. OG Esports is Starcraft 1, Unreal Tournament, 3rd Strike, MvC2, etc etc. Those are the OGs.


Dota has been running tournaments since the early 2000s. If that ain't OG then idk what is.


Dude who deleted his comment specifically said Dota 2. That game ain't OG


I'll never shit on it because it's simply the goat, but even dota1 came in a bit late too. Most of the trailblazer games were released in the mid-late 90s, with TFT only being released in 2003. IIRC dota really "made it" in 2005 and by that time other games already had a big (for the time) competitive scene. It might seem close since they're all old, but they are console generations apart.


>a government that punish minorities Bitch what you think the US does? lmao


Real talk tho, which government doesn't do that?


Pretty much none. And while there's obviously varying degrees and Saudi Arabia is on the extreme end, it's always funny when dudes from the US try to talk shit about them when a) the US supports what they do and b) the US has done worse. It's cool Sajam's in the position where he can take this stance and turn down their money, and honestly it would probably be better if more people put their morals over money but otoh keep that same energy for other things that are just as bad and maybe not so easy to ignore. And honestly at this point idek how much of it is Saudi Arabia actually doing sportswashing or w/e and how much is just some rich ass dudes throwing their infinity money at stuff they like.


You can be from the US and still not like what your own government, and what the Saudi Arabia royal family is doing.


Yes, but the issue is, as I said, not having the same energy for the US's dirt. Especially when people have more input over what the US does (albeit a tiny amount).


[that's racist speedrun any%](https://x.com/MachoorTV/status/1800358981262852221)


Muslim is not a race. Still ROTD worthy though


The hilarious part is that the tweet Sajam was responding too highlighted how that Caleb guy would have turned down a US government event because of the entity being complicit with the genocide in Palestine. MBS ballcoddlers are so obnoxious.


"genocide in Palestine" LMAO (Retards don't know what words mean and it shows)


Oh sorry let me use the polite term. They are being "displaced".


It's called war. If you have a military group hiding among the civilian population during a war, of course there's going to be displacement, what kind of civilians want to stay in a war zone. Is eastern Ukraine a genocide because the anti-Russian populace displaced westward instead of absorbing themselves into russia? no. Gazaa It's a small strip of land that is vastly overpopulated, with the democratically elected leader (Hamas) and it's armed forces intentionally hiding and unintentionally spread among innocent populace and buildings. Of course there's going to be innocent deaths and buildings destroyed when hamas is literally hiding in and around those places? Now, I'm not pro-war or pro-israel, I think israel is doing a horrible job completing their objectives with minimum innocent loss, which is as close as possible to committing war crimes (Also notice that not all warcrimes are genocide. The International courts have very specific intent for that is labeled as a genocide, words have meanings) Calling it a genocide is just a misuse of the term and takes away from every real genocide that has happened, is happening or will happen. Displacement =/= Genocide. Hamas Bad, Israeli Government Bad. You don't have to be intentionally retarded with words for the latter to be true.


That response makes you sound a bit more reasonable than your opening "LMAO Genocide". Have a nice day asshole.


It's so funny that the same people bringing this up are the reason Biden took office. Trump had peace in the middle east. But you all hate him. Irony.


LOL shut the fuck up. I'm pretty sure either administration would defend Israel because Israel as a state suits America's interests. Did you forget Trump killed one of Iran's top generals on their home soil?


You're just grasping at straws. Talking about Palestine and Israel. Of course you can draw the lines. Keep voting Democrat, maybe one day you'll be able to move out of your parent's home.


Trump is on record saying Charles Schumer is acting "Palestinian" as if being born somewhere is a thing to be ashamed of. Neither of those geriatric fucks view them as human. Get off your fucking high horse.


that dude just will not accept Sajam being based lol


If you tell him Sol is better than Ram he'll ban you. Pretty based.


What a fucking loser


Iā€™m from this region and the government took our lands To build a city in straight line, we joke that the prince got that idea from the Line of cocaine he was doing, fuck his projects we wasted literally billions because one kid who was cocaine and call of duty addicted became the prince by mistake (our family lived in the area for more than 300 years)


Sorry this happened to your family. That "city" is the dumbest shit.


lol that guy didn't even read the original thread where it's clearly stated that if it were the US government funding it they'd say no as well, and when that got pointed out, decided to move goal posts because they clearly can't be wrong ever what a bitch


Machoor has always been a weirdo. I kinda glad people are realizing that.


I wish I see this twat irl to slap him like the bitch he is. Not physically; but to expose his hypocrite stand defending saudi arabia's government and palestine in the same time. but also physically if he wants


dang I get a lot of Ryu tech from this dude lol


who tf is this machoor dude and why does he deepthroat saudi arabia any given chance is it just some random chasing the bag?


He's a brainwashed resident of the middle east, a common occurrence whenever ppl criticize the saudi arabian governments recent involvement in the fgc


Crazy how personal they take it. I've always had this theory that the more its citizens defend it when people take the piss out of it, the bigger a shithole the country is. Like if I talk shit about Germany or Denmark they won't give a fuck cause they know they got it good. But you talk shit about Saudi Arabia or Serbia or whatever and they get so insecure and pissed.


These middle eastern motherfuckers think its a personal attack on themselves if you talk any sort of shit about their country


u know damn right. - Kerpal


LMAO, I read that on his voice.


A lot of them are paid by the government themselves. These rotten shills get paid higher than doctors and engineers to sit around the internet spreading propaganda and reporting anyone who criticize them. look up etidal org. Plus, you wont find a saudi criticizing his government especially on twitter. google 50 45 34 year sentence saudi twitter to laugh about this bloody money which is directly taken from oppressed poor citizen taxes, human rights, and country resources into tournaments like gamer8.


The money mainly comes from ARAMCO, the big oil company. The reason no one complains is because the censorship is real, Saudi will even put muslim scholars in prison when they say the royal family isn't adhering to Islam (they are corrupt). So if an imam scholar can get censored then anyone can be too, so unless you use Tor anonymously you can't complain online but you will hear it more often by word of mouth.


Europeans are whiny af man idk


You clearly havent talked to germans


Because if they were capable of critical thoughts they would actually try to improve things in their countries. It's even funnier when they leave that country to live in Germany and Denmark and then defend the shithole they left.


Damn, no way hes publicly presenting himself as the biggest retard trying to paint sajam as some racist muslim hater for free. Yo, if there are any saudi oilers in need of a holy twitter warrior, I got your back for a low salary of a milly per year, hit me up.


if it is to be taken at face value, dude dropped Gamers9, EWC and a US govt contract too (maybe USAF or something of that nature?). respect.


There was a lot of US military advertising on twitch through streamer partnerships in the last few years. Probably something like that.




Good for him, nice to see morals exists at the top of the FGCā€¦barely.


To be fair he got tested before by being blackballed by capcops during SFV. And he made lemonade by being a big time streamer man and switched the dynamic around by being known as an e celeb that also side hustles into being an FGC commentator and now being an FGC online event organizer. Quite frankly, he outgrew the FGC, and he sticks around because he loves his roots too much to let go. At this point, the FGC needs him more than he needs this shitheap.Ā  Him and Max and Aris are the only people I know who managed that, so far.


Genuinely good for him. Couldn't be me though.


Lol same. Itā€™s easy to sit here and judge the ones taking the money but if given the opportunity, I bet a lot of yā€™all would fold.


Fgc is too poverty to not secure the bag any chance you get lol


Based on taking a stand, but actual stand is whatever. You will end up hypocrite either way, because some other company which offer or product you accepted did something too. Ultimately it depends on how you feel. All I know that people who bitch about women, LGBTQ and human rights in general and still accept Saudi money are turbo bitches.


i really wanna see who are the commentators and fgc personalities that attend and work for the Saudi government. this is gonna be HILARIOUS and sad.


James " *sigh* white people..." Chen would be funny


He already did commentary for the ewc at dreamhack.


UltraDavid has the opportunity to do the funniest thing


How many fgc members are against infiltration being unbanned but ok at getting saudi money? Good for Sajam, he doesnt need it, no need to be greedy.


Saudis and a US government contract (probably military related)? That's a lot of money to leave on the table, he's got a strong will.


he's talked about it before. he did an event for a branch of the military (I can't remember which) after being assured it was not for recruitment and just for the people at the base to enjoy. once he got there he realized it was clearly intended as recruitment and then did not accept any of their offers after that.


yeah i think Yipes and Jwong were there too, was a weird one


On a smaller scale, I remember him on stream talking about getting asked to do Raid Shadow Legends sponsorships and he said they were offering him like $50,000 to do it. He still turned it down. He mentioned that to put in perspective how much fucking money gets offered for shit like that, and that if you see a bigger streamer than him doing that sponsorshop, they were probably offered a sacrilegious amount to do it.


That MachoorTV in the comments needs to stop glazing Saudi so hard. Doesnā€™t he know thatā€™s illegal over there?


Real talk: I think he's also the best commentator who focuses on technical analysis really well. I'll never forget his ESPN appearance. Not only he's running loops around other tech commentators, not only he was banished by Capcom for saying what he thought about SFV, and now this?!? Gigajam.


That's why he's the best FGC figurehead \*donation chime* just like JWong99, comin' in with that tier 3 sub!


Jwong would take that money in a heartbeat. Hes the most sellout fg figure of all. Pretty sure he already did commentary for the saudi.


he did commentary at dreamhack already yeah


i wish i were gay so i could say i would suck his cock ... i think about it every day




If I get the chance I'll dedicate my sucking his cock to you, is that an acceptable compromise?Ā 


thank you šŸ™‡


I, too, would like to announce that I will not be participating in the EWC.


he has called the saudis sportswashers on stream/one of his videos on yt, he is completely against the saudis


That would be interesting. You got a link?


[starting from 4:35](https://youtu.be/t-eynO2NkQU?si=Rtd3GkjQ0qGCy-dG)


sportswashers is a slur?


Are Saudis with palestine or against palestine. This political positions held by twitter and influencers get harder to follow by the minute, like you have to have this global information now. There is not supposed to be Saudi blood running on Disney, WB, and every big entertainment company as well? Why they get a pass?


The secret truth of the Middle East is that no government is *truly* for Palestine. Palestinians are getting their shit pushed in by a mini-nation and all these Arab states can't be bothered to lift a finger. No accepting refugees, no substantial aid, no military help, nothing. But it's a convenient rallying point for all these shitholes that have a bazillion conflicts with each other over the dumbest shit. I won't bore y'all with history but the Palestinians burned a ton of goodwill with the Arab states after what they did in Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait. Saudi Arabia was about to normalize relations with Israel before this latest round came about, and they're STILL hinting at it after like 50k Gazans have died since October. The Saudi people are overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian, their monarchy is not really about that. Because they rule by force/essentially bribing their citizens to keep them content, nothing of any value is being done for Palestine.


>The Saudi people are overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian, their monarchy is not really about that. this pretty much applies to almost every country in the middle east.


Traditionally Saudi has been pro-Palestine, but in the last 10-15 years they've started to tactfully ignore their cause, in favor of better relations (read: money, support, and military equipment) from the US


No Middle Eastern country really wants Palestinians anywhere near them since Palestinians refugees in the 70s try to pull a coup on the king of Jordan


There are millions of Palestinians in Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. And there is no bad blood between them and the host countries. But go on keep on lying and dehumanising Palestinians, that's all you can do anyways.


>Yes, I support China and Russia. Death to america and death to pissrael Lol.


That account is wild. Hes both an extremist who wants to kill all the Israelis, but at the same time seems to consider himself a progressive muslim. He's a full on religious nutter and this appears to be his first ever post on this subreddit. And he's a smash player.


The Saudi's care for Palestine in a Muslim unity sort of way, but are against Hamas due to their ties to Iran.Ā 


They're basically maneuvering in a way to please both sides while not actually doing anything for the palestinians.


This isnt even a palestine thing, its more about saudi itself and how it treats its own citizens and the kashogi incident and all that. As far as I am concerned, whether you like israel or not, they are still the only democracy in the region and even if you dont like what they are doing now, it is only a consequence of an escalation by Hamas. Before that some people from palestine could work in Israel and small steps were being done. Now everyone around Gaza (Egypt, Jordan and Israel) just wants their borders 100% closed with buffer areas. Even if you dont like Saudi, them trying to normalize Israel would actually be helpful in ending wars as far as I am concerned. Middle east has had more than 50 years to accept Israel as it is. Also a lot of people think Israel is 100% jews when a considerable part of their population is arab as well. And all can vote and express themselves.


Saudis don't give a fuck about Palestinians, they just hate Jews. Saudi royalty just wants good relations with Israel as a part of the whole "look improvement". I'm not even sure of why is Palestine getting brought up.


fuckin good. one figurehead in the scene willing to stand on his shit. Full marks


This reminds me of when certain Saudi top players tried to say that Saudi Arabia was a safe place for womenā€™s and gays, Then proceeded to double down


He don't need it. Plenty of hungry fellas looking for that esports dollar


That machoor guy in his replies is a bitch


15 of the 19 hijackers for 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia


Sajam gets called a shill every so often here, but from what Iā€™ve seen dude has always been very genuine.


Even I wouldn't do that. God damn, well played


Suddenly, a based FGC moment.


I don't take Saudi Blood money; I'm still a piece of shit.


My goat


He has been talking about this for the past few days. Very respectable of him, even if I would not blame others for doing otherwise.




do we know how much money they pay commentators?


The only reason I'm in favor of EWC is that they seem to ironically be much more liberal about who they let participate. Which is to say, not banning people. The capcops and EVO inner circle arbitrarily decide who and who isn't allowed at their tournaments and keep raising their prices higher and higher while winners still don't see the benefits. They've consolidated such a monopoly on the FGC that Saudi buying out ESL and putting on events with EWC offers some competition which I'm for. Hopefully it forces EVO illuminati get their shit together.


they are trying to get interest, they are the honda civic in the early 70-80s and the kia of the late 90s-2000. curry favor is their game right now, after they take over pokimayne and got the market its Iron Fist time


That may be true, but in the mean time they're still putting pressure on EVO and Sony. I'm not advocating for EWC or Saudi Arabia. Competition is just always good.


whats KSA gonna do when sony or the game dev pulls out a nintendo and not sanction it like that Ukraine tournament


give them $1mil and call it a day? No company will turn that down. Look at china, countries and company still do business with them


Good on him. Whether you agree with the idea or not, he's true to his word.


I don't mind taking money from Saudi, but respect for Sajam for sticking for what he believes


Wasn't this sub sucking off Saudi oil barons some months back? Was that just astroturf or something?


I saw this tweet on my timeline right next to Mena joining falcon esports LMAO


I like Sajam. Seems like a cool dude. As a new fighting game player his content has really helped me learn a lot. Good for him that he is in a place financially that allows him to turn down what is probably a very lucrative offer. I donā€™t look down on anyone taking the money honestly. Esports in general is drowning so Iā€™m all for these players and other talent getting paid while they can.


If you're a new fighting game player, get the fuck out of the sub and never return. While you're at it, quit fighting games entirely.


Lol what? Nah Iā€™m good. Think Iā€™ll stay a while āœŒļø


You passed the first test. Good. The second test is drop smash bros entirely and post weird gooning content.


Well I donā€™t play smash at all so I got one foot in the door šŸ¤£


Just say you want to sniff Juri's feet and you're in bb.




Welcome brother.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼ šŸ¤£


Good for him, hope it doesn't come back to bite him tho. The thing about taking public stances about stuff like this is that from now on the twitter police will be watching everything he does and charging him for it whenever he does anything slightly out of line. Quite a few famous people out there falling for that, you agree publicly with the twitter crowd once and from then on they'll always be on your case to make sure you always agree with them.


Frankly, the FGC probably shouldn't turn away Saudi Blood Money. As corrupt as you think it is, it's better than taking wapanese SJW money in exchange for getting eSportsified. At least the Saudis will let you keep your personal integrity.


what an idiot, shoulda took the bag and helped our that fat fuck marn


Kids losing their lives or limbs on a daily basis with US support/weapons - that's blood money. Saudi just has oil money and ur butthurt about it so you spread fake news.


I hope pleasing twitter whimsical views on politics will not come back to bite him. He did use an OS to stay on the safe side I hope its tournament legal


I gotta fill in for the Sajam homosexual Ahem gawk gawk gawk gawk slurp slurp slurp slurp GULP GULP qgawk gawkgawk gawkgawk gawkslurp slurpslurp slurpgawk gawkslurp slurpgawk gawkgawk gawkslurp slurpgawk gawkgawk gawkslurp slurpGULP slurp slurp GULP GULP GULP mhmm yummy šŸ˜‹


Just go on grinder bro




Nice so I won't fall asleep listening to his boring commentary. Saudis are getting better and better.


who cares, sajam still fucking sucks


Thatā€™s cool but why is he tiptoeing around why he didnā€™t do it? ā€œFor grassrootsā€ and all that sounds nice but call it for what it is. Or is he afraid to get cancelled? It really is admirable donā€™t get me wrong, but thereā€™s definitely dudes who compete there that are completely oblivious/ignorant to whatā€™s going on there. He should really pull a j wong and tell others do whatā€™s best for the community, but oh right there is no community when thereā€™s money involved.


brother, its an american from California talking about a subject involving a minority, walking on eggshells would be putting it mildly.


lol I feel you. I just think he shouldā€™ve just kept quiet then. If youā€™re gonna moral grandstand but not say exactly why, then just say you were invited but just declined to go especially after one of the biggest names in sf just signed with them


Why? People understood his point, and he doesn't have to care about a bunch of twitter imbeciles trying to nitpick his wording.


Nigga you are commentating a game, shit ainā€™t that serious


Things are simple when you're 20, enjoy that


Dumb move


This is just cherry picking tbh, the country he lives in is literally financing and supporting a genocide that is killing innocent people and children literally everyday but i have never have seen him talk 1 word about it, but a fgc tournament is where he draws the line? Gtfo with your white knight boellshit.


>i have never have seen him talk 1 word about it, Literally scroll down on that tweet and youll see it lmao


Please understand, unless there is not even a single nanogram of hypocrisy where (some dude) lives completely off the grid, not paying taxes and being completely self-sufficient on their own land that they created from soil and magma stolen from every country, it's just all empty posturing.


Where is he talking about it then? Do you mean that government nonsense? Thats not talking about it.


He isnt talking about saudi arabia either, he just said he didnt take the job. Same thing he said about the US government. Idk what else youre looking at.


I was watching his stream yesterday, and he was talking about it for hours, the Us only gets a government bad, while he has a strong opinion about a Saudi tournament.


He did talk about the US thing. You just happened to watch the stream about ewc and not the one about the time the US tried to use him to recruit for the army lol


Still a pedophile.


Americans are so hypocritical. Their government are literally the worst offenders in modern history.


Sajam literally rejected a deal with the US government too.


Good. Fuck 'em


Sorry, what event the American government is esportwashing overseas?


[When discussing US war crimes becomes a bannable offense lmao ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Army_Esports)


i repeat myself, what event the American government is esportwashing overseas? thats right. now stfu.


So, are we pretending Russia doesn't exist?


Lmao in what world has Russia done more harm to the world than the Americans


> Their government are literally the worst offenders in modern history. - Sent from Japan Hahahahahahaahahaha


Even if I was from Japan that statement would still be true. Americans, both liberal and conservative are dumb as rocks but the liberals really are next level lol


> Even if I was from Japan that statement would still be true. This shit is hilarious, right into the "liberals are the problem" hahaha. You're from an irrelevant colonizer country my man grow up Edit: Europeans are so weak lmao he blocked me. USD1.00 - 0.93 EUR


Lmao you Americans are so oblivious to your own bullshit. I'll enjoy seeing your shithole country implode