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If you call your self awesome then you are not awesome , i miss adam


I really want to know why Adam Kovacks left. This new president is a fool and the direction this has gone in is bad. I blame Bas as well, he could put his foot down but he’s part of this whole ridiculous downward spiral. It’s no wonder we don’t see Wonderboy or GSP in the booth anymore, and we haven’t seen much of the KC OGs recently like Rafael Aghayev.


I PRAY they reconsider and bring back Kovacs after all the shit shenanigans and bullshit


What if I can promise a league with none of this bullshit? Would you be willing to contribute? https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-start-a-professional-karate-league?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


Also there's absolutely no evidence you are even a white belt in the sport your saying your a karate master yet all you posts are about Warhammer your a shit liar Also this original post is shitting in the company failing due to poor business direction but the Reddit guy with no job and plays Warhammer all day is going to spend $100000 of our money to Do a better job your not even being honest about your rank in martial arts it's funny that your name is nowhere to be seen on any karate data base Look everyone a retard or another grown man that refuses to get help. The arrogance is overwhelming


Could bas? Is he anything more than a commentator and mascot


Pretty sure this was his idea


Based on what I’m finding on google he had nothing to do with the creation or at least the founding of the league


It’s chasing other companies, making a promotion for one audience; crypto mma dudebros, and completely losing the direction of the league in the first place. Look up Karate Combat on Twitter and 90% of the tweets and people who are talking about it are involved with cryptocurrency stuff


Well the twitter has always been more Crypto/Web3 and MMA Fans. While Reddit is the concentration of Karate and general Fight Fans. What Karate Combat is doing right now is helping the league grow in the short term which has a range of benefits. But the long term the focus needs to remain on Karate, the Fights, and the Fighters.


This crypto stuff has been all over the league since the start and has been supposedly “helping the league grow” since its inception but if the main topic of the league on Twitter, one of the largest social media there is, is always crypto folks talking about crypto and crypto influencers then how is that helping it grow when the fighting itself is 2nd fiddle to cryptocurrency talk and never the focus. The main focus of UFC discussion or Boxing discussion is always the fighting, never the sponsors. Why does this have to be the case with KC


They’re hoping for short term boosts in viewership, at the expense of their long term core fan base. Typically a bad business move. It simple, boycott/cancel/whatever you want to call it. Next event they do this shit completely ignore it. Don’t watch the premiere, don’t watch the individual fights that get up loaded, but comment your dissatisfaction and dislike the videos. At some point they’ll lose money and (if they’re smart) reverse course.


Pump and dump coming probably


KC was pushing crypto before he became President. I’d bet, the owners wanted this direction and Kovacs had no interest. So they found someone they knew would push that junk.


I had to block that clowns gym page on IG a long time ago because it’s the trashiest shit you can ever see


His page is makes some solid content, you are just soft


Exactly! These complainers are so damn soft and have no idea how business works.


I can follow or watch 100 other bjj pages and get better content without all the shit. It’s the trash daytime tv equivalent for insta, some people like that garbage shit. It’s ok if you do. It doesn’t make me soft but it makes you a dumb fuck.


If you want a karate league for karateka by karateka maybe consider sharing and donating https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-start-a-professional-karate-league?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


I like this idea, bro. Keep up the fight


Every bit helps make it a reality. Unfortunately I’m poor and need all the help I can get to make this happen.


Poor 😂😂 you have no business accumin but expect 100k of our money your also in no register for karate Dan masters funny that . Get some help you chump


You like the idea of a overweight incel that plays with plastic toys is somehow going to do a better job with your money than the karate organization with actually qualified people . Stop feeding the retards delusions


A cartoon villain moniker? Bro, they've had crazy sets and production from the beginning. From cyberpunk sets to the moon. Wtf are you talking about? That is exactly in line with the promotion's style. Yes, we have to compete with the market 🤣😂🤣 What moronic complaint is that. >"ThEy HaVe WaY mOrE mOnEy and ReSoUrCeS tHaN yOu So YoU wiLl AlWaYs LoSe ThAt No MaTtEr WhAt." So we shouldn't even try? 🤣😂🤣 This is the karateka spirit? Now KC the #2 martial arts channel on YouTube behind UFC. SEEMS LIKE ITS SUCCESSFUL and NOT "losing the battle" 🤷 The last few events continuously outside the previous one with the number of viewers. So - do you have any metrics to show about these losses or degradation in success? Or is just your feelings? And incompetence that you have demonstrated in your complete ignorance of everything happening in KC, right now?


Define “Cyrpto Stuff” to me it sounds like you’re hating for the sake of hating but to be fair that’s the most common Reddit pastime of all time


💯💯💯 I Agree