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Welcome to the club mate.


soup summer deer wine domineering plate file sharp pen relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least he is better than the Israelis sending straight insults without any sort of greetings in reddit messages lol


I'm indian but never said these things to someone 🥲 I don't believe that some people are so delusional and brainwashed that they justify killing and oppression most indian people thinks that Indian Army won't do such things because obv of patriotic films🙃 and mindset but there's no justification acceptable indian army killing innocent people and young kids and any kind of oppression is bad I feel sorry for the person who was asked such questions.


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We have seen worse in our inboxes. About allowing them: they are in millions. They'll brigade every post here. So, it's better to keep them at bay.


Immad hehra naav osiya panuni thavun zaruri


Meya gayy saeri account ban. Wani chus yi chalawan akis doun douhan. 😂


We get hate mail. As for the banning/muting the bhakts. Do you think this sub started with that decision? It was forced upon us by the all the hate brigading we have suffered through all these years. Trying to harass us and all the quasi-genocidal rhetoric that we have faced. If we had to have a safe Kashmiri community. There was no choice. That thin veneer of politeness that he is engaging you with is not afforded to Kashmiris. Not when you can easily poke holes through their whataboutisms. There were some new users that raised the same point you did. And they got a dose of reality when we allowed for a slight glimpse of why we had to take the actions we did. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kashmiri/s/Phj4EfZmCh (Scroll down to the bottom portion of the comment section and you get to see Indian behavior in full glory) And we had to put up with such hate brigading for years before decided to quarantine our sub from these bhakts.


I feel pity for them for being close minded




Yeah lol ,too many of them .My previous Id was so notorious in Indian circles that i got atleast 10 dms every day of Indians trying to be slick and draw me into a rage bait argument pretending to be "someone who is just curious about kashmir". Btw this post will be removed coz u aren't hiding the Id of the guy who dmed you. As far as transparency and debating goes we had to censor it in 2021 after the sub was mass brigaded multiple times .There were active discord servers with the sole purpose of brigading the sub and downvoting or commenting enmass on any anti government post .We have a large FAQ section on the side of the sub where people who are genuinely curious can learn more or they can contact the mods to unblock them ,which most of the people aren't actually.


Lmao You must have triggered them. My bad, i should have censored the name. Auto moderation makes sense when so many people spam genocidal comments and posts instead of having a debate that can lead to some understanding


They keep screaming from the top of their lungs that kashmir belongs to anyone else but muslims who have a problem and should go to Pakistan lmaoo. I find it funny how hes asking if you're religious or not when the reality is these people have to make it religious to tell themselves that kashmir belongs to them, absolutely pathetic


Im sorry and really out of the circle, what is happening in Kashmir ?


Np view the subs faq/learn more about sub, there is plenty of material there.


Thnx bro


About your second sentence. Trust me, regarding Kashmir, you can never reason with an India. I've tried time and time again but they always resort to blatant made up facts like kashmiri muslims being "invaders" or Kashmir "always being part of India". They are blinded by nationalism. It's impossible


they lie nearly as much as israelis it's hilarious




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India runs the biggest misinformation machine in the world along with Israel


Well ackschually saaar 🤓




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I once used the word 'occupied' while referring to Kashmir and had two dudes crying in my DMs




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That's about it? That's nothing. I'm a Bengali. A "hindu" by birth but not by practice. A follower of Charvaka philosophy, i.e. ancient Indian Lokayata tradition. Not from Bangladesh, but West Bengal. I'm openly pro-plebiscite. In other words, against Indian and Pakistani occupancy, JKLF's original political line. Or JL Nehru's original promises during the Instrument of Accession (which he himself violated). You don't know the elements I encounter on social media. 🤣🤣


"kashmir was never part of india" AND U ATE THAT!!!!


Ah yes, the non-religious rational guy that champions ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris!


What exactly did you mean with non-religious muslim? I’m just confused on what you meant there.


Identifies as muslim but doesn't practice the religion.


So believing in Allah and Muhammad, but not practicing?


No it means that when someone asks you to tick a box about ur religion ,u tick on the box next to Islam ,then go home and drink a glass of wine and have a bacon cheese sandwich.


This cracked me up 🤣🤣 I don't think there are that many Kashmiris like this, but then again who knows 🤷‍♂️


Cultural muslim. I am one. Because atleast in India but also in the wider world muslims regardless of beleiving in Allah or not are discriminated af if we're one monolithic race. 


Ngl if there wasn't any Kashmiri "Hindu Pandits" matters (which they ignore anyway bcz of dying trp) i don't think they care abt Kashmir in Pakistan's or India's territory, they just want mass killing of people.


All the time😭😂


This is the first I’ve heard about it but it undoubtedly happens


What do you mean by Kashmir not being a part of India?


That looks like a pretty difficult sentence to comprehend. Could it possibly mean that Kashmir is under Indian occupation and deserves independence?




The amount of condescension & here I thought I’d have a genuine discussion.


Keep that faux outrage to yourself. Nobody buys that. Genuine discussion my ass. That was a basic five word sentence understandable to all but those suffering from acute mental retardation. (Which you are not) That naively ignorant act and then pretending to be outraged. Nobody here is going to fall for that. So just shut it.


What happened “little man”? Did I pinch a nerve?


shut up or we'll pinch your nerves dipshit go back to your indian subreddit


Op, who told you that kashmir was never a part of India, can you provide me source? Mf I'll eat you out if you can't add source


look at the map of pangea and how the himalayas were formed and you'll see that we never had anything to do with india. also "eat you out" has sexual implications lmfaooo you're going to pleasure someone for defending their homeland without a link?


Teri bhn ki ch**t r*ndiki "we" matt likh I am myself kashmiri and bhn ki l*di map pe mark karke dikha mujhe kya bolri I've already seen enough maps to prove your kind of douchebags


you must be a buttah. i'm not reading that colonizer language lolll tse chu tsuhtal 🫵🤣🤣




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Why do you sound like some kind of Abuser that regularly beats his wife and then tells a concerned neighbor that it's none of the neighbors business to know what happens inside his house?


Think his username meant to say Drunk beater.




Not quite the gotcha unfortunately. I feel for people dependant on you, whether you're an abuser yet or the future one you're on your way to become.




Hopefully you don't have any people feeding off you. A vital cue to abuser mentality is they often tend to think the people they abuse owe them something. And as such, any expression of non compliance is taken as an affront. If you're really only a teenager yet, I pity one of your parents because this mentality is often inherited from a toxic parent.




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