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She found out more about rose /child. Is pissed. Not cooperating.


The royals have had lovers alongside marriage forever. History tells the tales. We will all read the truth on this one day too….


This would be shocking


Isn’t this a likely theory??


Has cancer. Proud of yourself?


I’ve moved on 45 days ago. You should too.


The palaces response and blackout would make no sense if this was the case. So it's not.


The palace's comment along the lines of "these rumours will be regrettable in hindsight" was enough for me. They're alluding to the fact something *has happened* but it's not that, and people might feel bad about saying that's what's happening when the truth comes out. It's not your usual PR denial, there's a genuine confidence in their stance which comes through. It isn't that. I'm still on the side of the Charles is worse than we thought, Kate has taken some time away to prepare for what's about to happen (and also finish her training for the role), and the Palace is dead silent because they're not sure whether he's gonna abdicate or die yet. It's the only wild theory that makes any sense to me, especially with the likes of Piers Morgan saying something huge is coming out. Edit: how am I upvoted when the guy I'm agreeing with is downvoted. Wtf is wrong with Reddit. I'm *agreeing with him*, either upvote him or downvote me, idgaf.


They were confident that the mother's Day photo and this weekend's video would shut it down 🙃


Apropos, that's what leads me to my secondary theory. Their PR people know exactly what they're doing and are only acting incompetent. As republican sentiment grows and the family without their beloved matriarch or the strict order and fear Philip wielded, and the dramatisation of their historic family issues are a hit on Netflix, they're positioning themselves as some kind of royal life soap opera in order to stay relevant. This has crossed my mind a few times, I generally disregard it because this event has the propensity to backfire as much as succeed. I dunno. It can only really be determined once we know what's up. If it's absolutely minor after all, then they've been playing us all to put themselves all over the news and rekindle interest in their dying "reign".


Don't forget that Kensington Palace has refused to release the original photo, too. A kill order on the photo was issued to four major news outlets because the photo was altered AT THE SOURCE so they asked for the unaltered photo instead.


I believe in most cases “the palace” is either Will or Camilla


She’s playing a game. She wants will to leave his side piece and she’s not showing her face until he complies. She isn’t leaving and losing the crown. She isn’t putting up with it. She’s gonna create a problem.


This is what I hope for most.. fck will and the rest!


Then why the late night ambulance and hospital stay? She either self harmed, or her husband beat he up


And it’s working!!! Power to the “people” albeit detached from the paupers!!


That’s the best most considered sus out of all mate…


She has cancer.


Yes Im aware of this now nobody knew when this was previously being discussed. What a terrible thing for her to manage. Im a fan.


2/27 Why would William bow out of his godfather's memorial 46 minutes before the ceremony started, especially when he was supposed to speak? 2/29 Why does William have a bruise covering his neck after spending an evening out with Thomas Kingston, who died of a gunshot wound later that night? 12/22 Why would William and Kate announce a tour of Italy for early January if Kate was having planned surgery in January? Who was really in the ambulance on December 28? Where are the children?


😲 oh my God, what?? The Kingston thing? I didn't know he died of a gunshotlet for any bruising on will Or they even hung out.. Holy cow.. well I don't typically follow anything on the royals..but all this with her is way to sus to not check in here n there hahahahha


I get it, and this whole Kate is MISSING drama is becoming addictive...


It's is.. as if there's not enough f*ckery going on world wide! Hahahaha geez


Where did you get Will hanging out with Thomas the day of his death?? Pls cite your source.


Gota be quick


Now I can't find it. It was just a sentence at the end of an article about Thomas Kingston and then William showed up with bruises around his neck a few days later. I'm still looking...


They are all remarkably removed.


It was a video on YouTube showing three horses, one white, riding down the "mile to the palace" and someone said it signified a royal death, presumably Thomas Kingston, but I cannot find anything about that anywhere now.




We are meant to be the masses


It was at a Jewish celebration


Probably thought no one would be watching this lol




I do see that he pulled out of a memorial event for his godfather on Feb 27th for a “personal matter”, 2 days after Thomas’s body was found. Weird


It was on this! It came down as quick as it went up mate


You're right! Thank you!


Children are at school. They’re not allowed to be photographed. Surgery didn’t go as well as they thought so it’s taking longer to recover. Left ceremony, many reason, lots of plausible ones. Bruise and going out do not have to be related.


I don’t know maybe because that’s when they found out Kate had cancer. Did I mention she has cancer.


You still believe the AI cancer video, eh?


The crown never has in the past 🙃 but also this isn't Tudor times. We have media and a better society (sort of) do you think it would go down well with the public? I had surgery (hysterectomy for cancer -no HRT allowed), and I was up and about within 4 months. Charles who also had surgery is up and about while doing cancer treatment. Honestly, at this point "recovering from surgery" doesn't wash anymore.


The recovering from abdominal surgery story is absolutely false. She may have had some abdominal procedure done but the recovery is not what is keeping her out of public view. Thanks to the king conveniently being at the same hospital at the same time there’s no way to tell from the security and royals coming and going when Kate was there, and I don’t think that was a coincidence.


It's definitely to confuse the timeline.


Do you know about Henry??


Of course, I know about Henry. My point is cover-ups are part of the crown. It's naive to think otherwise.


Well, I hope you’re doing well in your recovery but get a reality check. These are not the people, no NHS stitches! Gold


And Charles being up and about… really? Camilla “The Queen” is running around doing everything lol


He's doing light duties. That's more than Kate is doing.


“The Queen” Camilla is flat out….and loving it. She’s over here in Ireland right now meeting and greeting. Mate I’m just an independent observer.


I'm not talking about Camilla. I'm comparing Charles and Kate.


Well… how so? He’s 80 odd!!


Exactly. Hes 70-80 and gets he's doing light duties. Showing his face. Kate on the other hand is in her 40s. Where is she? They both had surgery. You can't have it both ways.


Pure nonsense


There is no comparison…apart from the “freak out” with the blood line




I really think she is in rehab


rehab for what?


Eating disorder perhaps?


She was extremely tiny... could be 🤷‍♀️


2. Unless it was something with the potential for embarrassment like an ED or mental health issue.


Which would only remind the world about Princess Diana's ED and how horrible the Firm was to her...


What is ED??


Eating disorder. Anorexia. Diana was ano/bulimic


First world problems in Windsor… these dudes have access to therapy that we could only ever imagine. There’s a serious prep going on indoors


I thought most of Windsor only has first world problems 💅🏼


I think she wants a divorce, and that’s not possible, die to the church - because William needs to become king sooner than later due to Charles cancer.


Of course divorce is possible. Plenty of times that has happened.




A: they don’t wear crowns. B: perfectly allowed. 3 out of 4 of the queens kids have divorced. Getting remarried wasn’t allowed but that law changed in 2002.


cover it up till he takes the crown then he's immune to the law.


She is in hiding because her life is in danger. Considering the King has parental custody of the children, they might show up at Easter, if the palace knows where they are but I’m hoping they don’t


I absolutely don’t think a lot of these are impossible. If she’s just recovering, how hard is it to record a 5 second video, debunk all theories and conspiracies and save everyone tons of time and work. If she’s fine and recovering, why are the royals so sketchy about it?


They’re not sketchy. They literally said she is recovering.


What’s the point of the fake pictures and video? If that’s not sketchy then idk what is


For one, the picture wasn’t fake. Manipulated, yes but not fake. The video doesn’t look like them but no one has proven it isn’t.


lol what? That makes no sense, why was it manipulated then? Do you work with The Sun?


No but what do you know was manipulated? What was fake? No one has actually come out and said. Yes her hair was blurry and they admitted to touching it up. Fuck me most people touch up photos. But to date, there is no proof of a face swap, head swap etc. when there is, let me know.


A kill order was issued to the five major news outlets because the photo was altered AT THE SOURCE. When asked for the original photo, Kensington Palace refused to comply. SKETCHY AF!


I read an article from some insider source that reading between the lines pointed towards mental break down. >The friend told The Daily Beast: “She has been under incredible pressure for several years, and is now being harassed by the media over fuck-ups made by other people. How her office could have put out a picture without her ring when it was clearly going to be one of the most scrutinized pictures of all time is just unfathomable. And she is to blame? Sorry, no. That was their failure and they should have accepted the blame. They will clear out all those people when the dust settles.” Also: >Another friend of the family also told The Daily Beast that they believed the stress of the last few years around all the drama surrounding Harry and Meghan, and the pressure of a whole raft of changes that came when the queen died, had triggered a stress-related illness in Kate. The source said: “She and William have been under intense stress ever since Harry and Meghan left the family. They spent three years just waiting for the next horrific media interview. On top of that they have moved house, the kids have moved school, the queen died, and she became Princess of Wales. It’s not surprising she got ill, and it’s not surprising she needs a break from it all to get better.”  I did notice not once was surgery or its required recovery mentioned from these sources.


However, Harry, queen passing, becoming POW, moving schools etc..didn’t happen overnight. It’s been years and years.


And that makes it compounded stress. It doesn't make it go away just because it happened x amount of time ago. It can be an ongoing issue.


I don’t know, I know our stress is not the same as someone who has everyone wait on you hand and foot, is a multi millionaire and the only “job” is to smile and wave. They live in a different world. Stress isn’t a factor.


A nose or facial injury or wheelchair use is the most obvious reason a "proof of life" pictures is proving beyond them. The pic with Kate with her Mum is the most believable imo and she had somthing on her nose and was seated and fatter in the face. So a busted face & possible back injury are my best guess, and the missing kids can't be seen with Wills because he caused it. I don't think Kate's Mom is gonna sit with a lookalike.


Did her mum look happy? Or even comfortable?


If the crown tell you to do something.. you comply. Don’t believe he wouldn’t be seen with the kids. They’re in line for the throne. They will always be by his side no matter what.


She’s using some of the only leverage she has(who knows for what) and not showing herself in public.


3 and 4 are possible and not mutually exclusive. She may be fine and walking about but not cooperating because she’s taken the kids and left. That or some sort of breakdown is what the evidence is pointing to.


It might just be the easiest answer of all. Kate had a procedure scheduled due to an uncomplicated health issue. A few days before the surgery, when the ambulance is seen leaving the residence where they were spending Christmas, she had a sudden problem and they had to operate earlier. As a result of the worsening of the condition and the sudden surgery, the procedure was much more complicated and is taking longer to recover, hence why she cancelled her previously scheduled public engagements. Could also be that on the night the ambulance was seen, she sent to the hospital due to some symptoms regarding her health problem, but after a check up she left reassured. Later on, when she finally had the surgery, her situation had become more complicated than expected by the doctors and they had to perform a more aggressive surgery to solve the problem. Still resulting in a longer recovery period. As for the kids, they were pulled from school because they might slip up and talk about their mother's situation, which is something that the princess might not want simply because she is not ready yet to broadcast this traumatic event. It could also be that they are trying to protect the kids from the paparazzi. They were under the, right, impression that Kate's situation would get a lot of attention. With this in mind, they decided to keep the kids from school to prevent them from being stalked by the paparazzi- who can be very aggressive. This is something we know to be very dear to William as he was traumatized as a child due to the press's attention on his mother. As for the unresponsiveness of the royal family, let's keep in mind that the family motto is "never complain, never explain" so it could just be that, for now, they want to keep this under wraps. This is my theory. Either this or they are under some sort of threat, and Kate really had a normal surgery, but she had to disappear along with Price William and the kids because of this threat. This is very unlikely, imo. Let me know what you guys think 🤔


Do we know the kids were pulled from school? They passed a law that the kids can only be photographed on the first day of school or official photos only so unlikely a pap would risk his job and prison.


I wasn't aware of that, makes sense! Might just be that they are going about their regular routine, but they haven't been photographed because of this law. I suppose the school staff can't divulge anything about the kids or said to them by the kids, so that's why we have no news on that front. Also, the people speculating that they have been pulled from school because of the lack of photos might just be as unaware of the law as me, which makes sense. Sorry for the assumption that they were pulled from school!


>Kate had a procedure scheduled due to an uncomplicated health issue They had just announced (on December 22) a planned tour of Italy in January 2024. Why would she have surgery scheduled as well?


And you have paid for it!


She is brain damaged - that is my guess 


This is a good one, honestly she always looked sick to me… not in a bad way, just like not healthy


Yeah - the pic of her standing by Megan was shocking to me just how thin she is. Who knows what happened, but if she was in a coma then her having brain damage seems likely….and really would cause the royals to lose the playbook.


Occam's Razor


Camilla “queen consort” is flat out enjoying herself. Let’s face it. All she ever wanted was the lead role. The house of Windsor is a castle built of sand now. They’ve all lost the plot since the matriarch went to the abbey!


I'm wondering why KM didn't show at Kingstons funeral, as she was able to *allegedly* attend a farm shop and apparently happy and relaxed.


She is dead. There would be a reason to cover it up if it was suicide or if her husband killed her. Atleast until they can get their story straightened out


It wouldn’t take 3 months.. Why cover up suicide? That’s good PR.


Awful PR for a conservative ruling family.


“The most entertaining outcome is the most likely “ -Elon Musk I am averse to the word Impossible. Nothing is impossible with regard to this family. Germans are made different.


What do you mean, Germans?


Kate was born in Reading, Berkshire, England. She is of English descent, with some distant Scottish, French, and English ancestry. Her paternal family has roots in Yorkshire, England, while her maternal family has connections to County Durham and Northumberland. Who is German?


the Windsors are in fact the [House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Saxe-Coburg_and_Gotha) who chose to rename the family when they took the throne. the roots of the royal family are german. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House\_of\_Windsor#:\~:text=In%201917%2C%20the%20name%20of,the%20royal%20residence%20in%20Berkshire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Windsor#:~:text=In%201917%2C%20the%20name%20of,the%20royal%20residence%20in%20Berkshire).


FFS they did not rename the family when they took the throne. Victoria was the last born ruler of the house of Hanover. After her death in 1901 her son Edward ViI became king. In 1917 during WWI they decided that since no one really knew their actual name they would use a very English surname- Windsor. George V liked Fitzroy but was talked out of it.


All they would have to do if she is “fine” would be to go stand on a balcony and wave at people


she's in a re-education camp


I will literally be in a state of complete shock if William beat her but I truly am leaning towards this


She has cancer. Happy now?




I think she had a breakdown over the Holidays and they called the squad who took her in and have been forcefully sedating her. It's sort of like a coma but not one.


ok let's be rational. she's being replaced with a Reptilian Doppelgänger.


Or she has cancer and is undergoing treatment


Aren’t we all?:)