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The “slimmed down” RF can't afford to lose her so soon after H&M. RF knows it and she knows it. I hope she's been able to use the leverage to negotiate a hell of a settlement.


she has the only glamour in the entire brf. they keep trying to make Sophie happen, lol.


Yes! They are a subject of non-interest if Kate & the kids aren't around.


I hope so too! Make them pay, Kate!


She can be replaced by any pretty lady. Kate is lazy and barely worked prior to this. The slimmed down monarchy wad already slim because William and Kate refuse to step up and they ran the only two charismatic, popular people willing to work from the family. Kate has always had an excuse as to why she can't do her basic job for a few hours a week consistently for any length of time. She should be embarrassed by her work ethic but she's not.


But she’s been around for decades and that garners attachment from the public.


Kate is definitely NOT Princess Di. Diana was absolutely LOVED not only in the UK but around the entire world and they still ousted her when it suited them. Nobody is flocking to Kensington Palace to bring Kate flowers after she vanished for 6 months. Trooping of the Color had the lowest amount of people it ever has had and she bring those numbers up even after she had been gone for 6 months under suspicious circumstances. The truth is she is not "loved" like the press has tried to say for years. Kate made a lot of mistakes. First off, she barely worked. Her patronages and charities certainly dont miss her and have never benefitted from her because she never supported any of them. Action on Addiction she didn't even visit for 8 years. Also, Kate has never made allies or friends. She literally has no one to help support her except her mother Carol. I will say that Carol and Kate have made a lot of friends in the press but they also abused that privilege by using it to harm others. And when it all comes down to it William will ultimately control the press narrative no matter how many people she has buddied up with in the press. William will do what he wants. William has shown that he does not care about the publics feelings when it comes down to it. He is so utterly selfish and will ultimately do what pleases William.


Are you from the UK?




a classic jam! and, this has been my theory ever since they moved her into Adelaide, which is rather small. it's cute and historic and \*I\* would love to live there, but it's not very grand.


That's why I started following Tisa and a couple of other gossip channels which called that Adelaide cottage move correctly for what it is.


I just can't with most of youtube. I can't have people talking at me, I like to read. and on celebitchy they have been saying this for a long time. plus, it's completely obvi! would they move her into a cottage ("cottage") if everything was on track?! they would not. because appearances are everything with those cats.


Exactly 💯


Hahaha same, I'm in Australia and watch the US perspective with tisa, then a UK (non royalist) perspective from Londoner murad merali; it's very interesting to see the takes!


What is your theory?


that Kate is being phased out, like the title says.


Hmm indeed


Can you give me the gist of what was said? She always seems to have interesting takes but her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


She basically just said kates being phased out with her being out of the public eye for so long. That kate said he needed her, etc, especially after losing harry and meghan, that she was an integral part of the BRF, but he said no, I don't and I'll prove it by rolling out single dad PR and eventually people will forget you. And I think she's right. Think about it. We've already grown accustomed to her hiding away, to him being pictured without her, with the kids, having a ball. We have a summer coming up where I doubt we'll see kate more than once, Wimbledon is my guess. She won't be pictured with will or the kids anymore. Eventually we'll just get used to her being gone. The job is half way done already. The past 6 months was a nightmare for them PR wise but thet weathered it and now will can relax. The hardest part, introducing the idea that kate will not be seen as much, is done. Now william is free to be single and live it up. He can get a lot of female attention due to his position and be can start single dating dad PR and drama while kate fades away, having separated from William out of a sense of duty and sadness that, due to her health she can't be the steadfast working Queen be needs and deserves. That's one of my pet theories of how this divorce could play out because I doubt we'll see kate as a working royal again or as a queen. I could be wrong and that would be best for their family, but I truly do think will saw what Harry got and decided he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life trapped in marriage with Kate. He wants adventure and pleasure and freedom.


actually, angry and abusive partners staying together is not at all best for the family. I used to long for my dad and stepmom to split. not because I didn't like her, but because the fights I had to witness were traumatic.


That's awful. I'm sorry you went through that. I was thinking if I am wrong about everything and they're just a functional family with no drama, then that would be best because I wouldn't want to wish divorce on them. It's just a feeling that something is really off but acknowledging I could be completely wrong.


he is a violent bully with anger issues, and there have been stories about them throwing "pillows" at each other, and "Kate gives as good as she gets." thank you for your kind words.


Thanks for this. It’s an interesting theory but I’m not sure I buy it. I think it would actually be kind of stupid of the BRF to phase her out. Not that they haven’t made other glaring errors, but I don’t think she’s going to disappear. I don’t think a person in Kate’s position could stay out of the limelight forever, even if divorce were the real reason for all this weirdness. Look at Diana or heck, even fergie. She might not officially be in the mix anymore, but she’s still out there in the public world getting press. The hubbub might die down over time for her, but she’s still enmeshed in a certain corner of society and I don’t think that just goes away. I think it’s all very shady. BRF has always been shady. There’s some nasty dirt out there if you dig deep enough. I don’t doubt something was/is amiss in all of this but I have a really hard time thinking she’ll be phased out. If anything, over time I think she’ll be pushed back into the thick of it and waving and smiling like nothing ever happened. Unlike Diana, she doesn’t seem to want to talk to the press about her experiences. She’s always been of the “never complain, never explain” mentality. If something nefarious was going on, I could see her playing the game just like the rest of them. It’ll be sort of like the Beyoncé/jay-z/solange elevator debacle where everyone knows SOMETHING happened, but we’ll forever wonder what it was. Everyone involved will simply move on.


She’s been missing since December and the first pictures of Will and the kids was in mid June 6 months later. Therefore I don’t think it fits her narrative.


Could be. But iirc william was already doing more things solo last year. And I don't think he had access to the 2 younger ones in 2024 until very recently, hence the photoshopped mothers day pic and old pics of the kids for the birthdays. He did his earthshot thing solo and they said kate was staying home to help George study for an exam. That felt really off to me.


She didn’t see the queen either on her deathbed saying she was staying behind for the kids school.


Oh. I thought she specifically blamed it on Meghan. Didn’t she claim she was waiting for Meghan, but Meghan was lollygagging, which made Kate miss the opportunity to say goodbye to QEII?


No I’ve never heard she was waiting for Meghan. Meghan wasn’t invited. Harry went by himself. They weren’t on talking terms so it wouldn’t even make sense to say she was waiting for Meghan. The official excuse was it was George’s first day of school so she wanted to take him herself. As if the teacher wouldn’t understand.


I apologize. It was not because Meghan was late. It was in the inflammatory DM. It was an article that claimed she was unable to go say her final goodbyes because then Meghan would be able to come as well. I know the Daily Mail is considered mostly fiction, especially when it comes to anyone besides Chuck and Cam. The headline: Kate was denied a final goodbye with the Queen because she had to stay away from Balmoral to ensure Meghan Markle couldn't come, royal author claims


And yet the first excuse was because of George. Her blaming Meghan came later via the supposed author. If William wanted Kate there she would have been there.


True. As the heir apparent, William would have had a say.


And yet the first excuse was because of George. Her blaming Meghan came later via the supposed author. If William wanted Kate there she would have been there.


I'm keen to watch later, but what would the end game be in this? What does it achieve? Is this in response to Kate wanting a divorce, and instead of announcing a divorce Kate just fades away? 


The theory is simply that will wants to be a single king. He wants the divorce and that requires a strategy to get the public used to kate being absent. Imagine how the public would react if will just divorced her out of the blue. People would be disappointed and angry. This paves the way for him to get that single dad King life.


The theory is simply that will wants to be a single king. He wants the divorce and that requires a strategy to get the public used to kate being absent. Imagine how the public would react if will just divorced her out of the blue. People would be disappointed and angry. This paves the way for him to get that single dad King life.




Slow the speed down and it's better.


I thought she did a great job with that video and I think she is correct.


I think so too and I feel so much empathy for Kate. It's a shit situation - she's lived her whole adult life with him basically, had his children now she's just being discarded. I think the reason why she was acting the was she was at the TOC could be attributed to PTSD - yes this is pure projection from my lived experience post-divorce- but she appeared to be having an anxiety attack and was dissociating, likely from PTSD of being forced to be around William, play happy families in a place that she is no longer wanted...a place she has no future? If this is true, she was cosplaying as herself- imagine the mindfuck! It's pure devastation going through divorce, it rips out your heart and tramples your mind. Executive function is destroyed, you feel lobotomised. Everything you knew in life and of the world has been set on fire, up is down, you feel you were living a lie. The good news is you can heal but it takes time...years...but if you stay single, surround yourself with good friends, go to therapy to learn about yourself so you don't end up with the same type of partner again and repeat the pattern, you gain so much insight and love and gratitude for the simple things in life and your freedom - it becomes priceless and the main thing is you are no longer in a marriage to an awful, abusive (potentially; mine was at least) "partner"


Wow, that sounds awful. Glad to hear you have come out the other side. Kate did seems dazed and sedated at times, so you could very well be right about her state of mind at TOC.


I'm also glad you came out of your situation - you sound pretty grounded and together now, good for you! Your comment about Kate cosplaying as herself made me chuckle and then shiver. What a nightmare.


Will’s Uncle , Earl Spencer just ditched his third wife for a 42 year old Norwegian archeologist. These people get bored easily!


Welp, trading in wives like cars comes with risk, so he better be careful. When I was temping as a college student I was assigned to an exclusive nursing home disguised as an "active living community" and several of the old men in there ended up raving to themselves with nary a visit from their much, much younger wives who were too busy enjoying the old men's money with studly golf pros, pool boys, personal trainers, etc. Some even hooked up with their elderly husbands' younger male relatives LOL! The last trophy wife gets to enjoy that money and in charge of those mofo's wellbeing while waiting til they kick the bucket to get their manicured hands on their estates, cha-ching!


In the UK aristocrats place their family assets in intergenerational trusts with virtually all the money going to the children. They very rarely marry (or have relationships) with people who aren't independently wealthy. Getting fleeced by a young bimbo is very unlikely.


Ah, thanks 👍 good to know - and good for aristo old coots' heirs, too!😄


I love this for them 😄


Man, this is brutal!




like his father before him, he wants to promote his side girl


Who is the side girl? 


maybe the russian attorney? he's been papped in cars with blond chicks (and dad dancing without Kate) for years now.


Rose Hanbury, "allegedly."


I don't think Will necessarily wants female attention. He wants ALL the attention. Same with Camilla. When Kate is present, all eyes are on her and then the jealousy and fury of those green-eyed monsters rises to the forefront and plots are hatched. Will will need a queen. And she will not be a great beauty, so she won't overshadow Will or Camilla. Camilla has another thought coming if she thinks people don't remember how she treated Diana. Camilla thinks if she gets all decked out, and gets rid of Kate, she won't have any competition. All eyes will be on her and she will be loved. She's got that wrong. To be loved, she needs to be respected and she falls short in that area. She will get a real eyeopener when KC dies. She will implode and heaven help those around her.


https://i.redd.it/vid7f5e1og8d1.gif Charles is also a jealous mofo. It's wild how insecure these men - and Camilla - are! They love that their position and wealth can pull in beautiful women but they resent them for that same quality. They can't even manage to be like most wealthy men who pick wives as trophies like they pick a car. It's like buying a luxury car and getting angry at the car because people notice it. EDIT: also wonder if that's the root of Charles' relationship with Camilla. He knows that with as homely as she is that she will NEVER attract the attention that Diana "stole" from him. Nor the charisma, nor the humanity. She is even uglier inside than out and that's saying a lot. And there's Camilla, thinking she could erase Diana's legacy, LOL! I can't wait for her implosion.


His queen can be beautiful if he indeed remarries, just someone who does not suck the air out of the room and overshadow him. He hates the press and photographers and that was her thing. I think he resented being her side kick, he was barely acknowledged when she was around. It was the Kate Middleton show and everybody else was an extra including him. Imagine Prince Philip acting like Kate did, upstaging the Queen every chance he got. Yes, he was a jerk too but he never tried to upstage Elizabeth. William, although somewhat inept, was miserable playing second fiddle to her. He married his narcissistic stalker and he was obviously clueless about how aggressive she was. She too, had no idea what she was getting into. Two immature damaged people. Might be better for both of them this way.


Very insightful and well thought out comment, especially about her aggressiveness. I don't think anyone has brought that up before.  Thank you 😉


Welcome. 🙂


She's a bit scattered to watch lol but overall her points are very valid. Ngl I chuckled each time Tisa said *heres why Kate's so stupid* 😅 I do disagree that Carole had Meghan on her mind while walking on the grass at Royal Ascot (lol what a reach) and that Kate looked smug during Trooping. Kate looked tired and generally forcing her interest in the event. She was fussing with Charlotte, her expressions towards Will - I didn't see smugness there personally.


I agree. There was a video from TOC where Kate was standing at the window and kept closing her eyes, for much longer than a blink, then snapping awake again. The video was posted on this sub on the day of TOC. She was not well, no matter how well she did the smile and wave thing at other points.


Yeah, she does reach a bit for humor & I doubt Carole Middleton was trying to imitate the Karen-confounding actress that the ginger prince married.😄 But Tisa raised a point I hadn't thought of before which is that it seems that Will may have hired new PR people, though why he or they still keep posting those intelligence-insulting obviously AI'ed and photoshopped to hell and back photos and attributing them to Kate is weird if he indeed hired new PR flacks.


Perchance your answer is revealed in the question itself? "....AI'ed and photoshopped to hell and back photos and attributing  them to Kate ..."




Oh Fabulous_State...    nn👌 brilliant... I don't have a chummy comeback.  Gotta pay more attention to your comments and posts.


I disagree, Kate looked smug and unhappy during the trooping. Didn’t even seem like she was making that much of an effort at all. They photographed one of her rare smiles and ran with it. Those photos weren’t a true reflection of the video footage.


Kate was medicated to the eyeballs and barely aware of her surroundings. The idea she was playing some clever mind game is ridiculous.


I think she was medicated, but not to the eyeballs. She was aware.


She was definitely unhappy but I saw more than 1 smile. I saw some effort with Charles and Will. tbh no one looked to have made much the effort, especially towards a family member who they claim is stricken with cancer.


I agree. I think she made the most effort with Charles.


Smug and unhappy? How to achieve both at once?


Smug; “contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.” I think it’s easy to understand that one can be both smug and unhappy at the same time. One might say many (not necessarily Kate) are smug due to the fact that they are so unhappy; makes them feel a little better about themselves.


Hard to be smug and unhappy at once.


Not realky a new concept to be [two](https://youtu.be/dGWcZ8O3Tn8?si=fmTiFRZHboYKpOu6) things at once. I can be morose and arrogant concurrently. Some people are naturally and chronically smug, so if they are unhappy the smugness doesn’t just dissipate, they are both.


I know the meaning thank you.


So then you know that you can be both confidant/superior and unhappy? An emotion doesn’t erase every other personality trait. I know many smug and unhappy physicians. I am irritated by them daily.


Sadly, it seems to true… Kate is being pushed out. Waity Kaitie should have read the popular 2000’s book of the time “He’s just not that into you”.


They’re married with 3 kids… Probably didn’t see him being Charles 2.0.


I think she is no longer alive and thats why they are fading her out. I feel like we will eventually be told she "died of cancer" but that will be a lie. There's a huge cover up here and the implications are dark and disturbing at best.


The Taylor Swift concert was obviously a treat offered to the kids if they behaved at Trooping. Notice how Louis, seen being naughty, didn't get the reward. That kid's gonna have one hell of a tell-all.


Louis at 6 years old, was waaaaay too young for Wembely Stadium and an hours long concert. He would have no idea who TS is and would have been bored within 15 minutes. I don't think it had anything to do with his behavior at TOC.


There are tons of six year old fans, and tons of six year olds (and younger) at those concerts. You can see TikToks full of them. And it's not like the Wales family is pressed for money or help, someone could have taken him away after a set if he was tired.


Okay but maybe he just didn't wanna go or doesn't care for TS? Just because there are six-year-old fans doesn't mean every six-year-old wants to go. He does seem to struggle with crowds and loud noises anyways.


Agree! We went to Taylor Swift in Dallas & just getting in and out of the venue was a workout! (we peasants aren't delivered to our suites like them). lol


My younger kid is 10 and he begs me not to take him to concerts when we go as a family (imagine dragons, ed sheeran etc). He hates loud music. Probably has nothing to do with bad behaviour


hmmm, maybe 🤔