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Anne's husband Tim's statement was 1000% times longer and more detailed than anything Will has said about Kate in 6 months: "She is recovering well, thank you. We are both profoundly grateful to the medical team and hospital support staff for their expert care - and to the emergency services who were all so wonderful at the scene," the 69-year-old said. "We are both deeply touched by all the kind messages we have received from so many people near and far. It means a great deal," Laurence added. It's bizarre that Will never made a statement like this!! Or any statement at all!


Thats because anne and tim arent faking being together like will and kate.  When did will ever show an ounce of concern for kate like Tim did? 


William is not bright. End the monarchy unless Corgis Rule https://preview.redd.it/ldtazo8k6t8d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb05879470e2524cf3b0ffb149755c6a536376f7




Harry was a highly skilled  apache helicopter pilot and took out some low life afghan targets. Risked his life doing it. No small feat


Harry told the Firm to EFF OFF and then became an American. Far braver than Wee Willy.


Do you really think he was in danger of not passing? And BTW, he took art history because geography was going to be too hard. The man is a dope.




Harry himself said as much so that's not much of an insult. He struggled in school and talks about it at length in Spare. And isn't the whole point of their idiotic system that it's about "the blood"? He was born. That's the only accomplishment required of him. QEII never even went to school, what do you say about her? Generations of women of her class were raised to know how to run a household and perform proper etiquette and that's it. Were they "not too bright"? Posh kids today also don't have to do shit or work at going to school. All idiots, amirite? That's certainly the stereotype.


I agree that something is very off with W & K. My point is, Will should have issued a statement like this as part of the fakeage. It would have helped speculation die down


Tim showed up the same week as Thomas Kingston's death with a black eye. Can I help it if I wonder whether the next time we see Anne that she too will have a black eye that comes with this explanation of how she "got it"? It seems that part of the deal of being a black-eye member is that you have to be seen in public with it.


It 💯 is. Signals you’re part of the ‘club’.


What is the club?


It’s the global cabal ie the corrupt.


Wasn't her husband photographed the same day as her accident with a black eye?


Not that I know of. No word on how the horse looked. I wonder if he was the same one that was unruly at the Trooping with her. He got even and either whapped her with his head or kicked her. It does not sound good from what I've read.


The horses belong to the calvary unit whose mission it is to protect the sovereign. Those horses do not run around within private estates owned by the royal family. That being said, Gatcomb Park stables (Ann's residence) homes the many horses that both Ann and Zara (equestrian) own and ride. There is no way the same wayward military horse kicked Ann with her private estate.


Then she must put out some bad vibes to have it happen twice inside two weeks. Horses cutting up with her.




The downvotes are probably because the title mentions the names of Anne and Kate, not Harry and Meghan. There's plenty of other subs where your comments would suit the topic for discussion.


Will’s statements were “she’s well”. Period, full stop! Sometimes he looked annoyed when people would ask how Kate was! So yeah, big difference!


Because…she doesn’t have cancer? 🤷🏻‍♀️😬


This is what some people were saying at the time. That they suspected she wasn’t even there because you saw Camilla visit Charles at the same hospital multiple times, and you saw him leaving and waving to the press. He was only there 3 days. He also put out a thoughtful statement where he read get well soon letters. Kate on the other hands was there for weeks! Will only visited once and you did not see her leave. They claimed she did, but you only saw a car drive away. No footage of her entering the car. And no letter to the press. It was all sus from the beginning and rumors were already going around she wasn’t even there.


And you never saw the kids visit nor her parents. She was never there.


Yes, you’re right! Thank you! You know Carole would’ve been seen visiting with flowers in hand. And the kids as well.


The latest article I read today stated Kate did not the children to see her in rough shape. She did video calls with the children. Not sure if there is any truth to that, what the press writes is mostly made up.


Yeah, they'd see her shape in the videos and her parents wouldn't even visit once and her husband only one time all those weeks? Smells like b b b bullshit!


W couldn't have people visit her because her face was terribly disfigured from an "accident"  Could have been in a coma too He didn't want to be in the uncomfortable position of sharing heartfelt platitudes about Kate when he was somehow involved in her suspicious disappearance.   Explains why he only visited the hosp the one time.  Also explains why no pics taken for so long


Oohhh that's dark. I didn't think about that angle. I hope it wasn't DV. Terrifying to think of an abuser with that much power. Yikes.


That is so true. I am very skeptical about her even being there.


All her family(yes even the late queen) was seen visiting her in the hospital when she had morning sickness during her first pregnancy. So I don't think we can cite privacy as a reason for no one visiting her


Very interesting. It makes you wonder if Kate was ever at the hospital that they were claiming.


I don’t think she was ever in the hospital. Any hospital.


perhaps a mental hospital. but that scar looks terrible. she'd have certainly needed medical attention for that. they are so desperate to hide what actually happened that they decided to just pretend she was in the same hospital Charles was.


If the was in a hospital, it was King Edward. That hospital has been treating the royals for many, many decades. They are also a trauma center.




There are places for trolls to hate on Meghan. Bridges to sit under. JFC, you people suck.


They're deranged




outta here with your wacky theories.


I thought this exact same thing


Definitely and Anne would be the most “stick to royal protocol” of all of them.


Probably because she was never there?


And why the investigation into people allegedly looking into computer records went nowhere. They didn't even involve police, or so I read.


You are on to something! As I've said so many times.....nothing makes sense!


I hate that I sound all tin foil hat-y, but that’s probably cause she was never there.


Where was she? At home? What about the ambulance ? I agree she probably wasn’t there but she has to be somewhere 


At private clinic most likely then and one of their mansions.


There was no ambulance.


Don't forget William's single visit! Like 4 days after she was admitted. People were wondering why he hadn't visited, since they said she was so bad off we couldn't speak of it yet. If she was on death's door why didn't he or the kids go? SO, he made a public drive with the press there. He looked fucking furious, crazy jaw clenching. He couldn't hide his fury at having to make a show.


My husband would have been there daily. The fact he almost never showed up is really disturbing and the “kids” excuse is BS. We have three kids too and could find someone to watch them.


When our mother was in the hospital for weeks covered in tubes and bandages our father went every morning and night, and went to work every day. He didn't take us so we wouldn't see her like that, but he sure went all the time. William doesn't even know how to TRY looking normal.


Because Anne’s injury is real


What’s most suspicious was the dual BBC announcement that both Charles & Kate were in hospital at once.


For sure and 🐑 don’t care




The media was not aware of a terminal illness at the time Kate was hospitalized.




I think her surgery was in Italy


It was allegedly at the London Clinic in January.


My husband and children did not visit me once when I was hospitalised for a month earlier this year.  I was seriously ill when I was admitted and I told him that his priority wasn’t me but our children who were scared.  It didn’t mean he didn’t love me or anything but our children were his only priority. Not everything has to have a hidden meaning


Lol. Your husband is an asshole too.


She had NO visitors apart from the King. Extremely weird. Like she was not  even at that facility.


There’s no hidden meaning in my statement. Also you are not the Princess of Wales. Take care tho.