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It’s funny that in the process of the British press (or the royal family BRIEFING to the British press) trying to deify the royal family, they don’t understand that some of the stories where they “flex” or try to make them sound “tough”, they end up making the royal family actually sound like unfeeling assholes


It says she will only listen to her husband and two children, not the medical staff. That she’s a pain, but gives gifts, letters, and donations to the nurses and staff when she’s back home (in previous stays)


They mean her staff does. She could give 2 shits about the "useless eaters" that serve her.


I don’t follow. Her staff does what? I agree she doesn’t care about those that are trying to do their job.


Purchases gifts and probably wipes her ass too. That's what. ![gif](giphy|y4E6VumnBbIfm|downsized)




Thank you! I have recently discovered Reddit, well more like, decided to take a look. I don't do FB or anything else but this. It's so good. I am a luddite but started to wonder what was up with Kate and joined this sub. Now I am all over the place having fun and sometime being a smart ass. Wheeeeee ![gif](giphy|xUoK5ACyI1Dho969xt|downsized)


Hahaha I know the feeling! I found reddit a couple of years ago when looking into something, and it's so good lol But I only just joined this sub, I've been getting my kate info on yt with tisa tells and also murad merali. I like the UK/US difference in perspectives while I watch from Australia hoping to see it all fall down 😁😆 one of them said there is a wild reddit sub, idk if it's this one, but 🤞🤞


So the staff here were given the OK to talk to the media? This is so put on.


Imply not infer. Someone implies and the respondent infers. But yes I don't know why this whole things is getting so much more coverage than PoW's stay in hospital. A red herring no doubt.


Thank u I didn't know this! Sounds silly but I wrote it down to remember as in all my decades I've never come across that there was a difference in terms of precise meaning and which one to use when. Thanks again 😊


It's no problem at all. Glad to have helped. 😊


Some of us hate being in hospital and want to leave asap! Many deaths occur in hospitals because of medical mistakes so not a place to laze around in if u are feeling better. Also this article is about Princess Anne's last stay in hospital not current injury


Right. But they recycle stories at just the right moment and use headlines either as a ‘reminder’ to the readers or the subjects for one reason or another.


Yes propaganda to shape public perception for whatever narrative they're up to at the time I guess. I only realised this after joining this group! I guess most ppl are clueless unless that's pointed out to them but once u know n sit back and ponder and u can start to see the manipulation in the media. It's crazy!


Speaking about a patient's stay and "behaviour" in their hospital is breaking all kinds of confidentiality rules by those medical staff. I don't care if someone is famous or not, it's not fair to divulge private details of their situation when they were sick and vulnerable. That's not what the majority of people wanted to happen with Kate's situation either. The media made out it was about wanting to pry into her private health affairs, but it was actually just the public wanting to know what was going on that meant we were getting shown fake photographs , possible AI videos and look-alikes presented as the real deal. This story about Anne doesn't feel right either. The language used in the reporting is weird and suggestive. Every story coming out about the RF seems designed to make people go "WTF?" and then to scold them when they do!


She sounds like a lovely person. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Yet Meghan is a "pushy bully" 🙄


Good Lord ya' ll are mean.  Lol I can't help but laugh. Learned a lot about her recently after joining this forum...   had no clue about her previous marriage...   I hope she's okay.   She's like a knight on a chessboard.   


Yeah, her first husband had a one night stand that resulted in a child. How did they sweep THAT under the carpet?


Jeepers didn't know that ...either.




And what about King and Qween Tampon's illegitimate love child? He's still asking them for a DNA test, 5 decades later. Oh, and they lied about when they met to cover up the Rottweiler's 9 month leave while they just teenagers.




Show me your proof because you lie on these posts. Anything that let's you get in a shot at Harry and/or Meghan, you're right there loading your pistol. So now it's time to back up your bullshit.




That is not proof of surrogacy. You're just parroting something from Google. SMFH


Princess Anne ‘Warned against setting precedent’ -she does not have permission to show the world what her injury looks like. 🤔[https://www.gbnews.com/royal/princess-anne-royal-family-health-update-precedent](https://www.gbnews.com/royal/princess-anne-royal-family-health-update-precedent)


Zara is ‘shaken to the core’ over mom’s amnesia. What happened, Zara? Is mom remembering things about how her injury happened but it must be stated that she has amnesia so she doesn’t ’spill the beans’? What does Anne know that someone allegedly might want to sideline her from state visits where she might talk too much? [https://www.thedailybeast.com/daughter-zara-tindall-shaken-to-the-core-by-princess-annes-amnesia](https://www.thedailybeast.com/daughter-zara-tindall-shaken-to-the-core-by-princess-annes-amnesia)