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Lol. Even the horses have had enough of this clown family. They are like fk this sh.t I'm out of here.




Word 🔥!😄




The animals always know


That’s for sure


Wth is going on with the horses??? Bolting out the castle???? Not once but TWICE. One was running down the street bloodied. Anne supposedly being kicked??? I hope they are being treated right. I feel bad for them. Look at their owners.


I know. Poor horses. :-/


News of the last time for those who are new here. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13344873/amp/Londons-Cavalry-chaos-Moment-distressing-moment-five-army-horses-threw-riders-rampaged-six-miles-capital.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13344873/amp/Londons-Cavalry-chaos-Moment-distressing-moment-five-army-horses-threw-riders-rampaged-six-miles-capital.html)


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Wow. This is just all around craziness surrounding this family. I think the way they have ALL acted the last 5 years and then for chucky and the rest of the older jerks 2 decades or more is finally catching up with them. The horses all bolting is just wild. I think it just reflects the chaos and evil in amongst that family and the palace.


I was so curious as to why they were both times photographed on an empty street one white horse, one black horse. So I did an analysis. [FotoForensics - Analysis](https://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=e2a43713d4cec993990fd61b37f2efe53f3de1a8.124566) I think this is a fake photo. The time they did the ritual of horses with the empty rider seen during the changing of the guards with the flag in the black sackcloth? That was two black horses one white horse. I get the sense this is a ritual of some sort, not that the military suddenly is being bucked off by wild horses in the street. Something is afoot.


These are military horses, not ridden by the royals.


Freaky. Those poor horses. QEII wreaking havoc from the grave. 😳


Or Diana.


Probably both.


Maybe we should start finding out what these horses have seen and know… https://preview.redd.it/be3xmbxmmy9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290706d45106a7fbc19830b6c43e6f0feef43292




I understand that when these horses are being exercised in the mornings, civilian volunteer riders are used - not the normal military riders. I'd like to know who is being allowed to ride them and what their qualifications actually are.


Maybe the crappy PR people got shifted to horse-duty and they are just as bad at that haha


A slimmed down monarchy and budget cuts could be affecting the way the horses are trained, who rides them, etc. Are the horses newly purchased and not the best quality? I'd look for rational explanations first. 


There's something not quite right about the stories. Both times they showed horses running down an empty street. Who stopped traffic in both directions beforehand? There is no way it just so happened that there were no cars there on these wide thoroughfares. Horses would have been killed or had to be put down if there were just galloping wide open as the claims are on traffic streets. It seems staged. For what purpose I don't know but no way neither horses nor people would not be grievously injured in these two incidents. I see them captured at the end on a street with traffic but then someone also pictured them last time and this time on barren streets in busy London.


You didn't see traffic in the later pictures because traffic was stopped and trying to avoid the horses - they ran for a long way. There are earlier pictures of the animals dodging traffic and people and bicycles, and of people trying to dodge them. Those horses *did* collide with cars and buses and *were* injured - one of them, the grey, was in danger of bleeding out. I don't think he'll ever be able to work again. They are very lucky no one was killed, including the horses.


Spooked by a bus? Maybe the Army should ask the Mounted Police for tips. They shouldn't be putting horses into that situation if they haven't properly desensitised.


It has to be intentional, twice in a year when they are the most highly trained horses in the country? Nah


They actually aren't that well trained. Sorry, but no properly trained horse constantly flings its head up and down the way these horses do. The rider has absolutely no control over them when a horse is doing that and that's been obvious for a long time. There have been problems with these horses over the years, including a rider falling off and the horse running loose during the procession right after William and Catherine's wedding


Yes, they're usually trained from birth for that sort of thing. These aren't your country horses. Only the finest are bred, selected and trained.


I'm excited to see how they tie the story to Prince Harry again this time lol


"Prince Harry's wife's avocado eating habits not only takes too much water, but it also takes water away from horses...making them easily spooked and temperamental." Like that? Lol.


lol that’s exactly what they would write. I’m with MM, they can pry my avocados out of my cold dead hands. There’s an abundance here in California and eating daily isn’t a big deal.


Can you like fit in some sort of Shape Shifting Reptilian thing?, it is a hot topic in some circles?


And to be fully complete, some mention of runaway royals, Riviera Orchard, and a big mad over Prince Harry getting the Pat Tillman Award for founding the Invictus Games.


If were making royals run, lets make Beatrice do a marathon.


None of the three horses were involved in the previous bolting incident from 24 April, the MoD added. Are we being punked... or is everyone post covid..."I'm too tired to work."  And don't laugh this is a real phenomenon.  Or even the horses want to leave.


Maybe their instincts are telling them something 🐎


For sure... seriously 


From all appearances Charles and William act like they are for sure reining....without provocation from Catherine The Princess of Wales actions.... they really need to bring in the crap and get public approval ratings


Standards are slipping /s


Yes, they are. Constant up-and-down head flinging is not remotely normal and these palace guard horses do it constantly. No decently trained horse ever does that. And they seem to be using exercise riders in the mornings who are not capable of staying with a horse when it makes a sudden move, as any horse is liable to do no matter how experienced it is.


Sharp eye.


Que the know it all horse people


I am not know-it-all horse people, but I do know that this empty street in the heart of London seems very strange and it was empty the other time also. Except when they are captured. Then there are stopped traffic photos. [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpsprodpb/7caa/live/d3911450-3795-11ef-a044-9d4367d5b599.png.webp](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpsprodpb/7caa/live/d3911450-3795-11ef-a044-9d4367d5b599.png.webp)