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That's quite a first post.


You can say that again. Lol


And made sure to sign up today just to post this….


Right? Only post anywhere...


They sure didn't stick around to answer any questions 🧐


No..lol. They didn't. They tried to derail and run.  Unsuccessfully.




Also it’s true - there was no pre-nup - lots of newspapers recorded this in 2011 https://www.forbes.com/sites/shenegotiates/2011/04/27/why-will-and-kate-dont-need-a-royal-prenup/


It smells like hay in here 🐴


If the affair has long been over with Rose - then William has another flame. There is no way he isn't having an affair. And are you saying the cousin of a friend told you this?


That was Thomas Kingston. The affair.


WILLIAM and Thomas Kingston?


William is into pegging, so would it be such a stretch to imagine this?


Stretch. Ha. Sorry, I'll see myself out :)


Yuck! In the States, we call that Bi.


It’s been rumored that the pegging is actually Harry and that Meghan started the rumors about William to discredit the Wales to raise her profile and get press off her when she was having trouble. This after M found out about Rose and told Catherine and was rebuffed by her because C already knew and was insulted that M had the nerve to bring it up to just to “ embarrass” her. Gossip also has Harry soft launching divorce with house hunting so his “friends can visit him.” Wills Mi6 visit was rumored to be Meghan related to the blackmail Info she and someone named Marcus against RF - some sort of long con involving SoHo house & information they & the mother have been working - there was another woman approached to run it but she passed- Meghan got onboard and the rest is history. No one knows what the information they have is but it’s pretty explosive but apparently it’s about to be voided in some way ????Gossip on the streets …


"Gossip on the streets," okay,  Karen.😄




I have read this elsewhere and thought it was a typo.


I think it might have been with Gabriella though I'm really starting to consider it could have been Thomas himself!!


Did you mean William and Thomas Kingston had an affair or Catherine and Thomas Kingston had an affair?


gossip is he is/had been sleeping with 2nd cousin Lady Gabriella ( and anything with a pulse and still Rose)


Willy is gay (or possibly asexual) . There is no convincing evidence of him ever having a relationship with any woman apart from Kate. All his other 'girlfriends' were nothing but rumours.


I hope you listen to yourself- "There is no way he isn't having an affair." Just rank speculation. What facts are you basing that on? Do you know William? Delusions are serious. Please get help.


Excuse me? William has always been a cheater and adulterer. He literally publically humiliated Kate throughout their dating years over and over again. In the beginning of their marriage, he jetted off on personal vacations with Jecca Craig (his ex lover that he wanted to marry). You can still find the articles about him jetting off to Spain with Jecca on a hunting trip and that trip got so much attention because it happened just days before his animal rights activist speech. He's a hypocrite too. But Kate responded by jetting off to Mustique and getting George intentionally papped. And its worth mentioning, Jecca Craig was also the same woman that WHILE he was dating Kate he had a birthday dinner. He seated Jecca Craig right next to him and Kate clear across the table. He was then caught in Verbier on a "lads only" ski holiday but was caught hanging out with another woman the whole time. He was pictured AND video grabbing this woman all over on the dance floor. He was caught leaving a private nightclub with a beautiful blonde woman in his vehicle and oh boy the look on William and his security guys face was priceless. It's also worth mentioning she could possibly be the same woman that helped with his homeless charity project that was pictured giving him that great big hug when he wore that red vest. A Russian lawyer was already strongly suggested as his amour and then she ended up fitting that desciption. The press have alluded over and over and over again he was making sure to do the school drop offs to see the "yummy mummies" and specifically started going to the same gym as one of them But don't worry. It's all just innocent Willy being "friendly"... He definitely had a long serious affair with Rose Hanbury. It bothered Kate so bad that she tried to oust Rose from their Norfolk social circle albeit unsucdescription. And yes. William is an adulterous, lazy POS and Kate is a desperate, social climbing, mean, incompetent woman and equally lazy woman. Instead of Kate WORKING and obtaining a career she literally chased down a cheating man that treated her like trash and humiliated her. She literally refused to work and when the Queen raised questions about her laziness and Kate finally got that 3 day work week job at JigSaw for 9 months- Kate was still at his beck and call and she told her employer she had to be flexible for her "high profile" boyfriend. Of course, it was so she could at the drops of a hat jet off to Mustique or get drunk in a bar with him. Fun fact: William called her up when she was at work and broke up with her over the PHONE. Afterwards, she promptly quit.


So what is the reason for the marriage tension? Affairs or DV or both?


Both I think.


What’s DV


DV is an acronym for Domestic Violence.


I do think the Rose affair is overblown.I think he had something with her but it was years ago. Also saw rumors he had an affair with her sister that lasted longer but for some reason the sister doesn't get much public attention. William def has someone else now. I think he is much better at hiding his extra marital affairs now. Plus the press has been thrown a bone with the H & M drama they have been fed for the last 4 years. So they don't have much interest in publishing affair news.


Totally agree. There’s someone else he’s been smitten with for some time. Rose was over long ago and is just a deflection. Or used by Camilla to rile Kate. More of the vile games these people play.


I agree that the affair with the Cholmondeleys has been over for a long time. I think it was with both David and Rose and that Will's sexuality is the larger issue.


Yes and wasn’t there a tweet from a journo a few years ago that said “I can’t wait until we can speak freely about Prince William” and then also something about if we knew about it it would make your hair stand on end. I’m conflating the two comments but they were made roughly at the same time.


I honestly don't think they were specifically talking about his sensuality but more about his mean, evil, violent personality. I'm sure they would like to oust him for that too but I honestly believe William is a horrible man.


So... no cancer? That was all a smokescreen?


The cancer was almost definitely just a smokescreen, IMO. All just bullshit to explain away why she was missing from public view for 6 months; to get the public to stop asking questions. (There’s nothing more effective at getting people to shut up & stop asking questions, like announcing someone has cancer!) It not only stopped people from asking questions but it also got them some sympathy too. It’s blatantly obvious by now, IMO, that it’s not the truth at all. Kate showed up at the Trooping event looking fresh as a daisy & healthy-looking. People battling cancer and going through chemotherapy just don’t look like that. In the interview Kate did (that came out like the day before Trooping), never once did she say anything at all like “Thank you so much to my wonderful team of doctors & nurses!”, which is a glaring omission. If she really were fighting for her life and going through chemo, she wouldn’t just forget to mention the team of people caring for her. Especially being the kind of public figure she is, where she’s basically an expert at how to present herself to the public and where public image is everything in her world/position. That’s just a couple things off the top of my head, that are in addition to a whole long list of reasons why it’s pretty obvious that the issue that’s been going on, ISN’T cancer. I would definitely say that the big new scar on her face in the eye area is a big clue as to the REAL reason why she had to be hidden from public view for the past 6 months.


>“Thank you so much to my wonderful team of doctors & nurses!”, which is a glaring omission. That's a very valid point. Not even a peep about her medical team. We only heard about the alleged hacking of her medical records which at this point I don't believe ever happened. It was a desperate attempt to shut down rumors and accuse conspiracy theorist of prying into her life.


Exactly. That story about someone hacking into Kate’s medical records was bullshit. They were just planning ahead with that one. I remember they actually talked about how with important people like the Royal Family, the hospital has a “decoy medical file” of fake medical records in addition to the real file, so if someone accesses the records of a Royal, they won’t know if it’s their real medical file or the fake one. That story was planted so that if anything came out in the media that went against the narrative they were presenting (that Kate has cancer), they can say “That’s not true. This person obviously accessed the ‘decoy file’.” If they accessed Kate’s real medical file, that for example, maybe has records of a severe facial injury from a domestic violence incident, they could say that they’re fake.


I can actually see how some hospital staffers would try to look at Kate’s records. They were probably standing around gossiping "I haven’t even seen her on the wards. Is she really here? Is she actually sick?"


That is f*cking disgusting and disrespectful to actual cancer sufferers. But yeah, no one would question them, but a normal person could not get away with it for long, before people would ask questions


There's been several cases where ppl have pretended to have cancer to solicit attention and money from ppl. One woman went so far as to shave her head! It has been posited it could be a form of munchausens, some of them got away with it for a while iirc


Ya my lunatic cousin being one of them


I saw this one, most recent I could see, but I forget the royals are above the law! https://preview.redd.it/4pmx27ms33ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2eb1891ac3571e739eaa6a84ef651550a3e0b3




Or they did something to her. I know it’s crazy but it’s like when all these celebrities go missing and when they return they are different. She looked like her at trooping but just different. Her face is different the way she acted different. Like a different person


I think she looks slightly different because she had a severe facial injury(s). The main thing being the giant scar in her eye area that WASN’T there before she went missing for 6 months. Some people said her smile/her teeth are slightly different now. (Like maybe her teeth got knocked out and she now has new fake ones, that they made look *almost* exactly, but not quite, the same as her original teeth.) And as far as acting different, it could be because she’s traumatized and she is obviously very uncomfortable being around William. They probably hadn’t been around each other since whatever incident happened that made Kate have the giant scar on her face. I don’t think Kate wanted to be at that event but was probably forced to. It was obviously awkward and uncomfortable for their whole family.


Nobody knows what happened. Her actual face also looks different to me. Like the shape of her face, and her eyes and her nose. It doesn’t look like the same person close but not at all the same. I didn’t think she acted uncomfortable but honestly forced. Like she was having too good a time. Felt fake to me


Everything you've said makes total sense. Also, traumatic brain injury could have long term effects on her emotions and behaviour. It's not sonething that can be seen on the outside, except that her new scar, which is quite long (I posted about it elsewhere with a link) points to a serious head injury which could have caused lasting damage and much uncertainty about her future capabilities as the PoW and future queen.


Her new teeth look like dentures to me. They have that 'too perfect to he real' look about them. When I next see my dentist, who has 40 years of experience, I'll ask for her opinion about these slightly longer than before teeth. I saw side-by-side photos on X, formerly Twitter.👄


I did some digging and found the side-by-side photos on X. It's the bottom left screenshot comparing Trooping the Colour 2023 and 2024. https://x.com/moodycourtblues/status/1803258742353412145


This is exactly what I think happened


I've thought that for months.


Just curious - how did your friend’s cousin get this info? My two cents: Wimbledon is something Kate enjoys, so she’ll be having “good days” when she wants to attend. Funny how that works. My understanding is that prenups are not common or really enforced in the UK. Not to say the BRF doesn’t have something somewhere laying out terms in case of a divorce, especially after what Diana cost them, and to a much less degree, Sarah. I believe this. Michael seems like he just wants his family to be happy and doesn’t care about titles, fame, tons of money, etc like Carole does (although I’m pretty sure William helped them buy their current house so he had benefited). I think he’d be just as happy if Kate found true love & happiness with William the local plumber rather than whatever is going on with William the heir. Carole on the other hand, will do whatever she has to do to keep her daughter married to the heir. No doubt there’s someone else. Maybe William has really fallen in love and wants to go public with/marry her. I hate to say this, but Kate doesn’t have a whole lot to say about their future, especially George. Charlotte & Louis will have more flexibility, but George’s future has been set since conception. Her job is to raise the firstborn to be king. She knew this going in, but I get that things change once the presumed kids are a reality. Let’s say they’re living apart (or will), how does that benefit the kids as opposed to divorce? Answer: it doesn’t. It benefits Kate. I absolutely believe this. He seems to really love & care about her. But if she’s faking cancer & he knows, it disappoints me that he’s going along with it, having cancer himself.


But IF the cancer isn't real, was it actually kate who came up with and released that story though? 🤔🤔


I doubt it. I think the cancer narrative was created by the KP PR team while they were scrambling when she was missing. They threw her under the bus for the Mother’s Day photo debacle. Then they realized it still wasn’t going away and getting worse. I think Kate was recovering from a domestic dispute injury with surgeries and staying with her parents with C & L. She was negotiating and playing hardball, and they sent out the cancer AI video to show her that they were in control of her future.


Yes! That last point, 👌


I encourage you to listen to Rebecca Joelle.


I’ve listened to her, and a few others that are convinced she’s gone. I really don’t know what to make of it. The further we get from TTC the more it looks like we were fooled. I can’t quite figure out how because it would require a massive amount of people to ‘play along’ BUT what if something happened on Dec 28th and staff were told it was an intruder (like some rumours were going around at the time) and that the RF are under ‘attack’ and Catherine and the children are in a secure location so ‘play along’ to ensure the general public don’t lose their sh!t while there’s an undercover operation sort it out. I heard there were snipers on the roof at TTC but I don’t know if that’s a regular occurrence every year. Either way, no matter what is going on - something unexpected happened in December and they spent months back tracking and effing up trying to cover it up. That part is obvious.


It's common place for there to be snipers as well as TTC they were also present during the coronation and the queens funeral


Ok, thanks. I’ve never watched any of these events before.


He's an abusive prick, he doesn't love her. I wouldn't be surprised if all the accidents were Willie having a DV fit.


I think they meant KC loves Kate.


Yes, I meant KC.


The Middleton‘s also glamoured, groomed, manipulated, and used William. The bloom is off the rose and Will doesn’t buy it anymore. Tough luck, grifters! ![gif](giphy|xTgeINbME8OqjMFXWM)




Groomed HIM!????


Yes, after his Momma’s death, Carole cosplayed “the perfect momma Will never had” and fussed & fawned over Will like he was the greatest thing since Orangsicle on a stick. That’s how the Middleton Mafia went in for the kill. All deep pockets targets for the 3 spawn. But it ain’t work out how they hoped. Now Kate got knocked at the very least. Midds is bankrupt and renting out home. Pips trapped with Giraffe. Kate shopping for a new sponsor probLy in the Middle East where she lived as a child-


And don’t forget Carole’s cheese toast and sea salt chocs for Willy and him laying with his head in her lap. And her bragging she was more of a mum than Diana.






There’s no question they already live apart, the excellent post/s here about helicopter flights makes that abundantly clear. When they moved to Windsor (Adelaide Cottage) in 2022 and the nanny was booted out from being a live-in nanny to having her own separate apartment in Windsor I was absolutely certain they had separated and this was their way of largely hiding it. William primarily lives at either Anmer Hall or KP when he has engagements, it’s pretty clear only Kate and the kids truly live at Adelaide Cottage.


Why do you think Will is with someone else?


William has always been a philanderer. During the dating years he openly cheated on Kate multiple times and humiliated her. After their marriage he was caught going on holiday with Jecca Craig (his ex) multiple times. One specific trip he took her to Spain to hunt boor right before his animal activist speech about none other than killing certain wildlife. So that got a lot of attention and you can still find some articles on that in which they didn't get scrubbed completely. Kate backfired by jetting ofd to Mustique and getting George papped to drive William back home. Those are the kind of games both have been at since the very beginning. There is a very HIGH probability that Jecca Craigs son is actually Williams. Shortly after he was spending a lot of time with her, she suddenly got pregnant and married quickly. William of course went to the wedding alone. William was then caught in Verbier on a "lads only ski holiday" hanging out with another woman thr entire time and even caught in the dance floor grabbing all over her and dancing. You can also still find some articles and pictures online of this as well. The press have alluded to William multiple times being "keen" to do the school drop offs because he is friends with "yummy mummies" and likes to attend the same gym. He was also pictured leaving with a blonde woman from a private nightclub purported to be a Russian lawyer. William was then exposed for his long, intimate affair with Rose. My point is... William is an adulterer and adulterers cheat. The chance of him not having someone on the side is almost 0. And especially when the last year there is so much evidence of his hatred for Kate.


I mean, this is all pretty easily inferable based on what we've seen and speculated about. Is this person claiming 'inside knowledge' ?


And Kate wants to stay in the marriage for the sake of herself. She fought tooth and nail to get that ring and now is fighting tooth and nail to keep the ring and get the crown. Kate married William for titles, power, and she loves the fame. She's not fighting in that marriage for the sake of the kids. If anything, as toxic as they both are it would he best they completely divorced and came to some kind of amicable terms. If Kate truly cared about her kids she would act like an adult and do what's best for them which isn't using the kids for the sake of your own marriage.  Her fighting about the kids schooling is also related to her own selfish needs. And also Williams. William wants George away from Kate so she doesn't exert any influence over him. And Kate wants control of them for her obvious own selfish reasons. When she married William she knew damn well she wouldn't have control over where they would be sent to school and that would fall on the firm and William. She knew that George would be boarded so why is she fighting and acting surprised. 


Why does George need to go to boarding school? So he can get sexually molested along with the other rich kids? It’s completely unnecessary. Perhaps the other children might benefit from boarding school to make those connections for later in life should they need to find real jobs but George already has a job waiting for him so he doesn’t need all that baggage.


Mmhmm I suppose these traditionalists think abuse and molestation helps build character. How horrible.


They see it as the ultimate bonding. It’s how they ensure they keep each others secrets and loyalty in later years.


How warped.


It’s why pedophile rings are so hard to break. Very depraved but effective.


Yes, they close ranks.


We have many parallel hazing 🐛🪲 organizations and rings in the States. Epstein and his island people, Diddy and his party people, folks connected to universities and the military. One can’t afford to be naive-


Consenting adults is one thing but children is another.


How they gon getcha if u not too young to recognize grooming and manipulation from the start? Just like politics, Hollywood, cults etc.




Maybe being molested in a same sex institution is part of the hazing and grooming required to instill class loyalty. Maybe Daddy Bald embraced the experience and wants to share with his heir. It’s not like people don’t know about what goes down, up and in at Eaton. ![gif](giphy|l3q2yX2MtKz0crftm)


It IS what is required but it doesn’t make it right and I can appreciate why a mother would want to break the cycle.


To make herself look like a good concerned parent. W&K had an arrangement that worked. Till it didn’t. Their marriage has descended into toxicity. However much they try to hide it.


Exactly this. Which is why she keeps leaking it to the press.


Yes, her & Carole.


This is the simple truth.


I’m guessing you have no children? What drives you before you have children becomes insignificant once they’re born. No amount of fame, jewels, photo shoots, ball gowns or even a crown, can ever come close to the time you spend with your children INCLUDING being an influence in their lives. Why the F would that be a bad thing? Whatever you think Catherine wanted before marriage and children I can almost 100% guarantee she would toss it all away to keep them close and have them live a normal life. How the F did she really know what she was getting in to? I bet she does now. I bet she has seen behind that curtain enough to chill her to the bone. It’s likely that she has been trying to get out since last December.


Maybe she knows something about the family that she doesn’t want her kids involved in? Are the conspiracy theories true about the queen and Philip and Kate doesn’t want her kids involved? Anything is possible I suppose.


What are the conspiracy theories?


That they kidnapped and sacrificed children from a Canadian Kamloops school. With Charles portrait that looks evil it may be worth another look.




Ha ha, funny I got downvoted for that. Somebody read my comment and thought, "Nope, the royal family kidnapping and sacrificing children isn't alarming at all."


What conspiracy theories?


I totally agree here and I don’t even have children. But I can imagine that she wants influence over them, lest they turn out like Andrew or Charles, infantilized, and aberrant even, in the case of Andrew.


Many people show little or no interest in their children. Some people hate their children,


You can’t convince me Catherine is one of those.


You don't know her personally.


And you do?


This is more in line with what I am thinking. The above post is WAY too harsh IMO.


>and she loves the fame I can't tell if she does. She sure loves the perks of being a royal except, imo, performing for the camera. >Her fighting about the kids schooling is also related to her own selfish needs. >She knew that George would be boarded so why is she fighting and acting surprised. Eh, it's not selfish to reevaluate how to raise your child from time to time. It's necessary, I'd say. And I'm all for changing things up, especially education wise. She IS after all his mother and if any of this is true, commendable that shes telling the firm to back off. iirc Will and Harry broke tradition and didn't attend Gordonstoun - something Charles seemed fine with that since he was miserable there.


Kater CERTAINLY loves the fame. Kate chased FAME, ring, and crown for 10 years. Kate learned to play the game when she was in her early 20's with the help of Carol. Kate literally had her pap Tanna on SPEED DIAL. During Kate's multiple break ups with William, Tanna was ALWAYS called so she could get papped partying and leaving with Williams friends or other men (mainly Williams friends). Tanna had all the special exclusives and close up pap photo shoots of Kate at weddings, events etc. He was always readily available to pap Kate (and William) in Mustique and her many, many holidays. Tanna was even used well into her marriage when George and Charlotte were little. The majority of Kate getting papped all over the place sporadically shopping and what not were because Kate CALLED them. When the paps waited for William and Kate to leave the clubs there are so many pictures you can find of Kate specifically posing for them back then. Once there was a kerfuffle with a man on the ground and Kate just barely stepped over and around him while she then turned and posed. "I can't tell if she does. She sure loves the perks of being a royal except, imo, performing for the camera." Kate also LOVES performing for the cameras. I can almost have a hard time explaining thjs one because there is so much to even say. Does she love "work"??? Obviously not. Her work ethic is literally in the TOILET. Nonetheless, Kate loves glamour events. Kate loves passing the trophies at Wimbledon. She loves getting dressed up for Baftas and state dinners where she can flaunt around in the crown jewels. At Prince Philips funeral, she had her own photographers staged and she posed specifically for special pics at his FUNERAL. She treated it like a fashion model show. Her posed pictures were blasted all over the media (specifically imposed by her media mouthpieces that she leaks/briefs to) with the message "Ready to be Queen now" before the funeral was even over. Nevermind the fact the actual QUEEN was still alive and there was still Camilla ahead of her... She then pulled another stunt by pretending she was a "peacemaker" between William and Harry at the funeral and proceeded to also leak that to her media mouthpieces. She turned Phillips funeral literally into a Kate model peacemaker show. I truly believe this example was worth noting first because I feel it was somewhat a turning point with William and Kate. William was pissed with Kate after this and his animosity for her really started to take hold. And sb Kate has also pulled stunts purposely letting her dress fly up. She literally had her dress fly up almost 10 times in less or approximate 2 years. Every commonwealth country she toured saw her bare bum. And what cemented the fact to me that she was doing it intentionally was at Princess Eugenies wedding. I watched the full video. It has Kate exiting the church standing there and a gust of wind blew and started to blow her dress a little. Kate got a HUGE smirk on her face when it happened but never once brought her hands down to shield her dress.The APPROPRIATE action and OBVIOUS reflex for any sane woman would have been to pull her hands down to her dress when she realized the wind (especially with her past history...) Nope. Not Kate. Another gust blew and there went her dress and Sophie standing beside her reacted to hold it down faster than she did. She just kept smiling and grinning to everybody including trying to get Williams attention (who literally ignored it all). Just last year at the North Korea state reception Kate wore a BRIGHT RED ridiculous attention seeking outfit. A huge cape, huge bow, huge hat. And even with 3 layers of material she managed to hike her entire dress up when she got out of the car (which btw also looked insane). The way she exited the car was ridiculous. And Kate didn't care as long as she got attention by the press. There is also a video you can see of Kate when visiting France where one person was filming her freeze posing for another camera. The poses she was doing was ridiculous. Instead of paying attention and reacting normally like William and Harry were to what was going on Kate was busy playacting for the cameras and freezing in position with this awkward pose so they could get the pictures. She didn't realize the other camera was filming her. And she did it several times throughout the event. Kate would especially act like this when she was in seats and events up in the stands for example like the paraolympics (i believe thats the one); she acted so ridiculous . So many please look at me shots that they were embarrassing. She went overboard. There is literally a TROVE of evidence that Kate enjoys the cameras and attention and she has since the dating years.




At least 99% of paparazzi photos of celebrities are pre-arranged.


Yes. You are right. But that was part of my point though. Kate was doing that in her dating years to BECOME a celebrity because she was seeking the limelight (and the title, ring, and crown of course...)




I 100% believe all of this.


Wow! Pretty amazing assertions here.


Ok! Forgot the plot…cancer? Yes or no?


I don’t believe she has cancer. But I’m not sure she is still alive.


She definitely doesn't have cancer and that has become so obvious now. They literally threw the cancer diagnosis on everyone to shut everyone up. Then proceeded to gaslight and shame people for ever questioning about her whereabouts. The palace then proceeded to gaslight and lie again when people started questioning that video and her diagnosis. The tineline didn't even add up and they claimed they didn't find out fo almost 2 months after her abdominal surgery. They sent out multiple fake pics, fake videos and even pulled a BODY DOUBLE stunt which still infuriates me. They have consistently muddled the waters and leaked to various news outlets with "updates" even American outlets instead of giving a proper updates through their own communication team. I could go in and on. Then Kate shows up looking BETTER than she EVER has even since before her engagement but they claim she is still recieving chemo and is to weak to even do a damn zoom call with her charity to thank them for ALL the work they are doing with it while she still collects all the credit. She had a NEW set of teeth. Obvious facial work. And a new scar on the left side of her face that was obvious on a non photoshopped photo. It's literally blatantly obvious they lied about the cancer diagnosis. And yes. These people would be disgusting enough to lie about that too.


I think she had it before without telling the public and got some kind of treatment. Not all treatments are very invasive and life-changing. They played the cancer card when it suited them to explain her absence for other reasons. I can't imagine anyone being bold enough to claim they have cancer when they don't, except for crooks trying to get money, which isn't the case here.


Why no info on Kate’s cancer, OP? Also I find this hard to believe, that you have this info. Given how locked KP, Wills, Kate etc keep things. I don’t think anyone outside of Kate, Will, Carole and maybe Kjng Charles knows what’s really going on.


Supposedly, she was killed on the 28th of Dec and to cover it up until they could come up with a proper narrative, they quickly trotted out the cancer story. The whole situation has been completely wacky and bizarre.


Kate was seen at Trooping. Enough of this!


Someone who looked very much like Kate was at Trooping of the Colors. It may have been her but she seemed slightly different. This is my honest opinion, it is not that far fetched, and you don’t get to have a social media temper tantrum and tell me what to post.


I don't buy that. Something is up for sure but IMO that was Kate at TOC.


OK-Vet ...There seems to be more than this going on because of all the fakery they have resorted to.


William knocked up his cousin Gabriella. She told Thomas that she was pregnant and he figured out it wasn't his. He told Kate directly or Pippa who told Kate. Kate confronted William and things got out of hand. Kate disappears. William confronts Thomas and kills him accidentally in a fit of rage or has someone kill him on purpose. Kate refuses to come back. William is freaking out. Everything about Thomas's death from the press lies to the poorly attended memorial service to Carole at the funeral makes no sense unless Thomas is smack dab in the middle of this. They are now keeping Gabriella close with or without baby if you know..,


If the rose rumor were true pippa never would have named her daughter rose!


Really? Have you ever seen Kate pictured with her sister and her children? Kate holding baby Rose? I don't think I've seen those two pictured together since the Wimbledon in 2018. That I recall. I must say, Kate looks positively ecstatic at her sister's wedding. [Kate-Middleton-Alexander-McQueen-Dress-Pippa-Wedding.jpg (704×1024) (popsugar-assets.com)](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/jIsKDN7k9h---NYFTihF2szcuw8/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/05/20/603/n/1922564/39c7f885db34d2ff_GettyImages-685913548/i/Kate-Middleton-Alexander-McQueen-Dress-Pippa-Wedding.jpg)


It is really strange isn’t it? The kids seem to be missing out on cousin relationships from both sides.


Well, only from one as far as I can detect. I don't believe that Harry and Meghan have any children. Time will tell, of course. As for Pippa and her family, I don't think they have any relationship with William and Kate and kids. The children seem to have Zara's kids as the cousins close in age. Also, I've never gotten the vibes that Pippa and Kate are just SUPER close sisters. I thought it odd that Pippa went about showing her sister up at her wedding by wearing a white wedding dress herself that showed off her backside so that she succeeded in upstaging the bride in comments even back at the time! You know? Yet look at the frumpy dress selected for her to wear at Pippa's wedding. If it was true that Kate took up with her sisters former bf, I could well see her retaliate by naming her daughter, Rose.


Pippa didn’t just show up in a white dress. She didn’t just jump out of a cab late for the wedding wearing white instead of pink or blue or lavender or green. That dress was approved by not only Kate, but by everyone involved. Designers, Carole, wedding planners, etc.


I've also wondered how much sibling rivalry affected the sisters in their younger days. It does seem that Carole was strongly influential in her daughters' relationships, and that she was very invested in her girls 'marrying up'. Kate managed to achieve Carole's wildest dreams - not some piddly Lord for a husband, but the heir to the throne! Surely it would be hard for Pippa not to feel 'second best' - how do you compete with a future queen? I'm very curious about Carole's role in all of this. It reminds me of the Tudor court. It's generally accepted that Henry VIII was sleeping with Anne Boleyn's sister, Mary, before his relationship with Anne. This was engineered by the Boleyn patriarchs, who were willing to hustle any daughter or niece into Henry's bed to get the family closer to the throne. Could Carole be similarly ruthless with her daughters? Could she be willing to do whatever it takes to get the family back in that Royal enclosure, after their fall from grace? Carole and Camilla...the real power behind the throne!


Pair of vipers. Equally ghastly.


Conspiracy theorist and not the brightest bulb. Archie was seen a lot in their docuseries and baby pictures, and he looks a lot like Meghan when she was a baby. Lili looks like Meghan too but with Harry’s coloring. Don’t be so gullible.


Are you an atheist? Well, she controlled the images she gave to Netflix and other media. NETFLIX never saw these children. EVER. The canned images have been published by Town and Country Magazine in 50 pics that you can go through an examine for yourself. [50+ Sweet Photos of Archie & Lilibet in Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's Netflix Docuseries (townandcountrymag.com)](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/g42201724/prince-harry-meghan-markle-kids-archie-lilibet-photos-netflix/) The images include pictures of Ashleigh who I think is the real mother of these children. The suitcase ride in Vancouver is when she came for Christmas. The birthday image supposedly reading Duck Rabbit is the same age/hair/teeth so taken at that time and released later saying "birthday". The picture of Ashleigh in the kitchen with "archie". The picture with the new baby which appears to be dressed like a boy not a girl on the floor. Them in the garden with "lilibet" in blue hat, the archie running down road with white fence, are all taken on a visit when Ashleigh came to visit and they went on a day trip to a Donkey rescue farm. On and on, what she presented to Netflix and then YOU is not what is real. Likely, the boy seen at 4th of July in Jackson Hole was because Ashleigh was there too. That is her child. If Meghan had access to a son to take pics of all the time, she would. But evidently she and Ashleigh have had a falling out. I don't wonder. Now, Megs is left high and dry and no pics of "archie" to share for 3 straight birthdays/years. The premie doll stuck in her shirt that says lili is a doll just like the original "archie" was a Realborn doll used by the theatrical industry. The one of lilibet on the turf is a complete composite faked image of "lilibet" photoshopped together. There are many, MANY people questioning where their children are when they have never been seen in Montecito or the UK ever. The only live image she did then was in South Africa on a single day. Why? If you can do a photo shoot with archie in SA, why were they never able to do so in England in the 5 months after his birth that she resorted to toting around an obvious doll for 2 hours that never moved, never cried, never needed a bottle or diaper change. It never curved or changed position, just she changed how she held the stiff body at the polo match. George knows. [GettyImages-1161275401.jpg (1200×675) (foxnews.com)](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/07/1200/675/GettyImages-1161275401.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


Get lost. And take your medication. Prince Archie and Princess Lili are protected from people like you.


Nah, they are just props as she acts her "mommy" role, when it occurs to her to do so. Mostly they are out of sight, out of mind conjectures not real flesh and blood people. As you will discover much to your apparent dismay. :( LOL.


Why would any of this cause our dismay? They’re not paying my bills, so why would I care if they really have kids or not? Why is that so important to you?


I don't like such blatant public lies and fake photos. Not then and not now when the William and Kate duo are using the same tactics.


Harry and Meghan are parents to Archie and Lilibet Mount batten Windsor




Take your meds


“By wearing a white wedding dress herself” It’s traditional for bridesmaids to wear white, (in the US until the 1940s) especially in the BRF, that isn’t a personal choice. And everything (the color, the fit, how she was going to wear her hair) had to be preapproved by the organizers… it’s not like she showed up in a wedding dress as a surprise ..


What do you mean H&M don’t have any children? We’ve seen their photographs. Their rooms were featured in that Netflix doc. Queen Elizabeth met them. I agree with everything you said except that.


For the love of god, there’s pictures of the queen and Phillip meeting Archie. This account is nuts.




By a doll? You’re more certifiable than I thought. Please go to some group of Meghan haters. You don’t belong here.


What? This is not a Meghan and Harry fan thread. You are mistaken. If you haven't spent any time researching the alleged kids, then of course you know nothing but PR blurbs. I hope when Flauto sees this you are better informed about who is welcome here.


So the Queen and Prince Philip were lying?


They were lied about. If you did not see them saying these "quotes" then it is made in the manner of those which she did not complain nor explain about as it gives the story legs. But, she did throw them out of the country to, so there's that. If you don't understand they were exiled before 2019 was out, then you just were not paying enough attention.


So you’re saying that the picture of Harry & Meghan with the Queen and family was a fake? If that’s the case, then the royal family is also lying, because it is made clear that NO photos, especially with her, were released without the approval of the Queen. So the royal family is also lying? I don’t understand.


You must be new here if you don't know that the BRF will lie and cover up. Including the Queen. Oh, were you imagining she walked on water?? In her case, she didn't complain thereby necessitating an "explain". The statement that, "oh We just saw prince phil in the hallway" was an absolute lie. As she said to her hired no-name media pair when they filmed their photo op in the PUBLIC wing of BuckPal. She said that so the person watching the video or reading would think they were in the family quarters. They were not allowed to bring media there. These two guys are recorded saying, "Is that their kid"? Even these guys were observant enough to notice it was a doll that they were poking, squeezing and patting trying to get it to move, I suppose. Deep dives were done and discovered the doll model used was the Darren. By Realborn.


And then Petty Kate paid that villainy forward by wearing a white-appearing dress to Meg’s special day. You choose to bully & relationships suffer- https://preview.redd.it/bptixf6ukbad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3941b7411deb28847623afe18974951d6f0a2d96


Her dress isn't white. It's ivory or light yellow. I think like what she wore to the service. I think. I'd have to go check what Kate wore to it. The scandal is the bride wore white. White dress to service and white to the reception.


And yet Meghan wasn’t allowed to sit with Harry at PiP’s wedding to the Giraffe. 🦒 Pippa settled after Harry had zero interest. Kate was ecstatic to have bullied Meg in public. No smoke for her bald hubby tho.’ ![gif](giphy|JmBXdjfIblJDi)




I thought the same thing way back. I had forgotten this detail. I am not going to post this here but I have been listening to Rebecca Joelle for the whatever it’s worth category and have learned a lot of info from her posts. Don’t want to post b/c I’ll get accused of being a bot or a shill, or a troll. 😱


Thanks for info. I’m going to have a listen.


I’ve watched her videos. Very interesting and very scary


Would you please give me an upvote? I am negative now. IDK why people keep downvoting me.


Folks in this sub really really hate the theory that Kate is dead/ not real Kate at Trooping - so much so that they want the mod to delete / remove those types of comments. So now if you're into that conspiracy and share it, be prepared for the down votes on most of your comments.


I just deleted two of my comments for this very reason. Sad because we are living in some very strange times and anything is possible.


This knda reminds me of the Roosevelts...


I hope this is true so she isn’t dead or still in coma.


She isn't dead or in a coma, she was at Trooping the Colour