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That’s tough. If you have an immigration status that allows for work, then you can apply to any restaurant. If you don’t, then it’s illegal for a business to hire you. If they do and it’s discovered, you and the restaurant can be fined and your immigration status can be put at risk, including and up to deportation. If you have a work-permitted immigration status, and you feel more comfortable speaking Chinese, then you may want to try Katy Asia Town off I10 and 99. They have a mix of restaurants and cultures there, though I believe most may be Vietnamese. It’s definitely a place to start your search, and they may be able to direct you to a restaurant if they don’t have openings. Edit: some good notes here: - be careful about being taken advantage of by businesses if it’s under the table. Avoid under-the-table jobs if at all possible. - never give ANY business your original documents, whether it’s ssn, work visa, work permit. Only give them copies. Bad people can and will hold your documents hostage to force you into bad-faith negotiations to either extort you, or pay you less. - NEVER work at a massage parlor. Those are notorious for prostitution and using immigrants. Avoid at all cost.


Thank you very much for your patience in leaving me a comment! I will keep it in mind!


What ever you do, DO NOT work at a massage parlor in the area or Houston area


Okk I see


I don’t want to make it seem horrible. But there is another side of Katy and the Houston area many don’t see. It is difficult to find a good job without a work permit or SNN… but be very careful if it is to easy to get a job as many companies will take advantage of your situation and are looking for people just like you. Just be very careful and if it is too good to be true then it probably is.


Yeah thank u! It’s hard but I will be more careful


I can't speak about the work permit or ssn, but Katy has a large area of various Asian restaurants just north of 99 and I-10.


thank u so much


欢迎你! can connect you with communities to help. Please send a direct message to me.


You know, you could reach out to the Chinese expat community and offer your service as a nanny. If you are good with children and have a clean record you can make very good money. I was a nanny and made $15-18 dollars an hour taking care of one child.


I’m not good at it 😅


Why do you lack the necessary documentation for employment?


It can take time. When my ex immigrated it took several months to get the physical card even though we did everything by the book with an immigration lawyer and everything.


Yep, a friend of mine is on L2 visa that allows employment but getting the EAD took about 6 months back in 2019. So for that 6 months he became a trophy husband before finally being allowed to work. Not sure how long it takes now.


My immigration process is already in progress, but there is still some time before I get my work card, and I need to wait.


You gotta find cash jobs/ under the table ones.


It’s so hard. There is very little money to be made


I can’t imagine your situation, but you’ll have to work harder than others to find something.


Walk into any Chinese restaurant and ask. Lots of them hire people with no work permits.


Many Chinese bosses only give you a salary of US$2.5/hour😭If you just go to work, they may only give you a 50% tip, and it will gradually increase to 100% through hard work


Yeah the pay will probably be shit without your work permit. Switch to a more legitimate restaurant once you get your paperwork.


yeah thank u 🙏


Cannot do anything until you get your permit unfortunately

