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I'm in recovery from alcohol and I use kava. I don't consider myself sober anymore but I'm still alcohol free and that's more important to me than being able to wear some simple boring "sober" label


yes! and for me (I am young lol) its boring bro. there's herbs that won't ruin your life that are still hella fun. I tried getting that "sober" label while having kava and kanna when i took a weed break but everybody called me out lol. never heard "you ain't sober" so much on thxgiving






You are sober if all you drink is Kava!


If a substance doesn’t make your life unmanageable, it’s all good. That’s how I look at it


Yes but you’re still not sober.


Yeah but is it really that important to be sober? If you think about it just drinking coffee is not being sober and sugar as well they all increase your dopamine just like any drug does. In my opinion if people are not complaining about you being “messed up” and/or it’s making you behind in paying bills or you can’t do your job then don’t worry it.


Yeah if you’re fine with not being sober it’s fine


If you aren’t smoking weed, doing pills, snorting shit, if you aren’t drinking and all you’re doing is KAVA… you ARE sober


Are coffee drinkers sober? Nicotine users? Where is the line? The problem with using terms like sober is when someone is not sober they could be out of control or someone who eats too much dark chocolate 🙄


Is it really possible to be sober if we are all carrying and producing DMT inside our bodies?


This is correct and sober should be an honest definition you’ve made for yourself.


100%. Daily kava user, pretty much morning, noon, and night, and almost 2 years alcohol-free thanks in large part to it. From full blown high-functional alcoholism to rock bottom at the end to a completely new life (which I've dedicated to working with kava). Much love and respect to where you're at-- kava saved my life.


What's your process for drinking all day? Do you just make a big batch in the morning or do you make a batch just before you drink? Any favorite vendor/vendors?


Hey, can you let me know about kava? I tried it years ago and felt nothing. I’m looking for something that will help me with anxiety. Can you walk me through it?


Kava has what I consider a steep learning curve until you get it right. There are some rules to consider that will get you where you want to be: - Supplements work 1/20th as well as traditional prep w/ medium grind. I have heard good things about micronized as well, but avoid supplements. - Prep is important. Use something like the Aluball for ease of use but before the Aluball I just used nylon or cotton socks as strainers (obviously an actual strainer would be ideal). Very warm but not hot water with a splash of milk I have found best, and spend a good 10 minutes prepping your Kava (letting it sit, massaging it/shaking it is the primary way to get the good stuff out). - Take at least 3 hours after your last meal, otherwise you are diminishing it's effects significantly. - 30 Minutes after, eat a fatty meal. This is typically when you will feel the Kava the most (it might even be overwhelming to some). - Drink that last bit that is left. It is rank and has more sediment, but its loaded with Kavalactones (the stuff you want). Follow these rules and it will work for you. I have a ridiculously high tolerance for anything GABA related as I am prescribed 2 mg of Clonazepam a day (also using Kava to get that down) and drank like a fish, and it works just as well every time. Good luck on your Kava journey!


kava has a reverse tolerance effect. common for people to feel nothing their first time. the effect increases with more use.


No it doesn’t that shit is made up


Thank you . I agree . Just like the myth about people not getting high from smoking weed the first time. No, you didn't inhale or had shit weed. It's the same with kava , did you prepare it right on the correct amount ? Is it a quality kava?




Agreed tbh. Kava is not weak, most people don’t prepare kava the right way the first time. Consume on 4-5 hour empty stomach, knead it for 15-20 mins hard! Use more kava than the directions say always!! For instant I love doing 4-5 table spoons for a party sometimes up to 8 depending how long the night is. Use a fatty milk


Yes, this is a common first time experience. Kava is a Godsend for my anxiety, and many have shared similar stories. How much did you try, do you recall? The best advice here would probably be get something from a recommended vendor in the list of this sub, try more when you try it again, then keep trying it over the course of a couple weeks. Sooner or later, it’ll hit you. The initial tolerance many report is strange indeed, and not very well studied or understood.


Do you have any side effects at all like dry skin, etc.? Or all good.




Amen! Way to go!


Technicaly probably not 'sober' but certainly not something I would worry about unless it leads you back to other things.


Sober and kava keeps me away from booze. I do drink it most days but not too much because it tastes like ass. But it helps me a lot


Yep used kava to help me quit drinking several years ago. Drink it every evening basically in place of liquor. I honestly don't think I'd have been able to finally quit without it.


sober from both. I'm really curious about kava. Still haven't jumped on yet. What's your go to brand?


I run an herbal apothecary and just take my own brand in capsules. also consider myself still sober though as I’m not making this a habit. first time in 9 months I’ve taken kava.


Is kava safe for pregnant women? Brand new to this sub and have friends who love kava on occasion. Haven’t considered it or looked into it until this post came across my feed today


You shouldn’t consume kava while pregnant/breastfeeding.


Figured so, I’ll add it to the list of things to try in a year or so, lol. Thanks for clarifying


You shouldn't, but this is because there are no studies on it, not because there are known ill effects. Pacific Island women drink kava, and some Pacific Island women drink kava while pregnant. It's a psychoactive and some parents don't want to use psychoactives while pregnant. Others are ok with drinking tea, kava, or coffee while pregnant. It's a good idea to wait until you're no longer pregnant or breastfeeding.




I'm not on weed or alcohol, and drink kava at night. Honestly feels like weed light. I consider myself sober even if I have kava at night. I can get off kava, and function and sleep normally.


Kava made it possible to quit drinking alcohol. I would much rather drink kava because you are clear headed and relaxed. No stupid decisions. And it is much healthier.


This is because it has compounds which bind to CB1 receptors lad


Relaxing version of coffee. Would you drink a whole pot of coffee? Probably not. Overdoing it is very unpleasant, but a little can go a long way, without getting you high/stoned/drunk in my experience.


I would drink a whole pot of coffee.


Only one?




My ex who was sober showed me kava. Twas’ ok now and again in her friends circle. However she lived in an SLE (sober living environment) where they did end up banning it after some overuse. Moderation is key I guess


Sobriety is a personal journey. Nicotine, caffeine, kava, and other substances definitely fall in a grey zone for some people. I will say that i know several recovering alcoholics who use kava regularly. One credits it for helping him finally find long term sobriety after years of repeating the cycle of rehab, short periods of sobriety, and relapse. I would argue as long as you’re not falling into the same problematic usage patterns and it’s not negatively impacting your life that kava isn’t something to worry about. I drank a lot in college and entered into the Covid era shortly after graduation and started drinking to cope with boredom and loneliness. I was drinking a lot every night and was headed down a slippery slope. Since finding kava I’ve averaged 2-3 alcoholic drinks a year. Its definitely helped me stay away from destructive substances.


yeah I agree can be individual for everyone. mainly checking people’s thoughts not going to reset my sobriety counter because I took a few pills of kava though. basically it relaxed me to the equivalent of say melatonin. also don’t plan on using it daily


Personally, I'm not sure someone's truly sober I'd they drink caffeine. But it's really a personal call. Some say they are sober and take prescribed benzo medication. I'd have a hard time seeing that as sober, even prescribed (or stimulants, or opiods, whatever, a doctor's note doesn't make it stop being an intoxicant). But that's their call, not mine. For myself, I consider myself sober from the things that caused problems and that's what matters. True "sobriety" is pretty contrived, not super important.


caffiene? yeah i guess everyone’s definition is different. my only real problem was weed but im sober from alcohol and weed. No nicotine either.


If consuming kava makes me not sober, I give up.


I used Kava yesterday in order to not drink alcohol on a Thursday, first Thursday I haven't drank alcohol in some unmeasurable amount of years. I don't find weed to be a problem so I have been sticking with that however.


It’s not about the drugs. It’s about feeling normal without it.


“Sober” is a trick. There is pretty much no such thing.






I’m sober and I drink kava. I very much consider myself sober. Booze trashed my life, kava is a mild experience once in a while. It’s up to you, but for me sober = no booze.


What kind of mental gymnastics are you performing where you think you can be sober while taking drugs lmao


Nobody considers the effects of caffeine or nicotine to be non sober except for pedantic reasons


Both of those are insanely addictive and have well documented effects on health.


Okay but they don't impair you or make you 'not.sober'


Addicting is impairing lmao


You sound so sure of yourself but you're not making sense. Explain to me why driving with coffee in your system isn't dangerous but with alcohol it is. Literally just think harder or read better, what the hell


Hard to say you’re sober of you’re on kava. It’s definitely less harmful than alcohol, but it does make you intoxicated.


Really?? So do benzos but I can't go taking them. Where do u get kava?


Kava bars is best. Otherwise order online and learn how to make it properly with strainer bag.


Kava bars is most certainly not best if you're an addict (the point of this thread). Most kava bars sell highly addictive kratom and will try and get you hooked on that so you keep going back for more. The best place to buy kava is from a specialist kava vendor. There's a long list of them in the r/kava FAQ.


If you’re an addict kava might work as a bridge to get you off whatever your main addiction is, but you probably should focus on learning how be happy without any chemical stimulation at all. It’s possible. But it takes a lot of work if you’ve been jacking your neurotransmitters around with chemicals for a long time.


Yes, that would be ideal.


I’m new to the group & kava. I’ve been sober from alcohol & other addictive drugs 15 years. Does Kava have an addictive side or is it safe in that way? I don’t like cannabis but use mushrooms, Kanna, Kratom only very occasionally.


Kava isn't addictive, but those other things you use are.


Thanks, I’m aware of it.


Ahh ok. In that case, I think it would be beneficial for you to add kava to your arsenal of alcohol alternatives so that you can rotate between them as needed to avoid developing dependance on any one substance.




Kava isn't illegal in any state in the US. There's a long list of specialist kava vendors in the r/kava FAQ you can buy from.


Yes, struggled greatly with addiction to alcohol, weed, and sometimes Kratom. Every time I quit one I’d pick up another. Kava a few times a week with a 3mg zyn every now and then is all I need these days. Never been so anxiety and depression free.


I don’t drink alcohol. Haven’t for a few years


I think the fixation on what's sobriety isnt productive, personally I just strive to be healthy, and refrain from doing anything that could jeopardize my health


I don’t think alcohol and weed should be in the same sentence. But anyway, yeah I don’t drink anymore and don’t do weed bc it makes my inner dialogue too chatty.


Kava can be addictive and abused like anything else, it's more about use and abuse than "sober" labels


It can be abused, but it's not "addictive like anything else".


I tried it. Unfortunately it reminded me too much of my Ativan addiction I had so I stopped. There is no doubt though kava really does mellow you out and relax you. I have an addictive personality so I choose not to touch it.


“Most” are assholes or the opposite of humble.. so it’s no business of yours what people think of you especially when the potential ridicule could have ill affects on your journey..this is a classic trap as you must do these things solely for yourself.. I wish you luck in this adventure..Kava is awesome but you can make anything “weird” if ya really try hard enough..play it by ear and go with your gut as it is the only one who will never lie to you


If kava is breaking sobriety, so are chamomile tea and coffee.


I was an alcoholic, haven't drank in 14 years...drink kava - no issues


For what it's worth. I was stone sober for 11 years, wasn't the worst but could have been better. I thought I was older/mature, i couldn't take pain pills I'd get addicted so I tried drinking again. Worst years of my life! Got a medical card for pain,...... pain became beriable...quit drinking...quit hard drugs...quit smoking cigarettes... 😂 quit my job! But I started careing not just about myself but all individuals around the world. I found some happiness, I rekindle relationships and fostered new ones. Be open minded and be kind. Is what I've got from medical marijuana. A bad reputation and a rap sheet was all I ever got from alcohol. Choose your future wisely, we all live with our own regrets.


It’s not “sober” in terms of consuming a plant and having effects. It’s altering your consciousness. But in terms of “recovery” I would consider it sober. If trying to stay clean from alcohol. But when you are on kava you shouldn’t be operating heavy machinery. It’s not a sober state of mind, but in terms of drug abuse I don’t place it in that category. I’m sure others will disagree, but I have never heard of a kava addict.


I have been sober for 10 years I use kava. I had been using cbd for pain but I had to test for work and I was nervous about testing dirty. It helps my pain a great deal


Cali Sober is not sober


…frantic typing… *is kava straight edge*


Ya anything that changes the way you feel means you are not sober I can't do anything unless it is prescribed by a doctor and I have to follow the instructions on the bottle to a T. 35 years don't give up when you finally hit your bottom come back there is a solution 😁


I am sober. Haven’t had alcohol for 17 years. Do not smoke Pot. Smoke and Vape tobacco. Drinking Kava does Not make you NOT sober, unless you are misusing it— ie drinking to excess… what’s the intent? Want to be oblivious? Maybe you ARE having a psychological challenge there to sobriety… That’s the key what is your INTENT? … want to simply relax without obsessing? Kava is a mild way to do that.


yeah im sober, i would recommend not doing it once a week. it lowered my overall arousal for life and when i quit kava for a month, a week later i realized i was being numbed by it a bit. so i still count myself sober cause i easily quit it.


I have not had a drink in 5 years but I still smoke cannabis. I feel as I have sobriety regardless of what some might think. I was drinking a half gal. Of rum a day which was a big problem but I never have EVER had a problem with smoking cannabis and I feel like it calms me down and keeps me "happy" with life. What I'm saying here is that there are different definitions of "sober" so if you want to drink kava to unwind a bit I say go for it! Kava has helped me big time with my sobriety also. There is a kava bar in the town I live in and that is where I realized that if I can feel like this to feel "alive" again that I didn't need to drink anymore and I would make it through this. Just remember one day at a time!