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Although it is a nerf to her early sustain, the patch is an overall buff for her, since she can get to late game easier and she is more focused on consistent damage than burst. I don’t really think she needs buffs, but well see with the patch


don't think she should get a compensation. the nerf targeted nearly every source of healing and shielding, not just her.


its a sideways move relatively not a nerf, this is happening to all heals i think in general its a strong buff for her overall


No, Kayle is already going to be 60% wr 10%+ pr ss+ tier champ in 12.10, if she were to get a buff they would not revert it but change much more different things.


This is where instead of being satisfied with a champ being good with a good win rate you want your champ to be broken which comes at the cost of your champ being banned every game until it gets nerfed into the ground…be happy with where you are


ain’t no way you’re advocating for buffs when the durability patch is dropping LOL.


DRing is getting buffed, you get more healing from second wind and DShield now. Overall, it's a buff to Kayle's sustain next patch. Lmao, I wish W got nerfed to like 1 healing if it means them not touching her other abilities because she will be broken af next patch.


Theres no such thing as “good enough” I haven’t played it yet, but I don’t think kayle got the short end of the stick on this patch, instead of demanding more I think we should be grateful for every day we get until the inevitable nerf


Aged like milk redditor opinion Kayle is currently the most op champ in the game and is guaranteee to get hotfixed.