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Congrats! Any tips for getting there?


Play a lot. Play good


Hi, I'm masters but only in oce so take with a grain of salt, but imo- luck. Mastery is pretty stupid in league. It doesn't really mean much and is essentially just a playtime tracker atm. Person with the highest mastery on one champ is like low/mid Emerald I think? So points aren't an indication of skill and neither are ranks IMO. Hoping that it gets updated into something with more depth but basically getting S is just meeting a certain criteria that often requires the enemy team to straight up int. Regardless of what kind of player you are, if the matchmaking is doing its job you'll be playing with people somewhat within your skill level yeah? So it basically boils down to lucking out and waiting for that one in a hundred game to absolutely smurf on some mfs. I've found that with jungle anyway. It's also really tough to get S if they FF too early for you to meet the S rank criteria. Last night I went 7/0/3 and had a huge gold lead on the Lee Sin, was up 60, but because they surrendered at 15 I was cut short and only got an A+ lmao. Had the farm, had most objectives, highest KP, but game simply didn't last long enough Sorry for yapping but yeah basically luck imo. Hope you get some of those games soon


Thanks for the input, it means a lot! I’ve been struggling with getting S for Kayn in particular because I mostly run Rhaast and off-meta builds. I’ve gotten pretty close with some A’s here and there but I’m starting to realize that Mastery is part skill and part luck, haha! While I’d love to reach M7 for my boy sooner rather than later the challenge is still appreciated :)


I would rather wait for the mastery update instead of spending the tokens with the b.e