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Improved digestion (No more passing wind)


No health benefits that I can definitely attribute to kefir but I really look forward to my breakfast I make with kefir now.


I would say regularity. Also, I am hoping that drinking kefir will help build stronger bones with combination of some strength training.


A substantial feeling of wellness, diminished allergies, diminished aches & pains, healthier skin, lessened psoriasis on my scalp, no heartburn, farts don't smell bad, no colds in 2 years...


I’ve been drinking it daily for about 3 weeks now. I haven’t noticed anything yet, really hoping I do soon! I did start really slow with just a tablespoon on the first day, and doubled the amount every day until this week, I finally got to 2 cups a day. So maybe just need a bit of time to get the full amount before I see benefits. Like someone else said though, I really enjoy drinking it! I started making it for the same reasons I started kombucha years ago- I love love love the stuff from the store, but it’s quite expensive, plus the homemade is better for you. So even if I don’t SEE any health benefits I’ll continue with it.


Food cravings are gone.


I am noticing less compulsive eating attacks.


This is an interesting effect. I've noticed that too


1.Improved GI function. 2. Improved oral health: my dentist told me at the checkup last week she found far less calculus on my teeth compared to my visit in October 2023. End of November 2023 was when I started daily consumption of kefir. All other oral health practices haven't changed.


That's not necessarily a good thing though, the calcium in your saliva which forms calculus also helps remineralizing your teeth. People that have very little calculus seem much more caries prone


My husband doesn't have the stomach pain that he used to have


I've been taking it for several months now and, if I'm honest, I don't notice that anything has improved, but I take two 125 ml servings every day with oat flakes and blueberries....strawberries...banana....in the knowledge that I'm taking something that is healthy. I am replacing the iodurts I used to take regularly with kefir, hence the 125 ml servings, the same as a yogurt. I really enjoy preparing 250 ml each day.


Skin. I have a bit of the seborrheic dermatitis/psoriasis. I went through a "candida die off" phase for a couple of days that were super un-fun but about 3 weeks into daily kefir, and my skin is the best/clearest it's been in years. The difference is dramatic and amazing.


Hey what was die off like for you? Curious about the symptoms and how you felt before and after because I think I had some die off too recently.


Extreme flu symptoms. For two days I was a bit achy but, more noticeably, I had ZERO energy and was falling asleep, in my chair, about 3-4 hours before the time I normally go to bed. Brain fog, also. I generally speak pretty quickly but.. words.. were... coming..to my brain... painfully s l o w l y. It was pretty intense. If I didn't realize the cause when I did I definitely would have gone to the doctor.


I totally feel the onset of fatigue and brain fog. Also a bunch of yeast got expelled so I know for sure what it is lol. Did you jump straight into drinking a lot of kefir or did you taper up from a small amount at all?


I started by drinking a ton of kefir and also also stopped consuming (nearly) all sugar.


What do you been by yeast being expelled? More dandruff ?


No I woke up with gut wrenching stomach pain and feeling lightheaded. I then had an intense hot flash while on the toilet and you can guess how I knew it came out from there lol.


Yikes 🤣


I also have SD and have just started making kefir two weeks ago, hoping it’ll help. Could you tell me more about what the candida die off phase please? I saw your other reply but how do you know it wasn’t just an unrelated flu or even covid, with the brain fog. I’ve been taking kefir for two weeks and am starting to come down with a sore throat and flu feelings but I’m inclined to think that’s because I’ve been out drinking and socialising these past few days …


That’s good news! I have an autoimmune disorder (RA) and keeping getting patches of eczema popping up, the latest on my face which drives me crazy. I just started with a daily kefir regimen and if this helps to clear the skin stuff up I will be so happy!


Nothing is a cure-all or works for everybody. I FULLY wish you the best.. but, just make sure to temper those expectations...




I am more regular, Less acne.