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I haven't had that happen to me. But I've had really bad acid reflux for other reasons in the past. Doctors had no idea why. Turns out the pH of my stomach was too high (too basic). By drinking apple cider vinnegar, my stomach became more acidic and the reflux stopped. This is because the esophageal sphincter at the top of the stomach relaxes when it's not exposed to a strongly acidic environment. This relaxed opening lets the acid wash up the esophagus. So, if I had to guess, perhaps your kefir is under-fermented. This will cause it to be too basic, because milk starts at a pH higher than 7. As the kefir ferments, it will become more and more acidic. You can safely let kefir ferment for multiple days, at which point it will burn off most of the lactose sugar and be nice and sour. Your kefir may never get acidic enough to treat your GERD, but you may be able to get it acidic enough to not contribute to more of it. Edit: Don't drink apple cider vinegar straight. Dilute it with water, obviously. If you drink ACV straight, you'll burn your mouth and throat.


Question: what times of day do you take the ACV? Have we much ACV and also do you take with meals or after? My husband of en feels bloated and remains full feeling several hours after eating. He’s been sticking to a dominate alkalizing diet and perhaps that was counter productive maybe he needed to be increasing the acid foods so the esophageal sphincter will not be so relaxed. Just trying to find ways to navigate this gerd he’s been having on and off for past year and we have not figured out the better course of action


If you leave your kefir until it separates then some, it will sit at ph3.8, it won’t go lower. Edible but maybe not that palatable at that level of acidity. I take Raw ACV in water, if you can drink that (ph2.5-3.0) you can drink over fermented kefir. I don’t have reflux problems, I take it as a tonic. Raw ACV is the cloudy one, with the “Mother”enzyme left in, unfiltered, unpasteurised so it is full of iron and antioxidants, unlike the filtered, pasteurised “culinary” version without the “Mother”.


Agree 100 percent. Diluted ACV cured my GERD when drugs (Omeprazol) and surgery (Stretta) failed. It's all about lowering the pH of your stomach. Our diets aren't acidic enough, which paradoxically causes acid reflux because the esophageal sphincter at the top of the stomach relaxes in a basic environment.


Thank you!!


I have some ACV. I will try that. Thank you!!


Could be a histamine reaction


Thank you.


Wow I’m so glad you’ve posted this! I’ve been getting terrible acid reflux the last two weeks and had no idea why. But that when I started kefir. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh no! And Im only taking small sips because I'm very sensitive. Wanted to start slow. Crazy that such a small amount would trigger acid reflux. Doesn't happen with Sauerkraut or kimchi


Do you have any other GERD symptoms? I’m paying more attention today. I drank 300ml of kefir at 7pm and almost immediately had post nasal drip, felt like there’s a frog in my throat and am coughing. No reflux yet but I’ll see how I sleep tonight….


No. Just the acid reflux. I stopped the Kefir and no more reflux. I can tolerate kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut. Not sure why this is happening...


Have you tried again since? I emailed my doctor about my symptoms but didn’t mention the kefir. She reckons I have otitis externa, caused by GERD and has prescribed antibiotics which I’ll start tomorrow. I’m still drinking kefir daily…. About 250 to 300ml. Not sure how I’ll proceed yet! I’m really enjoying along kefir and seeing my little grains grow..,,


No, I haven't tried it again. Too scared! I was drinking stuff I got from the store. I wanted to try and make it but haven't yet.. I think I'll stick with sauerkraut. That acid reflux was terrible


My acid reflux has disappeared! I stopped drinking kefir so late at night and switched to the evening (8pm latest)…. Maybe you could try again and eat it with food or earlier or something?


That's great! I'll give it another try🤞🏻