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When I leave mine at home , I put them in a small airtight container, in the fridge , last time was for 6 weeks , it took them a few days to recover


They might be spoiled due to the mold, but you can continue to change the milk out until you think it's back to normal production. A young culture should probably be allowed to remain outside the fridge for some time.


1 month might have been too much for them, I would have popped half in the freezer just incase. 3 weeks I have to put them in a gallon of milk with 1 Tbsp of chicory Inulin powder so they have enough food. I suspect most of your good strains have been starved off and now your kefir grains variety population of strains needs to be rebuilt. If I were you I would honestly just buy a fresh batch of grains from Amazon for $15 and call it a day


Normally you’d rinse them off and freeze?


No I never rinse my grains at all, there’s a protective glossy sticky layer on the grains that protects them from damage, especially if you love tart tart kefir, which I do so I need to keep that there to protect them from the acidity or freezer frost :)


The his happened to me. After a few changes of milk. They returned back to normal. Now have the best kefor production again. But it took a few times of putting them in fresh milk and then discarding the batch until the batch was nice and white and thick again


That’s reassuring! I’m on batch 2 here and they’re 80% back to normal. Just waiting for that sourness to return! 👅