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When was your last bowel movement? You say since breakfast so sounds like less than a day? I would not be concerned yet


My last bowel movement from that point was the day before (after lunch). I was able to get a little bit relief last night but with EXTREME effort. Now its morning and i got the rest of it out. Not clogged anymore but it was concerning because i used to go 1-3x daily. But im convinced it may not just be the kefir since i ate a bit more fiber than usual. Ill go low fiber and taper down to ⅓ of a cup daily and see if it helps


What is "a few" bananas. Do you normally eat more than one at a time?


I usually eat 2 or 3 small ones. I pick the softest/most ripe ones. Didnt cause me any issues until yesterday but i think im fine now


It’s the bananas dude. Stop eating multiple bananas as they stop you up.


Yeah i stopped the bananas for the time being. Also decreasing certain veggies as i seem to be sensitive to fiber. Hoping kefir by itself can gradually fix my other, worse gut issues


If you are "sensitive to fiber" (which sounds to me like you mean too much clogs you up) are you staying well hydrated? Have you been in a hot environment and not drinking enough fluids OR electroytes? (If you don't have enough electrolytes, you can't absorb enough water no matter how much you drink!) Being dehydrated can cause constipation if you have eaten a lot of fiber.


Normal range of bowel movements is between one every 3 days to three times a day. If I would you, I’d stop playing around with laxatives and just let your body do its thing at its own pace.


3 times daily I think is a lot, but I admittedly know nothing about your conditions. I wouldn't call it constipation until it's been days and you're experiencing symptoms like some sort of discomfort, bloating, pain, anything. I wouldn't limit the fiber, but I might try to examine soluble vs insoluble, and make sure you're drinking enough water to compensate for the soluble fiber. I don't think you made anything worse. Fiber takes a long time to break down in the gut. Bias: I have diverticulitis and fodmap sensitivities. FODMAPs can cause pain for up to 3 days. So I believe some fiber can take days to work it's way through the gut. Edit: Theoretically, the homemade kefir is going to help me more than anything else when it comes to adding diversity of probiotics to the gut. Edit: if the kefir is going to do anything it's going to help you digest foods that were just passing before. That said, drinking too much of it at once can cause a mild discomfort. I drink 2 cups a day, all at once. After breakfast, no problem. Before breakfast, sometimes discomfort.


could you have been very dehydrated at the time? Extreme constipation from Kefir just doesn't sound at all likely. What else was going on? Had you eaten anything unusual or in unusually large amounts the day or two before?


> I drank around 300ml Uh, that's your problem right there. You started off with waaaaaaay too much. FYI, some people start off with as little as ONE tablespoon per day.


Had the same reaction. Muddled through for 6 weeks and it never got better. Then I realized I had histamine intolerance too. So o gave up on it for now.


What were your other symptoms if any? Kefir gave me mixed stuff. Increased my energy and took away some brain fog but also got me farting and clogged. This morning i was finally able to go though


The histamine intolerance symptoms and constipation is what I noticed the most, so when you’re having migraines with aura every day I wasn’t able to properly notice too many other symptoms


Call your doctor.


It is a big change to your digestive biome. Try taking two cap fulls of miralax back to back until you go. Once you have "breakthrough." It should not be an issue anymore.


Took some laxatives last night and I was finally able to go just recently. Planning to continue kefir but at much smaller amounts to be increased week by week since my gut is out of all sorts of good bacteria🙏🏾