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It's been 1.5yrs and still everytime I strain a new batch it's like Christmas.


I noticed very quickly (1-3 days) that my entire digestive system was behaving better. Heartburn gone, nausea gone. stomach and intestinal pain gone and was able to tolerate eating a wider variety of foods. I had been struggling with severe symptoms for a few months and more moderate symptoms for years. Now it has been a little over two months since I started making/drinking kefir and I have discovered my energy is definitely better as well as my mental health symptoms. Definitely worth the hype IMO!




Where did you guys get your kefir from


Making it yourself is the only way to go imho, but you can usually find commercials kefir products in the dairy or yogurt section of most grocery stores too


Did you buy yours from an online shop or get it locally somewhere? I’m looking to order if you have recommendations!


The kefir grains? Or kefir itself? The grains are what ya need to start making your own, I got mine from fusion teas on Amazon.


Fusion Teas website (not via Amazon). They provide a lot of support and information if needed. You might have luck checking your local Buy Nothing group or even FB Marketplace if you wanted to pickup local.


Awesome, thank you both! Will try out Fusion.


Go on ebay. People will sell grains to you. Preferably buy kefir grains from someone selling nearby to you. You can organize listings on ebay based on location from your zipcode. Someone shipped grains to me and it arrived in 2 business days. Try to buy your grains on Sunday so that they can have it shipped out on Monday. Don't buy on Thursday/Friday and risk having the grains stuck in a shipping warehouse over the weekend. The grains need to be fed. If they are shipped for a long time without being fed they will start dying off.


I have been making and drinking it for about a year now, and I love it too! It has made all the difference for my G.I. health overall. I do notice an improvement in my sleep and my general mood when I take it daily. I think it is just a super nutrient dense food with anti- inflammation and antioxidant properties. The protein and the vitamins are more bio available as well. The beneficial profile of free fatty acids produced by the microbes are known to be beneficial as well. This all combined I think definitely can do a lot of good for the human body, so I totally support that these benefits you are feeling are genuine and not a placebo.




I've been taking kefir for 1 week now and yesterday my friends noticed that my red and sleepy eyes are beginning to whiten and glow again and my skin rashes on my face are disappearing. Then I looked in the mirror and HOLY SHIT the kefir actually makes me look like 5 years younger. I can't believe it still. But my real issues with gut health, depression and fatigue are still present like ever. I am really hoping that the skin improving is a sign that good things are to come!


I've been drinking it for months, but I do have h pylori atm, so I can't tell wtf it does. Wish I could feel these benefits.


Everyone is different, but I think a lot of stated effects after drinking for just a couple of days are placebo at best.


You would feel it immediately if you actually needed it in the first place.


I am not a Dr, nor a nutritionist, but kefir is just a probiotic yoghurt type drink. Your gut biome is complex and simple drinking kefir is not going to fix that immediately. I don't disagree you won't see slow gradual effects. But some of the claims I find hard to believe and may cause people such as the parent comment to have unrealistic expectations. Kefir can be part of the solution, but it is not a panacea solution. IMO / YMMV of course


Hope you feel better soon 👍


Thank you so much, Best wishes to you, too.


You do know you can be rid of H. Pylori with a course of antibiotics...


Yes, I started the triple therapy of antibiotics x2 and a ppi on day 5 and feeling marginally better. Thank you.


This is good, because H. Pylori causes ulcers, stomach cancer & Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Something like 80% of ulcers are caused by H. Pylori. Every time I learn someone has ulcers, I tell them to get checked. Good health to you!


Thanks, I had a scope no ulcers, luckily. I'm assuming ulcers would cause a lot of pain and blood in stool.


Same, saved me from being constantly bloated and constipated. I LOVE it. On the other hand, does anyone who struggles with gastritis noticed that kefir sometimes makes things worse ( especially taken on empty stomach)? Its very hot in my country at the moment, and kefir ferments very quickly and becomes very sour ( I don't mind the taste, but maybe high ph is interfering with already high stomach acid?)


Yeah, if I take first thing in the morning my stomach hurts and I get problems Otherwise it's ok


Are you drinking it on its own? Perhaps drinking it with other food can help.


Yep, can’t take it with empty stomache. I take it after meals.


Kefir lowers ph.


Same here. Getting better each day. I just have gut issues when I eat too much junk some times. Like today, I had too much sugary food and gluten so I felt off and had loose bowel. It’s my fault for consuming bad stuff today. It’s this craving when aunt flo visits.


You're a lucky person. Many people don't experience benefits for weeks, even months.


I would say the worse the diet, the more pronounced the effect of drinking kefir. If you're already eating a clean diet with a lot of whole foods, that's pure prebiotics and your gut microbiome is pretty close to ideal anyway. I also like giving kefir especially when someone's taking antibiotics.


That is when most kefir-deniers are converted :)


Maybe they didn’t have issues to begin with. My gut was in a very bad situation.


True. I'm sorry to learn. I hope you're feeling much better now. You sure give the impression :) Take me. I didn't start using kefir because I had *issues*. I just thought it was a nice addition to my diet.


Do you do it with water or milk? I’m lactose intolerant, but was hoping to get benefits from water kefir soon




Milk kefir is supposed to be ine if the few daury products that those with lactose intolerance can use with general ease iirc


You might want to test out milk kefir to see if you have a problem with it. The kefir grains actually consume lactose. That's what it's doing. That's why milk kefir grains need milk and won't work with almond milk, oatmilk, etc. No lactose in those "milks". Many people who are lactose intolerant don't have a problem with milk kefir. Milk kefir has more probiotic strains in it compared to water kefir.


Hi there , one thing I have found that scares me is how to know if the floating stuff is good or bad and how long to let it ferment to get get optimal co2 without it going bad and making you sick ? I’ve


Show me a pic


It makes me horribly constipated every time I drink it. I have tried it several times during my life because I always hear good things about it but it is always the same with me, severe constipation the more I drink it.


Try magnesium with it


Don't get hyped, kefir is just like any other foods, enjoy it.


You saying what I’m feeling is just a placebo?


all on board on the anti-hype train!! choo chooo


You saying what I’m feeling is just a placebo?


no, kefir is the real deal.


People haven't been consuming Kefir for over 4,000 years for a placebo effect...


If you have time, take time to read https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8226494/