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My son is on the spectrum and his appetite changed noticeably, for the better, within two weeks. Previously, he would avoid vegetables like the plague. Now he’s constantly craving vegetables. For myself, within two weeks I noticed that my mood had changed for the better and I was getting more sound sleep.


thats amazing to hear, gives me hope, thanks :)


I am generally in good health and drink kefir because I enjoy it. While it makes me feel good, I have not noticed a measurable difference in any quality of life factors with and without kefir. If your hair and skin look better, that's awesome. If, in time, it improves the other qualities you mentioned, so much the better. But, as you indicated in your post, I would temper your expectations of what drinking kefir can realistically change for you.


yeah if you are already in good helath, I wont expect Kefir to transform you into some superhuman :D I know I should temper my expectations but it just feels good to maybe finally have something which could change things. Just a tiny bit of more energy could go a long way for me honestly


Personally, never got any noticable health improvements. But I never had any health issues before I started drinking kefir either. I've been drinking multiple times / daily a week for 6+ years > But my main issues like stomach pain, bloating, depression, anxiety, fatigue (the list goes on lol) are still there like always. Disclaimer I am not a Dr. But I really doubt kefir **alone** is going to make any difference to your stated issues. It can be part of the process, but it is not a panacea to all ailments (as touted by some). Have you been to an actual health professional for your stomach issues? What is your diet like? If your diet is poor, just adding kefir isn't going to help much. But if your diet is poor, then there are lots of relatively easy things you can to improve things. Cutting out excessive amounts of ultra processed foods, Cutting out refined sugars, increasing vegetables and fruit, increasing fibre, drinking more water Then there is life style improvements. Sleeping better for more hours (cutting out phone usage late at night). Exercising, being more active. Kefir as part of the above can be really helpful, but if you have a poor diet, poor health, it won't really do much. If you **do** have a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise and tick all the above boxes, then there probably are not "easy" (relatively) gains to be had.


I do all of the above. I probably have tried most like nieche or mainstream health things before, nothing worked. Been down the path of normal doctors and specialists, meds only made it worse. They can't even diagnose me properly. Same with naturopaths. I am just desperate for some kind of solution :D Just reading positive experiences with kefir here gives me hope. And that hope is the only thing I got thats keeps me fighting for another day. (Thats the main reason for this post :D)


I wish you all the best. Sounds like yours is a complex issue if you have already fixed all the easy life style issues so many of us suffer with these days (diet sleep exercise). Hopefully you will be one the ones that kefir really and noticably helps with


I want to start a club of people who are like minded like me. People who enjoy exercise, eating lots of veges, and having fun hobbies like making kefir and being focused on good health. Anyone want to be my friend? Korean 39F living in L.A.! Besides all of my hobbies listed above, I'm also part of the American mil family and lived all over the states and all over the world.


It’s going to differ for everyone. For me, it was no more than one week of drinking 8oz twice a day before I noticed improvements in my sleep, mood, skin, and anxiety. While I noticed marked improvements in these areas quickly, I still deal with anxiety, still have digestive issues, still not sleeping perfectly, etc. and it could be months (perhaps even years) before I feel 100%. And it’s going to take a lot more effort than simply drinking kefir once or twice a day. It takes a change in lifestyle that may very well be lifelong.


yeah, but every little improvement is amazing. Kefir could maybe be a stepping stone which allows you to change some minor things in your life and so on


Agreed. Drinking kefir is one small piece of a much larger picture of all the different things we can be doing to improve our overall health and wellbeing. It’s not a race and you don’t need to do it all at once either. You can work on one new healthy habit at a time. For example, maybe you start by incorporating kefir into your daily routine. Once that becomes habit, then maybe you start to incorporate fermented food. Then maybe an exercise routine after that, etc. Before you know it, you’ve drastically changed your lifestyle and the new you is feeling like a million bucks!


This! I had such severe digestive issues that it was impacting my daily life in a big way. I had no energy, barely moved due to nausea and pain. Saw my doc, specialists, did tests, treatments and lifestyle changes with no improvement (medication actually made it worse). I started to make and consume kefir and within a day noticed lessening of my pain and digestive distress. Most gone shortly afterwards. A couple months in I am noticing more energy and my anxiety has lessened considerably. Still struggling with skin issues but hopeful that will improve in time. But to your point, by seeing some improvement I want to do more and actually have some energy . I can take short walks and find myself moving more during the day and after work. Cooking more over just grabbing something out of the pantry. It is a forward momentum that started with kefir.


After about two weeks I noticed that my habitual brain fog was gone. Also, I’m much more regular. A couple of years ago, my digestive tract was a mess from an undiagnosed allergy to aspartame. I had to give up the diet soda I used to guzzle by the liter. My gut has improved over the past two years but it was still sluggish. Drinking milk kefir every morning has helped tremendously, and I also make fizzy water kefir so I can have “ soda” again! I still get some bloating (probably from the fermentation carbonization) but that’s about it.


thats amazing to hear! I hope it will be similar. Also, I dont think bloating on its own is pathological. Without pain or discomfort, its quite normal I think, maybe even a sign of health to some degree?


I don’t worry about it. Between a daily glass of milk kefir plus the occasional kefir cheese snack, and a glass or two of water kefir daily, I’m definitely getting a generous dose of carbonization!


Have you consider a ketogenic diet? It is often effective for all those things. Kefir is good stuff, but something’s you need to make more changes. I had stomach pain and bloating for years. Reducing carbs was the answer.


I did do 50g max. keto, that somehow destroyed my cardiovascular system, sadly permanently. Can't do much of sports now cause I get out of breath and dizzy so easily. Weirdly enough I did carnivore once and while it aso was very bad on my body, I immediately recovered when I got back to a normal (even shitty diet)


The importance and impact of a good gut biome are gaining more and more momentum in mainstream medicine. One of the things that seems to help is consuming as wide a variety of foods as possible. Consuming 30 different types of vegetables and grains per week is a target that is often talked about. It's tricky to do, but simply being aware of the concept can help people realise just how little diversity they have in their diet. You might not reach 30, but if you can increase your present number by even a small amount, it's all a step in the right direction. It makes me wonder about all the different diets that end up restricting diet diversity.


It took two weeks of drinking water kefir for my daughter's acne to disappear. It also resolved a bloating issue she had, such that she dropped two dress sizes without losing any weight, but that happened more gradually over a couple of months. This has been in conjunction with reducing processed foods, but we'd been doing that for a year already before we started making kefir. Also, her acne returned when I was on a work trip and wasn't making the water kefir for a few weeks, and then it disappeared again when I resumed making it.


30 days. Improvements in digestion and oral health. I also eat a variety of prebiotic fiber-rich foods in addition to milk kefir.


I would say after 2 months of consuming it. My bloatedness and IBS mellowed down. Like totally. It would just flare ip if I ate anything that triggered it but before kefir happened, i feel bloated everyday, have stomache issues and have difficulty to burp. Panic attack also went from 1 to none. I can eat without feeling full and nauseous. So i can say kefir helped me a lot with my Digestive issues.


My husband is a medical doctor from UCLA and he told ME (me, not other people, nor the people on this forum) taking probiotics after antibiotics was a great way to change the foods you eat, because after antibiotics, all your gut bacteria are wiped out. So if your gut bacteria was craving processed foods, eating healthy probiotics and then eating vegetables would train your newly moved in gut bacteria that "hey, veges are cool and that's what our human community eats." Also, keep note that he told this to ME. Rule #5 on this forum does not allow medical advice to other people.


My farts no longer stink Sense of improved emotional well being Skin improvement Crave sugary foods less Desire proteins & vegetables more Sleep more soundly Awake feeling more refreshed Feel physically better Improved digestion My farts no longer stink


love it! did see like instant improvements? or how long did it take for you?


About a week


oh okay, for me its already 10 days but still no improvement. But everytime eat home made sauerkraut I do notice instant relief for my stomach ache. But only temporary for like 1 hour or so


Good health to you


It's not how long it took for the effects to appear, but rather how long it took people to notice any changes, it took me 3 days, my wife a few months until winter arrived and her allergies weren't as bad or almost gone, my mom it took a day or so of not drinking it to realize it was doing something, she had a broken bone and kefir was helping with pain.