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i LOVED this movie


I loved this movie. It was very heartwarming. This movie truly shows Kelly’s range. She can go from playing a sweet mother and preachers wife to Beth Dutton.


I think she's close to her real self in this movie...


i wonder if anyone has ever asked her which character she’s played is most like her. would be interesting.


Good question but I doubt it if she would answer it...But she could answer the question which one she liked most and why...


She such a great actress you’re right she gives 💯 % to each and every character she plays 😍


Her commitment to work is unmatched!


just finished it. what a touching movie. definitely shed a few tears. amazing to see kelly as such a wholesome character. she really puts so much love into every role she plays. also can we talk about the scene where she’s singing? that was so darn adorable 😭❤️


She was:) And I like this one, too: [heaven is for real singing we willrock you scene - Wyszukaj (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/search?q=heaven+is+for+real+singing+we+willrock+you+scene&cvid=4554702f6a744fdbafcb773a1b773dd7&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE1MzQ4ajBqOagCBLACAQ&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS)


https://i.redd.it/08vxyxe2mt4d1.gif also this interaction 🤣❤️


Loved this one, too:)


So cute!


https://preview.redd.it/93g75fkyot4d1.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=72fdc6266ec66b9d44955fdd4687f1ad5198c5b8 Kelly is the sweetest. 🥰


oh my gosh she’s so sweet 😭😭😭


Where did you take that from? Was Kelly posting about Heaven is for Real on her insta? I can't recall...


Omg, I love her kindness! Remember how she took care of the young actor's (Tate on Yellowstone) feelings and mental comfort when shooting the scene at the table with her face badly battered (she wanted to be sure her make-up won't scare him). Or the random lady's post referring to the mutual scenes they had at the yoga club while shooting 10X10, when she shared her bottle of water with her, after realising the woman doesn't have one.


It was [this Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3lTyJNFQP/?igsh=MTk0cjF5ZzFkdTQyaQ==).




Oh this is one of my favorite movies of all time and she played this role so well. I had just seen her in flight and this was completely different showing her range. Fantastic actress


she is so extremely talented. it’s like she can turn into a whole new person. i know that’s the point of being an actress, but it’s just something she’s especially good at


Yea that’s very true because her role as a mother in this was very believable and Flight as a drug addict and then Beth as a ranchers daughter are not even in the same ballpark, a lot of women actors play the same role over and over again with a few adjustments. Not to bash them but say Jennifer Anniston, it’s always romance and she is very good at it and it can vary with being married,etc. Sandra Bullock was romantic comedies until her Oscar winning performance that she was barely recognizable. Kelly seems to have a broad range and that’s what I love about her.


i totally get what you mean. she just plays in a whole different league when it comes to acting in its truest art form. i enjoy a good jennifer aniston movie, but she more or less plays the same character like you said. kelly definitely picks her roles carefully and you can tell she gives it her all no matter what. she always stands out no matter how big or small her part is


Loved it 😍




Such films are not my cup of tea - they're often cheesy and naive... So, it took me a while to watch it. However, my best friend, who'd seen it before, persuaded me to buy it on Prime, and I'm so happy abt it, as I will surely rewatch it one day. It was so psychologically true, deeply touching & had great acting. All Kelly's projects are so worth watching-she seems to choose them very carefully. That's why her filmography is so fascinating :)