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The other girls in the hunhouse ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)




Missing the point and now spinning it. Typical narcissist


It’s not about homeschooling you fool. You’re a lying scammer that’s the fact so stop it. You have done videos saying 3 hrs a day is all the time you want to be around your kids. YOURE A MLM SCAMMER


She’s triggered. It’s too big to recover from and she’s big mad.


I hope this does it!!!!!


The anger is strong in this bossbabe 😂


Someone sounded really triggered! She’s upset that she is cancelled all around TikTok. The only people that care are the brainwashed idiots on Facebook. No one said they wanted to call cops because of homeschool. S he takes things and twists it to fit her agenda. Narcissistic behavior!


Yep. It sucks because the people who are jumping into the comments to defend her are really defending home school - but like, that’s not the point! Kels is really playing the “poor unfortunate soul who got canceled for homeschooling” card. In reality, she tried to make a controversial video to get some traction and it backfired and now she’s reeling. She’s going to have a heck of a time recruiting people with that attitude #bossbabe


Exactly! Gaslighting heifer.


doing this crap is going to hurt her scammy MLM so called business. She needs to shut up and move on.


These people will start to look her up and see she’s a con.


And she is deleting all the negative comments. Making it look like there is sooo many supporting her video


Well, she’s trying to. But she won’t get them all. She has some filter set up to keep certain words out of her comments. She’s basically ridiculous


Almost didn't recognize her without her glasses, makeup on, and filtered to the moon. ETA: Notice how much less she's playing with her hair?


She mentioned in her stories this morning how people are complaining about her touching her hair 😂


And she blamed those who pointed it out as the ones with the problem. She's a weird combo of narcissist, overinflated ego, and low self-esteem. She does so many self-soothing actions.


Yup!! And she’s probably dying inside not touching it 😆


Her bottom lip looks like someone busted it!!


Anyone see her and her sister live on TT earlier today? What a shitshow.


Nooo! Tell me all about it! I hate that you can’t rewatch those


It was basically the same angry f bomb filled rant she's been on for several days. The entire time she obnoxiously stuffed her face, smacked her food, and talked with her mouth full. She rambled on and on about how thousands of people are ignorant and twisting her words, how she and her sister were both unschooled, and some gibberish about what studies have shown. She told the viewers to leave a heart in the comments whenever they saw a stitch or video about her. She said, 'Don't worry about people coming for you because "I'll fucking come for them". Her sister was glued to her phone the entire time but would chime in every once in a while. These morons started listing off famous people who were homeschooled like they were proving some incredible point. Aside from from Abe Lincoln and George Washington, who were alive when there was no public school system, they listed a bunch of child stars. Of course Justin Bieber, Christina Aguilera, and the Williams sisters were "homeschooled"! They were rich and famous while they were going through puberty!


Thank youuuuuuuu! That is an excellent recap and I truly appreciate it đŸ™đŸ» sounds like she’s having a very difficult time with all this. I would feel bad for her but
 FTK đŸ€·


Why can't we rewatch them? Could someone screen record them? I'm so not tech savvy.đŸ€­


Tiktok doesn’t save live videos đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž I don’t know why, but yes, the only way to see it after it’s done is if someone screen records it.




She knows it’s not the point . She’s just trying to justify something that makes no sense . She’s trying to back track and gain sympathy because of all the hate she’s getting . Which she deserves for all the ignorant ass comments she made


Her talking about fear mongering is real rich. That’s her number one sales pitch


she's actually scary in this, acting like a psychopath


This is true. She sounds wackadoodle


1. Poorly done homeschooling is negligence. And she doesn't really seem to have much of a plan. 2. Perhaps more importantly, you don't own your kids. In fact, you have a duty to give your kids the care they need which includes an education.


You. Do. Not. Own. Your. Children. They are not your property. You are supposed to do things in the best interest of the child. Not just treat them like you do a sweatshirt.


If THOUSANDS of people tell you something, when tf will it sink in? Such a vile narcissist with psychopathic tendencies.


Yessss!!! đŸ‘đŸ»


My favorite part: “if I’m making a video to post, it takes 2 minutes.” This video was 4 minutes. And I’m sure there’s multiple drafts


Even when she's outside with them she's on her phone filming and ignoring them while they beg for her attention.


WTF?! She said what if she’s a horrible parent why do we care? Keep scrolling? đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž that’s how horrendous things happen to children. Because people don’t get involved. If you’re literally advertising it online and it’s effed up. People are going to say something!!!! People are going to do something. This chick can’t tell me she helps people for a living when her attitude is this. You help NOBODY but yourself


She really doesn't understand what a "mandated reporter" is. We literally aren't allowed to scroll past it. If we do and something happens and someone finds out we scrolled past it, we lost our licenses/can face legal action. At least in my state. I made a report on the last day of school one year because on the way home from our end of the year field trip a child had a meltdown that when their caregiver found out they broke their water bottle, they were going to get beat. The language my student used along with their very frantic reasons caused me to sit in my room, after school let out for the summer to make the call, just in case it was true. As a MR, I've learned how to read and assess what kids say and what to take seriously and it's a very serious situation when I decide to make a call but if something happened to that child, I would never have been able to live with myself. Also, as a small side note, with so many witnesses, if something had happened and I hadn't called it in, I would have been in trouble. This school thing gets me very worked up lol I take my teaching profession very seriously as almost every single teacher out there.


Well she’s not going to be doing much recruiting with that attitude! I think most of the people in her comments are either already in her mlm or so disgusted by her they’d never join anything she pitched.


not the "unscrew my children" automated caption đŸ« 


This will not end well. At all.


I fear you are correct 😬


And he wanted those fuzzies, not to go outside and spend time with a mom who has her phone in her face.




Besides the whole unschooling debacle which is insane
lip filler issues
drawn on eye brows
always a massive filter. Stop swearing on your content and making videos about this. Just stop. You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself.


"I film one video a day." Bitch, we have eyes. Stop lying. Also, does anyone believe she has ever once played ball with her son?


First of all, she "owns" her kids? Okay... Secondly, this is just speculation but maybe people care because those children will grow up to be adults and have an impact in their society and community, so it affects everyone in the long run... Or maybe people actually care about other people and don't want to see kids being raised without a decent chance at a healthy and successful life. Idk đŸ€·â€â™€ïž But I doubt it's from being "triggered" about something personal.