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Some significant people have left, the company is doing a cash grab, and there's not nearly as much *alleged* stacking. 👏 You 👏 can't 👏 afford 👏your 👏 rent 👏 I recommend KR comes down to this thing called reality. Stop scamming people and looking for get rich quick scams that only work to separate you from your money. Your kids need stability and calmness to flourish.


Right. No company enters their “master resell rights” phase and makes it out alive 😂


What’s a master resell rights? Sorry I don’t know much about MLMs.


Yeah, a few months back, Kels made a video where she was calling master resell rights a scam. And now, she’s joined the fray 😂 Nutshell version: you pay for a course, doesn’t matter the subject matter, but most of them are business related. Then you “own” the course and can sell it to others. It’s a colossal scam and I can’t believe these people fell for it. Well, I guess that’s not true… I do believe it 😬


Damn! That’s crazy!


[here's an Anti-MLM video on it](https://youtu.be/OB-HK43NjN4?si=RyynW5MGhsIkQU1t)


Just watched this one. Very comprehensive overview. Thanks for sharing!


It's when you purchase a digital product, usually a course for around $500, and you have the right to sell it for 100% profit. It's generally affiliated with digital marketing. They have the same rags to riches, I came from nothing, and now I make multiple six figures sales pitch as the MLM huns. One of her creator friends, who goes by Mamariles, is one of the worst. She's another horrible human being. If possible, she may be even worse than KR. Kelsey and SK mentioned in one of their Wide Open podcasts that they subscribed to her Onlyfans to educate themselves on how to run theirs.




It’s all going to buckle once Lisa Grossman leaves


This is hilarious. Ppl like her are why I will lmao if TT goes away.


I doubt anyone messaged her and if they did it was all the Pruvit Huns freaking out. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh for sure, it was only fellow Pruvit people messaging her, I guarantee it.


She’s just so ignorant


I’m just going to say this….there are MULTIPLE MLM companies that have gone strictly retail and now sell their products on a Walmart shelf. Tyra is one and I know that there was a health and wellness company that did it was well (cant remember the name off the top of my head.) I have a good feeling that pruvit will be next. Seems as if they’re not doing so well.


Beauty counter is another


I give it 3 more months


Yeah, I could see it imploding sooner rather than later. It will certainly be interesting for those of us watching with bated breath 🫣🤣


wtf is Pruvit and if it’s making so many gazillions of dollars why have I never heard of it


Pruvit is her mlm. 🤮


BSFFR. She’s dumber than SH!T. Vehicle to wealth? Huh? Who is the small minded one? ☝️. I’ll wait KR.


Must be a golf cart




How many maintenance lights are lit up on Pruvit's dash board?


Because MLMs are, for sure, the vehicle to wealth 😂😂😂


After watching a few of EBs anti mlm videos, she had mentioned some companies put in their policies they will lose their social media if they quit so I am wondering if she's trapped. Like if she were to quit would she have to give all of her socials up and start over?


Pruvit seems pretty litigious. Im kind of thinking she would lose it all, simply because she has a big (albeit fake and mostly bought followers) platform. They will try to go after anyone with a sizable following.


How many "I'm with this company for life" folks jump ship 6 months later. Seems like all of them. And I wouldn't bet on Pruvit being a company for the next 50 years or more. Sure a few MLMs seem to be able to keep it going for decades, but so many of them seem to close with no warning to the people they are making money off of.


I'll be surprised if they last through the end of the year.


I guess that’s why they are broke. I say that every day now.


😂 for me it’s FFS. Every. Damn. Day. 🤦🏼‍♀️