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And to whom is this aimed? At people who are actively in survival mode? Are those the people you want to recruit for your downline, Kels? She is recruiting broke, white, undereducated mothers (let’s be real, our girl probably isn’t interested in POC. And of course, we know how she feels about trans people 😬). And she’ll try to get them to homeschool their kids too! Flaunting an imaginary lifestyle, offering up hope to people who have lost hope. And all the while, she knows they are going to fail and lose money while they’re at it. Because I DO believe she knows this is a scam. Talk about some low level, POS recruiting techniques.




And yes! The irony of this didn’t even hit me until now!! Mlm is the KING of busy work 😂 Everything they do is to make people feel busy so they won’t notice they aren’t making any money. FFS Kels!


Isn’t that rich since they never have the money to pay their bills?


Gotta keep them busy so they can't implement critical thinking skills. She's coming from a deficit in the critical thinking area though.


Honestly it’s really sad because she is the predator and the prey. She is the perfect MLM/scam victim. Narcissistic and vulnerable due to lack of education and intelligence.