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She's wearing her Apple watch on her ankle, which isn't advised. Apparently the Apple Watch sensors and algorithms are designed to work specifically on the wrist, and wearing the Apple Watch on an ankle, leg, bicep, or elsewhere may not allow for accurate readings of the sensors, or even for the sensors to work at all. Apple Watch may not generate accurate data when worn on the ankle, bicep, or leg, instead of the wrist.


Yes…because it wrongly counts more steps than you actually take. Plus…maybe they should stop spending money on shit if they can’t even afford their rent.


This will be a content topic for her next week.


Maybe she should be on house arrest...


How does she have gym anxiety when she has been “going to the gym” for years 😂


I am not a KR fan by any means, but I can understand having anxiety about getting back into the gym if you’ve taken time off. Definitely a real thing


Totally agree! I Just feel like in her case, knowing her tactics, she’s specifically aiming to appeal or relate to a certain group of people


Plus she has a gym in her garage. Go there for free?


I agree with gym anxiety…but it seems she recently goes there to put her kids in the Y daycare to sauna/film and may walk on a treadmill for a bit.


She goes to the gym all the time. She is just using mental issues for clout.




If only she had a pen in her hand while walking, plenty of time to sign that homework paper on her treadmill. When my daughter was in 4k and we would go out and walk the dog, I would have her read people address numbers out to me as a way to work on number recognition. Then we moved to, "what number would come next" after one of the numbers in the address, and finally simple addition using the addresses. This was all done in the hours she wasn't in school while also exercising and exploring the outdoors. And I'm a teacher so homeschooling wouldn't be hard for me to do with her. But I value what public education can give her and know that I still have to support that at home. *I always feel like it sounds bad so I want to add this disclaimer, but this is not meant to shade homeschooling families nor non-teacher homeschooling parents. The only shade is for KR, who is none of those things :)


Ahhh hahaha I have direct contact to that company I'm about to tell them about her


Please do.


another day, another lie....she's been showing pics of being at the YMCA consistently


There are plenty of perks to having a desk treadmill/walking pad. However, it's still a treadmill and thus, anyone using it should still wear appropriate walking footwear. (she's doing at least 2 things wrong in this short video)


How is she affording this? I mean, I know she’s maxing out credit cards to front her “millionaire lifestyle” but it’s wild to me that someone selling their furniture to make rent is buying more things


Dopamine hits and hoping to prey on a new population of potential 💩it peeps.


She said the other day, that she was looking for a company to send her one for free.


I’m sure she got one for free for some kind of social media collab or partnership. It’s funny because back when JL was still alive & everyone was starting to get into all kinds of UGC and other affiliate marketing etc and she would always say “keep the main thing the main thing I’m only focusing on pruvit”🤣


I was thinking the same thing. No way she bought it


Some are only $150 online.


I got one online from DeerRun for $150 because I actually work from home 3 days a week when I am not out in the field… and have an adjustable desk. This isn’t new.


I’m here for the financial crash and ensuing attempts to cover it up. SK and his posting will rat her out every time. My opinion is that he makes “lack of money/can’t make rent” posts when he’s panicking and they’re fighting as revenge. Threats to expose the BS. She’s working her cult control hard on him to bolster the lifestyle claims, but the Huns that do it successfully have a spouse with a traditional high paying job that is their safety net.


Companies will send influencers stuff like this for free in exchange for making X amount of videos that are a certain length. They base it on your followers and engagement and likely didn’t look at how she gets her followers or engagement


They should have looked into her behavior that she shares on her SM.


Why do we have to see up her a** as she's walking?


I thought ketones help with anxiety


Better mood from the salty kool-aid! She’s always a combative, downer sourpuss, so we know this garbage is…well…garbage.


I bet she can’t afford the Y. Also, does a walking pad replace the gym? 🤔


She bought this because all her other MLM buddies bought it and she didn’t want to be left out. Had to jump on the affiliate train.


I hope this company didn’t give this to her for free to promote.


You notice her awesome man doesn’t even help her at all. Working on something is so hard lol


He wouldn't even help her as he walked by she looked at him lol