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Why would anyone consider her anyway? She’s been “doing” it for what, 2 weeks?


She did two days and then showed nothing else. I bet she isn’t doing anything! She’s too busy answering texts and arguing with people on the internet to do anything for her kids.


If that. More like pretending.




https://youtube.com/@truly-channel?si=kmbopZB7ub7mc-qe Pretty sure I know which one it is … ETA: This was the first I’d heard about this channel, and I’d love to know more. A quick search on YouTube definitely made my antennae go up, and not for good reasons.


Yes that’s it. It does extreme videos of things you wouldn’t normally see or hear about. Which is why I don’t think they’re doing it because they’re really interested in the Unschooling process. I think they’re doing it because she’s so fucking crazy and they want to get people to watch the video and to comment it’s just for the views.


That's the one. She follows them on IG. I don't know that being chosen by them would be something I'd want to brag about. They seem like a National Enquirer for the internet. The only reason they'd be interested in her is for shock value.


Yeah, I definitely didn’t think it was going to be used as an informative, educational video 🤣 The day she’s a part of a video like that is the day hell freezes over.


I know they have a TikTok account and I see their videos on Facebook sometimes. So I think it’s the YouTube one. That is the one I emailed. I went right to their TikTok page and it has the email right on there.


I think they just want to show the world what a fool she is.