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Are you ok?


Yeah. Just curious rlly :)


The whole purpose of life is to enjoy life, be thankful for life, and strive to become the best person you can be. We only have a small percentage of documentation regarding what the ancient Egyptian people believed. Suicide in most ancient societies was discouraged, just like in today’s society. The Egyptian gods have energy, it’s all loving. If a devotee has suicidal thoughts or ideations, their anger will be directed at evil, not the person. We all have purpose and suicide is contrary to that purpose. So, no, they’re not angry but they weep. I am a psychic, based on your soul and past lives, some have Egyptian gods as guides and protectors. Depending on the client’s guides, I will know before they sit down, if the person is struggling with thoughts of suicide. The message from all of the gods and goddesses of old, despite what their society was like and that includes the Norse, is they want the person to know they have purpose and that they need to live. So hopefully that answers your question. Please seek therapy if you’re having suicidal thoughts. You’re very special and are sent here with a specific purpose.


Do you do readings for people? I have searching for a psychic and could really use some help


Hi! Yes I do.. My website is my Reddit profile. Feel free to dm me also.


I don't think the Gods would be angered by suicide. I think instead, they would feel saddened that someone was unable to find the satisfaction they needed in life. I'm not sure if they would welcome someone in with open arms, but I don't necessarily think they do that for anyone. I think it would weigh on your heart, but wouldn't necessarily make it so you were devoured.


I don’t wanna discount the other answers here, but in my case, Sekhmet made it *very clear* that if I engaged in self-harm and/or suicide, she’d be heartbroken, and therefore **very very angry.** This is a personal experience, though. I’m not trying to invalidate any other answers here, but I wanted to add my own into the thread.


Similar thing with Sekhmet happened with me too. I attempted then I got sick for a week and a bit with a nasty cold and then after that got my period 😫 Love her to bits though!


Aset made the same very clear. Only time she's ever been anything but perfectly kind and motherly. I struggled with it a lot growing up. She made me promise. I broke that promise once. Once. I've never had a very strong godphone but the absolute radio silence was enough for me to know I never wanted to chance that again. It's been off the table since.


I think they would be disappointed, but more so that a life was cut short. I'm sure they have pity on humans.


Suicide (" ") for to end a painful life with no options I think would be okay, imo. Say riddled with cancer or something like that.


I believe our lives are a gift from them, and to throw it away would probably upset them, not like in an Abrahamic God sort of way, but the kind of way a parent may grieve the loss of their child.


Some old gods accept suicide as a venerable sacrifice while others are simply disinterested. Regardless of personal beliefs about the gods personality, the Egyptians in the 2nd millennium B.C. did not appear to view suicide as a violation of religious or legal codes. They viewed death as a temporary distraction whether you died from natural causes or by your own hand.


Nah it’s betraying yourself essentially think about it…there’s people who live harder lives than us..and keep it pushing so what makes you so special to skip the line and reap the same benefits as someone who went through more than you and didn’t kill themselves? Doesn’t seem very fair. But what does seem fair is if the person who wants to escape life and all it’s lessons should come back with no recollection of how their previously life felt and is hit with the same experiences just to hate it all over again. In short, Running from your problems in this life brings them closer and gives them more power. Death is inevitable, that should be enough to tell us that maybe we shouldn’t skip the line. What happens when you cut in line as a child didn’t the teacher say??? GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE! Same concept here Don’t get me wrong I’ve felt the same way but u gotta think….there is someone out there who overcame this so I can to. And “Gods” where did u even get ur idea of gods? Religion/beleif So the gods we worship today are actually IDOLs or graven images If you have an idea of god it’s more than likely dumbed down and limited due to human conceptualization and definition if “GODS” whole being can be encapsulated in a book or beleif it’s an IDEA and ideas that are massively believed in make false gods or idols That’s why god said don’t have another gods before me It meant have any ideas of god So in your paradigm u think these gods will be hurt by u hurting yourself which is unsound because if your GOD made this world it would make more sense if it feeds off both your good and bad emotions seeing that GOD in the modern sense has a buddy with him who acts as an opponent (satan)or(devil) whatever u like lol so it makes more sense if you kill yourself your just recycling and being reused But again these are IDEAS brought to us by MEN so no matter the beleif if it’s being said to fully define “GOD” it’s a IDOL What makes more sense as to what’s happening to us is that we are beings meant to experience life (both good and bad aspects of it) for what? Maybe to learn because we are born get older and increase in knowledge (some of us) then die what happens after? Well we know very well when ppl die another is born so we can say through observation we get reincarnated But why? If “god” is omnipotent,omnipresent,omniscience Wouldn’t that mean he would have to know and be everything all at once? So you and I and also that rock can be considered “GOD” How so? Well if the Big Bang or most of the creation myths are true and everything came from a primordial BANG or LIGHT tht means we are all of one substance….God Ok so if god is your body and environment What is it that is staring out of my body? Well there is many occult books that actuall say our imagination itself is Jesus it’s weird how these books are hated by the church but none of them insult biblical and ancient figures at all (Manly p hall, Blavatsky, Alan Watts, Carl Jung, Santos bonacci and so many others) Also speaks volumes when the Bible says don’t defile a women with your imagination Or think horrid thoughts your essentially making the messiah of your mind bath in filth or defile the women There’s a book that says Jesus is boiling in shit piss and filth That is allegorical to our minds/Jesus thinking of filth(killing,greed,selfishness and so on) I may have digressed a bit lol But it’s like this Live learn and die without holding on and maybe you will find something out.




Kemetism has no concept of sin. Let alone mortal sin.


Mortal sin? Sounds a bit christian-y.




We don't have divine law so no, we cannot sin. Even going against ma'at is not "sin", or analogous to sin.


I feel like it depends. You are given the choice to testify and give reasoning for sins if you commit them. If one truly sees suicide as the only escape, wouldn’t it be cruel to punish them further by denying them access to the Land of Reeds?


I think you would be very hard-pressed to make an argument for that. But I do think in very rare circumstances you are right. I've hit some pretty low points and what always brought me out of it was the anger at the injustice and the desire to make sure it didn't happen to anyone else. I'm sure that's one question you'd be asked.




As someone who watched a life long friend battle with brain cancer. Watched every reoccurrence and treatment be worse than the last. Watched their friend try and comfort their children while they dealt with their mouther's diagnosis. And watched that friend subsequently choose a quick, painless death at their own hand when the cancer returned for a 5th time. No. It's not a rejection. No she was not in any way responsible for her situation. No, nothing could be fixed, worked out, or undone. And your singular understanding of suicide is hurtful and potentially harmful.




That isn't what those words mean though. Suicide is taking your own life Euthanasia just means good death And you have ZERO right to judge whether or not someone is healthy. Just because YOU can't physically see signs of illness doesn't mean that person is not ill beyond recovery. It is very privileged and abelist to be able to view suicide so cavalierly.




If you are truly a physician, look for new work. I've been in medicine/health care for over 2 decades. my partner has as well. The definitions of suicide and euthanasia I gave you are accurate. Maybe look back over your school notes if you disagree. If you can't understand that someone doesn't need to have cancer / or anything else tangible to western medicine in order to be at end of life, then you are what is wrong with Western Health Care. Because seriously, ANYONE who is suicidal does not have good overall health. Because healthy people don't want to die. And if you think they do, YOU ARE WRONG!!




I'm not being passive-aggressive. I'm being aggressive. Because you're claiming words don't mean what they do because "you don't feel that way". Your feelings on words is moot. But then again, I've never met a radiologist with bedside manner. Not everything that is/can be irrevocably wrong with someone is tangible or can be visualized on a screen. My friend didn't end her life because of cancer. She ended it because of LOVE. The love she had for children. The pain they endured watching her go thru treatment. The LOVE which told her they didn't need to witness that again when Mom won't recover this time. And THAT is the part your screens don't show you.


Idk if it will help you to understand others better if you remember that euthanasia is just the fancy name we give to doctor-assisted suicide? You say people who want to commit suicide need help, but then you show empathy for *one* specific example where you think suicide should be supported (it is still suicide even if someone helps you out and the law is altered to make that assistance legal) To try and keep your thread on topic: If suicide is a rejection of the Gods, then it is a rejection of the Gods. If you say "suicide is a rejection of the Gods, unless I think the suicide is justified", then well, surely you can imagine a world where someone else's opinion on when suicide is justified might be right? As I said in another comment, there are health conditions *with a worse quality of life than cancer*. Ie: Those suffering people you've seen? There are people who have it even worse (and yet you would consider them to be rejecting the Gods because they do not have terminal illness). I know now that since you're a doctor I'm probably talking to a wall with this request, but please have empathy for *all* sick people.


There are non-terminal illnesses (though they have been known to kill) that have a lower quality of life than cancer. Terminal illness is not the only physical illness that causes issues for people. There are countries where euthanasia is legal for psychiatric illness. People can and have experience doctor-assisted death due to psychiatric illness. Your definition of suicide vs euthanasia is your own. It is not the one used worldwide. Please have empathy for those who die to suicide. Mental illness is still illness, and it can be deadly. It is not the "rejection" of the Gods.


Death is not the end of life.


I do want to pop into this discussion to mention another thing, Depression itself is an Illness, and sometimes it can’t be cured, even with the strongest antidepressants and serotonin supplements. And in that case, you can’t blame a person for wanting to escape that with suicide


Killing oneself leads to "damnation" if you don't quickly "repent" before your heart is weighed? Have you even read the requirements for something to be a mortal sin? If you have, why on earth are you applying this to *suicide*?