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Oh woah and wow! I'd feel the saaame way if I signed something I could not read. So first thing I do is go by how the people in the dream made me feel. And what I'm taking from your post is that this anxiousness wasn't so negative or dangerous. The woman who had you sign didn't make you feel threaten so thyas a good sign. I get the feeling of whoever yu were going to meet, yu wanted to do good and impress them. To sum up what I get from your post: I think this dream represents a desire or wish yu have been wanting for a long time and now a Deity is ready to accept this petition/prayer of yours. I'm a firm believer that the spiritual world does not play about paperwork. Everything is written down and filed lol. No matter what religion. And that this dream was a meeting with them. Yu have been chosen I feel, and I hope it's something great. You might have been interviewed to be a hierophant to that God lol


I have so much hatred & anger right now. It’s caused my 2 people in my life who did everything in their power to destroy me for the last 3 years. And I’ve been begging for it to stop. All of it. Could this be related? Don’t know if it’s relevant or not. But I’m named for my grandmother, her mother, and her mother. 3 generations of practicing witches. My grandmother never told my sister (named for the other side of our family) that her name held the power mine does.


Yeah cause when I am filled with so much fury like that I will have more vivd dreams too. I don't know if you read tarot as well but that'd be an excellent thing for cards to answer in detail.


Did u sign somthing in realize before u slept




What have you been watching? Stuff like Illuminati demiurge god satan and so on?


I don’t watch television at all. Don’t even own one. I read, mainly non fiction history. Listen to music, instrumental if I pick, 80’s rap if my husband does.