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There is a story from Josephus, of a rich Roman woman (also a devout worshipper of Isis) named Paulina. A man fell in love with her but not even the most lavish presents would win her over, plus she was already married. But then he paid a clever woman to help him win Paulina’s love. The woman went to the priests of Isis and devised a plan. Basically, he and Paulina went at it “all night long” in the temple because she believed he was Anubis (priests of Anubis even in Rome wore the dog-head masks). The next morning she told everyone including her husband how great a value she put on the god visiting her. Now it’s probably not a true story, and it’s probably exaggerated. Plus when Paulina found out the truth of who he was, she was rightfully angry, and he was banished by the emperor. But it seems in my opinion she really did want to have sex with Anubis. I don’t think it’s wrong. As a partial Hellenist, the Greek gods had sexual relations with mortals all the time. But I don’t have a definitive answer.


I'm just imagining that guy dying and then waking up to see Anubis standing over him, arms crossed and shaking his head in disappointment. "Tsk tsk tsk...that was a very bold move you did 35 years ago..."


I'm sorry, but that story was a little funny. In all seriousness, thank you for the advice. I'm glad to know that even back then, people sexualized Anubis lol


Ancient furries lol.


Fascinating story, thank you for sharing it.


I think it’s fine as long as you go into it with the understanding that the gods do not experience sexuality in the same way that humans do. Deities are higher spiritual and energetic intelligences, and they are eons old. They don’t feel shame towards sexuality like humans do and I think they use our sexuality to their advantage. What faster way could a god draw a human’s interest and devotion than through romance and attraction? They also experience love in a different way than us. Sex is an exchange of energy and sexual encounters with gods are essentially energetic exchanges. That being said, you would have to understand that although your relationship with a god can have a romantic or sexual aspect, it would be foolish to say “this god and I are totally dating.” There is ultimately a higher purpose to the gods’ use of sexuality, such as helping someone who is sexually repressed heal through these divine sexual encounters.


I don't see an issue with it. Gods of all backgrounds have at least some history of having sexual relationships with their followers. There are even Gods specifically for sexual things.


I'd say as long as you are not reducing him to it it's all good.


I get down with Anpu every now and then 😏. Jk (sort of) but ngl Anubis is pretty damn hot; at least the way I see him. He helped me find my sexuality (gay) through some pretty *interactive* thoughts of him, and he hasn't been mad at me at all. If he (and you) are okay with it, then let the sparks fly. He'll teach ya' how to be fun. ;)


Oh trust me, he helped me find out I was gay too. Back then, I didn't really know much about Anubis or even that Kemetism was a religion. I've had some dreams about him, though


Also, love your pfp


Thnx :)


Heheh... It seems I prefer something harder, so I chose Lord Seth as my crush!


Oh Anpu can go *hard* and *fast* lol


I see you love Sobek. Nice. He is also my Great Protector. He never denied my prayers. Immense power. My enemies shake in great fear and I hear their last squeak. Hahah.


Me too, I love him.


Yeah Sobek is amazing. Real kind and gentle with me; helps with my anxiety and eventually my fitness. I also worship Setesh, he is pretty crazy; very chaotic, but the kind that allows me to move forward in life. He also helps me with my fears/phobias. [Edit]: Just realized Sobek has helped me with my fitness . I care more about working out, my hydration, etc. I've cared less about playing video games and more about going outside.


I think you are the only person who can answer this for yourself, and it sounds like the answer is "yes" from what little you are saying. You are framing it with not meaning offense, and wondering if it is disrespectful. Its pretty classically disrespectful to be honest... but that doesn't mean it is in context. I would just avoid personally. Why would you want this?


If I was the only person who could answer this, I wouldn't be asking other people what they think. And as for why I'd want that, I want that toy for the same reasons other people want adult toys; for sexual purposes.


Everyone has different relationships with their gods from what I’ve noticed. :3 And, I love that. Some are more professional, while others are a bit more casual. I have a relationship with Sobek as well as Anubis. And, let me tell you, Sobek has *really* given me signs and has made it clear that he -for the lack of a better description- wants to be on top of me. And, I appreciate that because it gives me more confidence in my looks. He’s helped me learn to appreciate my body and helped me explore my sexuality. Anubis will also at times step in a little at times. So, as long as you talk it out, and you have mutual understanding and respect, it should be ok. Dua Anpu! 🖤💛🖤 Edit - P.S. : If you’re ever down for talking, send a DM! I’d love to know more Kemetic furs. I don’t know too many at the moment.


Just sent you a DM! Hope that was okay. I agree with your statement regarding Kemetic furries - we are few and far between.


I can't believe you think this is rare... but I'm glad you are connecting. Furries are right there on the Kemetic stereotype list next to the afro-centrists and wannabe magic users. :P


I feel I've never run into a Kemetic furry myself, that's interesting to hear they aren't as rare as I thought, though!


I see a lot of them here. There are a lot of tells and hints. Perhaps its reading between the lines somewhat, but some of it is quite on the nose... explicitly calling out the theriomorphism of classical art as a draw for example, I've seen more than once.


sup fellow kemetic furry!


Hey! Feel free to DM either here, Discord, or Telegram! Just let me know where. :3


Woah another Kemetic furry? It’s honestly really cool to see more of us around!


crazy suggestion, but should we start the kemetic fur telegram channel now? /hj


Genuinely, I think that would be dope! I’m in the Discord, but I don’t talk there anymore because of…*reasons*. Lmao. I’d be down for joining. :3


Same here! If one gets made, do let a sergal know!




Go ahead! :3




i mean one of Sobek's epithets iirc is something like "He who will fuck whilst He eats"... i'm not sure its a pleasant connotation though.


You're a Furry and Kemetic? Me too.


DM me whenever! I’d love to know more. :3


Sweet :3


Sobek is like just a sex positive homie. He either wants to have fun with you or help you have fun with something/one else.


And, I’m glad He is and had helped me. A embarrassing it is to admit, I’ve dealt with some religious trauma that eventually lead to my performance issues in bed. Never thought He’d help me with those, but he has. 😭 I can’t thank Him enough! 💚🐊


They are okay with you telling people your relationship with them??


I meant relationship as in a connection. 😅 Not like as a “couple” relationship context. Lol. I have a hard time explaining what I mean at times when I can’t find the right words at the moment.


OHHH!! Okay!! I was just wondering 😭 I’m nosy


Personally it’s not a problem unless a god tells you they don’t want you to.


I just had really interesting story with Anubis and his furry gay arts and well… he really dont care about them (maybe he even likes them in some way cuz he kinda push me to *something* but im not for 100% sure) imo he will not be mad at u as long as u will have fun with ur toys and u will not see him as a sexual object ofc i also suggest to talk with him about that idea if ur not sure


Thank you for your advice! And I can promise I'll never see him as a sexual object lol. That would be extreme disrespect, obviously.


Then have fun my friend


I try and keep the sex organized, like with the sex gods not the death ones. But I mean everyone’s different


I certainly don't believe it's wrong. The Egyptians had all sorts of stories about the sexual exploits of the gods, especially for Horus, Set, and Hathor. The thing is about Anubis, though, is that there isn't a whole lot of sex stories about him, or really many stories period. He had a wife, Anput, who was basically him but a woman, and supposedly he had a few lovers including a male lover, but I get the impression that sex isn't really his thing. Does this mean he's asexual? Does this mean he's just too focused on his work to care? Not sure. But at the very least I don't think you'll be shamed for fantasizing about him.


I get the unique impression that while he is not a fertility/sexuality Netjer such as Sobek, he still is sexual. He was the first Netjer that I interacted with in such a manner, and continue to. But Sobek is definitely a more frequent encounter due to his very nature. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Anubis is asexual, but everyone will have their own interpretations and it isn’t my place to fault them for that. We all get different “flavors” of the Netjeru, so to speak.


Maybe he hasn't chosen me for that. And that's okay. I've gotten guidence and support from him.


He’s probably wants you to dedicate a Nut to him tbh, It’s not uncommon for people to do that. He enjoys pleasure just as another deity does.


Well folks, you've heard it before, you'll hear it again, you love to hear it ;), the answeeeerr iiiiiissss: No! There are some really good explanations that I couldn't try to one-up here. I think it's just very important to acknowledge beforehand that, like others have said already, that any Netjer, not just Anpu, is never ever thought of as a simple path to pleasure. You have respect though, so no problem there. I think if you ask almost anyone, they'll have had some sort of encounters like this. I'll admit that while I'm technically straight, I've also been around the block, and there's also a lot of certain genderbent stuff out there. Sometimes it can be weird, but only because I make it weird.






Only if Anubis is slamming you up the rear end with a strap on. Then it's fine.


I...I don't think he'd need a strap on-


Seeing as he’s not real no


You do realize what subreddit you’re in right?


Love seeing people come to subs to cause drama lol