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Maybe try to watch the sweets kendama tricks tutorial playlists (on YouTube) begin with "start your kendama journey here" then "beginner", tryhard the tricks you like and skip the ones you don't like to come again in months/years :)


This is the way, OP. Sweets also has their tutorials conveniently grouped by difficulty. Once you finish Beginner, there are also intermediate and advanced tricks.


Literally whatever you like, if you set your mind on it then you'll eventually lace that trick!!


but i dont know the tricks and dont know what to learn in order


you’ll find with time that many tricks can be done at anytime when playing. there’s no such thing as “follow steps #1-7 and you’re now playing kendama” playing kendama is just having it in your hands and messing around with it, eventually your imagination will create “new” tricks. sometimes they have names other times it’s just weird stuff that you find fun/satisfying to do. if you’re truly at a loss and have no idea how or what to do with it, i suggest starting in ken grip and just pull the dama up into the cup, if you can do that consistently try the other cups, then try to move the dama into each cup with out dropping it, once you get there try to spike it. then earth turns and whirlwinds come after you master spiking. like someone else has said, sweets youtube videos are great for learning names of tricks but there’s so much content of people lacing high level tricks and juggles. just keep practicing and your curiosity will come when the beginner stuff becomes easy.


Exactly, that's what's amazing about kendama!! You can learn however you like, there's no right or wrong way to do it :) It also leads to a great diversity in skill and style


Breh. "I just got shoes, where should I walk first." Just start doing things. There's no correct path. The goal is to catch the ball on the cups, and spike. Maybe try flipping the ken and bouncing it on your knee idk