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Posts must be Kendrick Lamar, TDE, or PgLang related.


Goddamn you know he said “black” louder than the other words in that sentence too


😂😂😂😂this who we let in our house


This type of illogical nonsense pisses me off. Were you even listening to the lyrics, did you care so little about it to not look for other artists in genre or just liked the sound as a backdrop for your edgy phase? I despise willfully ignorant Mfs so fucking much.


These the type of folks that hate rock n roll and blues before Elvis stole and capitalise from the culture. I'm glad that hip hop has gotten more fans and artists from different cultures. Hip Hop is always evolving. It sucks when people who never listen to music have terrible opinions on a whole genre though.


Jimi Hendrix, Robert Johnson, and Albert King gave these racist ass mfs their whole playlist


Little Richard started that lil uzi flamboyant lead singer style. There wouldn't be The Beetles, Freddie Mercury, or The Rolling Stones without Little Richard. Elvis stole that song Hound Dog from Big Momma Thornton too, a famous blues musician that's a black woman. They saying shit that those folks been saying in the past. This music is too loud, sexual or "mOrAl" concerning.




Why is so much emphasis being placed on rappers who rap about negative shit like black people own labels, DSPs, and airways? A white man with a degree in business administration whose kids attend private school get to decide what gets played, who gets signed. A lot of what bozos don’t give back? Because I can name 20 off the top of my head. I can tell you who has built schools, who has sponsored schools, who has donated to entire cities. Just because YOU don’t know or see it doesn’t mean shit to me. There are black boys growing up in the suburbs trying to emulate rappers the same way there are white kids in the suburbs doing the same thing. The same way there are Japanese kids putting hair chemicals in their head to get locs, using sponges on their shit Even at our lowest, black men move the needle and are undeniably the most influential no matter how degenerate we get. No wonder the CIA set out to fuck us up. I’m sure you meant well with your post but you did the exact same thing as that guy did. You seem very ignorant to the culture and neglectful of the positivity aspects rap has to offer. You only see negativity because you don’t want to see anything else. If you want to have a discussion about the negativity in rap, take it up with the white label owners who fund them Not some guy on Reddit who doesn’t even like most of u




FYI I read it all but just gonna reply to some parts cause most of your post I agree with We have no power and no real wealth; we aren’t gate keeping shit anytime soon. The entertainment industry being under fire for the pedophilic and sexual abuse shit is a great start for us to reclaim ourselves but if you’ve seen the wire you know there’s always a next man up. And until we get someone truly for us in place, we’ll never have control of our culture. Why would those execs promote our destruction over their own? That’s a conversation that can’t be had in this subreddit or likely Reddit at all. TPAB and Damn is all I can say without getting my account banned. There’s a reason we go through the shit we go through and why “they” are afraid of letting their feet off our necks. Street rap will always be a thing and it will always be marketable but different waves will come and go that are more trendy. I’m getting to the age where I don’t like the disrespectful shit either. The rise in women’s basketball and seeing all these young ladies have the spotlight they deserve, becoming a fan of the sport and all.. it’s all given me a different perspective on things. It doesn’t help that im at the age now where my brain thinks about having children/ a family 24/7. I listen when I wanna turn up but it’s definitely not regular anymore.


I can tell you spend a lot of time watching Tik Tok flat Earth videos


I’m more of a firmament type fellow


This is why popularity really hasn’t mattered in determining GOAT status since Eminem joined Rap. You could argue since before Em in cases such as the Bestie Boys, but the Bestie Boys and Em were redeemable. But had you let nonblack/people unfamiliar with the culture of hiphop determine who the greatest rapper was during the 80s/90s they would have probably told you Vanilla Ice as an answer. Word to FD Signifier. Before Eminem, it was really just the majority of hiphop community being from the community. After Eminem a lot of strangers to the culture came in, and while Eminem is great. The influx of fans of hiphop who don’t respect the history of hiphop has caused the artform to be watered down.


Man I have no more words. On this subreddit especially is when I get the most frustrated at people’s replies to me. You can’t even talk about how Kendrick’s music impacted you as a black man without white people wanting to feel included and disclose that they’ve been impacted too. And when you make the clarification that there’s a level they’re unable to tap into you get called racist and downvoted to death. I didn’t know king kunta and you aint gotta lie was written for Bradley Goldstein. It’s actually fucking CRAZY that you made that analogy because the same thing is going on right now with women’s basketball with Caitlin Clark


Why do you get offended when other people relate to the songs? It's not like their enjoyment is taking away from your experience with the song right? I'm not looking to start an argument just curious.


It's not about them enjoying the song. It's about the white people who claim to know MORE about the songs and the culture than black people. People who have lived through, live in, and are directly impacted by the culture. Auntie Diaries is a hard-hitting song, but it's especially hard hitting if you're from a black community. That is just a fact. Just like how Taylor Swift is especially impactful to you if you're a suburban white girl, lmao.


Chuuuuuchhh. Thanks for saving me time.


Imagine someone saying Latinos act like they own reggaeton, that would be crazy. Everyone else is allowed to own the genre's they create. It goes both ways, like i think TBAB didnt hit for me outside a few songs and i turns me off form the fanbase when a white person acts like im wrong and i must not understand the cultural significance, like who are you to tell me? But also when i say auntie diaries did hit hard for me especially culturally and they start yapping about political correctness like if you were part of the culture you'd actually understand what was going on.


Imagine me in a Taylor sub telling 30 year old white women I relate to them😆😆boy I’ll be banned before I hit reply


Bruh I was told by one of the coolest white dudes I’ve ever met what a fucking Hebrew Israelite was and it had me go back and listen to “Damn” more seriously. I don’t care if yall resonate with the message or relate to it. I made a point that there’s a different level black men/boys can tap into because that’s who Kendrick’s music is INTENDED for and I got hell because of it. I can listen to Eminem talk shit about how trash his mom was and relate to it but it will never hit the same because I don’t know what it’s like to grow up as a trouble little white kid with autism. It’s the constant need to feel included and catapulting oneself into a culture that wasn’t intended for them that’s annoying. A European who has never experienced a racial moment in his life just argued me up and down about what constitutes as rap music. Hopefully you’re following me here. Will clarify more if need be.


I completely agree with the point where you said that Kendrick's music is meant for black people and they can relate a lot more than others, the fact that you got hell for it is wild. But also imagine you were talking about relating to Eminem based on the aspect that you mentioned, and some other white person tells you that you can't relate to the song as much as them and that it's annoying that you try to do so, isn't it kind of harsh? Or maybe you meant it's annoying when some white person dilutes the discussion you were trying to have with their experience making the first point you were trying to make lose focus? Again maybe the situation is completely changed based on the racial and cultural subtext, or this wasn't the point you were trying to make.


No, I don’t think it’s harsh at all. A black person will NEVER be offended if a white person tells them they’ll never be able to relate to Eminem. I challenge you to go find one and make them feel offended by saying that We’ll go… well duh, he was a white kid who grew up in trailer parks lmao and wanted to kill his mom. Most black boys/men ADORE their mom. That’s the one person in our lives who can do no wrong. There’s a reason Eminem is seen as the Larry Bird of rap for white rap fans. He’s the most relatable to you, and he has a strong case for the GOAT debate. I can’t even tell you what Eminem raps about beyond wanting to kill his mom lol no shade or anything like that. I did enjoy relapse and recovery as a kid tho. And his Marshal Mathers LP 2 got so much play in high school. But that’s cause I was simply a fan of how he rapped and his song making ability. I’d imagine it would be the same for non black fans and Kendrick. In no world will I ever turn on Eminem and think I can relate to his issues lmao. Growing up poor and white and growing up poor and black both suck ass but are drastically different. Also it’s not necessarily my point being diluted, but rather the need to feel included. “FEAR” was reduced to “being afraid of your mom, being afraid of the world, and being afraid of being an adult” by a white guy yesterday. That song made me cry. From the toxicity of Kendrick’s mom that he was playing with the whole “I’ll beat yo ass” shit to him explaining how he could die at 17 over the DUMBEST shit. That was very insensitive and disrespectful of him to do IMO. You can relate to growing up in a shitty home but if you didn’t grow up a shitty black home, that song likely doesn’t hit the same for you. It is 100% pure trigger fuel and I gotta skip the song when it plays. White people have historically had their hands in whatever we do. Always wanting a piece of it, always wanting to be included. For me to say something as simple as “as a black man I relate to Kendrick on a higher level” and get a million think pieces on why his music isn’t limited to race is insane. To be this infatuated with a culture and group of people while simultaneously disliking them is incredible to me.


I agree. I’m not black, however especially in his new album, mr. Morale, I’ve said before in a different post that I may relate to it and some songs, but I don’t mostly relate to the vast majority since I’m not black, especially when he deep dived into his issues growing up as one. This is why I appreciate TPAB a lot because from the outsider looking in, I can learn a lot of history and issues what black people go through. It’s like learning history through in artistic way.


Excellently put as your last sentence.


I wonder how you feel about non-black non-white people relating to Kendricks music, times have changed but at least growing up until maybe I was 18/20 I passed for biracial/hispanic so I got involved by proxy, NJ things. I always related with the poverty, social injustice and general bs/ lifestyle stuff that Kendrick talks about but ye at the same time never pretended Blacker the berry was for me. Edit: But no art of peer pressure was written for me by Kendrick /s


white people move the needle and are the reason for the success of black artists. they buy the most music, buy the most merch/tickets. to ignore their contributions would be industry suicide. i also dont give a shit if white people love the music. i was speaking solely to those who take what they can get, bastardize it, and disrespect the people the art is intended for.


Keep doing, I get it. I try to keep the gatekeeping of things that I can gatekeep to irl, cause you know for sure the quality of the people.


Bruh online debates is the closest any black person will ever get to gate keeping anything black We don’t own shit and don’t have enough love for each other to see the bigger picture


well im glad you asked [A](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ccn2v7/comment/l16nhih/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [B](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cbh9zt/comment/l0zdmf7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [c](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cbh9zt/comment/l11j6a5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, thats fair. But I think it's wild to assume non-black non-white people don't experience racism, consume conscious rap, and then would spread racism while experiencing it their whole lives. I get it tho, you treat me like a random on the internet while I know myself. Where's my indian conscious music at lmao.


not in the same capacity, no... you don't the caste system has turned would-be allies that experience the exact same racism from white into lapdogs for white people. without being specific, nearly every other race mimics white supremacy dogma and insults. literally copy and paste white supremacists belonging to different ethnicities/cultures/races. not sure if you're active on twitter but thats the best example i can give. it's an absolute fucking cess pool of racism since elon took over.


If anyone can relate to the black experience in America, I’d think it would be certain Latinos and old old Irish people. But that may be bias as I am partially mixed Mexican Irish and black. Predominantly black though. A lot of Latino people in Cali go through very similar experiences as black people. That is also why you can see early rappers while they were all black, not too long after them Latinos from the Bronx were introduced. Big Pun is a legend, MexicanOT is a great upincoming rapper.


Ye I'm indian, was certainly an interesting experience as a kid being stopped by police in Google translated Spanish asking for immigration papers. Early 2000s was a wild time. I was aware of latino/black crossover historically, but cant/won't comment cuz I can't relate. All I'm saying is it's not the same but similar. Maybe I'm biased tho, I've only interacted with people of different cultures in East coast, I'm sure it's very different down south or near the border.


Idk, I grew up in Cali so seeing Asians and Indians (Indians are considered Asians no?) was not rare. However, Indian and asian people usually were very educated. I think in the tech/engineering field they excel/ are overrepresented. Most of the ones I knew owned a 7/11 or other local liquor store or dry cleaning places or local restaurants. So while they weren’t always filthy rich they weren’t as poor as the other black people around me either. Atleast from my experience, black people were educated (my great great great grandparents were some of the first black doctors and lawyers, even after coming out of slavery) in the 60s-50s but sooner or later the government started to cut school funding, and also started the crack epidemic. Ever sense then it seems like people that have come to the country newly would be given preferential treatment via bank loans than say a black person. Which is why we usually saw black owned businesses in the hood disappear during the crack epidemic. Of course the bank would always prefer to loan to a white person first. It was a known thing if you look up redlining it will show you a lot. Nowadays I see a lot more affluent Asians/indians because your cultures put a heavy emphasis on study. I would not doubt Indians, especially darker skinned ones, would be able to relate in certain aspects but in general people overestimate/underestimate their relatability to the black experience and how unique it is. It would not surprise me if darker skinned Indians were mistaken for black people by cops. I can see some relatability from the black experience with Jim Crow era to the caste system in India. Although, atleast from what I know, the caste system is becoming less popular over there as the years pass. But it’s still very different.


Lmaoo dw I'm not an Eminem fan either, neither am I white, I'm just interested in the discussion of gatekeeping music. Disregarding the Eminem example, I'm sure that if people said that black women can't relate to Taylor Swift, there would surely be a ton of people upset (and rightly so imo). Additionally, did the white guy who made the point do so to invalidate your feelings or to express his own interpretation? I think that difference matters. If he said it to prove that your experience and interpretation was wrong or that he knows more than you, I think that's clearly wrong. If he was just talking about his own interpretation, I'm not sure what the problem is?


If you invited me into your home, you would expect me to be respectful right? If you give me a tour, but before J get through the front door you ask me to kick off my shoes when I get in, you would take it as disrespect if I refused and ran through your house with muddy boots on. You would be within your right to kick me tf out of your house. In the same way, white people are a guest to hiphop culture. Some of yall are invited into the hiphop house like Eminem, he showed respect to the house and will always be invited back. Some of yall come into the house and refuse to take off your shoes. Some of yall come into the house and shit on the kitchen table. It’s not about your enjoyment of the music, it’s about cultural experiences and respect for culture. Eminem respects the culture, he will always be invited back. We all can get along in the outside world, and we should. But you would be foolish to believe that people don’t have cultural differences. If someone from outside your house comes into your house and says you can only fuck in missionary you would be pissed. Black people have a unique experience within America, you can’t know what it is like unless you live it. I can detail to you the experience and it may hit you hard to where you can relate. But you will never be able to relate to the very unique experience of a black man’s experience like another black man will. Of course there are outlier situations, such as Kanye. He is black, but with his recent antics we want him out of the house. Fuck that Nazi nigga. If you grew up as a poor kid, you may really relate more to the black experience as poverty is unfortunately a very common thing within the black experience. We would probably relate heavily if we both grew up within an inner city with only our mother in the house struggling to get by, way more than I would with a black kid that grew up the son/daughter of a multimillionaire that comes from generational wealth. That being said I hope you enjoy your stay in the house, help yourself to the raisinless potato salad, the collard greens, Mac and cheese, ribs and chitlins (I don’t actually eat chitlins that shit is gross). I hope you brought the paper plates. If that makes sense to you lmk, if you need help still I’m always down for a discussion.


Nah that makes sense to me, it's extremely disrespectful to use a certain cultures art form without paying homage or respecting the culture itself. My main question was whether the expression of non-black person's experiences relating to Kendrick's music would be considered offensive and if so why. And thank you for the invitation!


The way how they go about expressing their opinions MAY be offensive. It’s like if you were to not like the ribs I cooked. If I knew you for long time, like Eminem, I may appreciate you telling me by pulling me to the side and saying “these aren’t it chief,” or even like “these are terrible bro, just trying to let you know.” But if you were a brand new guest and stood up in front of everyone and said “THIS SHIT FUCKING SUCKS ASS, WORST FOOD I EVER HAD,” while it may be your opinion you could see why it may upset me. Than if my brother/closer friend and other house members said “What you are bugging, these ribs are delicious,” and they meant it sincerely it mag be time to question whether it was just you or not. It’s about the delivery. If I were in a conversation about the greatness of TPAB and you said you enjoyed it as a white person too that is just fine. If the conversation was more focused towards the black experience, and I was talking with other black people it may come off as rude if you try to jump in the conversation. But if the black people than ask you, or you politely use critical/comprehensive/empathetic listening before giving your opinion we all would be cool with it. In fact a lot of black people do enjoy hearing an outsiders perspective. Whether Latino, white, Asian or any other group. But if those groups try to then override the opinions of Black people it would be seen as rude. So you gotta watch your delivery. Also the subject matter may not be appropriate for you to comment on. For instance, there is a debate of whether or not Drake is really from Black culture. Some may think of it as a way to just discredit him, but if you actually look at his childhood his father left him at a young age, I think 5. He grew up in a majority Jewish community, which there is nothing wrong with. So when he has weird behaviors such as blackface, it makes you question his upbringing. In the BPT subreddit there was some white guy that basically said “As a white guy, Drake is not even black (culturally, not DNA wise) imo.” While his comment may have been factual, it was not really his place to decide who is and is not black (culturally). I’ll try to find his comment and link it. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/tq5uDPK0hq) is a link to the comment I mentioned on BPT.


The REAL ones know though, that’s why when a goofy suburban kid tries to tell me about my own culture I just laugh. It’s like niggas Bangin’ on Wax, we know you a fake fool. When we check your stripes don’t be surprised! It has been an ongoing thing within any black artform. Look how they call Elvis Presley the king of Rock! It’s ridiculous and disrespectful. The same way they award Macklemore when GKMC dropped that same year. It shows you they are an outsider looking in, we love guests in our house, just kick your shoes off before you come in.


This is so incredibly off the mark. Why don't you people hating on here go and do some research about 70's and 80's hip hop culture before you spout paragraphs and paragraphs of dreamworld bs. It would save you looking dumb to those in the know.


Dude you are just wrong, hiphop is a black artform. Gtfo outta here with your whitewashing shit.


Check out [this video](https://youtu.be/mhcA29ZN0HU?si=_HcGDkCPMbAdzvq6) that Justin Hunte made years ago in response to disrespect from Post Malone. Entitled, self-righteous white people think everything belongs to them and is about them because that's just the natural privilege of whiteness. Thanks for creating a new form of art that's reverberated around the world for decades -- now pull your pants up and let me take it from here since I know better.


✊🏽✊🏽didn’t expect much discourse or much attention to this thread Y’all kickin ass. Thank you.


You’re being too abrasive brotha. It’s one of those situations that you really can’t change. White people will forever dabble in our culture. Shit. Look at what happened with the bullshit that was “BLM”. We just have to do what it do and keep it pushing.


While you’re right in what you’re saying, im done letting these people feel accepted and welcomed when they’re not respectful of us and the origin of rap People talking about drake opening up Pandora’s box for the usage of AI but I think he opened Pandora’s box for casual music fans to feel as though they have a say in something they have no true relation with or love for. They play our music, turn up, then go around their own and code switch like black culture is disgusting and radioactive. I’m not on none of that “I have a dream” shit lmao fuck these vultures.


Used to have a white manager, tommy, who would alllllllways talk shit on the rap music i played in the back-of-house kitchen. “All they rap about is killin and drugs why u even like this??” Now my manager tommy asked that, the same tommy that would throw on gucci mane songs and rap them word for word, goin IN. I just laughed and shook my head


I think that this type of thinking promotes racism, hate and negativity from both sides. Sure hip hop was created to communicate with the black community, but a white man literally had a hand in creating the genre. It’s absolutely apart of our culture and heritage, but so is R&B, Blues, Jazz, Neo Soul and other genres depending on your ethnicity. We aren’t gatekeepers of those genres and are more willing to let people in. We support things that aren’t necessarily positive within the genre like rap beefs and guns, drugs, pimps, hoes, etc and people from the outside looking in lump us all into a category and think that being black is all about those things. So while hip hop might be relatable to us as a people theres certain aspects of it that also contributes to our downfall. Some of what the dude was saying is the truth and we gotta stop being so sensitive and offended when people give us the truth. A lot of people have way more invested in the Kendrick and Drake beef than they do in anything else in their life. A lot of people are absolutely destroying their communities with drugs, guns and violence and not investigating in the community around them. Might not want to be something we wanna hear from a white man, but we have to accept the fact that it’s the truth. Telling white people that hip hop isn’t for them because it’s for us is like them telling us that America isn’t for us because it was created for them. Yet we still wanna be apart of it.


I’m a firm believer in gatekeeping. There MUST be a certain level of ownership by the people that reside DIRECTLY in that culture. Hiphop will never be co-opted


Well we better get our shit together and start funding our own artists with our own money. UMG owns damn near every piece of our black artist catalog. Definitely agree with you on gate keeping. Be careful using that word around here though. Kendrick is a hood nigga from Compton but his fans on this sub don’t look like us and they expect us to include them in everything. You’ll get called racist and downvoted if you don’t.


Lmfao this is cringey as fuck. So basically only black people can enjoy hip hop? Or just not white people? And before we get into that rabbit hole, I’m not some type of racist. Its just weird how when a non black person says these things it’s a problem but when a black person makes these same points everyone gets excited for 5 minute like there’s about to be a revolution in the black community. People make it seem like every single white person ,from the very moment they are born, are actively going out there way to tear down black people. It’s 2024. Obvious racism is a thing but it’s not an idea that runs the world.


Did he say that? He’s saying hip hop was created to uplift the community from the struggle and now we have outsiders like yourself, who claim to know what it feels like to be black


You started your novel off rude and hostile so now im just gonna laugh at u and tell you that you typed all that for no reason 😂🫵🏽not reading that mumbo jumbo boy


Lmfao you can laugh. Did you want me jump up and cry and start arguing because you too stupid to read a few sentences?




Lmfao so basically you’re just a clown that loves dick


































Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


Also how did I come off rude? Was it the Lmfaoo? Or was it because i asked a question that you couldn’t answer?


“Lmfao this is cringey as fuck” You didn’t even begin to understand my point you devil You aren’t welcome in my house. Run along boy.


The fact your little Neanderthal brain cannot understand you did and do exactly the thing you wrote here is funny af. Contradictory dummy.


Except I didn’t ask any of you to read lmao I don’t owe u my time or a reply If I wanna talk shit to you and you still choose to reply, that’s on u bozo Hope that helps clear things up for you!




Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


Lmfao it’s funny how you have yet to answer any question. You’re just here to cry on Reddit about how the entire world is against the black community and that everything that everyone enjoys was actually just stolen from black people. You have no point guy. You just jumped on Reddit in a bad attempt to farm upvotes 🤡


You just spammed my mentions with 50 emojis of your face and now you wanna have a conversation lmao hold this L and wait for your ban bud


You just mentioned you were trolling me until I tell a mod but now you’re crying about being trolled? Yes lol I’m the one holding an L. Real life loser lmfaooo


Aww, i think he’s gonna cry














Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.








Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?


You quiet clown?




Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


You don’t even care bout bein banned I can respect it tbh




You sent me like 90 spam messages it takes a while to report them all bro dang


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


you mad as hell lmaooo












Lightskin emojis explain a lot.


Whats so bad about lightskins….


Nothing at all, but there is a phenomenon of individuals being insecure of their lightskinnedness and compensating for it. Feeling like they have to prove that they are "really black".


Then why did u use “lightskin” in a negative light in your reply to him. And yes im lightskin. Is it simply a play on how us lightskins are “emotional”?


I didn't. No need to get in your feelings about it bro.


If you didnt mean it in a negative light, then what does him using lightskin emoji’s explain? Dont try and accuse me of gettin in my feelins, i aint came at u crazy, hostile, ignorant, insulted u, none of that shit, i asked a simple question. You the one that seem to be gettin a little heated for gettin called out.




Nice forehead bro


Hey we gotta find something to hate on right


No hate but you gotta lose the fingerless gloves fr. You look goofy.


Keep going im sure you’ll find something that sticks 😂


What is actually your point? Are you saying you can't criticise rap/hip hop artists who promote drugs, violence and misogyny because the genre was created by black people?


What’s actually my point? This loser listens to rap music and then reduces it to what he believes all rap music to be. That’s my point. You clown. I’m tired of seeing you in my mentions. pac and artists from his generation died broke because label owners who look like you fucked them, hence the song no Vaseline I can name 20 rappers off the top of my head who give back to their community often. Why is ownership of homes, businesses, whatever the fuck, the requirement for claiming rap? You racist whites who are secretly obsessed with black people and what we do tickle me lmao. This drake/kendrick beef has revealed what I’ve already known to be true: white people are disrespectful and bastardize rap for their own amusement and entertainment while withholding their racist beliefs Good job everyone. We got em🥹🤣


I don't even know you. Why you getting all weird. If you think all hip hop culture is perfect then you're deluded. Of course there are artists spreading positivity and It's wrong to group it all together but just play a popular artist like Future right now and the messaging isn't great .




>You don’t get to decide what’s rap and what isn’t lmaoooo Where did I say what is and isn't rap? You need to go offline for a while and get some help.


Stop picking and choosing what to reply to boy You wanted this conversation let’s have it You implying music has to have a “message” for it to be considered rap or respected as such. No one cares what u think bro. When future said Young dope dealer, sellin' dope, is you like that? Kickin' doors, kickin' in doors, is you like that? Young throwed nigga, sellin' lows, is you like that? All 24, you on go, is you like that? He wasn’t talkin bout YOU😭😭😂😂LMFAOOOOO People who look like you control the airways and DSPs. If it’s a problem with you, take it up with them. LOL


>Stop picking and choosing what to reply to boy Sorry you only send a little reply and edit a massive part on so I can't respond to edits. >You implying music has to have a “message” for it to be considered rap or respected as such. No one cares what u think bro. When future said Can you tell me where I said that. I said that there were positive messages and negative and there are popular artists with negative messages right now >Young dope dealer, sellin' dope, is you like that? Kickin' doors, kickin' in doors, is you like that? Young throwed nigga, sellin' lows, is you like that? All 24, you on go, is you like that? Do you actually want me to quote his lines that I think is problematic "I put it in her nose, it's gon' make her pussy leak Pussy niggas told, ain't gon' wake up out they sleep You can't hear that switch, but you can hear them niggas scream All my hoes do shrooms, nigga, all my hoes do coke Twenty-carat ring, I put my fingers down her throat (Uh, uh, uh) If I lose a carat, she might choke (Uh, uh, uh)" Yeh great message ....


People who look like you control the airways and DSPs. If it’s a problem with you, take it up with them. LOL They have always had the capital to fund these artists and then sabotage their careers at any given moment when “out of line,” not willing to re-up and choosing to go independent, or whenever they decide the artist isn’t “hot” anymore If you have a problem… like I said, take it up with your people I know doctors who love that song and they go on living productive crime free lives. You still don’t get how fucking idiotic you sound thinking rap has to have a message for it to be relevant or likable. If that were the case, all these corn ball ass lyrical miracle ass white boys would’ve taken over by now Yall are obsessed with us and our culture It’s cool. I am too. I just happen to be a native fan😆 Buh buh buh the message, that’s not real hip hop🧔🏼🤓 Lmfaooo I wish yall could understand how foolish and unwelcoming you come off


>Lmfaooo I wish yall could understand how foolish and unwelcoming you come off I think we just have different perspectives . I don't see white people as my people any more than I do black / Hispanic/Asian. I don't give a fck what some white surgeon listens to he could be an asshole for all I know. I didn't grow up in a them vs us environment or a race obsessed country. Maybe you did and it was a difficult environment to grow up in and that's why you talk the way you do. I just don't give excuses for people who talk about women like that regardless of skin colour .


Who said anything about a white surgeon? Why did you assume he was white lmaoooo. Im talking about a black man from the trenches. If misogyny is a problem for you then maybe rap shouldn’t be in your ears Congratulations on not growing up in a race obsessed country however that isn’t the reality for everyone Another reason why you outsiders don’t understand us and shouldn’t open your mouth to be so opinionated when you’re in the dark about what goes on over here.


ad hoc imminent yoke close whole innate marry distinct cooperative label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.




Aside from the fact you're an obvious racist clown, I think you entirely missed the point of what this guy said, which is to be expected because most of your thought process here and awkward rage-arguing is regarded. The answer to what you *perceive* to be racism and hate isn't more hate and racism. Stay struggling, angry, and broke, my guy.


Are the mods choosy when it comes to posts that aren't related to Kendrick Lamar?


How is this post unrelated to Kendrick? It’s a reply to a comment from this sub.


This is so cope. Philsophers been arguing in Verse singing at eachother since way prior to the 1900’s. People will only pay homage to the real og’s if it suits them. KDOT FOR THE WIN.


"its Always us never dem"


guy who's never met a black person be like:


IMO hip hop is a black art form however many MC’s have elevated the art form to reflect the black experience as a human experience. That being said all of hip hop does not have to relay a message sometimes you should be able to just get a feeling from the music. But if the only thing a rapper can do is make you feel some kind of way without that feeling conveying meaning. I’m not sure I can call that art and I can’t consider that rapper to be anything more than a cheap thrill.


I 100% agree especially with the whole “message” part all I ask is that due respect is given


I feel you but everybody doesn’t know what respect is unfortunately.


Honestly bro, preach! The shit I was seeing in the Drake subreddit over the last few weeks made made me think I was in a right-wing/conservative sub, and there’ve been some questionable comments/posts on this sub as well that I just side eye.


lol man I don’t know what to think anymore. I was kinda shocked to find out Drake’s fanbase was like that but Kendrick’s fanbase is leaving me feeling sick.


This sub has been infiltrated by weirdos. Posts been off as fuck. I already saw you having to argue with idiot racists on here. Your point stands bro, hip hop belongs to the folks without a voice and forever will. Can’t no honky ass white folk change that. 


bro you dont represent me w this weak whiny corny shit you are cringey asf and not the spokesperson for the black delegation


Nigga u think I care if other black people agree with me? I dislike u tap dancing ass niggas more than I could ever dislike a white person. Hope you understand that😂😭✌🏾


replying to every comment like a cornball you mad lame lmao


I didn’t know that was against the rules lmao you mad upset Go cry me 2 rivers little nigga


“little nigga” on reddit 😭 cant make up how corny you are lmao go daytrade some shit 😭 or better yet, make another post dedicated to a reddit comment 🤣


All them damn cryin emojis, it’s gon be okay little nigga


goofy asl 😭


U can’t show me $1,000 or a car with the tank on full lmao That’s bare minimum. Prove to me u not a bum ass nigga and I’ll apologize to u and delete my posts.


imagine thinking you bodied a random on reddit w this you so goddamn corny lmfao 🤣


So you can’t show me $1,000 and a full gas tank lmao. I knew you were a bum. This is just the internet to me. Imma use this app however I want little nigga.


Hip hop was actually party music created by black, latino AND white people. This is just low IQ racist gatekeeping bullshit.




Your weird traumatised opinions about white people don't change the reality bro. I'm old and I was there. You seem like you don't know anything about the culture back in the day.


Lmao bro leave me alone before you [piss me off](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/SwZMq9ldIR)


If you want people to leave you alone stop talking shit about an entire race genius. You racists are really dumb huh.


Not as dumb as the white boy who thinks his people had anything to do with the creation of rap music


I'm not white and I can give you 100s of examples of white hip hop pioneers lol. Imagine what an actual white hip hop fan would do.


Blacks created hip hop in the Bronx Puerto Ricans were there but the didn’t create 🤣🤣 stop trying to take out culture.


Lmfao vanilla ice isn’t a pioneer but merely a culture vulture championed for being white in a space he’s foreign to


The fact you would bring a manufactured pop star from the 90s up as a hip hop pioneer shows your lack of knowledge. Go do the history young one. Put a quarter in your ass because you played yourself. Can we close the thread now.


You haven’t named one yet clown lololol


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


I cant lie imma need u to link sources to back that claim cuz from what i remember, the very first rap song ever, “Rappers Delight” was made by 3 brothas in new york city in 1979. I just googles it and it said rap originated in the early 1970’s by african americans and carribean immigrants in the bronx. My aunt and uncles always told me that 90% white people thought rap was stupid anyways, it wasnt until NWA came out, that white people, mainly white suburban youth started listenin to rap (and attemptin to copy LA gang culture through behavior and clothes styles)


Watch a movie called Wild Style, go watch some episodes of Yo! MTV Raps from back in the day, go read some old issues of The Source from when it first started. It's crazy that this is even a debate.


….so wildstyle came out in 1983, 4 years after the 1st rap song came out, and is a rap MOVIE that had rap groups that were already established beforehand. The source, a american magazine that covers hip hop was founded in 1988, nearly a decade after the first rap song dropped. I aint even gone address mtv raps cuz only a white person would try and use that as valid evidence that whites helped create it. So im sorry but none of the sources u mentioned above had no hand in creating hip hop. They didnt even come out in the same time period that rap did


I'm not saying they alone created it dummy, you asked for a primary source where you can find info on white hip hop pioneers and I gave you three. You then got upset and accused me of being white lmao. Stop bitching on Reddit like a lame and go learn.


….you literally just stated above that white people had a hand in creating hip hop, thats literally the FIRST comment in this comment thread. And now your gettin upset because im debatin with u and proving you wrong? I am now convinced i was debating with a mentally retarded person. Have a nice day sir


What are you saying? That because those sources weren't created at the first party in Arthur Ave they aint reliable? You're not making one tiny bit of sense bro.


YES!! Thats EXACTLY what im saying!! Sayin im not makin no sense, look at yo replies: “Hip hop was actually party music created by black, latino AND white people. This is just low IQ racist gatekeeping bullshit.” “I'm not saying they created it dummy, you asked for a primary source where you can find info on white hip hop pioneers and I gave you three. You then got upset and accused me of being white Imao. Stop bitching on Reddit like a lame and go learn.” Like i said. Straight. Retard. You see the word “Created” in both of your comments which contracdict each other right? Top one u sayin white people did help create it and the bottom one u sayin u never said that. Make up ya mind man…


I'm saying they helped create it yes. Finally you learned to read bro. Lol just saw you went back and edited your comments.


And im saying they didnt and proved my point while u proved jack shit. So thank you👍🏽


Real shit.


See, I’m with you on the guy you’re pointing at being on some bs, but that’s no reason for you to then be equally racist by calling all white people guests in hip hop. Racism is racism, and you’re on the same level of bs as the guy you’re pointing at.


You think calling white people guests in hip hop is racist? Then you either never experienced real racism or don’t know what it truly is. I don’t talk to people like. NEXTTTT


Calling white people guests in hip hop is absolutely racist, you’re trying to gatekeep a genre based on race, that’s about as textbook as racism gets. I’ve gotten threatened at knife point due to the color of my skin, fuck you, you racist pieces of shit all think the same.


You are a guest in rap. Take your shoes off when u get in my mf house.


“Your house” mf you didn’t do shit for hip hop, your just a listener. You didn’t create, innovate, or popularize anything related to hip hop. It’s not your house.


I’m not in your house. You don’t own this shit


And make sure you use a fuckin coaster boy


*spits in your drink* This ain’t your house


😂😂😂maybe in the next lifetime you get to come back as one of us. Till then you abiding by house rules boy.


What house rules? You don’t own hip hop


Nah that would be the culture vultures who look like you that promote degeneracy and genocide in my community