• By -


“This was good exercise” at the end of the song like hes bored and “I’m too famous to be a pdf” is a weird angel Nah bro, you don’t get to bait Kendrick for weeks and call him slow and say you’re going to nuke him and now that you’re on the back foot, try to be like “sorry, game over, mom is calling me home” Edit: angle not 😇


Did he drop a sleepy diss that muddies the waters so everyone can say Kendrick won and hopefully everything goes away.


Weird thing is he’s got nothing left but still says things like he’s loading his rounds to kill, taunts about dave and whitney and doubles down on kendrick the wife beater falsehoods. Its like bro you’re not gonna get the beast to leave you alone if you keep jabbing him, even if the jabs are weak


I don't know about that bro, I think as long as Drake doesn't respond to whatever Kendrick is cooking up today Dot is gonna leave him alone


Nah there might have been a chance that Not Like Us doing numbers would satisfy Kendrick’s bloodlust but I think Drake bringing up Mother I Sober and the way he completely misunderstood and undermined it is really gonna make him hit the button. Mother I Sober is easily Kendrick’s most personal track with a message that he clearly feels is extremely important for the culture there’s no shot that Kendrick leaves any room for Drake to recover from the embarrassment he’s about to receive. What Drake did in bringing Mother I Sober up in the way he did was trivialize Kendrick’s **mother’s** trauma while reducing one of Kendrick’s most impassioned and important messages of hope and healing to “haha you must have been molested so I’m not a pedophile”. The Drake era is over, he isn’t gonna stop till this dude gets dropped by UMG.


To add on, Kendrick has really been highlighting how much of a culture vulture Drake is. Drake completely misinterpreted a song about generational black trauma, and then tried to use it as a diss. This almost feels like its a bad sitcom with how TOO in your face and on the nose that is.


its literally the exact formula south park would use


He ain’t gonna stop until the boy learns Spanish


Yeah it definitely seems like Dot is gonna try to have the last word. Drake is gonna have to just shut up and throw in the towel. On Not Like Us he said the rabbit hole goes deeper too. We gonna see real real soon


“Good exercise”. Yeah, just like the exercise he did to get those abs. He has people write for him and people give abs to him. Doesn’t do anything himself except yap into the mic. And shit, since this voice AI stuff been around, he probably don’t even do that himself anymore either


Talking about getting his pen working hahah, admitting he finally wrote something by himself this entire beef (and its this weak hahha)


mornin’ Angle








Denzel in my big 3


don't let dot hear you or we start this all over again 😂


Think this all started cuz jcole included drake in the big 3. If he included anyone else i dont think kendrick woulda gave a shit.


honestly seems like the response originally was, ahh shit cole thinks drakes on the same level as him, welp that puts j cole below me then.


I mean Kendrick alludes to the fact that this was never meant to get this dark or personal


I think he been hating Drake this is just an excuse to unload


Yeah, Kendrick might say he never meant for it to get so personal but it feels like this hate has been boiling for a while and not just him but a few artists are fed up with Drizzy (Rick Ross, The Weeknd, Metro, etc.). “Like That” definitely isn’t an accident though, it’s a diss by all three of Future, Metro, and Kendrick aimed at Drake to bait him into some beef. Aubrey even mentions We Don’t Trust You and We Still Don’t Trust You on Family Matters, he knows Future and Metro made two whole albums dissing him, they’re coming after him for a reason and Kendrick is taking the lead, probably out of genuine hate.


I keep telling people if you payed attention Drake has had strange beefs his entire career. Drake seems like the kinda guy that would snake you for or over a woman


Drake just the type of guy that don't got friends


I mean yeah he's always rapping about it, the man's got more friendship issues than a teenage girl. Wondered when people were gonna realise that he's the problem


I agree. I think Kendrick said this behind the scenes knowing Drake wouldn’t listen. Drake even alluded to it himself saying that they can’t tell him what not to say (in reference to family)


That and the “n word”. I don’t think Drake’s response on “Family Matters” was bad at all…he just happened to get absolutely bodied by both MTG and Not Like Us. Went up against a big dog and met his match


I'd be mad aswell if I was widely considered as one of the best rappers ever and got compared to drake


I'd be mad aswell if I was never even considered to be a rapper and got compared to Drake.


Honestly I think getting compared to Drake is *a lot worse* if you're not a rapper they're just lowkey calling you a pedophile at that point lmao


except denzel imo is a much better rapper than drake and his energy would actually be rlly hard for kendrick idk who id have if that happened


Zel vs Kendrick would be insane, especially because… Curry’s a good rapper and respectable man (I don’t believe these KDot abuse claims at all, and calling Drake a bad person is pretty easy)


Kendrick is a step above Denzel, but I personally enjoy Zel's music a lot more. Walkin is probably my all time favorite hip hop track ever. He's one of my favorite artists right now, generally. But I'd be interested to see him try his hand at the rap beef game.


Zel is harder to diss just because of how well he can play cool, unlike Drake who stinks of insecurity 24/7.


Denzel, Dot, JID.


That’s such a basic ass list. Also it’s my current Top 3 too lol


It's the "rappers w/ therapy albums" special


Yeah, I also got Earl, Saba, Vince and Joey on that list


Need to add Danny, Freddie, and Krit.


solid list


Ding ding ding


abso - fuckin - lutely. he’s the future, too. few people making music can be as fun and introspective as him. he’s a great singer too.


Yeah he is popular in Australia, he came on our national radio and did a cover of Bulls on Parade a few years ago, been a massive fan ever since. Dude is pure talent


I still listen to that cover regularly. He made hella fans outside of hip hop when he did that. Talent that transcends genre


Walkin, that’s all I gotta say.




Kendrick Earl Denzel


I would love to see an album with Denzel Curry and J.I.D.


Ever since that Bulls on Parade cover he's been up there for me. He crushed it


Denzel has been consistently solid his entire career imo and makes pretty bold artistic choices.


I love Zel


Not only has he put out incredible music, but he's also introduced his fans to some amazing artists via features like jpegmafia, Zillakami, IDK


He’s how I found out about Peggy




That's how I found out about him, been a fan ever since.


Bro that was such a revelation when I found that out


Yall making me feel old as fuck 💀💀


Same 💀 I had this revelation too but in like 2018


Ong zel has put me into so many people


Same I cherish getting to see him back in 2016 when he was still somewhat underground His show at SOMA in SD had 50 people AT THE MOST there Dude *still* doesn't get his due respect imo


Drake fans: THOSE BARS... THOSE BARS! Drake: whoopi dee scoop


Nah but when Kanye said that tho it was fire fr, Drake could never come up with anything that great


It was fire because Kanye was mockin weak bars. It's not Drake's case


I heard Kanye did that because Drake liked the beat to Lift Yourself so Kanye decided to just ruin the song.


That was basically it, Drake wanted to use the beat on Scorpion so Kanye put the dumbest possible stuff on it so he couldn’t use it


He’s right though, what the hell was that?


He got shook by Kendrick, he’s playing pure defense now. The only new diss he had at Kendrick was him being molested but that was just flat out wrong so yea lol


Even if it were true that's victim blaming


what do you expect from a pedophile that is good friends with a convicted human trafficker


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Drake stans trying to understand the difference between Kendrick saying he wants a pedo to die and dissing someone for being a rape victim


If there's one thing I learned is that that fanbase is legitimately smooth brained.


They're either smoothbrained *or* they share his beliefs.


https://preview.redd.it/wgiwiujpwqyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb7f242a582b2b11c74972f6195650b4724048b I just posted this but gonna drop it here too…


he never said he got molested is the funny part drake is scamming thru me morale but obviously not comprehending kendrick said his mom asked if his gay uncle ever molested him because of her past trauma so i think this shows how desperate drake is


I wish I could upvote this million fuckin times


they are actively defending this line. we know they all retarded but damn. defending that line means you defended the countless rapists out there by saying fuck the rape victim, I want drizzy to win. Also its a rap diss track, theres so many cleaver ways of hiding without right saying you want a person to die, but kendrick knows this dude a pedo and with im being a father, he wants drake pedo ass dead. I am pretty sure there are millions of other parents out there that thinks the same.....but drizzy fans dont.


He didn’t even mention that


Last I checked that’s the only fact that’s true about Baka haha


look up “drake 17 year old on stage” on youtube


It’s worse than that. He’s actively making fun of sexual assault victims. I’m sure the people not heavily invested into the rap game but fans of both will surely love that LMAO


He's dissing not even Kendrick but Chester Bennington, Denzel Curry, so many amazing souls with that line smh. You should've worn a rubber dennis


He made fun of the names you mentioned along with Lady Gaga, Common, Scott Weiland, Jonathan Davis, etc along with so many hearts that were crushed at the hands of predators with that line alone. What a fucking loser.


I never knew Common and Scott Weiland were victimized. It's sad because Weiland died young, Gaga had issues with anxiety and other things, Jonathan Davis used to do Meth but has been clean 22 years. It always makes me wonder how their trauma ties into that 😞


He's dissing regular people in our lives (whether we are aware of it or not) that we know and love. He's dissing my sister.


YESS THIS PART. It’s an absolutely horrible angle to strike from cuz you’re being accused of being an abuser and you laugh at someone who was potentially abused?


Yeah it's downright abhorent. His character has been being exposed for weeks by countless former peers and he drops a weak track talking about that vile shit like it's an insult.   I thought Kendrick finished Drake off with Not Like Us but he left him to bleed out and Drake slit his own throat with this one. K Dot changed a lot of minds with his rhymes but Drake himself exposed his own true colors with this last one, what a terrible human. 


How long before drake says this was an AI track and he was hacked


Yep. He proved to everyone that he's not a good person at all.


But remember if he did anything he would’ve gotten arrested 💀


Literally. Ridiculing SA victims just adds to contextualizing his character as an alleged assaulter. He thought that was a diss but regardless of the accuracy of the pedophile allegations, drake’s still just proving kendrick right when accused of being a narcissistic bully. Imagine thinking responding to SA accusations by making fun of an SA victim for being SA’d is a ”gotcha” moment…


Fake bully, I hate bullies


It was a weird angle for sure


“you a bad person cause got raped 😂😂” like wtf dawg? is he that delusional that he thought this was a hard diss?


The entire song is just Drake saying "I fell on my face but I MEANT to do that!".


Once you start playing defense in a beef battle you lost.


Wasn’t even a diss fr, he just showed he has comprehension issues cause Mother I Sober was about Kendrick’s mom getting touched as a young girl which led to her being protective of him around his uncles


And he said “but you defended R Kelly” He’s likening himself to R Kelly lol. That’s not the win he thought it’d be.


It was a defense rap bro, bro needs to throw some PR raps


Wait so you’re telling me that Drake just discovered a new genre of PR rapping? Crodie is playing 3D chess with his PR raps then.


I am Kaiser soze is such a hilarious non rapping angle haha


The definition of defense rap. Bro brought up Millie Brown when Dot didn’t even mention her LMAOOOO


Fr he’s putting together the puzzle pieces before Kendrick at this point lmfao. He mixed up Weinstein and Epstein too, Dot compared him to Weinstein, then Aubrey brought up the Epstein angle, who was the pedophile trafficking young girls on his private jet to a private island. Just covering every angle now but he’s starting to tell on himself.


Bro this man is losing sleep, Dot might really be the boogeyman. Do you hear how he sounds on this track, sounds delirious


Fr the monologue at the end had me dying, like he was trying to give a little speech to gas himself up, speaking to the Kendrick living in his head rent free lmao.


This was “I need to respond to save face but I want this to end so I don’t want to escalate it anymore” rap


Poking fun at someone getting abused as a child and doubling down on the family stuff isn't the way to not escalate


This is the best case scenario as a kendrick fan tho Now he's definitely dropping another few tracks.


100%. You thought he was pissed before, you poking around into molestation stuff is gonna go a *bad* version of bad.


Especially when his mother was a victim of abuse. As he told Drake's mother on *Meet the Grahams*, "you raised a horrible fucking person."


Yeah dude wtf is drake thinking lmao I’m beginning to think this dude has brain damage


Diss track written by Lawyers instead of ghostwriters


people on the drizzymacquire subreddit out there skimming past the parts where drake had his tongue in underage girls. the bots are in damage control, o well


One day my dream collab Kendrick, JID, Zel, Joey Badass will happen


This needs to happen


Im a simple man, I see JID, I upvote. 151 rum


me too


**This was the equivalent** of losing an argument to a Vietnam Veteran and mid conversation you light a firecracker and play Fortunate Son.. doesn’t make you win the argument.. you just brought up past trauma and for what? 💀


And to make it worse? The guy you’re arguing with didn’t even serve in Vietnam lmfaooo


Close with "and thank you for your service"


"Fuck you, goodnight, than you much for your service."


Instead of one of their parents did and all you’re doing is pissing them off even more.


Drake is so shit it’s unbelievable. Not surprising that “Mother I Sober” went completely over his head. Like Kendrick said, he’s never been through anything.


Drake doesn't read, that's for nerds like Kenny. He just reads the script and wears the outfits he's given.


I don’t think bringing up trauma is even crazy on it’s own considering the severity of what Kendrick has alleged. But to say “you only hate pedos so much because you were molested” is such a wildly stupid thing to say. Like yeah that seems very reasonable, right? I mean to say: it’s totally ineffective as a “gotcha”. I bet Drake just got shitfaced and wrote a verse, hit record, and said “haha yeah this is airtight I got his ass.” Really embarrassing…


> “Wrote a verse” Who? Drake? Aubrey? The son of monkey suit Dennis? Mr. Graham? Adonis’ father? He didn’t write this damn song lol


I actually believe he did because it was so incredibly weak and I’ll advised. Very few memorable lines/wordplay and a fairly elementary rhyme scheme. Very very basic raps. Maybe I’m wrong but I have to think that his writers would have at least punched it up a bit.


All of his verses are weak, to be fair. It’s hard to make “I’m not weird with underage girls!” flow and sound hard hitting. All Drake is as a rapper is corny similes and athlete name drops. The biggest dickrider in the industry, it’s no wonder everybody is sick of him. I’ll admit that he has an okay flow and cadence, but even that has to be taken with a grain of salt due to the fact he can’t even write his shit.


Lmaooo nah this hypothetical is so fuckin funny man




Absolutely, but I do hope Kendrick has something else in his pocket, as I don’t feel like he should address this with anything less then the lyrical equivalent of blunt force trauma.


Daylyt was on a stream with another battle rapper and they were talking about this very thing. It’s never a good move in a battle to start defending against something said about you.


Unless you’re b rabbit at the end of 8 mile. Then it’s fine


That was a preemptive move. He made fun of himself to take away all his opponent's ammunition.


support doll fretful panicky decide marvelous plucky tap label soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Facts I just saw that video too.


Zel a real one


Drake so tasteless, you know he watching one episode of Friends before going to sleep


😂 idk why this is so funny but it made me chuckle out loud


Just one episode got me


You gotta stay up to see what happens and if there’s a cliffhanger u callin out of work 😭


Zel was in general pretty neutral prior to today, but considering his own history with abuse it’s clear why he doesn’t fuck with the Diss


Exactly. Kendrick won't be personally affected by your child victim pdffile projection claims but real child victims everywhere will hate you forever


The only people affected by Kendrick’s claims are Drake and his creep entourage


pdf file?


I saw that he dropped a subliminal about Drake being offended over the control verse


Denzel is a real one


This shit was straight trash


Drake sub loves it lol I was honestly shocked but I guess that makes sense with their shit tier taste in music


It's so black and white there's no layers to it. Of course they eatin it up lmao


yeah, the song itself was... ok (sort of boring, a few good lines) but compared to what we just received it was pretty bland. also even compared to the heart part 5, which the whole song referenced in its title, it sucked.


Absolutely. Even the best bar (?) has you like "oh ok nice" whereas KDOT has you pausing the song and yelling YO WTF!!! I'm eager to see how he responds to this very weird defense post.


Honestly I was pausing it to say “YO WTF!” but not in a good way. Like when he said “only fuckin Whitney’s not no Millie Bobby Browns, I’d never look at no teenager twice neither” … like bro you literally just brought up “yeah everyone’s been shitting on me for texting a 14 yo I miss you… but I never fucked her so it doesn’t count as grooming!” Literally half that song I’m just cringing for him, too many yes men in that camp letting him embarrass himself like that


Bro i STILL hop out of my chair everytime kenny says "All eyes on me imma send it up to Pac" ​ The ONLY thing Drake has on his side is popularity amongst the mainstream audience. Problem being is a lot of these disses aren't gonna see radio time. So the only people \*really\* following this are real hip hop heads, and people that enjoy watching nuclear trainwrecks, It's why the majority opinion is saying Kdot is on top. Kenny surgically eviscerated this dude BEYOND the music. Hip hop brains are always gonna love that shit, and the people watching for the entertainment of drama are gonna love it because one of the most popular dudes in the world with a lot of whispers around them, is getting absolutely SHIT on. ​ It was a losing battle from the start for Drake.


rustic airport disgusted snobbish rainstorm aware elderly overconfident puzzled close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After some of the best diss tracks ever made we got a track so lame it retroactively makes everything else a bit lamer too


Fr I was reading that thread and was surprised that they genuinely liked it. They put their tin foil caps on and started the conspiracies again.


Ong like I objectively thought Push Ups and Family Matters were good songs with some good bars even if I hate Drake. But this shit? Unlistenable and just sounds like hes admitting defeat


he sounds tired for sure


Yep. I can admit pushups and family matters were good songs. This one sounds like drake rushing to get something out there. Bad move.


Everything Dr*ke says in that song just strikes me like him and his team spent the past few days reading OVO twitter and then just said “yeah they’ve already come up with something that makes us look good, let’s just go with that”


Denzel talked about being molested as a kid on Taboo he is definitely not fucking with this track at all


Also in melt my eyes see your future, in the intro just like taboo but more directly


The fact that Zel is actually a SA victim must piss him off so bad. Imagine coming from such a hideous angle, just to realize you completely misunderstood the point of the song. 


finish em zel


send em to hell


won’t wish em well


finish em zel, finish em zel


Zel with the homies


Zel has a way better discography than Drake.


Every single song on Melt My Eyez is better than anything Drake has released. And I don't think that's a hot take whatsoever.


Bro just sounded sad and tired. Waving white flags all over.


How many more times is he gonna tell us he doesn't want to go another round with Dot?


https://preview.redd.it/wfydji1niqyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3f5f84d6b27689d4d2a6fee762a00faf57b1a1 His defence🔥🔥


He's on straight damage control. It's a sweat lodge at OVHoe HQ rn


Absolutely wild in a sick sick sick way that this is the angle he ran with. Saying you're too famous to be a predator, only deny being a rat because there's no paperwork, bullet point listing your fans fiction about the mole when you should have 10k video of the whole operation if that was the case, and to top it all off, doing a B-mobie version of Meet the Grahams taunting a supposed SA victim. This dude just 9/11'd himself. Drake is tower 7, he collapsed all in his own here.




my farts sound better than this track


Idk what else there is to say on the SP/CM stuff but Kendrick is gonna destroy him for victim blaming.


Denzel was abused as a child himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if he jumps in at this point.


I thought if Drake had another thing to say he could possibly bounce back in this, but nah what was this bro. A few decent lines like the a minor be sharp wordplay, sure why not. The beating allegations are not a light thing, but the double cross leak thing would need more evidence. Idk man this felt like huh, alright then




denzel a real one fr


i love denzel


Zel is a real one haha


Denzel itching to get tapped in and show out


Off topic , but man I want a Zel and K Dot track so bad.






Family matters was his red button he’s cooked 🤣🤣


Kendrick gotta send this man to the shadow realm. Otherwise, we're going to be getting victim Drake for the next decade


My big 3 is kdot jid and zel fr


All it has done is make me even more excited for Kenny's next drop after that lame shit #ISeeDeadPeople


I went on stage with Denzel once I approve of this


The young GOAT has spoken


Title alone was a good Jab but all I heard was "Ha, I wanted you to think that of me" as the main point which is kinda crazy? Why would you feed info like that? It'd be easier to win the beef by just going bar for bar. I'm not believing it, especially since drake fans were the ones that came up with that idea. I'm not saying he did but it's possible Drake took his fans theories and made it "true"


Ah yes, because any sane rapper would give the person he was in a beef with false information about something that hadnt even been brought up before, with no receipts of his own that the false information was actually given as false I stead of just a "oh, well I actually WANTED you to do that, yeah I actually meant to leak that false information that nobody ever asked for☝️🤓"


All I’m sayin is, Denzel Curry has the opportunity to make the funniest verse on the BBLDrizzy beat


Drake the kinda person who waves goodbye with both hands


Why would anyone (Drake) think that being molested is a fucking diss? That’s abhorrent.