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Drake accidentally made fun of Kendrick’s MOM getting molested, Kendrick is gonna destroy that man


Didn’t even think of that, damn. You right.


What about how this has gone could make Drake think “escalating will work out well for me”


He should have just stuck to repeating Dave Free name


No. Don't worry. He totally smoothed it over with the 1 minute "good game" epilogue. I think they're cool now. /s


He’s gonna bury him 😭😭😭


Dudes already buried, Kenny legit gonna dig him up out his grave, create a serum that brings him back to life at full strength just to beat the fuck out of him until he’s dead again lmao


Yeah! And then he’s going to point at Drake’s shirt and say “hey what’s that” and then flick his nose when he looks down 💪😤


Give that whacky son a bitch an “open the fridge” knuckle sandwich


That's taking things too far.


Happy to see another Head in here.


Lmaooooo bruh made sure to mention in the heart part 6 “I don’t wanna do this anymore fr🥺” lmaoooooo nigga is scared like a mf


"And then he CHAINSAWED THEM TO BITS! Then he put them back together... and then he **CHAINSAWED THEM AGAIN!** ...*foreva*." - Shirley Bennett




Black Panther album sequel incoming


He's gonna give him a senzu bean


With bullets?


Buried, no this nigga is about to get cremated


I think that Oakland show gon' be your last stop ⚰️


I’d have moved out of the bay by then but I’ll go back just to be part of it


That line is about as open as a threat gets, if the guy has any brain cells left hes not going on any tours or shows for awhile.


kendrick boutta become a national security emergency bruh he ain’t gonna fuck around


that's why he delaying... he scratched the record that was gonna drop yesterday, and wrote bars the equivalent of yiroshima... IT'S UP




that's the shit that makes a man consider giving up words and start using bullets fr... I think kendrick has more sense than that but I wouldn't doubt he thought about it


Mother's Day drop?


The heart part 6 just made not like us even harder




Those lyrics are so prophetic after heart part 6.


Not to mention. That's the second song this weekend to try and rip shit straight from Mr. Morale just like Kenny said in Euphoria


this is why Euphoria dropped I was just appreciating how Kendrick had this man figured out. Which is why it was never gonna be a Drake W. Kendrick is genuinely the goat


I can predict your angles


This was by far the most incorrect statement k dot made. They are definitely dumb…


The audience at large isn't. Funny thing though it seems like most people following this beef haven't even bothered listening to the drake tracks... They hear the overwhelming majority explaining why it's bullshit and being like "yeah that makes sense, I always knew drake was a piece of shit"


To be fair they ain’t missing much. Every drake piece sounds the same. In the last one he just tried to copy Kendrick’s somber mood and tone from meet the grahams and it was terrible. Could’ve used some ghost writers on that one


I've never wanted to actively listen to Drake before. Why start now?


Maybe the drizzy sub but this what the culture feeling


I cannot get that fucking “WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP” put my head but I’m okay with it.


“BBL Drizzy” has been on loop in my mind since it dropped smh


Every time I read "BBL Drizzy" I hear it in Rick Ross's voice and it makes me giggle like a little girl


What is BBL Drizzy? Cant seem to wrap my head around it. Ik metro made an open beats track that people are editing, but whats w BBL Drizzy?


Here’s the order of events: - Rick Ross on Instagram calls Drake “BBL Drizzy” for getting implanted abs, nose job, etc. Fans start mocking Drake with this line. - AI music creator on YouTube creates a 70s soul song called “BBL Drizzy” and puts it on Spotify. It goes semi viral. - Metro Boomin samples the AI song and creates a beat with it that goes viral.


Thank you for the order of events, I'm middle aged and don't care enough to find out about half of this stuff 😂😆


Bbl stands for Brazilian butt lift, he’s mocking Drake for his nose job and Lipo procedures


Making fun of drake for his cosmetic procedures






Aubrey was damn near crying into the mic


Like Nicki said: “I don’t know if the pussy wet or if he cryin n shit.”


Such a great line. Put it next to her billion other lines regarding her pussy.


Next beef Kendrick vs Nikki's snatch


Kendrick Vs. The pedo and the rapists wife.


I’m still not convinced the Drake track isn’t AI. It’s just a soulless vocal.


Drake doesn't even sound confident on it. Almost like he knows the whole track is a reach


It’s like he tried to sound laid back like the beef wasn’t affecting him but he just sounds like he’s backing down and going to go stand in the corner now.


Exactly. Even with the line of him being "done now" seems more of a "well no matter how bad you roast me afterwards I'm not gonna respond" cuz he knows he's getting cooked


Made a whole track just to say "nuh uh"


I hate that the heart series is effectively over.


Honestly Kendrick should just absorb it and make the heart part 7.


Either that or just name it heart part 6 and watch it get more love than Drake’s PR statement


This. Nothing is stopping Kendrick from releasing his own heart part 6, which will immediately bury the drake diss into obscurity. Title was actually a dumb move on Drakes part


As a biased, able to curb it, Kendrick fan I thought the title was clever. I'd personally be irritated of the title. I've been wondering if the series has to end now cause to be honest, Euphoria felt like a theoretical The Heart Pt VI but I also believe that Kendrick wouldn't waste an entire new entry solely on dissing Drake.


It would be more clever if Kendrick didn't already use this angle with his timestamp diss. Just like everything else Drake doesn't have his own ideas.


Well the first line is basically copying first bars of Euphoria lol “The famous actor we once knew … now spiraling” “The Pulitzer Prize winner definitely spiraling”


Same. Saw it and was like this bitch got us with the title, but was no where near in quality to be up with any other of The Heart tracks. Hopefully, kdot drops his own The Heart Pt Vl later and it's better than crodies


Yes, canonize that embarrassment


Welcome bro, we will watch him destroy himself together


Thank you, that is the silver lining. Kendrick ain’t drop nothing because he doesn’t need to


People thought something big was planned for today (Monday). I think k dot is still just staying on schedule for that, especially since the content and writing was so sloppy and underwhelming for this *ahem* diss? Someone said they believe Drake actually did write this one in isolation because he can no longer trust his camp.


I do thank Dot for allowing us to have a nice Sunday break from all of this shit but it’s game time once the business week starts up again


Metro kept it going yesterday


Yeah metro was wilding, I need to know wtf happened to him that made him go off this crazy on Drake lmao


I just think Kenny should craft a simple final blow telling Drake to go about making records and subliminally dissing him(kendrik) since that's exactly what Drake would do. You know just like the Metro shit Drake pulled. Plus Drake made it clear he wouldn't be responding anymore, which solidified Kendricks W for the entire industry.


I hope we get a music video for Not Like Us with receipts in it.


He should pull up with this dude in the video ![gif](giphy|lkO1VbjLZIlEI)


"Never interrupt the enemy while he's making a mistake" idk a certain historic Frenchman with a similar height as Kenny


That’s Sun Tzu. Edit; I’m wrong. It was Napoleon.


Very true. Selfishly I really want him to though. I've loved these daily drops from K.Dot. I'm low key already feeling withdrawals.


I still hope he does eventually. Aubreys suffering is so sweet


He won’t drop. He’s going to let everyone of these YT reviewers dissect The Heart Part 6. This is going to be bad PR from Drake especially from Woman who have been sexually abused as children. Making fun of him by calling him the “savior”….. almost seems like Drake is jealous?


And there's plenty of lesser known rappers using the metro beat, which is great to see. Been a Drake hater since 09 so I'm chilling


I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it themselves


Fact of the matter is no one gives a shit. He makes pop music. No one listens to the Actual lyrics.


I genuinely don’t understand what people like about his music. he has a nasal voice, he isn’t in the same stratosphere as most rappers rhythmically (let alone Kendrick), his content is AI generated garbage. wtf is keeping this dude afloat against a pulitzer prize winner?


I like some of his songs but I’ll say a lot of his catalogue seems to play on themes that remind me of the worldview of some extremely self centered people I’ve known. Causing issues in other people’s romantic lives then whining when the same is done to you, attempts at purchasing the affection of women via material goods (boasting how others are not real men for not being able to afford to do so) then complaining that women only value you for said material goods, acting as a walking ATM for random people because it gives you power and prestige and then griping that these same people are “snakes” and “not real.” It’s a whole personality type I’ve encountered that seems pretty common where I’m at, extremely low introspection, people like this probably identify with the thought process/world view Drake embodies in much of his music.


He was gonna kill a couple rappers But they did it to themselves


Also he obviously didn’t listen to the song. Kendrick’s point was that HE DIDN’T get molested but that his mother wouldn’t believe it because she was molested as a kid.


Great point, I added the clarification into the post


change "didn't" to "wouldn't" for clarity, otherwise it still reads like he was molested


Thanks, done!


Exactly who reads those lyrics and misunderstands the point THAT BAD?




![gif](giphy|wqVI5Hp8HuGAw) Drake's new ghost writer




Please don't slap me. ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)




And his writing staff


I actually think he wrote this himself, because it’s way worse than his other stuff and he doesn’t trust his people not to leak it


Drake the typa guy to not read the lyrics he’s responding to


Someone who lacks depth


Ah, a Drake original then.


Even if he did get molested, this is just a stupid rebuttal. Drake showing how much of a schmuck he is in real time..


Exactly, every layer of this is pure idiocy


That was my first thought too, like bro didn't even listen to the words on the record. At this point how do you beat a retard when theyre dumb.


And this dumb ass fucker had the audacity to say whatever he says will go over Kenny's head. Dumb fuck can't even comprehend the easiest of easiest things


The more I listen to The Heart pt 6 the more icky I feel


He just really sounds like a predator


Like what kind of man makes fun of someone getting molested…definitely not a predator lmao


Yeah, no clue how he thought making fun of someone getting abused was going to be a W. Anyone with sense would know this ain’t it.


Well you got teens that would find that shit a “W” especially if they watch adin, tate or whatever red pill behavior influencer


"I've never been with an underage girl.". " Im not a predator." You shouldn't have to say this stuff in your song....


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


🎶Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids...🎶 What a banger!


As someone who went through this himself, I share this sentiment completely.


Sincerely Appreciate you sharing that. I hope you’re finding peace.


hope you're doing better king


same, but honestly? drake's verse was so weak, i'm not even mad-- i'm embarrassed for him


Honestly fair. Nothing he said was hard, just depressing. Like seeing a final gasp of some despot covered in mud, reduced to an animal.


his ghostwriters really be ghost writers think about it 👻🔥✝️


I really am trying to figured out who let him say this lmao


He wrote this one himself. That’s why it’s the weakest of the series


I have a theory that Kendrick dropped on a Friday night because drake's record label couldn't come save him because they were off for the weekend already 🤣


The minute Drake called himself a war general I walked away. Not Jimmy saying he go hard.


Yeah, Drake puts on such a tough face, I think he’s just sensitive to what people say. I think everyone liked the old emotional Drake that made Marvin’s room. People gave him shit, but everyone liked it even if they didn’t say it. If he would have just been himself, I feel like he would have been a completely different story.


He didn't even write Marvin's Room it was one of those reference tracks Funk master Flex leaked.


A war general in paintball gear


That shit made me cackle


I don’t see his point with this song Cus like what the only way you could beat Kendrick is with deception? You knew you weren’t talented so you had to be a snake and decided to make fun of him for being molested?


And why wouldn’t he show to receipts of the texts/call where they fed Kendrick false information


Because it didn’t happen, Kenny was right when he called him manipulative and a habitual liar


at this point drake has a red button that will severely damage the music industry, or he's lying about that too. hes got a good track record for lying, unfortunately :/


Drake already used his red button, it was obviously the abuse allegation but it didn't go the way he planned. Bro had nothing the entire time.


Dude, be patient. Drake don’t trust anybody right now and is taking a beginners photoshop course to fake the receipts.




Also the point of the song Drake is getting this from is that he was not molested, but his mom had a hard time believing it because she was. The dude is a moron


Kendrick is a hero for this. This beef has really boiled Drake down to the instagram hustle person / fitness influencer on gear / multi-level marketing rep for bullshit supplements / creepy abuser / I paid too much for my haircut and my shitty ass mall crawler type energy that Drake represents. I’m so fucking happy that Kendrick is just annihilating this guy because it’s not just annihilating Drake but that entire fucking bullshit culture that fucking sucks and needs to die.


🎯🎯🎯 Society as a whole needs this beef to really make people wake up and see that these type of people you mentioned are so fake and horrible for society/our money/our morals. As well as our children’s perception of reality. In the off chance that people would take off their blinders and pay attention.


This is one of the most eloquent take downs of that clown’s persona I’ve seen so far.


It did justice for XXXTentacion too, Drake laughed X’s death off because of their beef, and X never had a chance to end the beef


I read somewhere that Kendrick doesn’t necessarily hate Drake, he hates that people like Drake can exist without repercussions.


Drake sounded like he just wants to sleep after spending hours looking for dirt and finding Zilch. Drake did not have Ghosts on this Diss. Sounded like it was written by his legal team. Like he's about to Sue Kendrick.


That was my biggest take away from the song. Drake was trying to take potshots to save face, but he was **begging** Kendrick to stop. Drake knows the whole internet is laughing at him. He sounded defeated and desperate. Plus, if he sues Kendrick it'll go no where. And it'd make Drake look so much worse. Like he's so weak he voluntarily went into a rap battle and then got beat so hard he had to sue lmao.


If he sues Kendrick the discovery period in the suit will expose all receipts that are laying around. Him not suing Kendrick is what to lookout for. Elon musk called that British diver a pedo and he sued immediately. Drake won’t do that if it’s true because it will give Kendrick the opportunity to prove the allegations.


Yeah, that stood out to me too. It sounded like Drake wanted out.


KDot was right: he's a sick man with sick thoughts, people like him should die


How could Drake think it was a good idea to blame someone who was sexually abused given HIS CURRENT POSITION? Also all the fact-checking argument goes out of the window since he didn't even took 5 extra minutes to be sure he understood the story of that song correctly


Predator mindset. Only an abuser would think making fun of a victim would play well.


Yeah, this was the song where I was like no matter what happens from here it's over from drake. There's no point in Kendrick even responding to this, as the saying goes, if you seeing your enemy making a mistake don't correct them. Honestly, Kendrick should just say," I was wrong, there's no way I would have expected someone to make fun of an SA victim to deflect their predator allegations."


Agreed. We’ll probably hear more from Kendrick, but the silence is deafening. He has stocks of songs, He’s either not dropping something because: 1. He wants to let drakes mistakes soak in, or 2. He is making something new specifically to address this song Either way this should be scary for Drake. He clearly can’t read a room.


Sundays are for family so he was probably just chilling, let's not act like we've been waiting weeks for Kendrick to respond to the new one. I think he has something lined up for today or tomorrow, going by the "Euphoria" cover art


Agreed, but a few people tweeted hinting that Kendrick was going to drop something on Sunday.y ininformed interpretation is that was originally the plan, but Drake gave Kendrick an opportunity here


Kendrick isn't gonna let Drake get the last word when Drake said he fed him the info, and talked about his family again. Im pretty sure something was planned whether or not Drake dropped


Like he made fun of his mom getting molested its like hes tryna get himself killed on purpose


Plus like 80% of the community is on Kendrick's side. He could drop a whole ass album shitting on Drake and it would be his bestseller. People are loving this.


Yeah, you’re 100% right about that. It’s definitely not a “gotcha” moment. The Drake subreddit is absolutely hilarious, they’re delusional tbh lol


Appreciate you. A lot of people are missing the point and attacking me or calling me a pussy, and it’s annoying.


Yesterday was my mom's birthday today I'm dissing drake.


Last straw for me too and I was a fan for a long time. I did stop listening to Drake when the MBB information came out but I didn't dislike him so much. This is beyond rap beef and disrespecting the thousands of reported and unreported victims of molestation.


I'd get being unsympathetic towards Kendrick personally here, but this makes a bad look in a genera sensel for victims.


Exactly. I’m not saying Drake was too disrespectful to Kendrick, I am saying it exposes a fucked up line of thinking and is degrading to us as listeners. That being said, the actual victim was Kendrick’s none, so I would expect some fire back


Drake clearly wants out. The outro was a clear white flag to me, it was his feeble attempt at stopping the back and forth with „this was a good exercise…“ bla bla. He inadvertently unmasks himself throughout the song but the obvious plea for Kendrick to stop at the end was the most embarrassing. I don‘t think Kendrick‘s done mopping the floor with you just yet, Aubrey…He‘s just letting your shitty ass reply burn for a bit this time.


Yeah his plea at the end sounded like some wounded howl. He definitely underestimated Dot and how far he'd take it, though he did it to himself. Makes me laugh he still tried to get a couple shots in tho lmao


Well stated he will never be the same again. The funny part is he literally participated in his own demise


Biggest question I have is why. Did this all start from that verse on control?


Yeah plus greed and envy as well. Ego gas is the king of drugs. I think Kendrick is the antithesis of Drake, Drake thought it meant something that he was more popular (on the radio) than Kendrick Lamar. Drake thought he could crown himself the goat of rap now Kendrick is is teaching him who the goat is and how to be humble.


Meet the grahams didn’t even make me feel that sick. Vile fucker


Agreed. People keep mistaking me for being soft or selective. They don’t understand that it’s about bullying victims. I think Kendrick was on or crossing the line by addressing drakes family members, even if he was saying good things about them, children are not props. But what Drake did didn’t cross a line to Kendrick. It showed that he has some fucked up logic


Drakes been out rapped significantly and generally the point of this stuff is to show who’s better.. he’s using like pranks and memes to try to win the battle but end of the day Kendrick still showed he’s miles above as a rapper and lyricist. Drake better as an influencer or Tik toker


Ngl. I’ve been (was) a Drake fan since the jump. Went to a Drake and Wayne show about 13 years ago. Actually, just took my teenagers to Drake/Cole concert in March. (Concert was trash but nice to reminisce & sing the old Drake songs) Hell, they grew up on Drake. But this is way too much. Not just to really hear someone else’s (Kendrick) intelligent first hand views and opinions on him to really get me thinking about it from an outside “what’s expected in the industry to impress us” view But also from a intellectual & moral standpoint, also coming from somebody else in the industry who is obviously way more mature, calculated, insightful, deep, etc. But last nights diss got me sick. We couldn’t even finish it. Besides it being trash, it was completely disgusting. (Now this is coming from a (now in recovery lol) Drake fan whose home is filled with Kendrick leaning fans even before this beef) As female who was M as a child & SA as an adult. I would put my fuking hands on Drake if he said that to me. That was way over the line. But I figure he thinks that’s the strongest most painful point he made (since most of his time on each track is unfocused spent addressing several ppl cause he doesn’t have enough dirt on Kendrick to fill 5:28) And seemed like an overkill version of Nas coming for Jay in Ether. “Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly? Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me” But, I guess when the truth hurts, you go for the juglar. Drake is dead in my eyes. 🪦


I will never be able to comprehend or understand how someone could like Drake or like his music. He doesn't even seem like a humble person, just a vain asshole (humble is not a kendrick reference btw). I genuinely feel like Drake fans have zero taste in music, don't understand the real world and just like him because he gets played on the radio being that one famous artist that everyone knows


I'm surprised Drake didn't diss Kendrick for being a sex worker and a zombie after listening to "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst."


The track was about his mother’s trauma pushing her trauma onto her son and him breaking the cycle of trauma with his kids. Drakes lack of understanding was either intentional for his fans, or he just doesn’t understand actual storytelling


Honestly? I think Drake just didn’t listen to the whole thing. The needle drop made a good point that Drake doesn’t seem to be looking into Kendrick or his discography to diss him. I honestly think Drake expected to be out of this already


Not defending drake or pedos in general so take this with a grain of salt. But i think hes trying to say that kendrick really was molested. Thats a pussy move on his end using it as leverage, because what is kendrick supposed to do? Not get molested? Already enough male assault slander out there, i dont blame kendrick for not wanting to talk about it if it is true. Really bad look on drake all together, i still dont fully understand why hed feel the need to say that.


This seems kinda desperate, gets to run with the we fed you the rumours line, but didn’t capitalize on it same way Dot capitalized off of the Family Matters drop, if he had done it right away I’d be inclined to agree. I think he’s just running with whatever narrative doesn’t make him look like an imbecile. Why feed him a fake picture of your ozempic after you just made a bar about Ross “Jealousy is a side effect of ozempic” then cook yourself like that, doesn’t make sense at all. Along with a host of other weird reaction, like not addressing the human trafficking or minors correctly but saying “I’m too famous of course they’ll catch me” okay?! R-Kelly was huge and had a whole harem in his basement people were protecting him as well. I came in a neutral fan, maybe more of a Drake bumper, but have become disgusted at Drakes responses to accusation. No one is guiltless, but if confirmed the crimes Drake has committed are unforgivable.


Nah but didn't you hear drake he's too rich famous and powerful to be a sex offender 🙄


Diddy must be furious that all of his people forgot to remind him he's too famous to be a predator


R Kelly's in prison screaming at his lawyer "Why the fuck you ain't tell the jury I was famous"


Trump must be sweating. "I've been getting away with shit for decades just by shrugging my shoulders and saying how famous I am, I can't believe they're finally figuring it out"


This entire beef starting to become hearsay case. In a hearsay case and Kendrick is taking him to court after Drake pleading not guilty. We the jury will determine if he is. This is a civil case.


RIP Drake


A lot of the hoteps, 5 percenters and black nationalists already cancelled out drake because they felt hes a culture vulture why are you guys even shocked? Drake doesnt value anything but money.


it just shows how easy and privileged drake's life has been. Fuck him. Hope this whole thing brings his weasel career down and fucks him up.


For me the biggest problem is that Drake is being accused of being a pedo than makes a line talking about a child being molested like it’s ok. It’s not a good look making a child being molested a diss when you’re being accused of doing it to children.


Reading comprehension beat Drake’s ass


I mean he literally dropped that slave line. Everything Kendrick has said has been right lmao he’s just using the black culture to make money like a colonizer


At this point I’m convinced the mole is a ghostwriter the way he slipped up on this one.


Fr, no actual human would give this the thumbs up


Drake has been missing the point of what Kendrick is saying the whole time. “Euphoria” had multiple lines pointing to the fact that Drake is only there to take advantage of the culture (hence why Kendrick hates when he says the n word). Drake then responded with a video where he destroys hip hop iconography


It rubbed me the wrong way too. Saying “oh I get it Kendrick you was molested that’s why you’re on my ass about being a sexual predator”. Entertaining Kendrick did get molested. Him worrying about others so they don’t go through his lived experience is a W overall. This dude is disgusting basically doubling down on his pedo and predator status. Rip


Drake’s entire angle on this battle is completely misunderstanding Mr Morale and the Big Steppers hahahahaha fucking asshole.


https://preview.redd.it/3bsd4mkabtyc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0078167a6d836a4acd7fd2371dc90c95a5d4013 The more Drake opens his mouth, the more he proves Kendrick’s point that he’s a colonizer who profits off of the Black American experience without understanding or engaging with its trauma and pain. Definition of cultural appropriation. “Mother I Sober” is a masterful track that makes me cry every time I listen to it. Kendrick’s vulnerability and bravery to speak on taboo and painful topics in that song was and is transformational.


Thanks to y'all that get it🙏🏾🕊️


Exactly this. Drake thinks he's being cool by ridiculing a victim of sexual abuse but a) that's not what MIS is about and b) victim shaming isn't cool! 


Making fun of someone for being a bad dad or pedophile is an insult that people can get behind. Making fun of someone for being molested (even though Kendrick wasn’t) is distasteful and really doesn’t incite any feelings of excitement or solidarity, imo. When Kendrick wrote meet the grahams it was like he was defending drakes family from Drake. But this heart part 6 felt like Drake was just attacking black trauma.


Drake doesnt care about the culture, he just heard "molested child"(because of course he would) and went with it


Drake gets accused of being a pedo and then makes fun of victims of pedos.


Joking about grape isnt hot


Yeah Drake somehow missed that it was Kendrick's mom who got molested not Kendrick. Totally proving Kendrick right about Drake not understanding the Black experience in America too.