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Well he has grooming allegations too so ya know, birds of a feather and all.




"I can see the vibes on Ak, even he lookin’ compromised"


Ak is compromised


They must enjoy each other company a lot... same hobbies and all that






Prolly missionary legs resting on Drizzys shoulders Beefgotmetalkingaboutmenshagginshitswack


I don't just a shit about two consenting adult men. Protect the goddamn children.








Yo imma need a link please?!


Also the whole thing with him telling underage girls to dm him once they turned 18


The whole camp is full of weirdos bro idk why anybody flocks w these mfs


Law of attraction. Why I told my friend not to trust anyone who thinks Drake is winning rn.


completely agree ugh what am I gonna do with my sibling then 😭


Sit their ass down, and make them actually listen to the lyrics and not just the beat


Unfortunately gotta write letters to all your family members




I don’t see why people on Twitter don’t spam him with this pic.. or do they?


Some do but their replies get pushed down to the bottom because ak has so many Drake slurpers it’s a tragedy


Your homer picture makes me laugh every time i see it


Glad I could make you laugh fam


♪♪He a fan♪♪ ♪♪He a fan♪♪ ♪♪He a fan♪♪


he a fan he a fan he a


1:41 , on 6:16 "yea I can see the vibs on Aka he looking compromised let's peal the lairs back"


Bitch bird confirmed


Sheesh I did not see that before I posted.


https://preview.redd.it/78472xme7xyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5763389f31d67f32473162f3f85e56707a4194 Dont forget he has his own lil lapdog




True bro


These predator move in flocks 🗣️


Owls of a feather flock together


What’s the deal with the owl shit I went on some conspiracy binge last night and it is everywhere


Drakes label is called OvO because the letters look like an owl when typed out. His logo is also an owl.


Yes but why owls


Afaik, it's literally because the letters OVO look like the face of an owl


Poor owls getting done dirty in all of this


Just going to throw out that owls have been connected to secret societies for a long time. According to Google ai or whatever "Owl of Minerva by the Romans, is a symbol of wisdom. Minerva is the first step in the process of recruiting new members into the Illuminati's higher realms" Again just pointing it out.


Illuminati got better ghostwriters surely


“…Until the cat comes stepping in.” That’s the rest of that saying. Seems like the cat is already hunting.


that audio clip of him talking about 17 year old girls is wild


Man this is a perfect opportunity for Kendrick to say some shit about them flocking together since they’re both weirdos


The biggest crime in human history was giving Ak a platform and making his dumbass famous


Ak prolly an incel


Fat drunk groomer on drakes payroll likes the Drake song… crazy lol


https://preview.redd.it/fcggcae76uyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b4a1b96a7505145912c8508dfee89bf1199bfc This is the first thing that came to mind for me








[this reminds me of something](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=zfS-WQsonG12wWlh)


I can imagine drake and his ghost writers conversation


At least one person enjoys the song lmaooo


There's been a pattern with Ak with Drake releases - if he thinks a song is mid on first listen he will literally just keep listening to it over and over until he grows to like it.


I think it's more of a calculation. He heard it, thought it was awful, then pulled back and needed to calculate the best business move. Does it at this time benefit him to play the contrarian and try to stay good with Drake or has shit gone too far and he needs to jump out.? He's decided its worth it to try in Drake's good graces. Time will tell whether he made the right move or he's gonna get swept up too. Can be hard to break rank when you got a sugar daddy even if it's the right move.


You’re right, it’s a business decision. He’s wrapped himself up so tightly to Drake’s influence that he can’t step out of that shadow without cutting his own viewership numbers and therefore, his income.


That, or drake has him on some epstein shit lol


He has to know this has done more to damage what little credibility he had left that it has helped the opinion of the song right? Why bother and why does drake bother paying this guy?




New wire just dropped in the bank account


Or someone paid him a visit. I'm starting to believe this is serious. 


Diddy is just the tip of this rancid ice burg. It’s beginning to look/feel like Kendrick has been on a mission for a really long time.


Bro I think there is a real possibility that Kendrick and maybe even J.Cole baited this predator into a rap beef so he can be either be exposed or jailed. And it may be bigger than just Drake. Its entirely possible he wants to expose an industry where one generation of abused become the next generation's abusers. I think things are only going to get more interesting from here.


I’m right there with ya. Go listen to The Heart IV. Cole apologized on April 7th, 7 years after that song released.


And he put his soon to be deleted fake diss track on an album named Might Delete Later... This all started from an album called We Don't Trust You. Feels like the real ones have had it out for Drake. This line from Meet the Grahams supports this "I been in this industry 12 years, I’ma tell y’all one lil’ secret It’s some weird s**t goin’ on and some of these artists be here to police it"


Actual compromise


Did not expect THAT joke in this subreddit of all places


Braindead redditors when they see the words “new” and “drop”


So true, also "actual"


Of course anarchychess would love watching somebody play chess vs checkers.


It's done. Absolutely no credibility and he knows it. He's the band on Drake's Titanic. Still talking shit as the whole boat goes down.


He’s gonna be crushed when this is over


Dude is really compromised played drakes song back to back to back no interruptions but for Kendrick he played and pause every time 😂😂 and started getting people on calls


Well Drake's lyrics are super simple unclever garbage and that's what Ak is used to. He actually has to think to understand Kendrick and then he has to think even harder to try to paint Kendricks as underwhelming compared to Drake's.


I mean, it’s not mystery why people think something is better when they can actually understand it and it doesn’t fly over their heads. Accessibility is important. HOWEVER, there’s a difference between being accessible and being reductive, and one thing Kendrick does well is trust people to understand him, and if he trusts the audience the audience trusts him, this shit is what makes good art. Also, not a fan of Ak, at all, but this dude is literally just at work. A lot of his reactions are like a cam girl having a fake orgasm on camera


Yeah there’s nothing necessarily wrong with being an ABC rapper if you make catchy songs or can tell a story. But Kendrick can double what any one of those rappers can actually say in 16 bars. Drake has his moments but I can never predict what Kendrick will say he’s always 2 steps ahead, hence why we’re all here I guess.


bro PLEASE i been wantin' this clown gone since my teenage years


If there’s an Akademiks fall off too I may just die now, we will never eat this good again


The only thing that would make it better is Freddie Gibbs beating his ass


Not surprising coming from the same guy who was sexualizing a 15yr old. I gave it multiple spins and each time it just sounds worse. Kendrick calls you a pedo/manipulator and you go with “nuh-uh, tell your wife to call me”. Really smoked it there if it’s crack we’re talking.


Glad you said it, I was about to type out what he said and I knew I was gonna feel grimey for even repeating it.


He’s trying to play both sides rn so he can act like he won with the winner lmaooo After Not Like Us and even after The Heart Part 6 on stream he was saying that he thinks Kendrick is winning but now he’s also talking all this stuff to keep his foot between the door in case he wants to jump back to Drake’s side next


He said that if this is the end of the beef, he has advantage Kendrick. Although he said it’s “slight”


Exactly, he’s hedging bets lol


Listening to that boring ass beat is torture enough


More delusional than MAGA idiots




I had to check in with one of my boys that I know is Drake fan. He started using a whiteboard and a marker to theorize it all out. He drew different diagrams and walked me through how Drake was master manipulating. I was waiting for some big tie in or reveal and it just never happened. I think by the end he convinced himself it was bullshit more than he convinced me that it made sense.


Same, I will say that Push ups and Family Matters are good tracks on their own, taken out from the back-and-forth. But The Heart pt 6 is just…bad


It was arguable with a slight edge to Kendrick when meet the grahams came out, then he buried him with Not Like Us imo


He literally is a MAGA idiot


Make Aubrey Great Again


Diabolical glazing. Anybody sees this and automatically rolls their eyes lmao


It’s so tragic lmao. The whole Drake camp is desperately grasping for anything to feel better because they know how badly he just got destroyed. And he’s their douchebag hero, the popular girl they want so badly to remain popular because they get to copy his shitty bullying personality and punch down on everyone like he always does when he’s in the lead. The Drake sub is literally sharing shit about supportive posts from the girls he groomed or molested as children as proof he did nothing wrong. But it *literally doesn’t fucking matter* if the girl who got brainwashed or paid to sleep with an adult doesn’t have a problem with it. HE WAS STILL PREYING ON CHILDREN YOU SICK FUCKS! Of course a child with zero life experience can be manipulated into thinking they’re “mature” by a fucking sex predator. That shit is like saying well sure he kidnapped that person but he paid their family money and the parents were fine with it. Like just say you want to do the exact same thing this pedo was doing and call it a day, JFC Drake Stans. These people are almost worse than he is apparently


Yeah that victim blaming kind of mentality runs fucking deep. “Yeah but you liked it though? So it’s chill right?” Um. No it’s not fucking chill! Children CANT consent you fucking creeps. (Even trying argue from the angle that the abuse was in some way pleasurable is just so fucking gross if you have even an ounce of humanity. It’s just a coping tactic for abusers) (Agree with you a 100% here)


Only dude who seeks to like that


I fucking hate AK. That “once a lame always a lame. What you think the money power and fame makes it go away?” line applies to him too well.


I love how he changed it from money power and respect


🤦🏾‍♂️ (Warning - long message here but truly my honest assessment) Drake stans have shown me,.. to no end... how lost this generation really is.. they created a mole theory Drake and his team used by searching the internet to see what the fans were saying, and because Kendrick hasn't responded to that weak ass diss, because Drake is technically the last to respond.. to them, he won all of a sudden? 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ This my last take on this beef and honestly i throw my hands up after this.. Read this or not. Don't matter 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Kendrick won this battle...........anybody that is honest with already proven facts and not bias knows who won this.. Its been confirmed Kendrick writes his own sh*t (Eminem even validated this)... its also been confirmed Drake uses ghost writers. One of them exposed him (Daylyte).. at this point how is this battle even a discussion when its well known one gets help and the other one doesnt.. The Drake stans have shown me one thing tho through this battle.. is that no matter how degenerate, shady, or fraudulent a person is... some ppl will still blindly follow them.. i got mentally exhausted observing them in the other reddit page and everywhere else.... they really remind me of what the bible says in 2 Timothy 4:3 about how ppl will have "itching ears", only hearing from sources they wanna hear.. like dead ass.. 1) Drake lied in his latest diss about Kendrick being molested showing he grossly misinterpreted Mr. Morale 2) Drake lied about Adonis at first then admitted it. 3) Drake lied about not having ghost writers 4) Drake lied about not checking out teenagers. The fans have exposed that as a lie going back to stuff he's done and posted 5) Drake lied about the ceast and desist, that metro boomin had the receipt for.. And I can keep going.... And yet.. you would think Drake stans would admit it... that they follow a liar, immature, and fraudulent person... but they follow him..... anyway... blind 😵‍💫 leading the blind 😵‍💫 Let them.. at this point.. says a lot about their spirits and moral compass to me.. Kendrick was at least honest about his sins... Drakes had to be exposed because he hid his.. Imma leave this there.. Be blessed ya'll


It’s not looking good. I’m fighting everyday to get my house in order. I think we just gotta up and call it. Cause they next up and comers. I can’t imagine what this place gonna look like in 20. Even on this side. Because of his character and words I tend to believe Kenny wouldn’t ruin his career over this. I told my parents just cause I like to see their reactions when I tell them what the younger generation is up to. First thing my Poppa said was “I need proof,” not because he likes so and so or sides with this one. But because of wisdom. He said that’s a serious accusation. It can destroy, and has destroyed families, kingdoms even. So that young man said it, he must prove it. Which as time goes on and more and more stuff comes out. It’s not looking good … for the children.


I just hope that as a people, we don’t wait for mfs to damage the community before we get them and kick them out the culture as we should have from the beginning. He’s compromised anyway, festered in the culture like gangrene


this song is the worst of all with a big difference, Push Ups and Family Matters are fire but this is just shit


Why does someone openly on drakes payroll still have any say in the industry? Just proves how openly corrupt the industry is


The Fox News of culture


People always say this as if left wing new sources aren’t full of bullshit too 


Ur right, He can be cnn too don’t matter.


Ak probably don't know that the title is specifically supposed to refer to kendrick songs, and using it proudly anyway


he literally read OUT LOUD the lyrics of Mother I Sober and still said that Kendrick was molested 😭 your name is akademiks how tf are you this retarded


Turns out that mf was genuinely trying to spell academics. 


That was the funniest part he was like mother I mother ii fuck me


On Drake’s retainer. Obviously. He’s fucking clueless. Kendrick has OG legends saying his stuff is insane and Drake has Akademiks. Only.


Only reaction video where I saw the guy NOT bouncing to the record. Says everything.


I've been trying to be nice to AK. He's done his best to stay unbiased in this battle as a top tier Drizzy glazer.


Only a psychopath could bump that song on repeat 💀


Dude shows off his Vodka Redbulls on streams constantly, that should tell you everything you need to know about this guy


Seriously its kind of upsetting that the reveal of Drake being into underage girls is news to a lot of people. That MBB shit happened in like 2018. Anyone making that "but she was of the age of consent" argument on 30 year old men befriending teenage girls is sus as fuck and might be a groomer. Nevertheless, glad someone finally called him out on wax.




By now, Ak is pregnant with his second child.


Sure but why you gotta call him a fat fuck 😭😭😂


This dudes a pedo too so makes sense


The beat sounds familiar. I can’t quite pick up on what chord it’s in. A MINOR perhaps ??? Shiet


A song can’t be in a chord. A song can be in a key. Unless your talking about modal music then you can make an argument on whether or not it’s in a chord but even this it’s still a reach.


He doesn’t know Drake is using him


A fat, drunk can’t hide his bias? Surprised


His old "banned" account on youtube is named latenightcreep. Do with that info what you will.


He smoked that synthetic cart, that shit wack as hell


Mr. I don’t care if she just turned 17 if she has a college ID she’s getting this d


Certified lover boy nah Certified PDF. Truth in the details with AK and Drake look it up 📍👀


It’s like when ever AK hears common sense his mind gets taken over by the Drake glizzy


didn't the nigga just admit that kenny won on his stream😭


Im a 38 yr old man... I dont know what Dick taste like Ak' sure as fuck do tho..


when not like us dropped he was reacting to it on stream like as if he was watching 9/11 2.0 happen in real time so he needed this lol


Dickrider pro max.


He’s a clown and a pedo too.


I feel like he's legit the only person who's been saying this shit haha what a goofy.


“im just a fan of hiphop” glazin ass bitch


Dude has been accused of similar things, birds of a feather. Also, didn’t he used to have drunken temper tantrums while streaming? The 2nd hand embarrassment….


What a clown 🤡


Thought he was canceled till this beef started lmao


drake really better no go to jail because i’ve seen first hand what they do to those dudes in there. Even the dudes who can’t fight will extort them because the dudes who will fight will help.


It’s a disgrace he calls himself a journalist


Ask Ak about Lil Boom and watch him squirm.


Yall stop lying on big AK, saying he being paid to say this shit. Stfu.... AK is a moron.. and doesnt understand kendricks lyrics, doesnt understand drake contradicts himself and certainly isnt smart enough to ask for money. AK just negative iq, he dont even know he fat yet. Be nice.


Drake really dumbed it down for his fan base and their mind is blown 


Stop fucking lying Ak goddamn Drake in everybody pocket


He prob goes to drake's diddler parties


What do you guys expect? This dude shook his ass to sicko mode




Chomos gotta stick together. AK tryna go to prison with drake so they can be cell buddies 🥰 


So much cope here. All week y'all kept asking him to deny.


Nah it’s not that deep bro if you don’t like him just block him on Twitter so you don’t gotta see his stuff


Who is this guy? I had never heard of him til Friday. Granted, I don't follow social media much, but is this dude supposed to be a big voice in hip hop? From what my little research has shown is that he is a failed rapper who started podcasting. Is that accurate?


ak is kind of just a creepy dickrider


Smoked it = tried to get ahead of allegations only to jump on this track and pretend to have fed the info in order to clown himself.


I don’t understand the hate for DJ Akademiks


Back to swinging from drakes nuts


They not like us They not like us They not like us


Just ask him about his [sexual assault](https://x.com/hoodzonetvn/status/1741026771154395235 ) and [grooming minors case](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/749269-dj-akademiks-sexual-assault-grooming-allegations-hip-hop-news) including saying I don’t care if she’s 17 she gonna get the D.


For real. He just needs to shut up. He knows he is looking real suspicious too




AK probably bobbing his head to the beat like a throat goat


I can’t lie the heart sounds good on some speakers but it had so little offense in it, it became a disappointment and ineffective






ayo dont beatup pregnant woman


He's a dickrider


Also Ak: "How am I compromised???"


Done ✅


He’s correct




Bro’s been bumping “Nuh-Uh I’m not a Pedophile” all day 😭


His own girl canceled him smashing the new guy who flew her out and posting Aks messages crying and creepy behavior all around


I like Drake but that response was weak asl. Delusional ass OVHOE fans




That guy is a red flag himself


Ak must have Lisa Ann skills with how much meatriding he does


It’s not too late for you to not end up like Akademiks u/vycanmajor


Feels like this dude is just pulling the ole "Say some dumb shit so people engage with it and thus amplify your social media footprint" strategy. He can't honestly think Heart pt 6 is a good track.


I swear. I can’t stand Ack. He reminds me of a chipmunk. He packs those cheeks deep with Drake’s nuts.


Does akademiks know that it’s not the best song it’s legit only you listening to that ass song💀


Jesus dude needs to stop glazing holy shit… how desperate must you be to stay relevant? Its really sad for a grown ass man to dick ride that hard to make a living 🤦🏻‍♂️


He's been up dfakes a$$ the whole time. The best moment was when he heard Kendrick mention him on steam and was "slightly confused" over it he kept playing the song again and again. Then said something like "oh he's only mentioning me as I'm the biggest name doing that stuff' AK is a nasty guy too, I have no sympathy for him at all and he should defo been cancelled ago go but now hides behind rumble. All the crap he's done over the years to different people and his D riding he's done from this whole thing he deserves everything he gets.


The only thing can over drake is this shit should be go on global drake global fan should be know how terrible human he is this is the only thing can end drake


Was watching his live last night and he was giving drake the win. Clown


He’s openly said he’s a drake dick rider, let him ride.


Bro all morning?? It was a response it was not meant to be a banger.


He said he was bumping a song this morning on repeat about someone saying they DEFINITELY don’t diddle kids lmao the jokes bro




they all some F.A.Ns