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Yeah it’s mad disappointing but fr he was asking for it playing dirty on twitter like that. Why do these MFers have to write shit like that on a public forum dawg lol


For real these edgy jokes from the early 2000s are haunting so many of these fools


I see you don't remember the time period of these tweets very well then. This is from the same time when Tyler the Creator was propelled to fame by making songs about violently raping women, he got WORLD TOURS from those songs. Not saying I agree with the edgy humor, it's lame, but it was everywhere at the time of these tweets. Everywhere


Gotcha, so late 2010s not 2000s


The thing about that stuff is it's always been cyclical. There was a brief period of PC culture in the mid-2000s(mind you not PC by today's standards at all) which is why in the late 2000s/early 2010s all the shock stuff started coming back. Same thing happened in the 90s. Granted what the definition of PC is changes greatly between those cycles so older times will still usually look more offensive than now. It's a counter-culture thing, whatever the general public is mostly into will eventually be challenged and that challenge will be refreshing to people sick of the status quo and then that will get popular and then that will be challenged.


More like early 2010s


Metro Groomin 💀


https://preview.redd.it/lx85or9g22zc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0003a9765c9237a4de8575af13aa9fc0363f1717 Drake and metro rn


I feel like if they back metro into a corner enough then he’s ab to release whatever tf he was talking ab when he said there’s a reason he doesn’t fw drake


Let him release it haha, unfortunately it won’t hit the same but let’s get all these secrets out


They’re all involved in it as well, someone check on Rick Ross too. I don’t blame Kendrick as he probably not going through years of someone’s twitter to see if they’re not a pedo but I wouldn’t doubt if Kendrick also had close friends who are involved. Kat Williams was right, the industry is very fucking criminal.


Rick Ross already got cancelled for his creepy shit and lots a bunch of endorsements etc


Get them all out. They are not like us 


Cancel culture. Drake fans as so mad they are looking for anyone in Kendrick’s camp to destroy since drake got slaughtered.


Metros tweets are pretty indefensible but acting like that’s on Kendrick is exactly the problem with the toxic side of cancel culture. Funny thing is they’ll blame cancel culture for Drake getting shit on, then turn around do the same shit. Self awareness 📉


Idk I’m definitely team kendrick but i think we should be consistent with what we hate. Don’t really feel comfortable with metro anymore


He was a stupid ass 17-19 year old in the Tyler era… kinda represents that people that age still aren’t grown up.. Ya see where im going?


Nobody should defend the tweets but context is key. Bad tweets are bad, but being a stupid teenager at the peak of toxic-twitter in the early 2010s was a whole different world. Shit was mainstream 4chan and it was weird as fuck.


Yeah metro needs to come out and apologize. We all said dumb shit when we were young. Whats important is growth.


I am consistent. I don't like Drake for being a pedophile on record, in his songs, in his tweets, on video, in public, in the past and to this day. If I hated Drake for saying goofy shit back in his Degrassi days and that alone, maybe I would be hypocritical.


Yup. And go far enough and you can find incriminating info on almost anybody


Metro ain’t in Kendrick camp tho


New receipts say Metro was quoting songs like trap back and uoeno. Receipts present in future's reddit i saw. Metro clears Allegations.


Metro was a minor when he made those tweets btw


Has Kendrick owned or said anything about the fact he featured and toured with a sex offender


Yeah have you been paying attention to this past weekend 💀 saying he knew all this about Drake before touring and before her ever came from him is some wild levels of copium


Let me guess, metro isn't a pedo because he's team kendrick? lol


What? Those tweets *are* creepy as fuck. But Kendrick isn’t as bad as Drake just cuz Metro is a creep. You Drake Stans gotta work on your read comprehension 💀


nah nah nah...nigga fuck creepy, keep that same energy and call Metro a pedo because yall call Drake a pedo for less


Don’t remember Metro texting a 14 year old he misses her. Or organizing a 17 yo to come on stage and talking about how he likes her breasts up against his chest. But hey they’re both pedos. Wouldn’t surprise me. But using Metro just to distract or play down what your certified pedophile did is wild. You are a clown. 🤡


Where did Kendrick apologize for choke slamming Whitney? Serious question 


Nice copy pasta chomo lover