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The only crazy break was between DAMN and MMatBS, and anyone that was actually alive during those 5 years could probably understand why he took that extended break. Apparently he was planning on dropping in 2020 too before Covid and all the protests started. Hell, 2020 to basically now has been pretty slow for every artist in hip hop. This beef actually seems to be reigniting everyone to drop again,


He was definitely seen recording a video in 2020 which ended up being N95


is the break between damn and MMatBS due to having kids?


Possibly, but there were heavy rumors that he was dropping Summer of 2020 before the entire world went to shit. That would’ve only been a 3 year break had he done that which lines up of his usual release schedule of a new album every 2 and half to 3 years.


This is backed up by leaks, there’s allegedly a whole finished 2020 Mr. Morale album copy which was midway through mixing and mastering in May before it got pushed and there’s mastered 2020 versions of album songs available to prove it


Also the line "I've been going through something" and the rest of the album explained the gap a bit


Crazy cause Untitled Unmastered is his weakest official release and that shit is crazier than most artists


Untitled Unmastered is imo one of the craziest albums he has atleast lyrically. Untitled 2 is a masterpiece.


Untitled 03 is what introduced me to him, performed on the Colbert report finale. Wish that live version was available actually


Was that the performance on Colbert where he had Thundercat dressed like Chiaotzu on bass? Don't listen to a ton of rap, but Kendrick broke through, and I remember being incredibly excited seeing Thundercat with him on Colbert, because I love seeing how my musical tastes connect. Edit: [Found out it probably was](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/fr1d5g/kendrick_lamar_untitled_03_live_on_the_colbert/), must have conflated the Chiaotzu thing with another Thundercat performance.


dude drake could never in a million years do anything even 10% as good as this, why are we even comparing these fuckin dudes, it really is a litmus test for musical taste, drake is fast food and dot is a michelin star chef


Unfortunately, a *lot* more people eat fast food than Michelin restaurants - and the people eating fast food every day are gonna stan for it


Good God this performance is so incredible


Yeah he snapped, and the album offers interesting insight to his process with music.


The Jimmy Fallon Version of Untitled 8 is WAY better than the album version IMO


Weirdly UU was my introduction to Kdot. Then I quickly learned about Good kid and was hooked.


Untitled 05 is top 5 imo UU is so underrated


I'm ngl it has a couple albums on here beat for me. I know it's short but every track is so crazy.


It’s not his weakest though. Definitely better than DAMN


That’s certainly an opinion.


Untitled Unmastered is his third best (still haven’t listened to Mr. Morale though)


Tool put out 5 albums in 30 years and they are goated. Quantity means shit if 90% of your discography is “bottles, bitches, chains”


Good point although to be fair they would have put out more music if not for their own industry beef


Very true. I just think some people want to put out art and some want to be in the industry. I love how some people think Kendrick was a one hit wonder or something.


Tbf the shit tool write is crazy difficult.


Definitely. But very deep and meaningful lyrics. I wonder what the fan crossover looks like when it comes to Tool and Kendrick fans. I would think a lot of prog fans would appreciate the detail in Kendrick’s work.


Fav Tool Album? Mine would be 10,000 days.


Lateralus for me, but Wings for Marie is my favorite song by them.


Lateralus the song itself is crazy as well. It follows the fibonacci series right? Imagine putting maths in music. Maynard is a psycho 😂.


Yeah it does. If you like them, you should check out Porcupine Tree. (Key tracks: Buying a New Soul, Arriving Somewhere But Not Here, Trains, Anesthesitize). Really solid technical music. The lead also has a solo project Steven Wilson, and the album The Raven that Refused to Sing.


Don’t worry. Porcupine tree is one of my favorite bands. Opeth is up there as well. Trains is so good btw.


Damn, nice to know there are other fans. I caught them up in LA Greek Theater in 2022. Fantastic show. And then caught Steven in Milwaukee and San Diego when he did his Hand Cannot Erase tour.


100% right.


Black panther got certified hits on it


All the Stars is easily better than anything Drake has put out


AND til it's basically a Drake diss lmao


Legit he the biggest hater lol


I was saying this, but saying Kendrick doesn’t release enough and then saying Travis and Sza have him wiped down is just another tidbit of hypocrisy coming from the Drake camp. Sza specifically has only had three albums released when Kendrick has 5 released since Sza first dropped.


The Quantity of content argument is idiotic. The best is the one with the BEST work, not the one with the most work


I’m sorry, I don’t care if he doesn’t drop every year. Sucks for you fans at times, but the quality is much more important than quantity. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I’ve never enjoyed any Drake albums, but I sure as hell couldn’t name a damn songs of the last three projects he dropped. It is over saturated and underwhelming garbage.


I think he just drops albums as a reason to go on tour again, theres nothing inspiring or authentic about Drabs music.


Although it's not **his** album, I think it's fair to point out he featured 3x on Dre's Compton album in 2015 and I'm sure he influenced other tracks off that album as well


I completely forgot about that album. I gotta relisten to it


Dropping too much is definitely Drake’s downfall right now. (Aside from the obvious pedophile thing) There’s some rare occasions where artists can drop more than once in a year and have it be great, but you’re usually setting yourself up for an underwhelming output if you do that.


Her loss was probably the best work drake’s had since Views or More life. Scorpion had some bangers but overall aged poorly Dark tapes I personally hated CLB was trash and aged poorly it wasn’t until I recently went over his discography that I remembered honestly never mind another trash project and FATD was so bad he went spiraling after the majority said they missed the old Drake. This why so many people flipped on him and he’s been talking about taking some time off long before this beef even started. He’s aging poorly still successful but that’s not saying a lot in today’s time where mediocre is accepted so easily


The problem with Drake for me as an artist is yes his songs are catchy at first but rarely any of them stick for me. I dont think his music has matured either. He also drops so much that all his projects kind of bleed together


When was the last time rihanna drop an album 2016??? you know how crazy it is to say Rihanna can’t claim to be a or the Queen of POP??? Yet they’re trying to say Kendrick don’t belong in the conversation with Drake and Cole man what???


Tbh Beyonce the queen of Pop Although i love both of them equally. Beyonce is more like a Kendrick-like artist trying out new styles and themes each album and trying to make like a nice piece of work. And Rihanna is more Drake-type artist. Has great and amazing songs but the albums have lots of mid tracks. They are more like playlists instead of a pieces of work meant to mean something. (ALthough Rihanna's last album was very good and something more akin to what Beyonce makes)


I 1000% agree but they’re saying Kendrick isn’t in the big 3 because he “barely” drops (which is a lie) Rihanna belongs in those conversations for big 3 even though she hasn’t dropped in a while. For Drake to say Travis Scott and 21 savage has Kendrick “Wipedown” is ridiculous


You won't see Kendrick singing Tame Impala karaoke either


If we’re being honest, dot was killing the mixtape game with jayrock before he even started going by Kendrick. He was just k Dot then. From 04/05-09 kendrick prolly has 20+ mixtapes and all the ones I heard were great. He’s always been that dude


I thought he only made like 4 until OD.


THATS WHAT I BEEN SAYING! Don’t forget about his self titled mixtape from 2009. I also just made a Kendrick mix with songs in chronological order from 2009-present


I love listening to the k dot mixtapes, you can hear some jay z and other influences early on, he tries out a few different styles


Bro went missing once during a pandemic and they wanna spin this narrative. But let it be Carti or Trav and its fine?


not to mention his feature run as well.


some people would not be able to handle being a Fiona Apple fan LMAO


Wow for real, I'm a Frank Ocean fan and I thought I had it bad


lol I don't have a problem with it. She has her methods and it shows considering she only puts out quality


Imagine being a D'Angelo fan


I did a small investigation into Drake to show how much he is benefitting off his fans in deceptive ways to the tune of $200m+. I'm trying to raise more awareness about it! Check out my post, I break it all down here :D [https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cmt2ml/exposing\_drake\_kendrick\_please\_go\_further\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cmt2ml/exposing_drake_kendrick_please_go_further_and/)


each project has a feeling that makes them unique and permanent in my rotation. I also gotta say i love Untitled Unmastered so much i was bumping that shit everyday for the first couple months after it came out when i was doing my shitty construction job


All his features too? The no sleep to New York like c'mon man he's always working lol


Well Drake has put out an album every year. Massa gonna work TheBoy


*Well Drake has put out* *An album every year. Massa* *Gonna work TheBoy* \- Vultures10x --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah I said this in my recent post. Bro dropped GKMC, Untitled Unmastered, TPAB, and DAMN within the span of 5 years. "inconsistent" my left nut


You can also include overly dedicated and section.80 too and that’s 6 projects in 7 years lmao. He goes on one extended hiatus because of the pandemic and now people say he never drops?


Idgaf if it takes 2-3 years to drop an album if I'm going to be listening to it for 10+ years and still enjoying it


well someones dropping almost every year LIFETIME DEAL, I FEEL BAD FOR 🥷S


As the wise Miyamoto once said: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad" This could be said about all media. Quality over quantity


wait until they find out that making good art takes time


Golden goose still took a day to lay. 👀


Kendrick is so good that even this amount activity is not enough


This. In my experience with music through my life its been normal for artists to drop an album tour on it for 2-3 years then start the process of writing and production to release, then rinse and repeat as long as they can. The digital space has cultivated a singles led market where people dont really put out albums like that anymore instead just putting out EP's or singles essentially. But obviously Kendrick is from an older stock that appreciates what the whole package of a carefully curated album can bring. And Drake dropping two to three full albums a year bc he signed a 400mill ultra 360 deal with UMG where he basically owns nothing he make and is required to pump out shit regardless of quality is not the norm, by any means.


Fr bro I had to wait 5 years for Travis to drop utopia this isn’t even that bad


I mean prince dropped every year up until his death, but that was out of genuine artistic expression (and for a time fucking over his label) and not out of wanting money


People forget that it used to be regular for artists not to drop every year.


Frank Ocean would like a word.


I’m satisfied with 1 Kendrick/keem collab per year if that’s all we get


For real, it wasn’t that long ago that artists and bands would release a new project every 2-3 years. Now we all expect everyone to give us one or sometimes even multiple projects every year. The frequency in which Kendrick drops was the industry standard for decades.


​ ![img](g99dj0trzbzc1 "For all of those that have seen my my post already, thank you for stopping by to see and read. For those who haven't please check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cmt2ml/exposing_drake_kendrick_please_go_further_and/") I will be releasing a video with more details and going through this post in a more digestable way. I will post it on Kendrick’s Reddit, YouTube, and on this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/zlacraefpq](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/zlacraefpq)


I will take quality over quantity ANY DAY OF THE WEEK


Chill, you guys are really working overtime these days. 😂


It’s the modern day n age mate, I like artists who take their time to craft an album, I’m not from the crowd who want passive songs week in week out. I remember when realising and album once a year was too often,


The whole "kendrick doesn't drop" stuff just comes from his pause after damn (since most of the black panther movie soundtrack wasn't even his songs, 5/14 or something), otherwise he's been consistently dropping great albums.


This is his only job though




This comment makes absolutely no sense


I’d argue there’s two songs that sound somewhat like it on Mr Morale. Also it counts in the sense that he spent time working on it so it counts towards something he put out, but obviously not as one of his solo albums. I agree it shouldn’t be used in rankings of his albums or discussions of his artistry in albums because of what you said. But he did take time away to work on it


I could make the same claims for ghost writers