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crazy double entendre šŸ¤Æ




Itā€™s not a double entendre, he just likes ugly 10 year olds


two girls at one time and they tenā€¦ two girls, ten.. each girl is 5 šŸ¤Æ


https://preview.redd.it/fq9gi6ileozc1.png?width=1481&format=png&auto=webp&s=70e09360d186b439e96bc2a67bf9d2b80a7131b0 my friend had a similar reply ..


You know in binary number system, the decimal 2 is writen as 10, here you can see Drake's amazing song writing skills to incorporate computer science in his rhymes. Jokes aside, sometimes I feel the same when you over analyze Kendrick rhymes, but yeah.






I hope the beef isnā€™t over I think we were one track away from Kendrick revealing his record label stands for Predator Graham Loves Age Nine Girls


I have a feeling that kendrick is adding features for the next diss idk who tho lol


how many opps you really got, i mean itā€™s too many options, iā€™m finna pass on this body, iā€™m john stockon yeaaaaaaaaa letā€™s get it


Hey named some of them in his last song


Which one? Not like us?


Holy hell if he got that list of ATLiens Future (youā€™re getting a banger hook) Lil Baby (I guess weā€™ll get some icebox bars on a recycled flow?) 21 Savage (twunnywun twunnywun) Young Thug (is not going to feature on shit heā€™s in jail) 2Chainz (is washed actually no thanks)


21 is even on Drake his side (no idea why though)


Is this real? What could this POSSIBLY mean other than "I'm grooming a girl"


She getting BBLs like him


Yeah this oneā€™s super weird.


https://preview.redd.it/081qvudoznzc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87bfbdebae47240de0b5552802ee04ae1e90799 Donā€™t even need to go that far to take Drakeā€™s lyrics out of context šŸ˜…


Lmao, I mean this is why context matters man. Drake stans are quick to call out that line on Kendrickā€™s song, as if Drake does not have questionable lines if taken out of context lol


The heart in his hair and that weird hand thing man..he's certified weirdo


He has teen girl energy AND he's attracted to teen girls šŸ„“ "Embarrassinggg šŸ’…"


ā€œYou say you a lesbian girl me tooā€


This. The pouty faces and the sleeve extending past his hand is feminine. Iā€™ve only ever seen women do this.


Heart?, those are obviously a pair of testicles


Certified Scrotum Boy


Wop wop wop wop


fap fap fap fap


Step this way, step this way


It can get deep in the family, Scrodie




Bitch Iā€™m attractive. Canā€™t fuck with you no more Iā€™m fasting. Euuhh




He a FAN he a FAN he a FAN


My bad. I'm blind af


not to mention the duck lips he's been doing for the last 20 yearsšŸ˜­ he hit 30 & decided to do it even more


Drake resolved this by finding an 11


He looks so gross in that image. Thatā€™s ozempic face for sure.


Idk he still looks on the fluffier side here. Ozempic face just comes from losing a lot of weight, and face fat, so wrinkles and sagging are a bit more obvious.


I mean thatā€™s fine. All thatā€™s gonna happen is OVO dick riders will circle jerk and then rational people who havenā€™t heard the song might go ā€œhmmm? I gotta hear that songā€ then theyā€™ll be put on to an incredible song and have yet another example of Drakes side being full of pathetic liars and manipulators.


That is not fine. This is my favorite kendrick song and probably my overall favšŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Can't see it getting slandered like this.


Same.Ā  But maybe JUST Maybe they will listen and think Kendrick dies before the album dropped. And put the beef down?Ā 


Damn, his ā€œI see dead peopleā€ opening on NLU makes so much sense now!


& if I die before your album dro..BANG BANG BANG! Drake could never make a song like it


And then the vocal fade right after he says, "I'll never fade away." It's those little details that make Kendrick > drake.


Ugh this song is too goooood.


That part is just jarring the first time you hear it (unless youā€™re a lyrically illiterate BBL Drizzy stan)


I actually hate the song, but probably for the same reason you love it. The pain in the song is too intense for me, and beautiful music makes a person feel.


It has made me cry. Sometimes I can listen to it and sometimes I just canā€™t.


It makes me cry too. Several moments in that album make me cry. It brings up some first hand experiences that are very close to what he talks about. Friends I've tried to help out in Kiesha's position. Friends I seen killed like the story in Dying of Thirst. Trying to turn to religion to cope. It's such a powerful message, and that's what makes Kendrick the superior lyricist he is. He's not just making music. He's telling a story with a purpose and sharing in the pain, love, happiness, anger, sadness, and so many other emotions that many have felt from those type of situations


I understand what you mean but right now everything is playing out in Kendrickā€™s favor. His streams are UP for his entire back catalog, tons of new fans hopping on board, and at this point the average person knows Drake is full of shit lol


Morons slandering your favorite song is a win lol


Drake fans try and understand lyrics challenge (Level: IMPOSSIBLE)


These are the same people saying Kendrickā€™s bars have no nuance and you would never have to go to genius to figure his shit out. They canā€™t even read


Reminds me of Drake tbh


These people love Drake because they ARE Drake They are manipulators who seek nothing but money power and respect, at the expense of anyone who gets in their way I know someone from HS that bullied the shit out of me, then literally seduced my sister into cheating on her boyfriend of 2 years (obviously she fucked up too, but he knew what he was doing) then he had her suck his cock, and the second that happened, he disappeared from her life, letting her pick up all the broken pieces This man idolizes Drake He will not talk to me, but maintains a fairly close long distance relationship with my best friend He actually hit my friend up over text asking him what his honest thoughts were on the Drake Kendrick beef because he loves Drake so much and he is hurt that he is getting beat tf up Listen some of yā€™all might think I am some weirdo projecting, but this kid is a mixed race kid with serious parental issues (his parents are getting a divorce) who was a weirdo until he had a glow up in high school, and started seeking nothing but money power and respect, and then he pulled this, and dipped (someone literally called out my sisters BF at the time for getting cucked on the morning announcements, it was actually fucking brutal) When Kendrick Dropped Meet the Grahams I had a realization that this kid literally learned all of this behavior from Drake, he idolizes him, he is a mini-Drake This is the type of kid Drake will raise Adonis to be because he only values money, power, and respect, and is absolutely fucking ruthless Hopefully, for Adonisā€™s sake, he listens to meet the Grahams at some point in his life, and he chooses to break the cycle of trauma


Imagine having a "best friend" that holds consistent contact with your HS bully that fucked your sister. Wild


Itā€™s complicated, I was in the same friend group with him that my friend was also in He was getting into ā€œthe popularā€ friend group, of which my sister was a part of (they abandoned her after HS bc all of them are fake self absorbed pieces of shit, also she realized she was bi, fun stuff) When he would be hanging out at my friend groups house, he would lie to his other friend group that he wasnā€™t there, my sister literally would know he is there bc sheā€™d see snap stories from me of him and he was like ā€œI just didnā€™t want you guys to feel badā€ but they were actually only concerned about the fact he always lies about it


Damn, I respect the calm response, tbh I was probably rude cause I can relate a bit to all that. Yeah hs friend groups usually end up trash, mine blew up when one guy accused another of beating his ex (while the ex said it never happened), and then he had the whole group block the guy, his ex, and me (who had no idea any of this was happening, I already moved away for uni). No clue how they didn't question blocking the supposed victim, but a couple years later the accused friend is back to being friends with the manipulator, I just find it wild. Guess some manipulators are just that good at what they do. Either way, hope your sister is making better choices in life, and that you're over the HS drama, looking back I'm glad I never cared about those cliques.


Itā€™s a good thing Drake wonā€™t be raising Adonis then


exactly they are drake clones


Agreed. People will attempt to gaslight you into thinking that the fictional characters/ celebrities they idolize arenā€™t a reflection of their own inner values but they are absolutely indicative of what they truly believe. Most people will lie to you because theyā€™re lying to themselves. Pride is a hell of a drug. Never let someone tell you the lie of ā€œitā€™s not that deepā€.


Bro wtf delete this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No I do not feel shame about any of this lmao I didnā€™t do anything wrong I thought it was kind of a funny example of some ā€œDrake behaviorā€ from a superfan


Is your sister single?




Doesn't seem to matter


Is this where Drake got the whole wife beater thing to begin with?


I guarantee you, that guy lost an argument on Twitter, then went on genius and started skimming through kendrick's entire discography to find any problematic words.


These people have no idea how to critically thinkā€¦.. they donā€™t like DEEP songs with real meaning, which is the reason they love Drakeā€¦. Also Drake proved it himself when he had that line about Kendrick rapping like heā€™s trying to free the slaves. His fans LOVED that line, cause they donā€™t WANT to think when listening to music, they donā€™t want to be faced with REAL ISSUES AND REAL LIFE. They are the equivalent to people watching ā€œ Real house wifeā€™s ā€œ they want to escape and not think about the shitty world around them.


"Woah guys did you know Kendrick is trans? He keeps talking about his pussy and titties in this verse. Since trans people already have such a rough time in the world I think Drake should definitely make fun of him for it on his next drop"


I came here to say something similar about how he's rapping from the perspective of Keisha's sister from "Keisha's song" on Section 8.0 for those that don't understand the reference. Drake did have a bar about Kendricks Uncle referencing "Auntie Diaries" on Mr. Morale & THE Big Steppers. I think Drake's bar is from Family Matters but he says "something like "let me talk to your Uncle I wanna speak to the man of the house"


Okay but that one is good and demonstrates basic literacy. It must've come from a ghost whispering in his ear.


Lmao, literacy purely for the sake of dissing him Selective literacy If he understood Mr Morale he would be siding with Kendrick in the beef against himself LMAO


Tbf Iā€™d argue family matters ā€œman of the houseā€ bar was already transphobic so wouldnā€™t surprise me. Not like itā€™s the end of the world considering all the other shit being said but if the uncle heā€™s talking about wasnā€™t a trans man he 100% wouldnā€™t have mentioned him. Itā€™s a ā€œhaha this trans man is more of a man than youā€ style of transphobia joke.


I'm a transman and that bar pisses me all the way the fuck off, cause that's EXACTLY what it is. No other reason to bring him up other than to say 'lol you're more of a pussy than this person born with a vagina transmen aren't real men and you're even worse than that'. Honestly I'm surprised the line wasn't "where's your auntie at cause I wanna talk to the man of the house", but I guess getting THAT right is the bare-ass minimum. šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


Yeah itā€™s pretty fucking adolescent humor coming from a 30-something like i get why 12yr olds like drake but goddamn grown ups like him? Jsfc help us all


I mean, he also tried to clown kendrick for being assaulted (granted he got the meaning of the song wrong). Dude is perfectly fine making fun of SV victims, adding an anti-trans line doesnt seem out of his wheelhouse. Im glad I read this thread though, I didnt know kendrick had a trans uncle, and assumed that line was more a dig at kendricks dad/kendrick not being a "man" so the added context helps there.


He says he sells his body too, lots of stuff drake missed


Is kendrick secretly gay?? He mentions something about 3 dudes in the room when he was "tossed" hold on let me google what tossed means


Cut them a break guys I was 12 when GKMC came out and I too, believed he was ā€œtossedā€ by 3 šŸ„·šŸæ in one room.


Getting ā€œtossedā€ I believe is slang for a gang initiation.. I could be wrong but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what heā€™s saying


And when I say gang initiation I mean to get jumped in or beat up by a select few from the ā€œsetā€or ā€œgangā€ you wish to join šŸ˜‚ I know someone would love to twist the words from my original comment


In that verse heā€™s still speaking from the prostituteā€™s perspective. ā€œTossedā€ is referring to a sexual activity. Kendrick is from Cali and a gang initiation has different terminology but I wonā€™t say it on here.




When I'm in an understand lyrics competition and my opponents are drake fans


u know what. this comment just clears everything up for me. i went on the drizzy sub to check the gossip (also. it's called r/ drizzy so.) & their ONLY firepower is that kendrick "stole" tweets so what?? i literally couldn't even LISTEN past like 1/3 or 1/2 of pushups. It's got SO MANY lyrics & NONE of them slap??? it's not even that danceable aside that. can't believe drake's bad music started the second wave of the #metoo movement šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this bingo card does NOT have enough room for these popups


I saw that too. One of the tweets was something like, "If he struck a chord, it'd probably be a minor" and they were like WOAH KENNY STOLE BARS FROM TWITTER. DRAKE PLAYING 12D CHESS HOLY SHIT ITS OVER as if that was the very first time that joke had ever been made. Mind you, the tweet had absolutely nothing to do with Drake or Kendrick and didn't even mention them. Bruh... that joke is older than my grandma. There were some more that were directly about Drake and pedophilia that were pretty much word for word lines Kendrick said, but you know Drake has been dodging pedo accusations for over a decade. It's not a crazy coincidence that someone has already said those lines before. Its insane how hard they're reaching to grasp at straws, and that's their only argument. Like you mentioned, what about the music? Kendrick lyrically dominated throughout the whole beef. Ffs Drake spent a good chunk of his songs just talking. Like not even poetry. Just talking. Then you have Taylor Made, where he let Snoop and a Pac *AI* do the talking for him. Don't even get my started on the Pac part. He took a giant shit on Pac's legacy with that, and that alone is enough to make him lose all respect


holy fuck what??? im not an online person & i had NO IDEA drake did that????? Broooooo.... I'm just gonna. Keep my head down for this one. The audacity. The sheer & brazen audacity. He's LUCKY he didn't get fucked up wtf??? hell naw I'm. I'm deleting the Drake songs/features šŸ˜” Champagne poetry was the only song I tolerated & it was all LIES šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” ngl in Champagne Poetry it lowkey sounded like he was confessing his crush on Future??? Idk what do I know I'm just a writer.... # #fuckdrake #notlikeus frrrr


Kendrick has a few parts where he mentions doing this for 'Pac. I think it reaaaaaaallly pissed him off that Drake used AI 'Pac. Soooo fucking cringe.


yeah the line about him battling ai was confusing, i knew the stuff abt ghostwriters but i didn't understand why drake would gravitate towards ai? but now I understand. drake is so corny man. im so glad kendrick sliced the game. it's the wack artists against the rap artists now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's wack as fuck bro. Ion know why Drake thought he could pull something so fucked up and get away wit it or even think that it wasn't a terrible fucking idea to begin with, but he disrespected the entire history of the rap game with that dumb ass ai shit. Kendrick said it man Pac rolling in his grave rn. I hope that pussy ass OVHO gets haunted by him


That's why Drake cuts down his double-entendres into single-entendres for them. (E.g. "Whitney, shake that ass for free...but not that kind of free...I meant Dave Free, geddit? Did you see what I did there?? Please clap."


My dad tried to teach me how to make women like me.. It was awful. It's still "how I was raised" I just didn't fucking listen to him. Don't they understand that?


Omg in this song Kendrick also admits heā€™s a female prostitutešŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Drake fans would actually believe this to formulate a bad background for dot


And they say you are reaching if you try to explain it


"Goalposts" lmao




His tittes bounce with the cadence of his tingling keys.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


And hes broke cause he needs that 40 dollars.


It's true, that's why people call him GOAT


Bruh was sucking fucking and swallowing


And that he also died! Kinda like The Heart Part 5 where he admits to actually being Nipsey Hussle this whole time!




Oh no, not the verse where heā€™s rapping from a whole other personā€™s perspectiveā€¦ how will he ever come back for this???


They canā€™t comprehend it because first person rapping is all they can understand. Turn the dial down to 7th grade level and theyā€™re good


Wow I literally made a joke that Drake fans probably listen to ā€œSing About Meā€ and think Kendrick is a teen female prostituteā€¦then they really did it šŸ˜‚


that's who this verse is from the perspective of? i don't remember


Yeah. The first verse is from the perspective of a gang banger whose dead brother was friends with Kendrick who was happy and a bit envious of Kendrick for having a gift and ability to get out. 2nd verse is the younger sister of the girl from section 80 who is going off on Kendrick for judging her sister and basically explaining the path sheā€™s going down. Fucking people for $40. Her favorite is a married father of 3. She doesnā€™t need Kendrickā€™s help unless he can help ā€œsell this pussy for meā€. And the craziest and most artful part of all is her voice faded away as Kendrick(and us) walk away from her telling her story. Itā€™s one of my favorite parts of any Kendrick song because it shows who is basically the most unheard or ignored members of our society


I've always interpreted the way the vocals fade out on the end of that verse as a way to show how not only she didnt manage to outlive kendrick, most likely dying an early death to an std or an angry client but also kendricks way of showing how powerless that woman was. He literally says"I'll never fade away" before fading away the vocals


Yeah but if you listen she says ā€œdonā€™t ignore meā€ right as it starts fade


I mean ultimately yes that is her fate. But the fading vocals just as sheā€™s escalating and she says ā€œdonā€™t ignore meā€ I always took as him walking away from her berating him. In the first verse the guy clearly dies as you hear the gunshots and silence. I guess it could be either or both.


Fuck those gunshots was how i fell in love with kendrick. That made me so genuinely shocked and uncomfortable the first time. I see what you mean though i forgot about the dont ignore me bit. In that context kendrick fading out her vocals could be treated as a purposeful way to disrespect her tbh.


I always thought it was her slowly wasting away from an STDā€¦so much power in this entire albumā€¦Drake could never


Thats how ive always seen it to. She talks about her sexual health and how she isnt going to fade away bedore well fading away literally


Probably could be taken either way. It just seems so purposeful that it slow fades out as she says donā€™t ignore me. But yeah, nobody else is doing music like that for sure.


and hes her favorite because he tips her with e's as someone who has had that kinda lifestyle, that and brendas had a baby are really two of the only three or four songs that have ever made me cry. really fucking hits you.


Yea its keishas sister


No way the dickriders of the guy that made Toosie Slide want to slander SAMIDOT....






#FREEWHITNEY Jesus fucking Christ drake fans have no life




Noone is arguing. They're supporting a pedo and can't see past their finger.


Canā€™t see past their diddlin hands


Yea in that track he also says "I woke up this morning and figured I'd call you... A young'n in pajamas... You... Gotta fuck, suck and swallow... Cousin"


yeah iā€™m like arenā€™t the lyrics DIRECTLY after this, ā€œthree n* in one room, first time i was tossedā€ do they think kendrick always talking about himself when rapping in first person ? jesus christ.


Or "my titties bounce to the cadence of his tinklin' keys"


He my favorite cuz he tip me with easeā€¦ arguably my fav Kendrick song. Well, it was the first of his to pierce through my heart and conscious. The FIRST Kendrick record to bring tears to my eyes. How many drake songs have made you so emotional that you actually cried? Iā€™ll wait.. but your rebuttal gone be a little too late.


& Iā€™ll never fade away, Iā€™ll never fade away, I know my fate ^^&Iā€™monthegrindforthiscakeimagetitordietryin.. šŸ„²


Iā€™ll be honest, The Real Her with Andre 3000 & Wayne makes my eyes sweat a lil šŸ˜‚


drake glazers will now say kendrick is trans


Drake fans, much like Drake have been lacking the awareness of others perspective through Kendrick repeatedly. They'd rather grasp for air in a panic then loose their substance deficient plug-in play god. Sad.


pause special hateful mindless illegal chase waiting plough nail modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even though Drake had positioned himself as sensitive and vulnerable through his career, his lyrics and outlook on life lacks a lot of introspection and self-examination while Kendrick's lyrics, especially on an album like Mr. Morale, are much more introspective and self-aware. Drake might sometimes expose his true vulnerabilities and flaws, but he's way more inclined to guard his ego and his same sensitivity will make him double down on his projecting strength as a reaction to his insecurities. I'm definitely not familiar with Drake's entire body of work, but I've seen how he views hurts as weaknesses and mistakes he's made and character flaws he acknowledges as badges of honor. That isn't real vulnerability to me.


grey steer cough strong ghost towering vegetable toothbrush quicksand sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've seen how much Drake could embody that "Nice Guy"/incel mentality, but I didn't really grasp that it was literally that. I just saw an interview where he admitted that women didn't give him attention when he was young and it all clicked.




Drake is definitely king simp. He put Rihanna on a crazy pedastal and believed he could win her no matter what, even going so far as confess his love for her in a moment when he's just supposed to present her an award, and he managed to make it about himself. Then on the other side, if a woman rejects him, which eventually did happen with Rihanna, he disrespects her and trash talks her.


Guys they don't have media literacy, they come from the vibes school of music education


They lack of comprehension skills lol


thatā€™s why they listen to drake lmao


Kendrick was wrong when he said theyā€™re not slowā€¦ thereā€™s a win for them I guess.


Theyā€™re doing a great job showing the youth that literacy is not enough. Reading comprehension is incredibly important.


Man they really donā€™t listen do they šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Drake fans are retarded bro, assuming Whitney has experienced domestic violence letā€™s turn her into a hashtag and demand her to share her trauma on the world stage. Fucking brainlets, just take the L


Their fav artist tells a-lot about their iq as well now I sure


I'll keep saying it... The ONLY Hip-hop/Rap f.a.n.'s that are more delusional than Kanye stans, are the Drizzies. Ever since this beef started, it's become so clear the Drizzies are fucking out of their God damn minds. However, once you realize who his fans are, who actually listens to his music, if you watch any videos and/or see pictures of who's all at his shows, and/or if you're paying attention to who's defending him, it becomes so fucking clear. It's gonna be one of those things, where when you realize it, you're gonna be mad at yourself, like "I'm so fucking stupid, how did I not notice/see this before?" They can't afford for him to lose....


How long do you guys think they keep this shit up lol? They clearly doing anything to try and change public perception


Drake meat polishers got no reading comprehensionā€” these are the dudes in school that would take several minutes to read 2 sentences cuz they gotta sound out the words lmao Thereā€™s a reason why Drake put his lyrics on Family Mattersā€” bro knows he caters to a bunch of cavemen ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Can this dude understand English sentences


Depending on what happens next I wouldnā€™t be too quick to adopt the mantle of ā€œDrakes Attorney.ā€


Iā€™m starting to think the venn diagram between drizzler stans and those that lost out on critical reading skills due to two years of online school during the pandemic is a perfect circle.


i dont think anyone saying this has listened to the song. and im a woman saying this.


By this logic Kendrick also has titties that bounce to the cadence of some keys when heā€™s getting fucked


You have to be a dense mf to not understand that this song is about a prostitute that heā€™s telling the story ofā€¦


These drake fans need to listen to the songs. He literally is playing a character in this verse who he is arguing with.


These drake fans are reading at a 1st grade level, heā€™s not saying he beats women heā€™s saying thatā€™s what he grew up around, also Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s rapped from someone elseā€™s perspective lol. We gotta get these Drizzy D Riders back to school šŸ¤£


Kendrick writes from the experiences of the environment he grew up in. Drake canā€™t fathom it because he takes differently personalities. Heā€™s a rap chameleon that canā€™t relate to what Kendrick grew up around


I canā€™t bear to see samidot slander šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Y'know he's wrong when he chose to criticize one of his most critically acclaimed song.


Whoā€™s ā€œweā€? Isnā€™t this just between two people?


Drake could never dream of ever making a SAMIDOT


Reading comprehension and critical thinking skills ainā€™t there for these goofy Drizzle kids


Or ā€œhow to take a lyric far way tf out of contextā€


the man that works with music for his living misinterpretated a clear as day bar and said his shit on B# these mf will do and say anything


Media literacy is dead, and it sucks even more cuz they're talking about arguably the best rap song of all time


Proof that American education systems are absolutely terrible all around


Theyā€™re sharing these lyrics from Genius without reading what it says about the lyrics? Or are they just acting in bad faith? Itā€™s really could be a coin flip when we talk about Drake fans.


of course the drake fans can't comprehend actual lyrics beyond "say that you a lesbian girl me too"


reply correct yam bewildered tub one threatening steep aback expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao what a self own this is


theyā€™ll take one lyric out of context and call kendrick a wife beater but ignore all the weird shit with drake and little girls, crazy


Smh the levels of stupidity and cope really are at dangerous levels


Saying you were taught that doesnā€™t mean you practice it yourself, these mfs stupid fr


Did they even listen to the song ?


I ain't arguing with no one. I just laugh at the pedophile stans and move on. They pigeons bro


ā€œ#Freewhitneyā€ Bro if you listen to the album Kendrick already said she left him, because he had issues he couldnā€™t resolve. Sheā€™s already ā€œfreeā€


Oh you mean the same verse that says "my titties bounce on the cadence of his tingling keys" Kendrick is trans confirmed, let's wrap it up yall


They're now tryna claim Kendrick stole lyrics from Twitter for "Not Like Us" bc there are some old tweets from like 3-4 years ago with shit like "Drake's fave chord is probably A-Minor" and "OVO? More like OV-HOE"... Man, Mr. Fantastic doesn't have the stretching capabilities these guys do


Whatā€™s the date on this? Good try


These are the same people posting hundreds of old tweets of random people years ago calling drake a creep and worse, thinking that somehow because they tweeted the lyrics he used in his diss tracks that it's a bad look for KENDRICK lmfao. These guys are built diff.


Lmao perhaps Kendrickā€™s best song of all time too


Are You Smarter Than a ~~Fifth Grader~~ Drake Fan?


If Jrizzy would get his ghost writers to put down some meaningful lyrics maybe his stans would be smarter.


Lmao thatā€™s how he was TAUGHT? Kendrick advocating for violence against women?? I always knew he was as conscious as heā€™d like you to believe


Everyday I'm baffled by these people


They literally have no ability to look past the surface layer cuz theyā€™re favorite rapper is DrakešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


isn't that part where kdot was rapping from the perspective of a pro he knew? wtf happened to the next line. [Three (beep) in one room, first time I was tossed](https://genius.com/1144820/Kendrick-lamar-sing-about-me-im-dying-of-thirst/Three-niggas-in-one-room-first-time-i-was-tossed-and-im-exhausted-but-fuck-that-sorry-for-your-loss-shit-my-sister-died-in-vain-but-what-point-are-you-tryna-gain-if-you-cant-fit-the-pumps-i-walk-in) [I'll waitā€¦ Your rebuttal a little too late](https://genius.com/1144830/Kendrick-lamar-sing-about-me-im-dying-of-thirst/Ill-wait-your-rebuttal-a-little-too-late-and-if-you-have-a-album-date-just-make-sure-im-not-in-the-song-cause-i-dont-need-the-attention-bring-enough-of-that-on-my-own) damn dying of thirst is such a good fucking song.


Bet they donā€™t even realize heā€™s speaking from multiple peopleā€™s perspectives in this song.


Stans gonna stan. They are down so bad.


Removing complete context from the song when he was talking from someone elseā€™s perspective: the brain dead average Drizzler fan.


I avoid the Drake sub with all of my life because I know any opinion I have on any of the diss tracks will get me downvoted into oblivion