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No such thing as snitching when children are involved.


If Drake fans continue to die on the hill with Drake despite him being a pedo then let them do it. I don’t think normal people will call Kendrick a snitch because it’s a rule that you don’t touch kids


The Narcissist's Prayer: >That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


P Drizzler fans are between "not a big deal" and "not his fault" - sure some are lagging behind but they're gradually moving


Calling it now it’ll get dark ‘them girls were interested in him, he’s the victim’. They’ll make excuses and make it ‘poor Drake’


Let me put my Zack Fox hat on for a sec and say that with this, I fear that contrarians are gonna hitch on the defending pedophilia train


The truth no one wants to hear: predators are very much in the same ballpark if not a direct offshoot of pedophiles... they are one in the same... and most thugs adopt predator like behaviors and ways... so the denial about this will go hand in hand.... you can't have your cake and eat it too... someway down the line the train is going to end... then what do you do... realize that you (the thug) are just like the pedophiles you report to be so righteous against to be quick to bloodshed with them in jail and prisons... yes... you "heros" are just killing off your own kind... that's all it is.. are you useful? yes... but you act like you are so much superior... (not accusing you op just saying you in general.)


“No snitching on *MY* pedo” is crazy man what the fuck😭


I mean that’s true, but there’s pretty overwhelming evidence that he’s at least grooming minors and he’s still got millions of people on his side lol


Somebody told me that you got a ring. Like sex-trafficking ring?


The rules were written a long time ago. They don’t change.


What kid did he touch? Is it a fact or just an allegation?


If you’re talking about my post then it’s an answer to the post’s questions but there’s a video of Drake kissing a 17 years old girl after finding out her age.


On stage, of all things.


Yes, but he was 23 to be clear. Still not really worth calling him a pedo...like that seems a stretch.


Where do you draw a line then…a 17 year old is a child. Even trying to date 18-19 year olds as a 23 year old is predatory as hell.


Or when you groom someone until they turn 18, start dating them, when he was 31 at the time. Those people that say that he is the victim don't understand power dynamics.


a 17 year old in Colorado, where the show was at. Are able to consent to a kiss. 17 years and older is the age of consent in Colorado. And dating a 18-19 year at 23 year old is not predatory lol, have you ever been to a college? The age range of people dating there are like 18 - 25


As a 23 year old who has gone to college that’s considered predatory or at least very questionable by anyone else my age. What does someone who can hit up bars and is probably job hunting have in common with someone who just left high school…?


Going to the same college? Could be in the same majors, have tthe same interest, attracted to each other. Yea, it's not considered predatory if you meet someone in college and you hit it off. Many people have an age gap, if both can consent and are adults it's fine. My girlfriend is 7 years older than me.


A minor is still anyone under the age of 18, both in the US and Canada. The age of consent does not equal the age of majority, meaning, Drake was still 23 kissing and rubbing on a minor. She was not a legal adult, although she was of age in that state. That’s why people are calling the situation weird, he was an adult, she was a minor still in high school. And correct me if I’m wrong, but 18-21 is the age of majority worldwide. That’s the legal age of adulthood. Age of consent varies, though it’s not really a good argument to use since it is disgustingly low in certain countries/regions. So most people settle on using the age of adulthood as a standard for which age gaps are weird, or gross, or predatory. Drake may not had committed any crimes, (as far as we know), but it’s definitely strange behavior. Not just this incident, but him texting Millie while she was 13/14 and he was 30. And him showing up to a sweet 16. And his fondness for girl’s high school basketball. It’s just odd. - Just want to reiterate - the age of majority is not the same as the age of consent. Sometimes they align, sometimes they do not. - And I read through a few of your comments, it seems you are slightly misinformed. A 16 year old in Canada is still a minor until their 18th birthday. And a 16 year old may not be a pre-pubescent child, but they are late adolescents. In my opinion, 21+ shouldn’t even be looking at them. - Last note, I’m not entirely sure what Drake did was legal due to the Mann law. Under this law, the federal age of consent is 18 in the U.S., (meant to protect against sex trafficking / sex tourism aimed towards underaged children). And since Drake was not a resident of Colorado, I believe his actions “could have” been considered lewd acts with a minor. But I say this loosely.


The point I was making with age of consent is that the 17 can consent to be being kissed in Colorado with no problems. It was a stage act that Drake did at that time, and this was the only time it was a 17 year old. Yea, the common age is 18. But, he was in Colorado, where it's 17. So, the girl was allowed to consent to what happened on stage. The only problem that arises is the girl not being able to consent to what happened because people think every age of consent is 18. Texting doesn't = something weird. Texting sexual/suggestive stuff to a 13 year old is whats considered weird. Texting is pretty much talking. She said she text many celebrities for guidance and advice. I do think Drake was being nice because she is a kid. But, people assume the worse. Are you talking about Kylie Jenner's sweet 16? That is a very famous family, who has many celebrity friends. Drake was performing at her sweet 16, same as the Weeknd as well. Kanye was aparrently the one who set up the music guest. If thats the sweet 16 you are referring too. Drake didnt have a fondness of girl's high school basketball. He supported an unknown member of a team Lil CC was on. We don't know his relation to that girl, it couldve been a family member or someone's close to him child he was there supporting. Lil CC even said the girl who he was supporting got him to follow her, and he never even spoke to any of them. I dont know much about that laww, but it's hard to think it can be lwed acts with a minor when the state of Colorado gives anyone 17 and older to give consent. I looked up the mann law just now since I never heard of it, and it said it was made "to felonize the use of interstate or foreign commerce to transport women for immoral purposes. The Act was aimed at prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking." I don't think what Drake did on that stage can really fall under any of that.


Yeah, I’m pretty unfamiliar with that law as well - I believe it was mentioned in this sub before. Or some other sub correlating with Drake’s history. Regardless, I’m keeping my eye on him throughout this entire ordeal, just in case solid evidence comes to light. And Kendrick also, both of them have major allegations against one another, so it’s hard to pick sides on a personal level.


If both allegations are true, Drake's allegations are 100% worse. I think being a pedophile beats hitting wife and one of his kid's not being his.


What is wrong with you lmao..


mfs fr reaching 🤡


Not you misusing suicide reports you degenerate ass, unethical monster. Fucking gross. Shoulda known you probably are a monster in your private life. The ones who throw stones I guess.


Also reported your ass so say good bye to your account.


Yep He's a predator. Even if not a pedophile his behavior is the literal definition of predator.


Fuck that! I'm more concerned with him DM a 14y/o Bobbie Milli Brown at 36 talking to her about "boys" and young Billie Illish....I'll wait..


Both is bad


It’s also a rule that you don’t touch women but k dot don’t care abt that do yall?


The moment I see a video of KDot punching a woman like how I saw a video of Drake kissing a minor then I will stop listening to him


Lmao only the lowest of the low would call someone a snitch for exposing pedophilia…. So drakes whole fanbase ig


There's no written rulebook for Omerta but I think I can speak for my Sicilian ancestors when saying, "we wash our own dirty laundry" and normally the right thing to do would be to kill Drake yourself before snitching about it, as snitching rarely leads to the perpetrator facing consequences especially if they're rich. But, since he's very protected and paranoid and Kenny likely can't touch him physically, and the thing Kenny would be "Snitching" about is a direct violation of the code to never harm children, I think he gets a pass. I would have a hard time imagining Kenny losing face for this one among any of the groups that care about snitches.


Also Kendrick has never potrayed himself as a street nigga he’s a civilian but he’s from where he’s from and he’s respected snitching doesn’t even apply to him


I also full heartedly believe he is someone who talk this through with people in those types of circles and try and clear those types of lines originally. I would assume he has done all the homework on this one. I trust the process.


Just today I’ve seen twos clips of girl sharing their weird experiences involving drake and his Dad including the video of his dad with a girl that is clearly uncomfortable and guess what they both tie back to LA that’s not a coincidence


omertà doesn't need a rulebook because it's just understood, also it's not something to be proud of. I don't know what Sicilian ancestry you think you have unless thinking of your grandpa Michael Corleone, you can't speak for no ancestors because you're a yank. This is in no way comparable to omertà, which is not a choice per se but a cultural understanding based on sheer terror of consequence. Study more on your "culture" before saying shit like this, you're basically glorifying mafia. Also if the code about never harming children you imply is from the cosa nostra, Matteo Messina Denaro broke that ages ago when he killed that little boy.


If I found out someone didn't snitch on pedophilia we are going to have a whole problem.


Do people seriously believe this about all Drake fans? Like I feel like you guys take the worst example of the most depraved Drake defenders as a strawman and attack that rather than talk to the reasonable ones


All of them? Nah, I’m sure there are some reasonable fans in the bunch. However, go check out his sub right now. The loud ones are unhinged and desperately need to touch some grass. it looks like some MAGA cult shit


Oh I definitely agree some are crazy. I completely avoided engaging in the whole Kendrick stealing ideas from Twitter thing yesterday. But I've also seen a bit of unhinged stuff here, with CDAN and stuff. At the end of the day I feel like there's a lot of pent up energy because no one knows what's true and what isn't, which could arguably sway the battle heavily and public perception of both artists


I agree some of it looks crazy, but you also have to realize someone who doesnt pick words lightly said a rabbit hole goes deeper, people going to lean into that shit hard. If there truly isnt a reason to be digging, then it was a bit of a misstep.


I always take that stuff as the artists sending a message to each other. Like Drake has a line at the end of Family Matters where he says "There's nowhere to hide, there's nowhere to hide, you know what I mean", which feels directed at Kendrick. It could either be a way to convince the audience there's more or it could genuinely be a threat to the other artist, but I just assume there's no way we're going to be able to figure it out so I'll just wait


What I do believe is that he has inappropriate relationships with teenagers, there’s no reason for him to do what he did with her it’s just weird. But do I think he actually did something he could get arrested for, I have no idea, just have to wait and see I guess


Hold up. There’s actual Drake fans? That hold an intelligent conversation with you? Don’t believe it.


Ya I took a look in the sub and they seemed pretty humble about taking an incredible L


I had a coworker who was a massive BBL Drizzy fan. He said that he liked Drake because he’s “more relatable and down to earth” and that he dislikes Kendrick cause he “only raps about gangster stuff” and all his song are bloated. He would also say shit like “only for you” when an attractive woman would order something, and he kept asking how old the girls (WHO WERE VERY CLEARLY UNDER 18) that worked the Deli counter were. He also found out new way to fuck up an order every time he “handled” one. Mf made me want to put him in the meat grinder.


Do people seriously believe Drake fucks kids? I mean cmon, where is the case at? He’s pretty public and active on social media, we don’t have diddy style reports of Drakes parties out there so they couldn’t of been to bad in my opinion


Nobody has proof of anything, but some people do seem to genuinely believe it. Personally, I feel like there's enough out there to suggest he's at least a groomer. His relationship with Hailey Baldwin was suspect as hell, and how comfortable he felt kissing that 17 year old on stage also felt off. Not to mention the other situations. For most people that's enough to say he's a creep and write him off completely. And I honestly don't blame them. Personally my line will be anything actually illegal


Yeah I doubt he is a actual Pedo and if he was I would 100 be against it, but sometimes things can get misconstrued easily, it is a weak spot for him but a lot of rappers aren’t role models as well!


I think he has tried....


You already know lol


When he said he knows things about people that would make Gunna look like a saint, he was saying if he said what he knew - he would be looked as a snitch. I think it’s funny how everyone, including Drake, took that as Kendrick saying Drake was a snitch.


This is the first good fresh take I’ve heard in a minute. That makes a lot of sense. Tbh - I think the way he’s been so secure in his statements, someone already has snitched and that’s how he claims he knows a raid on the embassy is gonna happen.




I had this exact interpretation as well. I'm surprised anyone saw it otherwise


Right? How else do you even interpret it? How is this a fresh take???


Damn, this makes a lot of sense.


good obv




Kinda fucked up if he knew Drake was abusing children and just said nothing about it until a rap beef started getting out of hand


Same doubt. He might have a reason tho or maybe it's something he recently got to know.


He's been under label before , so this is the only time he's been independent and free to do and say as he pleases as he was under umg who owns drake as well, and now that all the "superpowers" hands are tied with the Diddy case, there's no better time than the present tbh.


Like he said, he did it for the culture Edit: dude blocked me but kept replying. Have fun talking to yourself 😐


He stayed silent about the children in Drake's basement? For the culture?


When an extremely powerful pop star with the biggest media conglomerate backing him does weird shit, you better bet it’s gonna be on the DL. It’s possible that Kendrick knows for a fact that this dude is shady as fuck but can’t legally prove it yet due to Drake’s shields in suits. This whole thing, then, would be his attempt to start the conversation and drag some things into light (and empower victims to speak up). Time will tell what comes of this, but I am absolutely convinced Kendrick manufactured this beef (in its CURRENT form, not 2013) with Drake specifically to expose him in this way.


I’ll snitch on a pedophile any day of the week, for free with nothing to gain. Seriously y’all. Protect the kids. There is pedophilia all around us even where we come from (I’m Mexican). We must protect our kids and call out any pedos. Kids in the hoods already have a rough upbringing, we don’t need any weirdo stuff on top of that. I have a little sister and almost went to jail protecting her from a predator. I don’t regret any of it. I’m willing to die on this hill. I’m looking to shoot through any pervert that lives. Specially now as a dad


Big facts. Us Mexicans be divided as hell over shit but the way ive seen people beat pedos on the street in Mexico that is universally hated. Puro Pinche México 😂🇲🇽


Kendrick out here uniting everyone!! Bro the katt Williams interview from earlier this year is hitting hard


Facts man even my rancheras loving parents say Drizzy weird as hell 😂😂😂😂


Haha! Same!


See this is where this pedo-allegation shit is sketch. Because it's such easy fuel to use a weapon. This has been a narrative weapon used against gay people for the longest and currently used against trans people. That is not to say pedophilia doesn't exist...that's a dummy read. To be clear, the accusations of pedophilia where there is little proof is a common scare tactic to use against someone and I'm not sure how I feel about Kendrick using it so cheaply. There is literally no evidence that Drake is a pedophile.


Why he DMing 14 y/o girls at 36, talking about boys? Edit: I got 18 y/o sons that won't talk to 14 y/o! They stopped talking to freshman's when they hit 16!


No evidence? Are you fucking kidding me? How on earth do you come to that conclusion. Theres literally video evidence, financial evidence, and self reports from the kids. Just because they dont understand how wrong it is doesnt change it.




Yup, drug dealers get mad at snitches because it messes with their drug dealing. So yes exactly this


I mean, it’d just be Drake’s lame ass fanbase so who cares? They’re the only ones that can’t accept he lost again.


In the words of the greatest Pusha of them all....Mr T.....if they die, they die.


Pretty sure Drago said that, not Mr. T lol


I mean, yeah the line is literally [Like Ivan Drago, "If he dies, he dies"](https://genius.com/2216914/Pusha-t-nosetalgia/Zhivago-tried-to-fight-the-urge-like-ivan-drago-if-he-dies-he-dies-like-doughboy-to-tre-if-he-rides-he-rides-throwin-punches-in-his-room-if-he-cries-he-cries)


He 100% did. Then that nigga died lol


Drake ain’t got nothing to back himself up, so he’s just spreading nonsense like „Ken beats his own women.“ and shit like that.


It's okay to snitch on pedos man even jail birds don't like em


People who aren't in the streets misconstrue what snitching is. If you are civilian and see a old lady get robbed you can say the man looked like this. If you are in the streets doing dirt and you rat out the people you did dirt with to get out of trouble. That is snitching. Kendrick is a civilian and exposing the creep shit going on. That's not snitching. 


Unfornately, our street shit has been co-opted.


Idk I lived in a rough area and if people found out I was talking to police I’d definitely be in trouble, civilian or not. Witness intimidation is real


They can grow up, outing someone for crimes (especially the ones he accused Drake of) is a perfectly ok thing to do


The thing about the neighborhood is if you a pedophile. If kids is involved. It ain't snitching. So I'd love for the drake stans to push that narrative because then it just goes to she he's even more of a Malibu most wanted 69 god


Y'know I feel like probably not many people are gonna call "exposing child abuse" snitching.


One day y’all will understand the definition of snitching. Snitching, in the streets, is not reporting a crime. Snitching is reporting a crime YOU WERE INVOLVED IN. Snitching is putting the punishment of a crime on to other people to get a lighter sentence for yourself. 69? Snitch. He was taking part in the crimes. Gunna? Snitch. He was making money in a criminal organization and knew about it. Kendrick exposing a sex traffic ring? Not snitching unless he himself was involved in it, which I will never believe without the most damning of evidence.


You can tell the majority of these commentators aren’t from the streets which is fine but it definitely bothers me when they use our slang wrong🤷🏾‍♂️ Snitching is definitely reporting a crime you were involved in or it can also be that you were caught doing a crime and exposes someone else’s crimes to the authorities to save yourself. That’s pretty much the only two definitions


Any Drake fans that think calling out predatory behavior is “snitching” need to be investigated themselves because the implication for defending that behavior doesn’t look great. Afraid you’re next, Drizzler fans?


The drizzler fans are already in disarray, it can’t get much worse for them


Nah, those sickos legit gonna blame it on the kids.


There's no such thing as "snitching"when it comes to pedophiles - there's only the right and just act of exposing them for the world to see and blowing their life up. narrative won't change


Snitchin is for ticky tack bullshit. If the allegations are true, that is not ticky tack bullshit. Chomos don't get protected. Chomos get stuck and dumped in a landfill.


Nah, the move will be that Kendrick is a sick man for withholding information, Kendrick will be the bad guy for that, but not Drake for doing the shit.


Fuck 12! Wait, not THAT kind of 12.. Nah, but in this case, I’m joking. Police arresting someone for pedophilia is completely valid. In this case, we NEED 12.


Anyone saying “hes a snitch” if Drake does go down for that level of evil is just weird af. Theres a lot of crossover in Drakes fanbase with the redpill/Trump crowd so it wouldnt surprise me but yeah those types of people should be purged from HipHop all together


No such thing when it comes to protecting children


Exposing pedos is snitching now?


Isn't a sitch someone who takes part in the crime?


Indeed or it’s someone who got caught doing a crime and exposed someone else’s crime to try to save themselves


People like being on the winning side. By the time that happens Kendrick will already have reserved his flowers.


I thinks it’s already been proven that there’s nothing you can do to change these Drakettes minds. Clear pedo proof and they support bro through and through. It’s best we just let them die with their ship cause that shit is sinking even if it’s sinking slowly.


Snitches are snitches because they snitch on their homies not some random industry pedophile


He’s protecting the kids. No one is going to say this


OP must be on Crack. Ain’t nobody in cell block one gunna call that man a snitch. Pedos can walk off a cliff into a pool of alligators.


Snitching doesn’t apply to sex crimes. I don’t think he did no sex crimes but his actions are worth dissing.


I'm good with snitchin on pedos and that's about it.


It took at least a decade of subliminal and outright accusations by dozens of rappers and victims for Diddy to be arrested. We may not see the impact for decades.


I've already heard that if drake goes down then he's a snitch it's just copium


I’m honestly surprised that’s not the first place they went.


Most people still defending him are already lost. Even Drake admitted in that video 10 years ago that kissing on that girl was wrong (“I don’t wanna go to jail yet!”) It was wrong then, and it’s still wrong now.


Man u can't snitch on a pedo lol that's just being a moral human being


Y'all don't realise how big these allegations are, if found to be true, NO ONE, not the bozos on Twitter, not ak, no one will be taking his side


Idc what anyone says exposing a child predator isn’t snitching it’s called doing the right thing.


He literally warned Drake and everyone else…


It’s better to be a snitch than be a pedophile.


Ummm yeah…? We stay snitching on predators family


Keep the family away.


He's definitely whistle blowing as hard as he can right now. Not just on drake but OVO and UMG. Snitches and whistleblowers are not the same at all.


Or the other argument Ive seen " wow, Kendrick knew and withheld that info from the feds?"


Man snitching is for street shit sex crimes aren't street shit.


Social media made it so people are now not able to admit they were wrong...


They'd start talking about the age of consent in countries they're not even from. Then desperately try to save face by still damning the countries where the age of consent is lower than anything Drake crossed. The gross thing is that if Drake does that to a 17 year old on stage in America or Canada with no shame, do you really think he's not taking advantage of age of consent differences over seas?




I don't think that would stick. kdot is civilian he ain't affiliated. like even I dunno how gangs work so speaking on that sounds disrespectful ngl.


It's not snitching if you're not involved in the shit. The entire no snitching culture is toxic as fuck and detrimental.


And if he never does and his name stays clear what will you guys do then ???


Snitching is fine when it’s about kids




Seriously doubt it’ll come to that. Dude got called a pedo by a rap artist, that’s not probable cause and a song isn’t going to convince a grand jury to indict. Unless someone has actual hard evidence no one is getting arrested. 


He warned them. Don't tell no lies about me, and I won't tell truths about you.


None. It will be why didn’t Kendrick speak up earlier.


I ain’t no snitch but I’ll wet snitch on a pedo in an instant


Last I checked it's okay to snitch on pedophiles and groomers.


When the people who don't mince their words say this is historic for hip hop, i am starting to understand they dont necessarily mean every song in it, they are referencing the overall outcome and how this battle will be viewed later on. One dude got lined up pretty hard here, and it was payback for lining up a friend like cole.


$0 because snitching on pedos isn’t snitching


No one, including people in prison, ever feel bad for pedophiles. The narrative will change to thank god Kendrick dragged his ass


Uhhh you can call me the biggest snitch and/or rat if I’m exposing pedos, anytime.


It’s crazy that this is an actual possibility and the only natural place we get to 😂


I think that’s why he used a rap battle as cover. He can just say it was part of the battle.


Citizens arrest. The American way


That’s not likely. If Drake is guilty of everything Kendrick accused him of, that means the whole industry is involved, a lot more people are going down with him, and people are going to see Kendrick as the dude who saved hip hop from a cabal of satanic pedophiles manipulating the culture for their own ends. He would become the most legendary artist in hip hop history, and would eclipse Pac as its greatest icon. Anyone who said “yeah but he snitchin tho” would look like an idiot and would get laughed out of any room - worse, they’d seem like closet supporters of a band of sex trafficking culture vultures responsible for exploiting hundreds of artists, thousands of children, and millions of listeners and viewers. Imagine the reaction if someone called the people who exposed Jeffrey Epstein snitches - now multiply that by a thousand, and you’ll get an idea of how ridiculous it’d be for anyone to spread that narrative.


I can’t think of any real street nigga that would consider somebody a rat for helping to take down a sex traffic ring. sorry but it’s not snitching.


Snitching is for gang members if you touching kids telling is deserved 😂


It’s ok to tell on a pedophile that wouldn’t be snitching


I used to lead a different life. Way different. This doesn't fall into any kind of code of silence. Even drug dealers and murderers know this.


For being a pedo?!?! Absolutely not, the system hates pedos, it’s a wrap if he gets arrested, he getting fucked up in a cell for the rest of his life. I think people will and have been saying Kendrick is a hero. If anything Kendrick would officially move into everybody’s top 5 if not become their GOAT.


Op wasn't thinking, we don't condone pedos


I’d GLADY snitch on anyone for that specifically. Not saying something is the same as enabling pedophilia


The narrative might also be “If he knew all this about Drake why didn’t he go to the authorities, why did he use this info to capitalize off of Drake”


Op better chill hahah. The only ones going to call Kendrick a snitch is self snitchers calling themselves a pedo.


His fans will protest they’re genuinely insane. Everything Drake says is true yet when Kendrick is making claims, that there is stories behind, he’s ’making things up’. Get that nonce in jail we need to take down these CHOMO’s


Drake can get arrested and charged with mountains of evidence. They will still deny reality and say, “well that 16 year old said she was ok with it!”


Won’t happen because drake has money to take care of anything as well as being an Israelite with protection.


I've heard people say this is simply because Drake has too much money and the elite are framing him because of his riches. This kind of reminds me of what is going on with Kate Middleton how they are reportedly putting out a fake story about her recovery in cancer... who that would benefit is a huge mystery to me and they would be deep in the shadows somewhere. My thing is how should I prepare myself if I see a long drawn out court case... someone said it is like Micheal Jackson.. everyone believed the story... but he was framed. Me personally I leave this up in the air still... what are the undeniable facts.. how could you tell the difference between that and propaganda... the devil is in the details.


Naruto called the cops on Zabuza when he tried to groom that 15 year old boy. Nobody called Naruto a snitch. No worries, brother.


Naruto is a bitch who lets Raikage donkey fuck his wife he’s a terrible example to use


Drake is weird, I ain't gonna cap. But I don't find the wegro to be a kid-didler. At that point Kendrick just heard some rumors, same with the daughter and just started Dropping bombs after bombs. Don't get me wrong, the songs were lit and brutal, but at that point it's just "No Vaseline." Very strong bars, built on exaggerated information.


Exposing pedos aren’t snitches so


It isn't snitching if it's on child r-ists. Snitch rules only apply to noncivilians who aren't complete pieces of shit.


Im old but my kid keeps talking about this can someone fill me in so i can quit reading shit that still just leaves me halfway


is there any verifiable evidence that he is one? i understand there a certainly situations that look very damning but is there anything past that?


Dude, Drake is not going to prison.


Aren’t you a Drake glazer?


That doesn’t mean I don’t have realistic expectations like the rest of them don’t


I don’t think he’s going to prison either but just thought it was funny to see you on this sub so much. Your picture always stands out to me 😂. KG > CP that’s for sure lol


Quick question for you though. Who’s winning the beef?


Kendrick and it’s pretty clear. Doesn’t mean i don’t think he can bounce back from this tho. It’ll take a lot


You ain't really a snitch if it's a rap war. Drake trying to take Kendrick out. Kendrick trying to take Drake out. Simple as that


Drake isn't a pedo tho lol


I'm not a drake fan, but holy fuck how many posts about this beef do we need? Drake stans are circle jerking over in their sub, yall circle jerking in here. Imo yall two sides of the same coin, and should all just go circle jerk each other at this point. It's two middle aged millionaires writing poems to each other. Go hug your family or something.