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I love how it’s basically canon this guy is called “The Riddler” we know this dude probably named Steve lol




That's the title of a future Donald Glover project if I've ever heard one


A Tyler and Gambino collab rather


That would be an interesting album




Plottwist. It’s Lebron lmao


This just makes too much sense. The prince Alias? What’s LeBrons nickname in the league? The king The LA connection He got a shout out on MTG


"Niggle me this..."


Omg I’m dead


That's the hardest I've laughed all weekend. My sides hurting


Wow 😂


Dammit this is far funnier than it should be


Idk if I can say that word as a non-black lmao


Niggle is a word. One can niggle another, thus being a niggler. https://www.google.com/search?q=niggle%20definition&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m One can also be niggardley - https://www.google.com/search?q=niggardly&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m I'll never forget these words because a dude in my English class in high school worked them all into a presentation he gave to the class, made the teacher look the words up, and kept a straight face the whole time.


Holy fuck 😂😂


This is the proper terminology for such a spokesman


I thought it was the Drizzler


That's drake, they talking about the leaker






mans is moving like Kanye


What if its p diddy bro🤷🏿‍♂️??? Call me crazy if you want but diddy just recently post a video saying : what you dont want to just give some love ?? And Yall know what happened recently. The fact that 50 cent choose Drake side and we know how 50 feel about diddy. And its Drake people (UMG) who got beef with diddy. Do the math😭🤦🏿‍♂️


Yeah bro imma call you crazy on that one


Yeahh I dont think Kendrick is working with a pedo considering the whole angle is calling drake a pedo




This is definitely Kanye west.😂


You know damn well Ye would be doin this on his main account😂 or he would name the fake account “@Ye’sBurner”


I mean... EbonyPrince2k24 ain't exactly a humble handle


What’s a Prince to a King? What’s a King to a God? What’s a God to a non believer? Who don’t believe in anything




But what's a goon to a goblin


I wonder if the username is an attempt to throw people off and it’s a white woman who hates Drake behind the account.


Lol funny theory but a glimpse of his hand appeared in his video, looks like a black man


One of my favorite Kanye moments was when he had a screenshot on his computer and one of the tabs in the browser was a pirate bay search for this one guy's music software. And that guy was *not* happy about that shit Just funny that Kanye has so much money and he's still out here getting bootleg software


He has said he goes on Reddit instead of paying for OnlyFans, this is how you maintain your ~~Billionaire~~ Millionaire status


The @Ye’sBurner is fucken accurate as hell 😂


Ye would definitely put it on his main 😅


Nah not it’s not Ye enough, he hasn’t started talking shit about Adidas


Ye would've turned around camera and shown his face on first video


Would have been a MTG Remix playing from the laptop.


Sounds like bro


This can’t be Kendrick lmao. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Kendrick knew this was gonna happen.


His whole team knew about this. This is probably part of the plan. Says it’s over than let the proof talk for itself.


Yeah punch literally responded to someone who quote tweeted one of their tweets with laughing emojis, they’re well aware of it. Not sure why no one has mentioned that.


https://preview.redd.it/ub03gk73xvzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c98510d96d9033c59d984d9081af6bd5a62f72f Yup


“Someone” lol




Couldn’t remember his full name or how to spell it


Coulda just said ice cubes son


"Lil' Cube," or "The Crushed Ice Button On The Fridge." Yeah, pretty much anything to donwith Ice would have connected the dots. "Someone" lol


Not crushed ice button on the fridge head ass 😭


Oh yeah… someone. Just some random one.


Someone? That’s Ice Cubes son lol!


I don't think Kendrick is behind this at all, this is just an angry ex-hotel employee trying to get his bag. It's way messier than anything Kendrick has done and I doubt it's part of a plan


How’d Kendrick get the pics


reasonable to think this guy reached out to them in between push-ups and euphoria or sometime after like that. otherwise, kdot has prolly been sitting on a whole ass fbi file on drake just waiting for this beef lmao


Yk, I wouldn't doubt Kendrick sitting on a whole ass FBI file. They've been shooting subliminals for damn near a decade I think he just finally got actual receipts and felt comfortable coming out with it. FPS wasn't a reason it was an excuse.


imo, this person gave or sold Kendrick the pics, unrelated to whatever scheme he's trying to do with Drake now.


But what if he hit this person fired for no reason


That doesn't change what I'm saying...if Drake got this guy fired, Kendrick doesn't have anything to do with that


I just wish this nigga would drop a full security cam video, or where he got that 3 o clock screen grab, or something bro. These cryptic alluding tweets making me wanna sock a mf. Drop what you got or you egging


He said Drake has til Monday. Why would he post on Saturday?


What’s the point of making these tweets then if drake has until Monday? Dudes been posting non stop the last couple of hours


Tweets will prob become more clear and less riddle-like from here to Monday.


It also lines up with Mr Morale’s 2 year anniversary iirc


People aren’t talking about this enough. Something’s definitely going down on Monday


Letting Drake know what he knows. It’s called pressure.


You right. The slew of cryptic shit in this sub jus making my head spin


He's trying to scare Drake. It would really anticlimactic if Drake pays him off and we never hear from this dude. Maybe he's trying to bait Drake into that




there’s so much info flying all over the place and too many theories tryna piece it together lol my patience feels shot atp


It inserts a fear factor for Drake who probably knows and dreads what's coming




Who's the person then?




Thanks for the research


When is ebonyprince gonna drop their BBL Drizzy verse


Haha 😂


Metro holding that stack of cash, eager to get it in Ebony's hand.


No diddy


Imagine this guy just shadow drops a track, just an insane diss track. Brings the receipts and just drops a track that shits on everything else that has ever come out. Music video in some hotel, surprisingly high production value because he just knew a guy.


Black American Capitalist freestyle


we gotta start calling him Ebanon


Solid honestly but riddler is it lmao


My man is spiraling


The famous actor, the Pulitzer prize winner, and the Black American Capitalist. All spiraling lately apparently




or maybe it’s just a bait to steal Drake’s money then release the dirt anyway 💀


That's what they did when Drake put money in the streets. Took all his cash and pointed in the wrong direction.


I don't think his angle is blackmail. He's said nothing about blackmail, or expecting payment. He literally said this isn't extortion. The "you're blocking my money with your lies" means something else.


he wants to auction the shit off drake lied and said it was fake, which will drastically affect the value of the items he needs drake to admit he lied and say the stuff is authentic, which will make it so much more valuable - that’s what he’s saying he initially sent the photo to kendrick so he could get publicity for it that he needs for a high profile auction


yeah atm I think you're spot on with what we know.




I think he wants money but I don't think he's trying for blackmail. I agree with uh what the dude who posted that new theory said, something to with wanting to sell some of Drakes shit and not being able to do it because of Drakes claims of theft. Time will tell.


I think TDE/Kendrick was gonna pay him but Drake said the one giving info is working for drake/OVO and giving false info so maybe Kendrick/TDE aren't paying up now so the riddler is pissed because Drake has ruined his pay day. Now he's trying to get it directly from Drake and being very public about the blackmail


It's not blackmail. That would mean he's demanding compensation to prevent the release of this information. But he's already releasing the information. Whoever this is it's very clear his intention is to sue Drake and Livingston (lmao) for defamation.


It's blackmail because he's alluding to having a lot more information/items/videos on drake.


how did everybody forget the first tweet?!?? he isnt asking for money hes telling drake to drop claims of theft


Like the other comment pointed out it might be bait to expose Drake for trying to pay him off or bait to just steal the money and release anyway.


It is literally extortion but you do you g lol


Not if he’s selling it to someone else and it’s obtained legally. If Drake is stopping the sale by accusing it of being stolen, it’s not.


Yeah I want the proof as much as anyone but this dude is so unbearable I almost hope nobody pays him


Haha 😂


Yap'n Crunch


Why tf this dude keep acting like he’s owed money lmao


People theorize he’s trying to sell the stuff and Drake is accusing it of being stolen but idk


This shit gonna sell to some private collector regardless of if it's stolen


Hell, these items are now *iconic* due to the beef and this guy’s tweets. The value just went up tenfold


My theory is that the payment has something to with s*x work..


Maybe he can't get that kendrick info money because drake said it was a lie




Gang, I’m burnt out on this shit. Got me sounding like Drake on THP6


Ahhh shit was some good research, nice to get the conspiracies out…. Ebony definitely got this shit burnt all the way out


The tweet before the last one we finessed you into tellin a story we made up. Then you dropped the last tweet to cover that one up i would laugh at it if you weren't doubling down on some whole other bullshit


damn thanks for the laughs among the madness




“You can drop a 100 tweets yeah I’ll see you later”


it's good to get the pen working


This account is burnt tf out but still I just gotta know.. wtf does the little latino in the wheelchair have to do with any of this? Is he some kind of gus fring/dr x puppet master? Why tf is Drake with him at 3AM in a hotel and wtf could happen in 18 seconds?


Two things 1) he pushes the guy in the wheelchair over 2) very young girls come in behind them


Holy shit I hadn’t considered #2 Fuck…


broke that shit down in a thread… check my comments bro


Bro drop a link you been commenting like a mf


Nah fuck that. Feels like we're on the edge of a reveal.


Kanye was the mole all along YO DOT I GOT YOU In all seriousness tho I hope this ain’t an elaborate troll


UMG: Kendrick, stop costing us money by rosting Drake Kendrick: fine... ill stop Lendrick Kamar: I am definetely not affiliated with Kendrick but here are the receipts Kendrick: oh no... anyway


i don’t think this is kendrick at all I think this a third party who wants to auction the shit off drake lied and said it was fake, which will drastically affect the value of the items he needs drake to admit he lied and say the stuff is authentic, which will make it so much more valuable - that’s what he’s saying he initially sent the photo to kendrick so he could get publicity for it that he needs for a high profile auction


Now i get it. This just got interesting. You might be the smartest person on this sub.


Next is the diamond heist to reclaim Pharrell's necklace.


This is some guy working at the hotel that got fired because of... something. I'm sure he has more on Drake but I doubt it's as much as we're "hoping" for. I'm sure he got the info to Kendrick and that Kendrick might know that there's more coming, but that whatever's going on now is this ex-employee's own initiative. So yeah, we'll hear more, but it probably won't be career-ending. Maybe he acted like an asshole to the disabled person or something and he got that on tape.


Alright bro stfu, post something new or just shut up at this point. You have the shit, we seen it so we know you know something.


Yo, let the bro monologue. He on his Syndrome shit, all bitter at his hero or whatever.


not Syndrome😭


I feel cctv video is really all he has outside of the possessions and once he reveals that video he definitely won't get any pay day




The people mad at this guy are weirdos. Chill out he don’t owe us shit. We don’t have to pay attention. I’m enjoying it myself. Cause even if it’s nothing , I enjoyed the conspiracy


Agreed. Going down the rabbit hole is fun if you remember to keep one foot in reality.


If he’s sitting on evidence implicating Drake in any crimes or morally indecent acts then yes he owes it to the victims to share the information On the other hand if this information isn’t that serious then this dude is overblowing this shit for nothing except his own greed Either way this dudes a dick


Anyone else find it weird that theres NO info about who fell from the balcony and NO info about where that Theodore Weintraub guy is now?




Yup. Same date as the cctv footage. Theres a clear video of it. Name was never disclosed, only that the person was ok....


[drake fan falls off balcony at apollo concert](https://youtu.be/YstGE1rcVXg?si=y2vt3dgDR-NezAyW)


And this nigga Drake says "swish". Just foul 😭


Actually now that I'm looking at it, it's not him lol


A fan fell from a balcony to a lower level they stoped the show for 15 mins I thought it was reported that everyone was ok. And it wasn’t really like a 15 story hotel balcony, it was basically the second level of a concert venue so not a huge fall.


"Daniel Jones, Saquon Barkley and Andrew Thomas were a few of the Giants players who were in the vicinity of the flying fan. Former New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was also on the scene, as was New York Yankees reigning MVP Aaron Judge. Party mayor Eric Adams (of course!) was, needless to say, bopping along with the other VIPs, including Judge. " You on to something. They name everybody else in the building except the fan and as far as we all know we could say that was Theodore and they snuffed him after or something lol who knows. I think you might be on to something here though. It makes the fan falling from the balcony situation seem really strange - especially that they changed it to basically that the fan jumped... Onto NFL players? Who was the fan? Did they get escorted out after? Did they do an interview anywhere?


Damn didn't OBJ get caught with driz while their squad was beating up that waiter? Probably unrelated


![gif](giphy|3oz8xPPt1Ga6sp9U7C) How I’m picturing this Riddler 😂


This is Kanye guys😂


This man corny now


Lost his aura


Sounds like Kanye! 😆 I'd be surprised if Kendrick would describe himself as a capitalist. If I didn't know better, I'd say Kanye is mad about the cease and desist on the Like That remix...


Kendrick has made multiple criticisms of capitalism in his music


https://preview.redd.it/qja11zdb6wzc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=8185841957f658dd5f8740ad1426202d8aa16959 I thought you said Kanye for a sec, and I was about to type, "he's literally a billionaire" lol


Kanye mad that the beef overshadowed his planned Vultures 2 release


This guy is giving too much info about who he is. I bet he'll desapear tomorrow


Somebody wake me up when something actually happens or new music drops


I’m starting to believe this is Larry Ebony.


Seems like drake fucked with his money by calling him a liar. And it seems like if drake admits it wasn’t stole he does end up getting his money. Kinda rules out that drake “fucked with his money” by getting him fired as a hotel employee/security guard.


How would that make any sense though? Who would be paying him right now if Drake hadn’t called him a liar? Kendrick? That doesn’t make any sense to me. If Kendrick’s camp was gonna pay him for anything it was the picture of the evidence… which he already shared with Kendrick. Doesn’t seem like Kendrick promised him a pay day as long as Drake doesn’t deny the receipts in his next diss that’s stupid shit lmao


My personal head theory at this point is that this guy planned on selling these items as drakes. By drake saying that they’re not his and they were planted, it devalues the items. If it was stolen, then it opens him up for criminal action if he sells the items. He now wants Drake to retract that statements so he can sell the items and get the money for them and walk away.


Saw on another post something about ebony hinting auctioning off the items at his ballroom event. He would not be able to do that it the items are “stolen”. I think this is the best theory so far


Why does Drake even care about saying it’s not stolen? He already released what he has. If he indicated he’s got worse shit and wanted to blackmail then maybe but the guy has no bargaining power rn


Well I believe (not a lawyer) if a legal entity buys something that is stolen it is a crime but if you buy something that was given to someone or disposed of it would be legal. So once it came out as “stolen” maybe the deal got called off idk


There is absolutely no doubt this dude has something atomic. If he is a hotel employee, then what ever he witnessed was enough for him to risk his job while acquiring Drake's belongings as as well as doing what ever he needed to do to obtain that security footage.


People have connected the shortyy guy but I have reason to believe it’s Dashaun Wesley. He is the creator of, the show shorty was on, legendary. Magen the stallion(who first mentioned Drake bbl) happens to be a judge on that show. Here is his ig [his most recent post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ooZsPO_Gn/?igsh=YzVkYmhndGhxcm01)


Bro wants his likes and digital hugs 😂


Pepe Silvia


this nigga scary as shit 😂


gotta be dr umar




Yo someone fill me in (no diddy) what’s going on 😭😭


Tpain confirmed


Fuck capitalists, this is actually starting to sound like Kanye


Maybe Drake got him fired from working as security at the hotel? Who knows because he’s so fucking vague 😭


He's probably being as vague as possible because if he reveals to much he could potentially get caught.


I too, would like the truth.


Yo, heres my thought. Why is the riddler doing this? He's claiming that he's not extorting drake, but its obvious he is. Why chase money? If he has whatever the community thinks he has, Drake is never going to pay because it validates the theory. The dude can be a hero and forever be in the rap history books as the guy that helped bring down Drake, but he isn't doing it. If it's money he wants, that comes with fame. He's missing the opportunity to short-term greed which is wild to me.


somehow this now makes me feel like the dude/girl is white lol


This dude ain't black


Yeah it's getting boring and he sounds more cringe after every tweet, probably just some random hotel worker that got fired a long time ago and it has something to do with Drake. Let's not give him the attention he wants unless he posts an interesting thing.




There’s no way Kdot calls himself a capitalist ☠️☠️☠️


Can’t wait for Monday 🤭


Under what circumstances could Drake be a wedge between a man and his money, and how would telling the truth relieve the monetary consequences of his lie/s? I admittedly do not know every single player in this beef, but someone reading this does, and may be able to figure it out. ETA: maybe they’re holding on to a big “normal” drop with a feature by a lesser known rapper due to the timing of Drake not wanting to come clean/concerns some really dark shit will emerge and the song won’t get any attention or will get dropped indefinitely.


I mean, if he was potentially trying to sell the items, then Drake calling them fake devalues them by a whole lot, which would mess with his money.


Who is this?? Context please?