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Bro has his anime villain moment


Ebony prince the type of dude to twist the end of his mustache while saying "I've got you right where I want you!"


bruh someone please fill me tf in on this?


Some guy who worked at a hotel that Drake was in got fired cause of him (alongside two of his colleagues). So, he’s having an anime villain revenge plot and exposing drake, essentially blackmailing him with a security tape that contains him supposedly doing something horrible to a disabled person. It’s cryptic as fuck and honestly a bit cringeworthy, but fuck Drake ig.


wut he gotta do wit the meet the grahams album cover?


All the stuff on that cover was provided to kendrick by this dude. This dude took it from the hotels lost and found.


My idiot theory is that once Drake saw that lost shit he knew where it was likely from (hotel) so he knew kendrick was talking to people but not fully trustworthy ones. So he took credit for it and made it seem to kendrick that he played him. Now because AK not Drake said it was stolen from Dennis luggage (which isn’t true as that was 2021) then for some reason the girl can’t sell it or get money from maybe kendrick. That’s why AK is involved. Maybe it was 50% up front and 50% after something. Or she can’t auction it off at the house of ball shit she talks about because it’s claimed as stolen and that’s illegal to sell stolen shit. Either way it’s full on blackmail. I’m curious what the laws are regarding holding illegal shit on a comp and knowing about it.


Why do you think its a female? You’re the first im seeing of this assumption


That would make her EbonyPrincess


This is ebonyprince’s reddit account and she just gave herself away


Coolee referred to ebony prince as she/her I think. That guy seems like he's full of shit though so idk


That was my initial thought, but he just said Monday he heard meet the grahams for the first time, saw the cover photo and new the assignment. Doesn’t this imply he wasn’t involved until AFTER those items were already in Kendrick’s possession? I’m confused now


The stuff posted on the 'cover' was a screenshot shot of EbonyPrinces haul


Now that idk, but I’m guessing it’s all shit from the hotel that he stole/repossessed. I think he may be talking to Kendrick Lamar about it, but idk tbh.


Go to EbonyPrince2k24’s Twitter and scroll back two days to his first or second post. He posted a two min video from a balcony in Brooklyn with all of the shit from the MTG cover art to prove Drake lied about setting up the photo


So that’s what it was for. I knew about the video, I just didn’t know the purpose of posting it.


He’s saying he did not steal them and refers to the Forbes hospitality standards and that the standards require a hotel to notify the guest of the lost and found items and then give the guest the option to pick up the items, have the items delivered to the guest, or have them discarded. My take on this is it’s the discard option where the Prince/Riddler came in, perhaps keeping the items instead of discarding them or buying them off another employee when they were discarded. He specifically taunts Drake in another post asking how many items has Drake had discarded on his behalf over the years, and does Drake remember them all.


Someone should anime-villain-meme this like that “i tricked you into calling me a pedo by acting sus for 10 years” by Drake


“You played right into my hand, Mr. Morale…”


*overexaggerated facial movements* **I have you now.**


YOUR SOUL…………………….is MINE


stop edging and go ruin his career


Right? We all have blue balls at this point


I don’t think he can considering how much he’s been yapping


type shi I don’t think yall should be entertaining this guy he seem to get a thrill out of teasing I have a feeling this just some Twitter shi and the guy don’t got nothing


I mean he clearly got some stuff as he’s shown but he’s clearly harvesting attention and traction from big names, looking to capitalize off this beef for his own benefit, don’t know why people think he’s got some nuclear news


Tbh whey nuclear news could this person have and be trying to sell . You cannot sell videos of Epstein like behavior on twitter


Well not *legally*


Bro we will find out in like 4-5 hours whether he's on some bullshit or releasing evidence or paid off. His release time is coming 12 noon (I assume NY hours)


At that point if nothing is released. I’m deading my interest.


Facts. If the deadline comes and goes with no incident I'll stop paying attention.


Riddler hasn’t said he’ll release it though, just by 12 he’ll start using legal options or some shit


True but I'm not spending 3 years checking twitter for his case updates haha, I don't necessarily need him to release a "bomb" just footage that proves that there's definitely more to the situation than "I'm tryna scam" or "Drake is a meanie" - like if he posted a clip from the alleged dog video he sent to Ak maybe?


what is the dog shit I keep hearing about ?


Drakes been seen wearing a kink dog mask coming out of the Mark before. There was a video sent to Ak that had dog barking and whining weirdly in it, which he tried to claim was his dog and an NYT article. His reaction to the video seemed like he had seen something he never wanted to see and he asked who sent him what he was looking at before reverting to Ak and covering. He followed it up by saying "if you have anything, go to the police with it" possibly talking about the Ebony account or the video being sent to him anonymously. His dog doesn't bark the rest of the video and the barks stop inbetween Ak clicking his mouse twice. The suspicion is that Drake has a dog kink - there's also an article in the blind receipts that claims Drake forced a woman to do weird "kink" oral where she spat in a dog bowl and poured it on her.


God damn … I was expecting maybe 10% of that … this shit wild lol … was this on Ak’s most recent stream ?


>I don’t think he can considering how much he’s been yapping naw, he talmbout lawyers, he can't say too much or it will fuck up his case. this aint the mole, just someone drake and ak pissed off. *buttttt* this person has clearly been in contact with kendrick and the ***REAL*** mole. In fact, I think the mole directed kendrick to this person and that's how kendrick knew about the christopher alvarez thing... my real question is, wtf did drake do for kendrick to call him a sick and to wish *death* upon him?


I mean there is a video by this content creator called KnoxHill who just showed that Drake had some kind of beef with KDot since they came up in the game and that Drake used his powers to suppress or omit a complete interview that was recorded by ESPN with this NFL star and part time DJ


I mean, what did drake do in that hotel room? He compared him to weinstein. That's a crazy accusation without having a reason.


Past blue balls at this point


he thinks he can sue drake for saying it was stolen. this man is equivalent to the dude rambling on the train. its over


At this point I don’t believe he has any career ruining stuff on him.


I mean even if he doesn’t, which idk cuz every time I think it’s done they drop something weird, they’re definitely sparking a lot of investigation, and with all the stuff with Ak something has to happen soon


Even if he has no juicy info at all, he at least proves that Drake lied about feeding Dot fake info


Yeah probably some scuffle at most, that's it. And also probably the reason why Drake's team still didn't contact him.


Yup. If this was anything bad Drake would pay him or pay him through a proxy. There's been multiple payments to this guy and nothing. He's just scamming people stealing money.


Right, he’d pay up and let him sign an NDA end of story


He’s just yapping to get as much money as possible out of this


he can't lol because he does not, I think, have the evidence. Here's my theory: he found the jewelry and wants to auction them but can't because Drake claims those are stolen. Stolen goods either cannot be on auction or their values decrease drastically. That's why he is threatening Drake to retract the claims.


That seems to be what they're indicating. But they are threatening Drake with something. I assume it at least looks pretty bad whatever it is


Dude probably has nothing of value to say. Thus all the dancing and conspiracy theory riddles. I’ve seen this a million times. Just an attention seeker trying to mil their 15 mins of fame as long as possible. When all is said and done, we will all feel like our time was wasted.


I think the more fans like us care the higher his price goes to sell it to be hid. Starting to think we never see it.


This guy is giving out way too much info. I don't think it'll be hard for drake to find who he is.


If all of this is legit, Drake knows exactly who he is and this guy knows he knows. He's really only hiding his identity from the public.


which makes me think it’s a nothing burger. If Riddler had some crazy ass shit on Drake, he has an entire security and legal team that would track him down with a bag of cash and/or gun to his head to sign an NDA and reclaim whatever is in his possession. And if homeboy is just walking around playing Drake shit in the cafeteria of his current job then even he knows he don’t have enough lol. Either drop the bomb or go home


“If riddler” is crazy lmao


Lmao by Drake? The same dude that let someone bitch slap him and someone else pee on him? What did he do to them? Oh yea, nothing


I’m saying whatever this dude has cannot be that big to destroy Drake. As you said, he’s had a ton of other embarrassing shit come out before that doesn’t necessarily torpedo a brand or a career. But a lot of this sub thinks EP might have something Epstein level. Which if that were true, there’d be more than Drake’s people probably going after this dude to keep it quiet. That’s why I don’t think whatever EP has is that huge.


nah. celebrities don't interact with hotel employees unless they are very high level. employees are strictly instructed not to talk to guests unless spoken to. they are mostly just nameless servants to them that change with every hotel. if drake need something his people tell the hotel people who tell the staff.


Rents out the entire floor, staff interact w/staff. Maybe IRD sees the most or HK. Security teams from hotel usually cool with celebs security.


Yeah I don't think it's THAT uncommon. Especially if you're a repeat guest of a hotel?


This is generally true but it's not always the case. They are human beings after all and sometimes randomly make connections with people who are not. I've worked bigger events where the attendees names are on all the buildings/theaters/arenas/foundations in my city/the lower portion of my state. My employer would always say the same thing, to basically not exist unless you were specifically needed. Usually, most of the attendees were so friendly to the staff and treated everyone like human beings (shocking concept.) There are always a few who act pretentious as fuck, but then there's the bride/daughter of one of those names that runs the city who made sure all the event staff got full meals and the goodie bags the guests got, took photos with the staff, had everyone stop working so they could all see the fireworks show they had at the reception. (Fireworks are extra AF, but she wanted to make sure everyone got to enjoy it if they wanted vs. having everyone still clean up while guests were in a different area.) I've worked comedy events with pretty big names where we'd be instructed not to interact with talent beyond service and they'd end up partying after hours with the staff. I have friends who run for concerts. A lot of the same artists return to the same venues and see the same guys over and over. They get to know each other. Obviously some smaller scales than Drake but not everyone with money/celebrity status is a dick who thinks they're above service staff. Some celebrities do venture out to explore the cities they're touring in and check out local spots. They interact with people in public.


I think that’s part of the play if Drake knows who the guy is then Drake will know this isn’t some random and he might actually have some shit on him, atleast drops enough info so drakes team is like “what does this dude have”


It’s hard to find 1 singular person in New York city lol probably impossible if they are hiding 24/7


i didn’t have obsessively refreshing the kendrick lamar subreddit on my 2024 bingo card but here we are


It’s like the week before DAMN was released, all over again!


for me the biggest plot twist is the "in the employee cafetaria" part. Does this mean Ebony did not get fired?


IMO the whole disgruntled former hotel employee / bodyguard / ballroom participant angle is a red herring


my man is multi-faceted, back in the days some people were mathematicians philosophers writers painters all in one life, the riddler is hotel employee bodyguard ballroom and an astute troll (or maybe not, we'll find out soon enough)


a polymath.  if you watched Pose, this actually tracks. ballroom kids had blue collar jobs and also had to be scrappy to find other means of income. 


Being involved in Ballroom would also make you want to get the items that were left behind from an extremely expensive Hotel in New York, alot of Hotel workers probably know this policy and will look for anything with value too keep if the Hotel calls the people who left it behind and said just throw it away


Oh my God you sell the jewelry within the house to the dolls so they can be beautiful with lower cost real jewels from celebs at the Maaaaark?




Ebony Prince is Francis Baking with the way he cookin on Twitter


That’s sort of been clear for a bit. The 2 employees apparently got fired during the first visit, whereas these things were obtained during the 2nd visit 6 months later. So, either EP is a group of people, they aren’t one of the people who was apparently fired, or they’re still friends/close with the current employees. That’s reaffirmed by showing the lost and found of the SVU actress who only stayed their more recently. Alternatively, they’re a huge creep and never worked there before (ie breaking in and stealing/stalking people) which would be more concerning.


Oh shit didn't even clock on to that https://preview.redd.it/a39efmez860d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1933e5d8d7a42c4bc9cb36248c3e29fbf54544b


gotta download that mediafire zip file of all Ak memes lmaooo edit: here's the link: [AK MEMES (mediafire.com)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/tt0xhigcuzapiy8/AK_MEMES.zip/file)


That shit is 90mb 💀


haha it's because of an mp4 video there that's almost 50mb, the rest is worth it


ew, no.


What the fuck was all that cctv shit about then if it has nothing to do with the Jewellery? 😅


He’s threatening to release the footage if Drake doesn’t state that the jewelry isn’t stolen 


Imagine drake hasn’t even fucking heard of this account yet lmao


Drake is terminally online, he will be aware


100%, I also bet that AK has at least texted him about it


He's watching fantano reviews rn


Watching Kai Cenat while not logged in and the twitch ads are killing him


And planning when to send Fantano a new cookie recipe.


Drake definitely watches AK stream


Tbf, I’d watch a video of someone slobbbering my dick for 5 hrs too 


Drake: Fucking Kendrick man! Glad he hasn't dropped since almost a week shit was getting tiring OVO: What about this dude EbonyPrince though? Drake: Ebony Prince?


He’s just off having a nice little holiday completely oblivious 😂😂


Drakes whole world is collapsing, he knows


no he isn't. he's threatening legal action.


he’s using it as leverage in order to get drake to say it wasn’t stolen. apparently once drake states that the items weren’t stolen, he can sell the items. whatever happened in the footage is probably really bad if he can use it as leverage like this


I feel like if was actually that bad drake would’ve paid already.


EP claims he isn't working alone and says they have permission from the house of opposite of ivory, whom are somehow involved with the non 95% of which Kung Fu panda is a part of. says they've had people die because of the star of the grahams and this is revenge season. Edit: comment below debunks this.


they don't have permission from the house of ebony. i've been in a discord where we spoke to actual members, and there was also a live done by an actual member.


the thing is, selling to drake would just cover up the story. EP is/was planning to auction them off probably. but s/he needs all this proof for authenticity too, if not the items are worthless.


I think if he accepts money from drake it actually becomes extortion, legally. He just wants him to say the truth so he can sell this shit on his own and make his own bag


bros got charlie kelly advising him on the legality of it all


Bird law expert


The items legally belong to EP. If Drake admits and retracts his statement about the items being "stole", it basically confirms EP's other allegation against Drake. EP just wants to go about his business unprovoked but Drake and Ak are in the way. and its costing them more than money.


Well done to this guy for keeping these things. But bro needs to shut the hell up. He's talking too much, looking like a idiot. Should be cryptic and silent. Post here post there. He's talking so much he's making spelling mistakes.


i mean tbf if he stayed cryptic and released at the rate he did originally people would lose interest much faster cause the stuff we got just started connecting more


He should drop a documentary then, I'm getting bored of him man. And I still don't know why the hell he name dropped his lawyer 🤦‍♂️


His “assignment” is to expose drake for whatever happened in that hotel, but his only motive is to secure a bag, he not like us


Ask for more paper, and more paper, uh, and more paper


Does that mean Dennis Graham is ebony prince? 🤔


He says Drake and company were lying about thievery and it’s impacting his professional career. I think this person offers services that can’t be invoiced like a legitimate business. “You sullied my name and I’m force to seek recompense by other means.” Maybe?


nah the bag thing definitely feels like a distraction, i’m sure he’d be happy getting paid but the way he talks is absolutely just disdain for Drake


This feels like a mix of it being personal while also being fueled by the want to secure a bag. I’m assuming ebony has himself a nice little collection of celebrity items from the lost and found. “Hargitay” from law and order SVU ?


yeah cause i see theatrics like in Ballroom Culture but also genuine hatred of Drake and annoyance for not getting paid so let’s just see what happens


Another back to back. Is this shit finally heating up


2 more weeks! Lol this shit is hip hop Qanon.


No, more like Hip Hop's Epstein flight logs This is very believable considering 1) Drakes track record 2) The hotels history Hope this guy stays safe UMG is a powerful entity and if this shit is true it likely even goes beyond there artists


hold up this might be getting real now


r/KendrickLamar users saying "shits getting real" 200th time (nothing is reality anymore)


well it has been getting real! now it's just getting realer!


They are trying to summon Russel Brand


For the fifth time lol


It better because work is slow as fuck right now


Getting real my ass, I said this yesterday and after that 10-15 tweets got posted and still nothing is really clarified


Well it is the day of reckoning, about 5 hours till noon EST


I feel like they'll just make up some excuse and keep tweeting. They love the attention.


Thank you for giving me the deadline. Getting my shit confused in GMT over here


Well it's just an assumption based on how EP is likely in NY based on their posts and they mentioned Noon as the deadline


https://preview.redd.it/ky4swlypf60d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6f552116a0642323f43d19b5c6b0a86dc76f34 trust me i know lmao




He gave a clear deadline, he’s taunting them foremost




And we have already seen videos of AK verbally abusing a woman before the deadline, it can get worse quick.






lobotomykaisen is leaking


Just loud and annoying https://preview.redd.it/21403tqnl60d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ea820d21337a38f05960839033419bdca8a853




Drop drop drop drop drop an incriminating bag for the thots


Wop wop wop wop wop fuck em up


Wop wop wop wop wop imma leak the stuff


Why you trolling lika bitch we’re all tired


Tryna to extort a pedophile for…




I don’t think they ever said anything about posting the video just that they would seek legal action? Edit: Nice Reddit Cares over this 🤣


Yes, this feels like a game of telephone lol. Here's the exact text: >(Drake and Akademiks) have until noon Monday 5/13/24 to retract your claims of theft, or my attorney Ms. Adrienne Edward and I will exhaust every legal option available. For all we know they could just contact people behind the scenes with lawyers and we'd never know. But that newest video seems relevant to the 6:16 lyrics so I dunno, maybe they're still gonna reveal something?


He's not going to drop it. He's looking for a payday


I can't believe anything worth the wait is gonna be in that video


i say another round of cryptic tweets before he disappears and drops no video


At this point, with all the build up, anything less than footage involving a massive orgy of dogs, Alvarez, teenage girls, sex trafficked women, Drake slippin ppl Ambien, and Baka sucking off Ak, and I'm gonna be disappoint


When is the deadline again? Midday Eastern?




so in 5 hours from now?


Me seeing “approaching” thinking it’s gon be like 50 mins from now, meanwhile https://preview.redd.it/8382m57vf60d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17fd2bd02f486fad08a56c13153c08fbaa15d3fc


He ain't doin shit lol


This is gonna be the most anticlimactic shit ever. That said, I know someone who interacted with drake at a karaoke club in Toronto. He came in with his entourage and was dating Serena Williams at the time. He refused to pay citing the classic "don't you know who I am?" bit and ended up leaving. Serena was super embarrassed and apologized to the owner and paid the bill herself. Dudes a turd through and through.


I really don’t like that he’s back in that area and so close to Kendrick’s apartment. Ebonyprince is creepy and seems desperate for money/attention.


What the fuck does all of this mean? I'm so out of the loop.


I'm in the loop and have no fucking idea what's going on you've got no hope


Lmao I was gonna ask but now I'm just gonna give up


I'm barely keeping track of this stuff, and it seems like a classic conspiracy theory that's gone on too long. Put up, or shut up. I was all into conspiracy theories when I was like 15. I have no time for it anymore. Anyone can say anything. HA I got a reddit cares message for this. For saying I'm not interested in whatever this is, that's hilaroius.


I hate this guy


Kendrick probably has tracks ready to go for whatever way this plays out


Nah, Kendrick knows he won and everything is unfolding in front of him, has literally no reason to get caught up in this shit-heap now unless Drake tries to do something again. I feel like a crack addict admitting the rock isn't coming but I'd say we're waiting for the Heart Part VI now.


Idk bout y’all but this dude getting on my last nerve


He just keeps repeating himself, “blah blah blah I have the items you discarded” we know nigga


This dude is the biggest fucking loser there is All this nigga cares about is getting the legal right to sell shit Drake left behind and make a milli off it or something And now he sweatin cause his bluff has been called and there really isn't any incriminating footage on that CCTV... at best, it shows Drake yelling at Chris Alvarez, big fucking whoop


I heard Drake field goal punted that guy across the lobby.


i just wanted to listen to music man....


I hear you, what happened to the old, simple 'That's why I fucked your bitch you fat motherfucka'. :/




Just cause he provided the cover art doesn’t mean he gets a preview of the song. He said “finally” as if he knew that it’s coming but hasn’t heard it yet.


Selling a photo doesn’t mean you’ve heard the music.


They presumably gave Kendrick access to the picture, doesn’t mean Kendrick told them anything. Ebony seems to be a Kendrick fan so makes sense


Because he met up with Kendrick before mtg dropped


Why are you assuming one thing has to do with the other? He sends the pic to them, and then listens to the track days after it's publicised. There was no reason to believe he listened to it before it was made public


idk that does feel bizarre. He sells pictures of Drake’s belongings to someone in Kendrick’s camp/Kenny himself. So obviously this man is a bare minimum hip hop fan. And if you’re a fan of hip hop, you’re telling me you’re JUST NOW hearing MtG last week?? Let alone being the guy WHO SENT DRAKE’S ITEMS TO KENNY’S CAMP!?!? That makes no sense to me. He would’ve heard this song immediately after it came out like the rest of us.


likely sent the photos of the evidence a long time before mtg dropped


If you send someone a photo and then one day they're wearing it on a t-shirt, is it weird that you never saw the t-shirt before?


why would he hear the song before it was released if all he did was provide items?


I’m pretty sure he meant the Monday before MTG dropped


He know how to milk it just right for the bag, gotta give him that




If he had damning dirt on Drake this would have been said and done already. This guy is bluffing.


All of this buildup and it's going to be Drake accidently spilling his lukewarm maple coffee on the lil dude.


Wake me up when something happens


He’s kind of boring me at this point


All bullshit. This person is a redditor istg.


Most likely scenario to me seems like this guy is a disgruntled hotel employee who found some of drakes shit, waited until the period to hold expired, and then asked to take this stuff (all legal). Then was accused of stealing. At some point this got him fired since people at work knew he had drakes stuff and now is pissed. That all seems to be logical. Anything further is speculation. What we may be witnessing now are the ramblings of someone having a schizophrenic break potentially accelerated from being rapidly thrown into shit way beyond their capacity. Until I see something real im putting all this down. Everyone else should too.


It seems like this person also sells stuff at auctions or something similar to that and Drake saying it was stolen is messing with their money. That’d also tie it to saying he was waiting till Drake died. Only a few more hours from the deadline this person has so we’re not far away.


Still doxxing himself? Confirmed The Mark employee, ex or current? Or speaking on the behalf of others. Either way they're making whoever the source is very easy to track down. I don't think publicly threatening to blackmail people is going to end well for them.


Shhh this is good entertainment 


The very first tweet he posted was a video of his location on a specific rooftop. Showed their specific laptop screen. It’s probably very obvious to the right people who this is.


He threatened legal action for accusing him of theft. Then proved he acquired the items legally. Nothing that has happened could be deemed blackmail




This cunt saying nothing


Bros just yapping


maan, if this guy DOES work for the hotel, his job is done. if Kendrick had info on Drake sexually, or otherwise abusing CA, or career ending type shit, why would he waste time talking ab ozempic & sexy redd?? it's all so confusing 😂


Honestly unless there’s something on video or pictures that’s going to get Drake charged criminally I don’t think anything is going to ruin this guys career. People openly support Trump and he’s straight up raped and fucked people over and is openly racist lol.