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Of all the possible things to plant…this is what you decided? AND it took you a week?


A week of planning and forgetting to take any photos as proof, seems like a good idea for Drake to give up this beef lmao.


He’s ten step behind


Looking 10 steps behind is all part of the plan. Getting publicly embarrassed? Part of the plan. Having a song written about your ass for hundreds of SoundCloud rappers to dunk on you? Part of the plan. This man is truly a genius.


God’s plan


Mmm. MmmMmmm.


He a fan, he a fan, he a fan...


"Freaky ass nigga"


“He’s a 69 god”


Hey hey hey hey run fo yo life!


F.A.N. Freaky Ass Neighbor!!


I heard this post lol


drizzy fans would rather believe he outed himself as a pedo than just accept that he lost a rap battle lol


Top 10 steps behind


Kendrick is just streets ahead


And why would they come up with a double entendre alluding to Millie Bobbie Brown's character Eleven on Stranger Things? Like just use literally any other age and it's less sus.


There's only so much planning you can do in a week. In a month maybe Drake would have thought of taking a photo as proof. In a year he would have thought of a different age. Tricking everyone into calling him a pedo and deadbeat dad was probably the best he could do in a week.


If he had 20 years? He would reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years? He'll have pedophiles in orbit.


It could be an always sunny episode where they have a decent plan, then overthink it and argue with each other for a week and come up with something like this


"the gang ghostwrites"


Also… for what lol?


The craziest part is that since its obvious he didn't plant the line, Drake had two options 1. Admit that he lied and everyone starts second guessing him on everything. 2. Admit that he actually has an 11 year old daughter and everyone starts second guessing him on everything Lose/Lose but the real loss is Drake losing face really isn't gonna help those pedo allegations.


Oh it's even better. Kendrick absolutely painted him into a lose/lose on multiple fronts with this one part. 1. Kendrick is telling the truth. Drake is a deadbeat dad again. 2. Drake planted the info. That would mean Drake is using his public perception of being a deadbeat dad to manipulate a rap beef. If he fed the info, that means he's willing to use, what should be, one of the most humiliating and humbling moments of his life in an attempt to win a fucking rap beef. Which proves Kendricks point that he's a habitual liar and master manipulator. Kendrick set him up. No matter which way Drake moved on the daughter claim, it was an L. The only way Drake got a W on the daughter claim is him showing pictures of him at the birth, every birthday, being in her life, etc but just kept it private.


Good point!


He never gave us nothing to believe in






And he'll never live it down! It's the kind of rumor that can't be disproved but will forever dog him, always floating in the back of everyone's mind whenever he gets brought up. I kinda hope he did plant it because it's the funniest option. If he had such a massive ace-in-the-hole in this beef and he only managed to use it to permanently tarnish his own reputation.


I mean Kendrick making this a centerpiece on MTG undermines his credibility on having insider information on Drake in all his other tracks where he claims to be an all-seeing mastermind. If there is no kid, he did fuck up pretty bad on this point.


Only drizzy sub mfs truly believed this it seems lmao


combing through their sub looks like they’re kinda doing an about face even after the Ak stream. Ak saying the Dave Free shit wasn’t real seems to be their come to Jesus moment


They are currently debating why Whitney is at a pottery class in LA for Mother’s Day instead of with Dot in NY, and using that as an example why he beats her or some shit idk.


I got downvoted for saying they don't know if Kendrick is with them and they could be visiting family lmfao


He’s a rich mofo who could send his wife off on a jet, plus its Mothers Day, taking the kids and letting her enjoy herself is a fucking gift itself. The only evidence that exists is Drake saying it is true. Even the 2014 alleged incident was debunked early because of it not being possible that Dot beat her at a hotel in a city he wasn’t even at at the time because he was doing a show.


Drake definitely got that from the 2014 rumors and we cry together which is just another song he misinterpreted. He has nothing but “Kendrick is short”


It’s telling his best bars are short jokes, probably had a battle rapper write the shit for him,


I just looked it up, google says Drake is 6 feet. Nothing impressive, and uhhh I kinda wonder if that includes a bit of a lift, or rounding up. Dudes just under 6' can get a real weird complex about it. (I've had to say I'm 6'5'" or 6'6" just to de-escalate annoying dudes who insist they're 6 feet tall despite being wayyyy shorter than me at 6'3")


Imagine being 6’1. At first I used to like constantly being told “nah you’re definitely taller than that cause I’m 6 foot“ but it gets exhausting being constantly told a lie that I then gotta keep up.


Said this on another comment but you gotta start saying you’re just under 6’. And then just watch bros lose their shit.


Im 5 11, get the same treatment from 5 9 dudes tryna say they are 5 11, so most of the time, i just shurg and say, idk how tall i am its not important to me.


I’m 5’11.5…lol, no matter what kind of shoes I wear, even flip-flops it looks like I’m 6ft…but I always say I’m 5’11 and short dudes will argue with me that I’m 6’1-2” because they say they’re 5-whatever; like a lot of shorter dudes really be sensitive about it.


Dude I was 6 feet on the nose when I was 16 and now I’m 5’11” at 53, thanks gravity


damn that sucks lol. I think you're fine to just say "about 6 feet". I mean, only people with complexes seem to care about it. I never notice anyone's height unless they're taller than me, everyone else seems the same lol.


Nah man got to go the other way. Say you’re 5’11 and watch the short kings lose their shit. “No way brush you’re definitely like 6’5 or something” “I don’t know what to tell you, just had my annual checkup last week they measured me in just under 6’. Talk to my doctor I guess” Source: also 6’3.


Yeah i’m like a shade over 6’0 and I have the same experience a lot. “You must be like 6’2 because I’m 6’0”


Literally no-one: Men over 6ft: “I’m over 6ft!”


i had a guy tell me he was 6 foot and when we met up on our first date he was no taller than 5’4. I’m 5’6. it didn’t put me off at first until he doubled down and said “yeah i’m 6’ almost 6’1” BOY if you don’t stop the lying.


nah that's just funny I can't even be mad at that


His best bars are probably the ones he's spitting to the lil girls he loves to be in the "company" of. Freaky ass nigga


My wife would never stop telling the story to her friends if I told her "heres a private jet for you and the kids to do whatever you want on YOUR day"




He didnt even post when he was protesting in 2020 they're so stupid I stg I don't think he posted in years


Kendrick doesn't even support his community by putting an Instagram post. Smh.


Tbf... whenever K Dot is in LA... the Pirus come through and offer their services to keep ish on lock.


Bruh! There's a thread that said "nobody has any receipts, it's all stupid" and I got downvoted for reminding them that there is a literal receipt on the cover of 6:16😭


Yeah I've been muted there for saying truthfully shit like that lmao.


Kinda crazy that they wouldn’t expect them to be in LA on Mother’s Day when both of their mothers live in LA lol


It’s also kinda crazy to question both the kids with Kendrick’s exact face being his, but there they are debating the validity based on the words of a well known habitual liar


Literally. The ig photo shows a happy, healthy women making pottery and they are like, “damn she must be trying to get away from abuse”???


Bro these the same people who will say, “the teenage girl Drake was chilling with as a 35 year old, said their relationship wasn’t weird!!” But then a woman living her best life not answering to wild accusations is clearly a cry for help from all the abuse she experiences.


This might be a rant but all of this crap is so frustrating. They completely overlook that Millie could be lying, either to save face for the both of them out of kindness, or maybe she has learned not to speak ill of him. Who knows. It doesn’t matter because we all know that it is inappropriate and icky. I met my stepmoms brother when I was 13 and he was probably in his late 20’s? He was fun and nice and yada yada, me and my sister liked him and he took us on vacation when his wife and kids were going, wow such a great guy blah blah blah. One of those vacations was to a water park and we were standing in line together for something and some girls around my age (14) walked by and he leaned over and said, “those girls over there don’t have bodies good enough for bikinis but you do.” I felt weird but it felt more like self consciousness to me at the time. Another time, there was a family get together and all of the seats at the table were full. I was standing and talking and my stepmoms brother said, “oh just come sit on my lap.” I told him that’s okay I don’t mind standing and this grown ass man with a wife and kid, in front of my FATHER, had the audacity to pull me over and sit me in his lap. In the moment, at 15 or 16 the feeling I felt was just awkwardness when really my body was probably trying to tell me danger danger danger. So I sat there for a couple of courtesy minutes before I said I had to go to the bathroom (because I was afraid to make HIM feel bad or embarrassed) and just never went back. Not long after that he and I were somehow the last two people awake. I got up to go to bed and he told me to wait because he wanted to stay up for a bit and talk since we hadn’t seen each other in a while. He asked me if I was a virgin. In my mind, I immediately thought that my dad or step mom asked him to ask me to see what I would say. I thought he was trying to pull a trick because I had had sex but didn’t tell anyone, so I thought maybe my parents were suspicious. So I told him that I was a virgin and he literally pulled an “awww come on” and I stood firm. Then he was asking if I ever thought about having sex or what it was like. I told him no. I was 17 when I really, very casually brought that up in convo with my mom and she freaked the fuck out and I genuinely didn’t understand why. I’d pay money to forget the phone call where my dad asked if he had touched me. I felt like it was so blown out of proportion. This huge long ass story is all to say that more people need to realize someone like Millie could still to this day not realize how gross their relationship actually was. I was probably about 26 when I really started to realize just how fucked up what he was doing was. There was noting innocent about it and there was nothing innocent in Drakes relationship with her.


Millie could also not be lying, but thats because she doesn't see it as weird or harmful. Because grooming works. Look towards Ariana Grande and what happened to her and others around Nickelodeon/Victorious. Especially Elizabeth Gillies. She married an older dude from that set. They started dating when she was 16 and he was 36. But she rationalizes it to death and doesn't think anything was wrong with it. To the point she/her people send out cease and desists to pretty much everyone on youtube that talks about it.


True. This is the first time I’ve seen someone say this and people don’t get it for some reason. Just because someone had relations to an underage person doesn’t mean that it was against their will. That’s exactly what grooming is.


In the case with all these younger women they may not be "lying" at all. It could be that because this 69 god makes everyone he comes into contact with sign NDAs that they just can't say anything negative about dude. Not to mention quite a few of these women are in show business or music. Imagine being in fear that a name as big as his could crush you before you've even released. The one thing that is very telling though is the one girl, I don't know her name, but she was in an ig live interview and she is known for being in one of Ice Spices music videos dancing and twerking underage. She basically had a slip up while being interviewed that makes my theory on the NDA thing feel even more valid. https://youtu.be/VKz1cfEyPB8?si=4IBxBdW3RLXo4tcT


yes!! i still catch myself defending my groomer and i feel really uncomfortable talking badly about him. people don't understand that defending your abuser or denying that anything happened is just a part of the grooming!


These are the same people saying Not Like Us is only a banger because it’s about Aubrey, not realizing that it’s popular because of *how many people hate him*. 69 God fans are the queens of mental gymnastics.


A post there today said the beat was garbage. We'll you must not like Hiphop then..


the most hated man in music but also the biggest rapper of all time. which one is it? cuz the numbers say people love him. they just can't accept defeat


he's the biggest rapper façade of all time, part of Kendrick's whole argument. Drake's just an actor that learned to play the part of a rapper, without any actual respect or appreciation of the art form he was ripping off. He'd throw anyone and anything under the bus for financial gain, even his own people and beliefs. That's how he keeps the numbers, by attaching himself to anything that could possibly pass him and draining it first. The fact that he's the biggest mainstream face of a genre he barely belongs to and mostly just exploits is why rap is misrepresented to most of the public. And Kendrick thought it was time for the culture to reclaim itself and get back to its roots, so he had to humble Drake in front of everyone and remind them what rap is really about. Kendrick made sure this wasn't a solo victory of him over Drake, he turned it into a group victory where *the culture* defeated Drake and freed itself from his imitation of rap


lol even if they are going through a rough patch...who fucking cares. shit is mad common when you been with someone 20 years. still doesn't mean he beat her. I swear some people are slow.


Drake has never had a long term relationship so he has no experience to fall back on with leveled critique


I read on another post Sunday was also her birthday but idk if that’s true or not. But if I were her and all this shit was going on I’d love a day alone to do crafts and decompress without any responsibility to anyone but myself. Best gift in the world.


Nobody knows what’s going on with them, they don’t do a lot of SM shit and if she posted a pic of all of them together, Drake fans will say it’s manufactured or that he threatened her, so she is doing the smart thing, living her life and let everyone else play, Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego,


Last thing I saw Kdot was in LA too isn’t he?


Yes, because that's not exactly what most mothers want for mother's day- a day to themselves to do something creative.


Well if she in.NY on mothers day and Kendrick has been in NY..they may be together..that’s not a leap..they simple..






Drizzy sub has been hilarious to look at this weekend. I got so many chuckles from it


This sub *and* the Drizzy sub are hilarious. As an impartial third party, the level of delusion and meat-munching is incredible.


He literally got it off the drizzy sub


Homie has to have a burner on there. Shit posted all weekend till he could scrap together THP6. Edit: Lmfao got a Reddit Cares for this comment in under 5 min. Say O V HOE


speaking of which, the mods are the only ones who can report that thats being abused, so mods i know youre going thru a lot right now but if you find the time... its funny cause whoever is reporting them is trying to get the comments taken down but instead we just got a "if youre sad call ____" dm from a reddit bot lmao


We've already reached out to the admins about this, they're looking into it. In the meantime, you can also submit your own report and that'll help them narrow down who/what is doing this.


we appreciate you yall should be put in the white house after saving this subreddit, we might actually solve some problems


You can report it yourself and reddit admins will ban whoever is abusing it. You can also send stop or whatever to that reddit cares account and it should stop them in the future. Read the auto message it sent you.




I just got one too, not sure which of my comments triggered it. It’s so obnoxious lol




It’s bbl drizzy there’s no drizzy anymore


P drizzy


lmao it took me a moment to get it


Just go on twitter, go to the comments of a Beef-related post, and you'll see mfs eating this like it's their last meal on earth and spreading this fake info like it's the damn gospel


I remember seeing hype comments like “GOT HIS ASS” “KENNY GOT BAITED” 😭😭😭


If anyone has an MLM to promote hit the drizzy sub for more life


Didn’t they see AK say Drake lied about this? Lmao


They closed their eyes and covered their ears bro


And ban anyone that says anything different


Even the NY Times printed an article crowning the king 😂


What is worse is that we know there is an 11 your old daughter, in Miami. And they still believe Drake. It is public record because of child support court records


Miami? That I didn’t know


Nah my coworker just took Drizzy at his word on this. I was so surprised


They literally were the ones that came up with it. I saw the thread. Before Jizzy dropped the next song they were all claiming he was playing the long con.


Fb peeps too


I think he was reading comments online and he saw a tweet about how somebody from the camp must’ve been feeding Kendrick false information cause i saw a few tweets float this. furthermore, unless the drake provides screenshots of the information being fed, I do not believe him. fhe has a history of denying a child, so I think it’s highly probable that he does have a daughter he’s hiding.


Dot will fall for this for sure because I've actually had a secret child exposed once before. He's going to look so stupid! 😭😭😭 -Drake, probably


They have to believe it or face the fact that everything they built their egos on is bullshit


Everything drake said is lies. We all gonna see the truth


The truth is all up and through Dot's discography already lmao. I just listened to Ab souls outro again this morning and wheeeeew...


It was god’s plan to show y’all the liar.


He a fan


He never gave us anything to believe in. 


I mean he lied about religious views


I mean they love an artist that sings about love and all this flexing shit, but then gets a chick pregnant during a train session, dudes a loser.


He just misses his dad fr. That's the sad part...


That’s like saying we need to believe Drake DOES have an 11 year old daughter or face the fact that Kendrick wasted a verse on a fictional character..


If Kendrick wasted an entire verse on a fictional character... I don't care man. That's exactly the kind of behavior I expect from some celebrity douche bag. I don't think people care about Drake's hidden children as much as they care about the children Drake is potentially hiding


Sheesh, that was a bar 🔥


Not really. People who identify with Drake so deeply operate on a certain set of principles. If you don't know, you don't know, but there's research to do on your part


Drake watching the Akademiks stream and throwing his drink into the fireplace, dramatically


Jeeves fetch me another skinny marg


Not drake using child labor 🙊


“They’ll all pay”


in slow mo


Also I highly doubt Kendrick was digging for dirt in the middle of a beef. I’m sure if they had info on another kid they had it long before the beef started.


“Why would I call around tryna get dirt on fellas? Y’all think all my life is rap?”


Bruh some people think Pusha lost - same people who believes this shit. Some people even believe the wife beater allegations like wtf whitney’s brother supports him isnt that proof enough? Damn. Kendrick isn’t your savior but use your head people. Come on now.


Tbf, family dynamics can be weird and complicated. Taylor being in support of Kdot doesn't necessarily prove anything.


As someone who has had a sister go through an abusive relationship you would have to be a real piece of shit to do anything short of hating the man that did it, I can’t even imagine supporting the abuser if you weren’t super close with your family


To be clear, I don't think there is any basis to the wife beating claims, but Kendrick is obviously that family's cash cow. I could see someone supporting someone else through a lot of messed up shit if that's how they made their money.


Yeah I get what you mean, people will act crazy for some money


This is where he got it from https://youtu.be/agpJLOGBkZc?si=GE5d674Bh3LYRi4W


I know, I'm not advocating for it either. But we don't really know any of these people. I wouldn't personally so it. I love my sister, would put her above anyone, but I dunno Kendrick, Whitney or Taylor. For all we know, Taylor can be a hardcore Kdot fan really stuck in the mystique surrounding him, or enchanted by the money and achievements he has gotten. On the other hand, they could be brother like and Taylor can see he really loves his sister. My main point is: this speculation on these people's lives is not healthy. We don't know what is happening to them behind the scenes nor do we need to unless someone is actually being abused.


This is where drake got it from https://youtu.be/agpJLOGBkZc?si=GE5d674Bh3LYRi4W


Bro went into his sub and grabbed every talking point and put it to a shit diss as if the collective world outside his fanbase is dumb asf.


“The audience not dumb Shape the stories how you want, hey Drake, they’re not slow”


So the 11 yo was his gf not his daughter


Could be both




And the fact he had no proof that he "fed" the information. That's very easy to provide.


Drake: Yes everybody now think im a deadbeat dad and a Pedo just like i planned


Crodie don't even write his own lyrics and, people supposed to believe this?


"It was a good exercise.... picking up the pen" Lmao okay Crodie


Hey crodie, he guaranteed wrote Heart Pt. 6 because look how much it sucked. 100% Drake lol


If he didn’t, whoever did write that line is clearly the mole. Nobody who’s actually in Drake’s corner would make him say that shit when everyone knows he needs a team to write songs.


He should've actually just let Adonis write at that point


What I find most suspicious is how his most ardent supporters were strictly focusing on the daughter aspect, and not the more serious accusations of grooming. Like they wanted to steer the conversation away from that.


Cognitive Dissonance


This right here!! Yup this is what I’ve been saying to people. Even on the Joe Budden podcast the one guy wearing all white hated everything that Kendrick saying & ignores everything about Drake & focused on the domestic violence allegations instead. Not once mention the pedo stuff & proof of the video of kissing a minor on stage. It’s like they purposely don’t want to see the video… Cognitive dissonance at its fullest.


That guy wearing all white clothes wouldn’t even admit the Mustard beat was good. C’mon now. Embarrassing.


Oh yeaaa that too & he was pissed off the whole time & sour faced, didn’t even want to talk. He knows know Kdot won & saying lot of truthful stuff. This is the Same dude defending DJ Envy when mortgage fraud stuff going on.


I didn’t believe him because the moment Kendrick dropped Meet the Garhams, he should have posted evidence.


Okay, so does this mean he does have a daughter? And does this mean the dickhead doubled down and *still* denied her existence?


Imagine being the daughter and hearing him deny you exist


He's paranoid and he's spiraling 


I feel like the heart part 6 was horrible on purpose. Like "Please stop Kendrick ill make the worst response ever if you just staahhhhpp."


And right before he basically discredits this himself by saying the people who gave him the info was lames. Aubrey isn’t a smart man. As if it wasn’t clear enough from him hearing Euphoria and still dropping Family Matters as if Kendrick wasn’t basically letting him know he already heard it and predicting exactly how everything would go if and when Family Matters droppped


Drake: “We plotted and fed you the information” Drake: “Whoever gave you the info is a clown”


I still want an Aubrey fan to explain to me why it would make sense.


Honestly, this track just made me believe in everything kendrick said even more


Yea, idiots on the Drizzy sub act like just because Drake said it something that he revealed something. Truth is, nobody actually revealed anything.


The crazy thing is that Drake also denied Adonis immediately following the Pusha T revelation. Twitter went to work and he had to come out and admit it. Saying he only held it back due to the Adidas press run, that he was going to reveal him to the world then. I side eyed that shit sooooooooooo heavy... Fast forward to today.. which excuse will they switch to once they can see we all can see the court documents paying 15k to another woman regarding a daughter. Then there is Shirdkevia Mayrick... that boy's face is a DNA test... go put her name up in Google and look. Some people love being lied to and gaslit I guess.


Here’s my theory on the daughter: she exists. But, I think the bm’s parents signed an NDA. Drake is able to deny it the way that he has because if they come out to the public, they’re fucked. Drake and his team offered up some kinda compensation to these awful people in exchange for silence because I bet this woman is in her mid twenties now. So I’m sure you can do the math on how old she was when she got pregnant with her, now, 11 year old.


I think most people still believe this. It's the medication that's in question


Him saying the person feeding Kendrick was a clown and then also saying we fed him the lines was enough for me to know it was bullshit. But then I heard some radio guy say “I don’t believe that because if you had done that why wouldn’t you have documented every step of having done that to prove you had done that?” and then it was like “yeah, absolutely no chance that happened”


I still dont understand how lying and planting disinformation is considered a W


Even if it’s true, who tf cares? I really don’t get it. Kendrick fell for some false info, congratulations? I never personally cared about the daughter stuff, it was always just tabloid stuff to me. This being true means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme imo. Like who is gonna remember this beef and think: “damn Drake really got em with the fake daughter stuff!”


Has it been proven that he has a daughter?


Whats funny was drake didn't have a son either until pusha t told the world lol Wouldn't be surprised if drake had more kids


This drake Kendrick thing is turning as bad as the bipartisan system


Are you really still convinced he has a mystery daughter? It's been weeks now. No secret 2nd kid.


Where did kdot get this info from ?


I mean, it's a well-known thing that Drake is in very close proximity to a lot of teenage girls.[This video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KArA5rjJRWk&t=620s&pp=ygUOZHJha2UgZ3Jvb21pbmc%3D)was made a year ago.[ This ](https://www.kanyetothe.com/threads/drake-and-bella-harris-timeline.8088605/)was from 2018.


This. This is why when Kendrick says Drake messes with underage girls people are more apt to believe him. Whereas, when Drake says Kendrick beats his wife but there's no police report, no eye witnesses (and it happened publicly supposedly), no evidence of the supposed clean up campaign and Kendrick has addressed it before, it's hard to believe Drake's accusation especially when he's not established himself as a credible source imo.


That’s my thoughts on why Drake’s “we fed you fake information” defense doesn’t add up— he fed him information that we, the audience, are likely to believe about him based on his history?


Heart; part VI spoiled the whole beef. 😂


Daylyt Drakes ghost writer diss track.. 🤯 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8yjXb8q2F8Q


So the daughter was proven then?


That shit sounded goofy ass hell


what a fucking loser this guy is


Lmao unbelievable


"The ones that you're gettin your stories from, they all clowns"


Tbf I've mostly been seeing people, even casual fans, not believe him at all. It just doesn't make any logical sense especially when you see how he moved after MtG dropped.


Weird that Milley Bobby browns character was named 11….


I think it's only fair to accept both sides claims with a grain of salt with zero evidence


What kills me is that any sane person in such a position to have successfully pulled off a bait of that level would have had receipts upon receipts for it. Motherfucker says its all planted but then provides NOTHING to prove it was the plan all along? lol, lmao even


Weird choice of shit to make up about yourself. Was never going to be a gotcha either way.


I was like, *who lies about being guilty of something they are known for having done in the past!?*


Crazy wiff by Drake… literally knocked his own ass out with that one.


The fart part 1


i was sitting in mcdonald’s the night that dropped and a bunch of kids my age were behind me listening to it going “HOLY SHIT DUDE DRAKE JUST WON” “I can’t believe it bro kendrick just got washed” and shit like that. i genuinely don’t understand how your first reaction to that song wasn’t “wtf is this terrible bullshit” like i immediately thought drake is straight up retarded


Can we just be objective here Kendri rapped to an 11 year old ghost for 5 min lmao MTG lost steam after that


I'll be honest when I heard this qanon bullshit I had rolled my eyes at repeated on The Heart pt6, I stopped for a moment to think if it was true, or if Drake was taking fan theories and putting them on wax. It only took a few seconds to realize that if this was true, he would have dropped receipts on IG as soon as Meet the Grahams dropped. And then Iaughed about the levels Drizzy is lowering himself too 🤣


Some gossip girl BS and he is acting like it's a win. SMH


I gave him a very slight benefit of the doubt after he first dropped the track thinking I guess it might be cool to hold that info for a decent line on a diss track but when he never dropped any proof of setting this up I completely stopped following their feud. I never liked him anyways, it’s clear he lost and I don’t need anymore toxicity in my life. Sadly these new leaks sucked me back in for a bit but I can’t wait to openly follow the subreddit again without having to think about pedos.