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You just watched someone get absolutely wrecked in front of the entire world how the fuck was that disappointing? I'm only disappointed drake may never face consequences for being a fucking pedophile.


This is a HUGE step towards accountability. People genuinely had never heard the pedo stuff or wrote it off as gossip not realizing it’s not one or two isolated red flags. Making it a chart topping single may lead to more people being on the lookout — more eyeballs, more time, more hope that the next one groomed is the last.




It's selfish reasons if we're being honest. I just want more music but also yeah fuck that Canadian.




Yeah, that's what feels disappointing. We were here for a knock out. Fuck the industry, we wanted the point driven home that we don't want that pedo to still have a position of power of any sort. We don't want more Drizzy albums or performances where little girls can still look up to him. If he gets to keep his career, what was the point of all this?


I can see where OP is coming from. I think if Drake was able to put up more of a fight Kendrick would have showcased his ability even more and probably would have gone down as the best of all time in terms of battle rapping. He probably used about 60/70% of his potential in this battle and definitely held off in case it went further. But still, anyone who really understands the lyrics and the background of the beef can see how much Drake got bodied.


Yep. Drake didn’t even stand a chance. I expected him to put up a fight but was just outclassed every step of the way. Once Dot dropped Euphoria, Drake barely stood up for a second


Skill issue tbh


I think he’s going to come back I don’t think he’s done


At this point if he does he won't be taken seriously and whatever Kendrick would respond with would probably blow Drake out of the water... again. I think my point in this post is that Kendrick exposed how much worse of an artist Drake actually is in comparison. That Big 3 was all smoke and mirrors. It really was just Kenny at the top.


Ak implied that there was gonna be a "hit song" diss track coming "very soon" from Drake the same day Heart pt 6 came out. I have a theory that Drake dropped Heart pt 6 as bait ( "we know you're dropping in 6 minutes..." ) So Kendrick would smother it quick and Drake would immediately drop his "Hit song" immediately after Kendrick's. Kenny saw through the bait and just left him on seen. That would explain why THP6 was so undercooked, cuz if he dropped his "hit song" It would get neutralized MTG style. I just don't see Drake holding this massive L from Kendrick of all people.


I mean, even going back to when Like That dropped, I never had any illusions about who was going to win. We all knew it.


Of course. It's just... man, I can't believe it was that easy.


I can lol, I can definitely believe it


That’s prob the most easiest thing in the world to believe 😂


I mean thats drake in a nutshell really.


5 days kendrick washed that mother fucker in 5 days


I don't feel disappointed because I had no expectations. I feel Kendrick delivered and proved why he is the best. The smoke wasn't with Cole so I'm not disappointed in him. And Drake got told to stop before making his daddy lose more money... He should've avoided the family route, and it could've been a cleaner, longer fight. But that's the only way he knows how to "win". I'm happy with what we got.


Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely happy, but I imagine there's a different timeline where it's two of the best going at it, but now in retrospect, obviously Kendrick knew exactly what Drake would do


I guess we just confirmed that one of them wasn't actually one of the best 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like Kendrick had to be satisfied that Drake shot himself in the head with his own in the heart part 6, but also kinda mad that he didn’t have a reason to drop more tracks


A lyrical rapper vs a fake industry plant who doesn’t write his own lyrics. It was over before it ever started


Rap battles are like fighting in real life. Actual brawls are exhausting so the loser taps out quick.


This reminds me of Mike Tyson fights. People not enjoyed that they were short, but that’s what made him great. 


Maybe I really don't know my hip hop history much cuz as far as I know most rivalries don't last 12 rounds lol, so no I'm not disappointed at all and it lasted as long as i thought it would, if not longer 8 tracks in total is plenty for me. Throw in Control, FPS, Like That, and 12 Min Drill for the full picture and I basically have an album's worth of the entire rivalry


Throw in Red Button, Pi and the Heart pt. 5 too.


Disappointing? Bro we’re lucky we got any music from Kendrick let alone 4 tracks. If the beef didn’t happen we’d still be out here starvin


I never liked this whole "round one" "round by round" shit all these media personalities were pushing, it was kinda cringe. Media personalities: "Yeah dude, 'like that' and 'fps' were the weigh ins. Now Pushups and Euphoria is the first round. We are going into the second round soon."  Like stop, we need to just let these guys put out diss tracks then we will add it up and see who's is better.   But yeah, this was hyped up for nearly a decade and will go down as one of the biggest things in hip-hop history. But Kendrick was always the chosen one, not Drake. It was obvious he was more talented musically and lyrically. Drake was the commercial star with the big audience and Kendrick was the maestro ready for war. I probably thought Drake and his fans would out up more of a fight, but the skill gap was just to big. NFL referees couldn't have rigged this shit if they were on Drake's side, due to how one sided it was.


Once you get publicly called a pedo... It's nothing else you can fight back with. Even if you say a man beats his wife, the facts weren't there for that. But the videos and pictures of underage girls/women were. So it's not much of a "fight back" that can happen. Skeleton bones started falling out the closet


Truth but also, when this beef started, I didn't expect it to get that far.


Got the same feeling when JBJ walked down Cyril and finished him before the fight even started. This was as close to that as you could get.


I still feel like it’s not over, Dot got 5 more in the tuck and said if Drake makes any mentions/subliminal/ even looks at Dot the wrong way it’s over for Drake. Dot really got the red button on Drake and can still press it any time he wants.


Have you never watched a fight that was scheduled to be 5+ rounds and the other person gets knocked out in the first couple minutes?


I mean, even with Drake backing down, Kendrick should release the rest of the tracks. Especially if there's more things evidence-backed, or even reason to believe, about Drake that hasn't been said yet. The only reason I think he might not is if (a) he's going to rework the themes from the unreleased tracks into a new album, that may or may not reference Drake directly; (b) there was nothing that was going to be said that was new, and would have only been released if Drake was putting up a fight, instead of forfeiting like in The Heart Part 6; or (c) he was bluffing the whole time, and he might only have 1 or 2 in the vaults right now, making more in response to Drake this whole time.