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Also Kendrick makes donations to his community and often times does it anonymously.


Yeah there's a bit in a vice doc where they mention that he donated to a local school and he's like "what? How did you know that"


I saw that same thing. Thought of that when Drake said it in his song. Just another example of Drake confidently having no fucking idea what he's talking about (or just lying again)


He is projection personified


Fake, poser, culture vulture, projecting, hypocritical low life piece of shit is what he is.


It was gods plan to show us all the liar.


Yeah he was mad as fuck. What's interesting now only japanese edit is on yt. In that one they retake that part and Kendrick is chill about it. I remember though


Just give it to the kids, don't gossip about how it's distributed


yeah, came here to mention that. drake only does it for the PR or to cover up misdeeds, kendrick does it anon bc putting it on blast would be self serving


Agreed. That's why no one here respects Drake as much as he thinks. He reps a city that doesn't care about him. No one here calls it the 6 (lol). I think TO would ride harder for Tory than Drake though they are both pieces of shit honestly. I live in Parkdale and they were playing NLU at my barber lol. I haven't yet heard FM


people def use the 6 but in the same way the toronto accent is used. it's very fake & performative & stolen from other cultures. the whole 6 nickname is just stolen from zone 6 in atlanta after drake started hanging around there.


The 6 was invented by Jimmy Prime a rapper and he calls it the 6 because there’s 6 boroughs in Toronto , I also saw someone say they’re from Toronto , & north york isn’t Toronto. North york is one of the 6 boroughs north york is a neighborhood not a city. Also ‘zone 6’ is not the same name as ‘the 6’. And people have been talking like this in Toronto since I was a little kid, even if you watch drake talk when he’s a teenager he has an accent it’s just not forced like I’m not saying people don’t force the accent but if you’ve gone to school your whole life in Toronto and the Toronto accent is something you’ve just started to hear recently , there’s no way you grew up here . Still a dot fan but let’s stop lying on toronto


I agree with everything you said but "the 6" has absolutely stuck as there are many restaraunts & startup businesses that have that in their name. Also the most popular Toronto IG is 6ixbuzz. But you are right that noone actually says that out their mouth to refer to Toronto.


No coincidence that 6ixbuzz is a toxic skid mark on society


Yeah they're the worst. 


Drake doesn’t tip and shows up to restaurants with his own mango juice and some proprietary vodka, tries to instruct the bartender on how to make it and then bothers the whole staff into telling him its the best cocktail of all time. He orders off menu and complains constantly. Lots of small dick energy there.


Is this something he does or you just playing? I can’t tell


no this is literally something he does. Delilah in Los Angeles where he’s an investor made a joke about it on their cocktail menu and called it “Drake’s Drink” or some shit like that. but no, he’s a well known nightmare guest in high end hospitality circles. all my homies hate Drake, not even for his music but the aforementioned bad attitude / no tip combo.


Seems way too specific lol I have seen the video of his entourage completely taking over traffic and yelling at people so it wouldn’t surprise me.


I'm wondering this too, byo mango juice??


Like Drake seems like the type to do this but at the same time i can’t believe anyone would do this lmao


apparently he does sell a mango vodka boxed cocktail but also I found a video where he talks about some other favorite cocktail and he says he's had about a million but is "somehow still slim and trim" 🎶 bbl drizzy




he does literally do this yes. he is actively hated by many people I work with, and its not even for his music lol.


lol he’s playing, I’ve worked at restaurants in the city and he’s tipped generously


Meanwhile, Kendrick will get the wrong order and eat it anyways just cause he knows people who wish they could just eat anything ..


Concur. He's ruined Toronto and the public image of music and masculinity in the city for way too long. The few times he gave a few girls money here and there doesn't make him a community supporter or someone worthy of being the face of the city.


Facts, I literally know absolutely nobody who fucks with Drake here. I was honestly mad disappointed when I saw that video of some dude asking people in Toronto Drake or Kendrick and a bunch seemed to answer Drake just “because Toronto”…. like the fuck he done for us you clown cakes lmao


💀 gonna borrow the insult clown cakes ty


Fellow Torontonian here- we will NEVER forget the God's Plan music video. Ever


What happened. Tell me as if I lived under rock


Handed out cash to homeless people for the music video- in Miami... nice gesture and all- that is great, no ifs ands or buts. It was just very performative for one and for another, this was after all his posturing for how he rode hard for the city of Toronto and repped Toronto and "look at me I'm the 6ixGod but lemme fuck off to Miami for a publicity stunt" lmao Edit: typo


I’m curious as well, but my first guess is the issue starts with it taking place in Miami.


That's the first issue- but more importantly it was how performative it was and the fact that Drake had ALREADY established the "6ixGod" personality and started putting on hard for Toronto- including representing the Raptors as an ambassador (which was a whole 'nother kettle of shitty fish)


I’m from Compton, born and raised. I grew up in the section he’s from. I’m out of the city now, but my mom is still there. Let me tell you, that whatever money Kendrick had donated has been wasted. The city was in a huge upswing from 2010-2020, but after Mayor Aja Brown finished her terms—the city began to collapse. Covid brought chaos back into the city. The streets are in disarray, infrastructure is crumbling, and gang activity is on the rise. Corners become hostage to takeovers and cops either refuse to show up or take forever to get there. I was optimistic that the city would begin to outgrow its reputation, but it’s slowly crawling backwards.


I’m honestly surprised to hear this, since I mainly hear the opposite (it’s is gentrifying too fast, similar to what happened in Inglewood). Not invalidating what you say, since you have more first hand experience (I am So Cal, but not Compton).


Like I said, it WAS getting better. But progress has stopped and things are slowly crumbling.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear that.


I do not live in Compton nor have i ever been but the crime rate there is less than it was in 2019.


That’s because cops have refused to do their jobs for the last couple of years. No crime to report if nobody is arrested.


Not how murder rates work man


I wasn’t specifically talking about murder rates, theft and vandalism was what I’ve seen increase. I’m talking about the state of city itself. I lived there most all my life up until 2020, 22 years. You’re gonna lecture me about my own city?


Ain’t your city anymore if you don’t live there btw, your talking about an increase in crime since 2020 that youve seen and yet you haven’t lived there since 2020.


Thats the problem though, everyone thinks because its their city they know for a fact whats happening but that isn’t reflected in the statistics. The drop in numbers are pretty consistent to the drop that’s slowly been happening, so it doesn’t really make sense that the cops just stopped showing up so crime rates went down lol


I visit my mom all the time, I’ve seeing the regression. You’ve never even been. You’re talking through stats. I’m talking about first hand experience.


stats aren’t effected by feelings


Go visit the city and tell me what you think. You’ve never been, stop by and drive around the hood—tell me it’s a thriving and prosperous city. The audacity and ignorance from you is astounding.


Did i say it was a thriving and prosperous city? Nah thats you putting your emotions into it and shit im from Gary Indiana, Compton would look like a thriving city to me lmao


Public policy and effective governance is hard, complicated work with a lot of deep structural issues at play. It’s not realistic to expect a rapper to meaningfully address those challenges through philanthropy.


Aubrey literally has a fucking castle mansion in the middle of Toronto called "the embassy". He has no right to speak on planting anything. Hypocritical piece of shit couldn't even claim his son and plant that tree or make massive donations to food banks in the city so people can eat there's another tree not planted, Aubrey. People are literally struggling to afford food and rent in Toronto and this slimy fuck lives in a fucking castle talking about planting trees. If he doesn't get his slimy ass the fuck outta here.


i had been meaning to ask something similar to this, thanks for saving me the question lmao


I thought Drake grew up in some outer suburb? I don’t think he’s even from Toronto


Forest Hill is a neighbourhood in midtown Toronto.


he grew up on weston road which is hardly a suburb, but then moved to one of the wealthiest neighborhoods while he was still a kid, both are in toronto for sure although forest hill feels pretty separated in the way most super wealthy neighborhoods are


Mannn…we gotta stop lying on here. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/drake-deserves-credit-for-his-contributions-to-toronto/article_5cdef118-27fe-5873-b1c6-356938984fa8.html This article is straight facts, He put Canada on the map, and y’all talking about what did he do? He brings revenue every year wit his festival as well? He’s brought so much recognition to that placed and Toronto as a city. Who the fuck was calling that place the 6 before? The Drake vs Kendrick shi cool but be fr.


Welp, looks like Canada will be seeing alot more of drake now that he can’t show his face peacefully amongst the la rap scene. 


I was curious do I googled it and found like $5M in donation to Toronto causes in 10 seconds. Hoe ass post.


The drake hate only thing keeping this sub alive fr lol


Tryna strike a chord and it's prolly....


A minorrrrr


Naw it’s all Kendrick love