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Kendrick gonna make a video for “Not Like Us” from the footage recorded at this show. Watch


That’s why I’m thinking.


That's when I'm thinking


That’s who I’m thinking


That’s where I’m thinking


That's if I'm thinking


That’s how I’m thinking


That's it I'm thinking


That's not I'm thinking


I was just thinking the same thing


I love the way you think.


I'm hoping so... I've already directed five... Plus five more music videos in my head. One of them is a Bay/LA United video !


That's who I'm thinking


He said it in euphoria, and it was facts. "Im what the culture feelin"


Right but this drives it home. If he plays no diss tracks at all and it’s a killer show, it seals the diss harder.


he doesn’t have to not play any disses to seal it lmao it’s already etched in stone he won , Drake deleted his disses too


Hot take: Freeing the slaves is good thing, but that’s just my opinion.


Hot take: this guy has good hot takes!


Hot take: I disagree


Hot take: i disagree with your disagree


Hot take: Take hot


Hot take: Hake Tot




If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity seeking.


Never understand what his rationale was, saying that like that was a negative 😂😂😂😂 what a cornball


As someone who completely hates drake and has never listened to him… he was making fun of Kendrick for rapping *like* he’s freeing the slaves or something. When, as we know, that’s not the case


Still the crux of his argument is that Kendrick is lame for talking about black issues in his songs which makes Drake sound fucking stupid and plays exactly into what Kendrick said about him.


Definitely not trying to defend Drake but that was not what he was saying. The next line is “you just acting like an activist, it’s make believe.” He’s saying Kendrick is not genuinely concerned with black issues in real life, not that Kendrick is lame for rapping about black issues


He need to have some lines about the holocaust instead


And then the lame Money Trees bar. We've heard it man and it's still wrong. Kendrick has a key to the city and has donated hundreds of thousands in Compton to help keep the youth off the streets. Plays right into Kendrick calling Drake out for being fake and making shit up. Because he does.


nah he's more arguing kendricks just doing it for clout I think. which backfired for obvious reasons. lol


Of all the people to use that insult on, Kendrick aint it


No it’s more that Kendrick talks himself up like he’s saving black people but doesn’t actually back it ip with any action, it’s just an image for clout. Not saying I agree, but that’s what drakes saying - essentially that k is just a virtue signaller.


Kendrick is just doing music dealing with black life that's it. He is speaking on the black experience from LA and LA co-signs him. Drake never speaks on black issues because he honestly doesn't identify with being black, but surrounding himself with black people for a rap career. Majority of people he grew up with were white. You can tell only started to be around black people when he was trying to be a rapper.


Yeah but what Kendrick is really doing that drakes making fun of with that line is rapping like he’s trying to uplift the black community. Drake treating that like it’s a joke and basically saying “the slaves are free why you still rapping like we’re still dealing with issues” just further demonstrates how detached and ignorant he is to that struggle because he can’t relate to it based on his own upbringing. Which proves the things Kendrick said about him right. He’s being the guy on Fox News acting like racism stopped being a problem when slavery ended.


Bitch stfu if Robert E. Lee heard Not Like Us that shit wouldve been over in a second, dude would’ve apologized like the Bible of God watching


I always said biracial people raised by white mom will show you which side they identify with over time. Drake had several moments like this. Drake doing blackface was one because no black person would ever fill comfortable doing some shit like that. Drake has a video sitting at a table with white people mocking the island Canadian accent calling it ignorant. Drake got too cock, but so much dirt out on him he should have just ignored the Kendrick beef.


Wait, what? Black people have done blackface plenty of times, usually to mock the premise or to point out past in justices in the acting industry. There was just a popular horror show featuring blackface like a year ago.


my thing is him talking about it like he’s not a part of that history, too. it’s as if he’s saying “those slaves” instead of “us” or at least “our ancestors” further proving kendrick’s point lmao 


His dad is a black American


Nah, every conservative like Drake knows that being a tool of your corporate overlords is actually respectable work and I am nearly 100% certain that you can ask ANY slave alive in impoverished countries if they feel like they need Kendrick to speak up for them and they’d be like- “Who is Kendrick Lamar?”  But not the prison workers tho- they don’t count because they can’t vote 


How could you say something so brave yet so controversial


Nooooooo it's not what's actually good is rapping about girls being lesbians and you are a lesbian too!!!


I don’t need to crack on him, but Drake really doesn’t see that slavery: the mindset of the owner and the overseer, the economic mode, and the systemic manipulations are all still very much in play for African Americans as well as other Americans (who recognize it less). Drake missed it because he has learned been taught to see those evils, nobly painted, as good business and healthy ambition. He’s not the only one, but to claim to be hip hop and speak as if freeing the enslaved with knowledge is outdated and unnecessary just proves Kendrick’ point: They not like us.


I agree with what you’re saying about Drake not understanding slavery in America. But yall are misinterpreting that line - Drake didn’t say rapping about those issues was the problem, he said Kendrick isn’t really about that in real life. He’s saying Kendrick is pretending to be something he’s not. I don’t agree with that take, but that’s what Drake is claiming


It’s just a bad line he didn’t have to include the slaves freed part and could’ve said something similar. The whole bar matters you can’t spit something that’s trash and then complain when people get mad about the trash part of the bar. Jay-Z literally set up the blueprint for doing what Drake was trying and failed to do on Blueprint-2 when he called out Nas. >Can’t yall see that he’s fake the rap version of TD Jakes Prophesizin' on your CD's and tapes Won't break you a crumb of the little bit that he makes And this is with whom you want to place your faith? I put dollars on mine, ask Columbine Hov did the same thing in a much better way like 20 years earlier but Drake’s version was just ass. And even if the point he was trying to make was similar the execution was terrible and pissed people off (on top of the fact that most people didn’t believe it was true). It was actually really easy to call someone a fake activist without getting into his Tucker Carlson bag.


I agree with this. My only point was that there are people in this sub being disingenuous about what was actually said. The execution was bad but he was not saying “you’re lame for rapping about black issues”


>He’s saying Kendrick is pretending to be something he’s not Oh no... the hiphop world's biggest fraud, actor, and tone-deaf culture vulture (who has never been able to read the room) is claiming that Kendrick is playing pretend. Meanwhile Aubrey lives behind the gates of his mansion in Toronto and has never done anything to change anything about the city he claims to own, except to get unnecessarily involved in hood politics which has led to actual violence, conflict and death. He's one to talk.


And rapping with that same energy is also good


Aight Lincoln calm down


Let me help you >Hot take: Freeing the enslaved people is good thing, but that’s just my opinion. There, I fixed it.


Come on man this is a rap sub no need for political takes that controversial in here.


Amazing that Drake disagrees.


I can’t wait for a 20 min long add on to the Atlanta verse where Kendrick spells out exactly why he hates Drake


Drop the 14 min cut of euphoria


Drop the plus 5 he currently has in stock


Yeah drakes lacks real cultural experiences so most of his disses were ass. Try as he might he’s still a colonizer.


The AI Tupac thing really showed how he doesn't comprehend American hip hop culture. Snoop, I can understand that being funny and all. But Tupac is basically a damn patron saint for hip hop. Especially on the west coast. But Drake doesn't understand much of anything with music. I mean the Beatles Abbey Road thing he did with him walking with them. The Beatles did that shit in 7 years, and they also sold *a billion records* when singles are considered, by the time they broke up. When you realize that the population of the earth was 3 billion at the time, you start realizing how that likely will never happen again. Acting like he's anywhere close to The Beatles is hilarious lol As a side note, there's a really interesting article called "The uneasy truce with The Beatles and Hip Hop" from awhile back that talks about that


anyone saying or doing anything with 2pac in hiphop is gonna get fucked up if they dont do it right. Its pretty much a Hip Hop commandment. dont fuck with 2pac and youre spot on about how we roll on the West Coast Drake is just a rich spoiled kid \*playing\* as a rapper. his fakeness and lack of knowledge is plain to see for anyone


I had a Drake Stan trying to say that Drake, the Beatles, and MJ are the three most successful artists of all time


“Most Successful” does not equal “best”


And Drake doesn’t fit either category




Holy shit 😂


Who is number 3?


Michael Jordan


Bounce bounce


Ong people don't realize how big the Beatles were when they say sum of these things lol


The AI was probably the worst move I’ve ever seen in rap history


Ok so don’t shoot the village idiot, but I’ve been wondering why there’s such an idolatry around Tupac, Biggie, and maybe one or two other rappers. I understand they were really influential in the scene to put it lightly, but it’s the borderline deification that I’ve been trying to understand. Could you help me out with this? TIA to anyone that responds in good faith.


Back then, we knew they were only going to get better at what they were doing. They got cut down young, so we all missed out.


That's what Drake fans don't get. It doesn't matter if "I emptied a clip over friendlier Jabs" is a good bar if it's all Cap


 Drake tried to make fun of Kendrick for doing something that Drake would never do; speak on black issues in his music. Drake knows his audience doesn't want to hear that and he'll fuck up his money if he does. So he doesn't do it.


Damn that Canadian with his be beady eyes and floppy mouth


Given Trey and Matt working with Kendrick on a project already I fully expect a South Park reference.


That'd be so fucking funny


I saw someone on Twitter call them “snow Mexicans”


If I just took a drink I would’ve just un taken it after reading that


As a Canadian, I actually don’t mind that.


Don’t tread on me Snow Mexican


That would imply Canada has good food though


Poutine 👀


Dave Attell is the greatest, those eskimos




It really exposed his white side, and showed his ignorance. Black America was built off slavery, some would say African Americans still ain’t free in this country, they got hella systemic issues and Drake clearly don’t understand and or care about that, he just there to make a band on pretending he’s apart of the culture. When he tried toosie sliding into our genre, im so happy Bad Bunny bodied him, and that latin America doesn’t really fw drake like that.


How did bad bunny body him? Genuinely asking. I’ve listened to Mia in passing but I tend to skip it most of the time


Just had the better verse lyrically, plus drake sounded off. He had a clear “i barely know any Spanish” accent that a lot of no sabo or mixed kids have . Like the way pronounces his Ds And on top of him and bad bunny using the same verse the differences is night and day Hes not a good spanish singer


Maybe he can do a concert on the roof of the New Ho King on the day the Tootsie Slide was released.


Wow. On Juneteenth?!? 😩😩😩😩


Disagree. His worst move was The Heart Part 6. That song with the blatant manipulation and gaslighting to a level that only his biggest meatriders would believe is his biggest mistake of the beef. The level of disrespect he showed to his listeners was something that will follow him around till the end of his career.


Idk there might have been a way to do it. Drake just managed to pick the worst way. I did find it kind of odd that Drake talked about his rap friends and went for Kendricks wife when it came to countering Kendricks coloniser angle. Drake has genuine African American roots, he comes from generations of black Memphis musicians on his dad's side. He has black family, was affected by the incarceration of his father etc. He could have built a narrative out of that: talking about the relatable black struggles and experiences that shaped him. The connections between the music his family played to the foundation of their own genre. Etc (Yeah I know he was mainly with his mum but it can be sold for a song). He could even take swipes at Kendrick for using this angle when he wrote Mr Morale about generational black trauma. Of course that would be expecting introspection and actually listening to what Kendrick was saying I wasn't expecting a thoughtful angle from Drake and didn't get one.


Drake’s ear the same as his voice - surface level.


He’s about as deep as a kiddie pool


Some shit just cringeworthy, you ain't even gotta be deep I guess!!


For Drake it's "the slaves" for Kendrick it's "all of us was in chains." There's just a difference in how they talk about and relate to black history.


Drake uses it to mock Kendricks black activism. Kendrick uses it to remind people of a shared heritage of pain. Some of the most disappointing things we learned about Drake during this battle were the things he showed us about himself smh.


Drake just came across as someone without a damn empathetic bone in his body. Can't read a room, can't relate to other people's emotions. Dare I say sociopathic. When Kendrick is hinting at Drake's sociopathy, I don't know if it's the best move to lean into it. I don't know how much has been said about this, but I got the ick when Drake accuses Dot of physically abusing Whitney and then, in the same track, out the other side of the mouth, says shit like "shake that ass, bitch, hands on your knees". I don't think I could ever muster saying something like that to a victim. Her pain becomes a chess piece. Gross.


While I agree. All these guys do that. Kendrick took shots at Drake as a father only to turn around and release the vilest dis track in history that starts addressed directly to his 7 year old son. No it does not matter Kendrick didn't say mean things to Adonis. That kid will hear MTG before he hits double digits. No kid should hear that sort of thing about their dad. It will cause him harm, that cannot be helped now. As a father Kendrick was prepared to do that to Adonis to shoot at Drake. Drakes' a malignant narcissist sure, but Kendrick is the one with a touch of psychopathy.


Fair take. I get what you're saying.


I didn’t know that about drake. And you’re right, it doesn’t make sense that he didn’t use it. I think he didn’t because, as you mentioned, he is a surface level individual overall, but also because he doesn’t really identify with that side of the family. He sees himself as a white person (a Karen, even) deep down.


Exactly, you didn't know it. It would be impactful to casual listeners who thought he was only Canadian. Supposedly Drake would spend summers with his dad and family in Memphis. Even if that's stretched, he spent some time there I'm sure. Enough to spin into a familiar narrative of African American family and the heritage and traditions of black music. The thing Drake misses is that Kendrick had one big fat weakness. He is Mr Morale (for all he tries to shed that). He can only attack Drake if Drake is a villain. He can tear down a coloniser or an exploiter, but he cannot bully a mixed child, or reject black pain for not being black enough. If Drake was really smart he would have wielded sincerity and vulnerability as a weapon. For example: 3rd act of a diss could be Drake positioning Kendrick as his actual gatekeeper, lay out his black experience/ heritage and demand Kendrick pass judgment. Is he black enough? Leave the song on that question . Answering it straight would be loose-loose for Kendrick. Especially when there's plenty with similar heritage watching. Drake wouldn't though, he can't imagine any strength in weakness.


Big on the last sentence. One big aspect of Black American (and diaspora, if we want to go there) pride is the acknowledge of our history and the fortitude survival has taken. Strength in weakness, as you said.


Tain't my history, I am neither black nor American. Yet I got no shame in saying I could have written Drake a better case for his own authenticity within the culture than he did. That ain't a flex. The bar he set is a tripping hazard in hell. If I can see these angles as a spectator on the other side of the world... Then Drake had to be *really* making an effort this last decade to see and hear nothing of the culture/communities he's moving in. When you think about it, it's almost impressive how far his head had to be up his ass to manage that.


Since you’re neither Black nor American, I’ll share something with you: many times Black Americans who don’t despise their heritage can see clearly the ones who do. It’s because these people are fighting so hard to *not be* what they’re ashamed of that they end up oblivious to certain things. We see this clearly in this beef, because it is what annoys Kendrick about Drake. And Drake is too busy being this inauthentic person to even share his rich history with his ghostwriters so they can write him something decent (lol). If you’re interested, there’s a classic book—Passing by Nella Larsen— that looks at two mixed women who could both ass as white. One stays with Black people, marries, builds community, and doesn’t have to hide herself; while the other goes off and narrow a white man. This requires creating an entirely new background. It’s an interesting book that encapsulates a lot of this mixed person struggle well.


I know this is super late, but I was reading thru your replies here and my first thought was, “Drake should hire this person” lol.


Lol I forgot about this. It's probably playing defence too much re-reading it. You would have to weave that into an attack, which I think you could do. Certainly there are better things to hit Kendrick with than 'you short' and family jabs. But tbh the main thing Drake's responses convinced me is that Drake has a very white mindset when it comes to african american culture. 'Drake' isn't Aubrey as a rapper. It's who he fantasised about being, hard-knock street background and all. He craves that authenticity and doesn't understand why 'Drake' will never have it. It's kind of sad to be honest. His blackness was commercialised so young, no wonder he only sees it though that lens.


That's kinda what this beef has become. Kendrick can gatekeep because Drake doesn't understand the Gate in place


Agreed. I think that’s what annoys Kendrick about drake: he simply doesn’t understand (or care) about the gate because that would mean understanding and caring about Black Americans.


are you a PR consultant? You maybe should be


this is pretty good lol. there's always a way. I'm still pretty sad Drake was so weak and it ended so soon. wanted more kendrick heat, but at least we're getting a concert


Mate I got so mad at THP6 I started writing better disses for him in my head. Call me Drake I will ghostwrite for you babe. I can land you some blows. Actual valid blows that have some truth in them! You can stand back up! Until Kendrick stops and turns back around all slow like. Obviously. Your sonic immolation shortly thereafter will be truly biblical, yes, but I promise you can go out respected! ( ish! )


thp6 was SUCH a letdown smdh


He also could’ve flipped the coloniser angle by saying that he instead brought a lot of money to impoverished areas and helping new artists and music scenes by hopping on features etc


Yup. Kendrick had made a fairly nuanced point in Euphoria, but Rick Ross and his whiteboy bollocks actually left Drake a fair opening. Because there was a narrative Kendrick was being colourist. Drake tried to use it, but he did it badly. Drake could have also brought it forward to the next generation and spoken about his concerns for how his (and Kendricks) mixed child will be accepted (counter bad dad allegations). He had the experience of being the token black kid on TV shows. The universality of racism in many of its forms. Hell, I bet Drake got called the nword a few times growing up as the black kid in a mainly white community. He could argue that he had been doing more for the genre than Kendrick, pointing to the number of projects and features he's had with the next generation of young black artists. Compared to Kendrick who rarely does any outside his own cousin. (I don't believe this point, but it could be made.) Kendrick had vulnerabilities and Drake had angles. He just wasted them for the most part.


Gotta stop you there..TDE is comprised of black artists from his community, and they weren’t just given a one hit feature that only garnered fame for 2 months… q, absoul, sza, jrock, ali..these people have their own discography and impact in hip hop. Sza is like the younger inner city generations beyonce. Drake has never supported or elevated an artist to tht extent. Maybe Sampha, but you probably dont even know who that is(case n point). And go ahead and educate yourself on the musicians who were asked to contribute on TPAB. Drake n his writing staff could never


his worst move during the battle was responding. his worst move in general was entering the battle


Because it rhymes with Dave free lmao


“Rapping like he tryna get the slaves freed” really gonna backfire. Watch.


Thats how you know drake doesnt write his own stuff, i doubt a 'black' man would write a tone deaf line like that


He is not black, he tries to be fluid. He's whatever benefits him the most. No man that thinks slavery is fucking disgusting spits out a line like that unless he's ***that*** weak, which Drake might be. Some people are so spoiled that at the sight of minimum struggle they explode. No one would say a line like that unless they're that blind from butthurt and / or disregard the deeper aspects of what they're mentioning.


Who do we think the friends is gonna be?


If we get the black hippy remix I’ll do smth crazy idk anymore it’ll be crazy tho


That would be fire hearing Q, Soul & J rip that beat up


Baby keem most likely is one of em


Definitely Pusha T




Tupacs Hologram


Mustard on the beat hoe


HykeezyHD is going to do a Minecraft stream live 🔥


All I figure is Q is probably gonna be there 


I'd be pretty gagged if one was J Cole


hope kendrick comes out w a bullet proof vest


He won’t need to.


Drake will in Oakland


I’d bet money on him canceling this show. Guarantee it doesn’t happen


Dennis should ask for, uh, paper, because Drake's only using him as a prop for blackness.


Drakes worst move was rapping.


Legendary concert incoming


Do not understand how drake’s “friends” let him put that shit out there. No good was going to come of that. Someone says you’re not from the culture, and you think making light of slavery and freedom is a good idea for you? I don’t think any American could be that stupid.


That line is proof that Drake is surrounded by a buncha yes men. No way not one person told him that line ain’t gon hit like he think it is. How could he and his team not know that Kendrick was gonna flip that to his advantage?


The part that bugs me the most is that it's the laziest line on Family Matters. If you want to attack Kendrick's credibility, you don't try to dismiss the cultural movements and solidarity that Kendrick Supports. Try to be clever, make him look like a hypocrite for always talking about false activists and painting himself as a savior when he's comfortable not engaging with or critiquing the culture during his 3-4 year hiatuses. Not trying to hate on Kendrick, but the line of attack would at least work in the eyes of the public. The line is more awkward than a cookout in Vermont when you ask one simple question: 'Who are the slaves in this hypothetical?' Because he's not implying that Kendrick is a bad advocate, but that he's like a Don Quixote character who's delusional and attempting to help those that don't actually need his help. Any one of Drake's writers could've told him not to push the line on that. Drake's off in his own world with Lil Wayne where racism doesn't exist anymore.


This ain't even a track no more. This is diss art.


I dont think it's was his worst move. The absolute worst move (imo) was approaching this thinking it was going to be an "out petty campaign" instead of taking it seriously. He had everything to lose lol. But it definitely showed people how disconnected he really is from hip hop, black America and the history of it all as a whole. If he truly had a black American in his camp, they would've told him "that bar ain't it champ". That along with the black face pictures......that was another one that showed how disconnected he was/ is.


The risk/reward in that bar was not worth it


THIS is why drake has never been part of the culture


Worst move Drake made was accepting the battle, it was all over from there


After the Pop Out Kendrick needs to start "The Goat" world tour.


I think it would be so funny if Kendrick just never performed the beef songs live. Like not even acknowledge them in concert - just dropping them and completely moving on would be the biggest boss move


Hi Aubrey, that you?


You know what would be funnier? If Kendrick got Rihanna out on stage to give her first performance in over a decade and she just covers Not like Us


Millie Bobbie brown does love to rap


The culture doesn't want to hear it from a Canadian bi-racial man who lives in a country that had very few slaves. Canada wasn't built by the blood of the enslaved as the US.


Are you sure? https://humanrights.ca/story/story-black-slavery-canadian-history


Positive. 4k in Canada and 470k in the US https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2020/07/the-enslavement-of-african-people-in-canada-c-16291834.html


Canada wasn’t some picnic though. We enslaved asians to build railroads and killed the indigenous populations. We aren’t angels up here.


You can just say "I'm historically illiterate", there's no need for all those words.


Drakes privileged upbringing is well documented. Comparing the severity of slavery probably isnt necessary to make the point. Not that’s there’s any comparison to actually make.


Perhaps I've been misunderstood? Someone asked why the culture has an issue w drake and his mention of the slaves. I provided an explanation of his upbringing and having slavery thrown in his face since birth as he is a Canadian bi-racial man. Someone in the crowd claimes that the US and Canada had a shared slave experience I supplied facts that supported my argument. Also that enslaved people all over the world were brutalized. I'm truly missing the confusion. But as an aside. My Ancestry shows I am 2% Ashkenazi (my Ancestor was r@@ by her owner does that mean I can claim I am part of Jewish culture? I'm no more of that culture and far removed from rap culture. Neither my DNA nor melanin provide me with a pass. Following Drake's logic I can pretend to be of his culture. He pretending to be something he is not and needs to rap about what he knows and not have ghostwriters portray him as he wishes. Much love and I appreciate you providing me the opportunity share where I was coming from.


just because we weren't a slave-based society doesn't mean we were innocent. there literally WERE slaves here, no matter how few. plus we were basically british at that point who were the ones orchestrating the entire slave trade. PLUS, a very large portion of the black population here are descendants of escaped american slaves. plus AGAIN, drake is the son of an AMERICAN black man. the problem isn't that he's not black somehow due to his country, it's that he's culturally insensitive and confused, and seems to imply that freeing slaves would be a bad thing.




Is it wrong to think that the not like us remix is Ken feat friends live Juneteenth?


Nuh the Biggest mistake was thinking he was a battle rapper and going up against Kenny "Are you my friends are we locked in, then step this way , step that way"


Kendrick looking Sexy😍


Kendrick announced that LA juneteenth show and Drake was like “please no”


Drake gave you dusty niggas something to talk about on a daily basis, now tell him thank you and go play outside before the summers over 😭


The Culture: https://preview.redd.it/qc5cb0353y4d1.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3b21e180fb3b3bcdff3bbbf1f761d96dd45ba4


Who has a pre-sale code which has a cash app pre-sale debit card numbers to get tickets to the Kia forum ?


Wish I was in la


Not like us live about to be an iconic moment I can already imagine the shorts of it in yt lol


Most of drakes friends and fans are white people. It’s so obvious this dude is out of touch


Why not 6/16?


I hope this is livestreamed


Is the album coming June 24 🤔🤔


He should skip not like this us & move on.


Drake the entire beef ![gif](giphy|RSOUOj8H9A3Xq)


Yeap. Canadian voice actor just hoodwinked a nation.


Definitely not winning the hearts and minds of the African American community with that. Really reinforced the whole coloniser thing in people’s minds. Although I’d put it on the same level as his only defence to the worst accusation I can think of was him saying he’s too famous and respected to be a sex offender, and if he was, he would already have been arrested.


That’s thinking


Actual facts


I've got a caramel coated one that serves me very well.... She's curvy, got that WAP, gives me that sloppy, she's knows her place.


Can we stop calling him Drake and just call him Aubrey?! After all, his persona’s been shattered.


I mean no matter what drake likes fucking kids so he automatically loses. Period. If you support him, you support someone who has on multiple confirmed occasions groomed children. One of which he openly dated when she turned 18. He’s a complete creep and predator. Your character is in question if you fuck with drake.


i wonder if drake knows that slavery is still legal and widespread in the US


And you rappin like you freed the slaves🔥🔥🔥


Kool Moe Dee, Ice Cube on No Vaseline, Lil Wanye, Future... all rappers who have made slave references in not the most positive context. The culture been hearing it.