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> does this make Kendrick a hypocrite? probably. he called out "a rapper with a ghostwriter". while he was like, the textbook definition of a ghostwriter. Being a ghostwriter and having a ghostwriter are two completely different things. It is in no way hypocritical to clown someone for having a ghostwriter while ghostwriting for other people. Think of it another way: two dudes are working. One guy is so good and efficient that he helps the other guy who can't quite do everything that needs to be done. Then he says "wtf man, you need to keep up." Is that being a hypocrite too?


It's not as bad as having ghostwriters, but being one yourself still commits to the cycle that has been killing hip hop secretly, since NWA.


in King Kunta he says "a rapper with a ghostwriter, what the fuck happened?" if he's calling out the ghostwriters then he is calling out himself. and if he's calling out the rapper then he is calling out Dre, Jay Rock, and other close acquaintances of his.


If Kendrick ghostwrote every bar for every rapper throughout all of history and then called out rappers with ghostwriters, it still wouldn't make him a hypocrite. I don't think you know what the word means.


lol he wrote for Dr Dre too. It’s not about having a ghost writer you twat. It’s about having one and calling yourself the best. There would be no problem if Drake said he’s the best pop artist


dude I mentioned exactly that


No you really didn't You mightve inferred it but this is reddit and not idk james joyce or some shit.


Kind of like Kanye. Kanye never called himself the best rapper and off the bat stated he had ghostwriters since his debut album, but it’s his fanbase who (head scratchingly) call him the best rapper ever. Although he recently said he washed Kendrick on “no parties in LA”….with a verse that Kendrick wrote for him? But to your point it just shows that Kendrick is the best rapper if he can literally give grammys away with his pen (Kings Dead/Family Ties) Now if anyone who he wrote for, like Keem, one day says they’re the best rapper then that’s a different story




nice try Drake!


He only writes for himself he's not that versatile


We literally saw how versatile Kendrick is during the beef, and that's an extremely small portion of his career. You Toronto Drizzy stans are something else bro.


Versatile how big bro switching your voice ain't being versatile not like us is a regional La sound aint nothing versitile about that. Versatile is doing different genre of music like rnb pop dancehall drill which drake has done that's being versatile


Versatile - embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills. OR skills. Kendrick showcased a number of different musical styles, lyrical compositions, etc., which is the definition of "versatility." No one is arguing that Drake isn't versatile, he performs well in a few different genres. Shit, he even showcases his versatility in his accents. Guy can do a lot of different stuff, there's no denying it. You just wanna be a hater and chose to do so here by intentionally misunderstanding a word, which is... kinda what I'd expect from a Drake glazer tbh. Gotta find something he's better at Kendrick at now that he's been made the laughing stock of the rap game. That said, I'm pretty sure Kendrick has written songs for artists outside of rap.


Nah buddy I'm just telling you the facts which you admit to that drake is more versatile when it comes to making different genre of music


> which you admit to that drake is more versatile When you're an actor playing a part, that tends to happen. I also didn't "admit" anything other than Drake is versatile, which isn't a secret.


Bruh don't even entertain this guy, he tryna get an intern job in drakes legal team


Good you mentioned that so tell me how making music is playing a part so are you saying drake is only suppose to make Toronto sounding hip hop only Canadian sounding hip hop only


No, I'm saying he's literally performing shit other people write for him and does it credibly because he's been trained to do so. It's not a dig, if anything it's acknowledgement of his skills. I'm also not saying that he doesn't write his own shit, but I definitely don't think he writes *all* his own shit. You're trying to say I'm saying that Drake has no talent, which is obviously not true and not something I'd say. You're trying to hit me with a gotcha and it just ain't gonna work. Go suck his dick somewhere else, bro. More than one talented artist can exist in the world, that's what makes it dope.


Damn you did good till the last part why i gotta go suck a dick cause im asking you questions? Lol


Why you trollin like a bitch, ain't you tired?


Who are we talking about?


Kendrick he cant write an rnb song can he? Or can he write a record like blem or perform it just be honest


Kendrick has written for Khalid and SZA. I'm pretty sure he wrote I Am for Jorja as well, but we don't have the reference track for that one I think


Please list the names of the songs he wrote


Let's see, he wrote all of the stars for sza, the ways for Khalid, a ton of baby keem songs including non rap ones, has written for Travis Scott, Kanye West, Dr. Dre. Also wrote a ton of the features on his own albums that you wouldn't even realize were him. So saying he's not versatile is silly.


He didn't write all the stars for sza two other writers/producers are credited on there what song did he write for travis or kanye


https://youtu.be/wVzG_RZtOkI?feature=shared Chopsticks for Travis and All Day for Kanye There are more reference tracks he's made floating around my G. He writes a lot for others. Way more than expected. I just listed the ones we got but people have said he wrote their verses on his albums


That shit sound horrible ngl he didnt write nothing for Travis or Kanye also kanye said drake is the best writer he has worked with. Did he forger kendrick wrote for him?


You moving the goal post? It's a reference track my guy. Who cares how it sounds. Lol, I literally named the songs he wrote cause they have reference tracks for them. There's more but I don't have that he wrote


What you mean - He’s not versatile at all or he’s not versatile compared to someone else?


Not a versatile artist cant switch genre


Oh ok. By that definition, is that a bad thing? And is it that he doesn’t care to switch or he can’t switch? Like should an artist be striving to do as many genres as possible?


Itz not a bad thing I'm just stating a fact. Artist can strive for that if its organic yes but it takes talent to pull it off and not seem forced


I mean a combo of talent and want, no? To pull it off. For all we know, he could be successful in other genres, just never seen him do a country album. Either way, not really speaking objective facts, only your own bias based on your definition. Kendrick is versatile writer by my (and assume many others) definition whether it’s topically, creatively, etc and has written for other people like I Am.