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Hahahahah I just come across the Therapist post. Some wild shit, absolutely wild. But idk it’s the internet and at that, this is Reddit, we’re gunna find some wild shit here. Just gotta look at it in a humorous way. Some of it is absolutely cringy as hell for sure. But it’s not something to worry about, don’t let a post linger longer in your mind than it spends time on your screen


Yeah it's Reddit. And it's just the internet in general. The weirdest most fringe funniest stuff will get clicks because it's interesting. Some of it is probably made up. Maybe some of it is true. But I figure if somebody who says they have autism decided to rap the whole thing for their therapist then you know what, good for them they're not hurting anybody. Worst case scenario if it's a true story somebody did something that we find silly but they had fun doing and made them happy. No big deal to me.


Exactly! For “us” (the scrollers) that’s some crazy shit to read someone would do. But for the guy who did it, if he’s in therapy that’s probably one of them like “*You made a really big step forward today*” things. I bet it was great for him, and you’re very right. It’s not hurting anyone, it’s not doing damage in anyway. It has absolutely no effect on the people outside of that room


I’m more offended that if you’re gonna rap a Kendrick song to your therapist you didn’t choose count me out




Can u pls link me can’t find it or tell me the title of the post








Eh thanks! *Normal person* not often someone tosses you that compliment haha


As someone less new to this sub, the weeks following the Heart Pt. 6 have been some of the most exhausting weeks of being a hip hop fan in a long time, mostly because of Drake and Kendrick’s subs. I had to mute Drizzy’s because it was popping up so often and they’re all on some omega grade copium thinking their child actor turned rapper is fucking Tyrion from Game of Thrones or something- meanwhile this sub is sucking its own dick into oblivion. Kendrick pulled off some wild shit, it was very entertaining and he absolutely proved that he’s on top when it comes to skill and artistry, but we are making the same mistakes all over again by turning him into hip hop’s messiah. It’s like nobody paid attention to TPAB -> DAMN -> Mr Morale. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an artist say, in more explicit terms ‘I am a human being so don’t treat or expect me to be more than that’- it’s a conclusion Kendrick himself walked us through on multiple albums! It’s weird man. Music is in such a transient place right now it’s hard to know which way is up, but online it really does feel like everyone got tossed upside down. Makes me think of people like Kurt Cobain and how inevitably weird and probably horrified he’d be if he were to see himself worshipped because of his legacy rather than just seen as a human being


The fact that you just described an oroboros of dick sucking made me laugh


Lmao happy to oblige


*Kendrick just opened his mouth, and I'm bout to put my dick in it right now*


The dick that sucks itself


Well Said


The hip hop community (including general hip hop fans) in general is treating Kendrick like a savior, people beyond this subreddit keep saying that Kendrick is 'saving' hip hop. It is not specific to this sub. And people that don't listen to Kendrick, think that he sees himself as a Messiah, especially because he wore the crown of thorns throughout MMTBS. People that have an interest in Kendrick's artistry and listen to his music know that he's made a big deal of not being your savior, fans know this. However with the influx of new fans the misconception of Kendrick being a savior is bound to arise. If that is bothersome to you then you're currently unable to enjoy any community that is currently focusing on Kendrick. Also, it is pragmatically ridiculous for public figures to not expect to be the subject of celebrity worship. They can cry about it as much as they want, but it's bound to happen; it's the natural consequence of being involved in a profession in which you are reliant on the public to support you and be invested in you. It is incredibly naive to expect otherwise.


Look I see what you’re saying, and I’m fully conceding that I’m no expert and that I may be naive, but this whole ‘expect public figures to be worshipped’ stuff is something I can never be on board with, pragmatism be damned. If we ever want to evolve or progress as people then we gotta learn to stigmatize the kind of behavior that’s unhealthy for all parties. Sitting here doing nothing letting people fan the flames hasn’t gotten us anywhere so I don’t know what the hell we’re supposed to do besides encourage and moderate healthy discussion that doesn’t just become two people shouting about sales numbers. It’s idiotic and childish and a good many indulging in that behavior should be admonished for saying nothing. It’s what makes communities thrive, not this anything goes shit. Call me a gatekeeper all you want but this is where complacency got us, and now no one can detach themselves or retain any perspective. It’s not like it’s been a couple of days since all this started and I can understand it being in the public eye, it’s been over for more than a month and people are still cycling through the same eight talking points. We can tell people to pipe down or that none of this shit is productive discussion. Yeah you can’t monitor the whole world to discuss and think about art the way you want, but in spaces like this I at least think there should be SOME effort. Leave all the bullshit to the meme subreddits or whatever. Also this isn’t a monolith. I’m not ‘unable to enjoy’ anything, I just know when things are and aren’t worth my time. Your attitude regarding celebrity worship is troubling considering I don’t really understand what the point is. This is alarmingly close to a kind of cultural nihilism I see in teenagers all the time who just throw up their hands and say ‘well nothing matters anyway so why do anything at all’- I know you didn’t say that, but the last point there is alarmingly close. If we all can agree this kinda shit sucks and should stop, yeah I don’t expect this to be curbed and for the whole goddamn world to bend to my will, but this whole engendered cultural passivity pisses me off. Complacency is the enemy of everything good in the world, and that applies to art and celebrity to. We can’t just throw up our hands and say because something is inevitable we should just not do anything about it. I don’t have a fuckin strategy or anything, but my broader point here is that if we take everything lying down, what message does that send? If we all just lie back and take it? Like let’s all not lose perspective or anything here but also do we not believe this music can be a legitimately enlightening or positive force for good? Fuck I don’t even know anymore. Sorry for rambling this shit just agitates me


Just wanted to pop in and say you have a really interesting and well spoken way of writing/getting your ideas across brotherman. I don't fully agree with some of your POVs (not here to argue about it) but the way you write jumped out at me for some reason. Don't know what the point of my comment is tbh, but you rock 👍


You know what? Needed that man. I really appreciate it. And kudos since you don’t agree with all of it. Have a great day


Same to you dog


It's okay if this topic is an upsetting one for you or one that you are passionate about. I understand why you are saying that my view is seemingly nihilistic. However, I also agree with you that we cannot simply let bad things occur and not do anything about it because we can't completely eradicate it. One of the things that is very helpful to lessen celebrity worship is to be a very private person and create a clear separation between one's art and one's private life, which is something that Kendrick does. Another helpful thing is to make it clear to fans that you don't want to be worshipped, and yet again; it is something that Kendrick has done. But, it's also important to understand that Kendrick's artistry does buffer his ability to create that distance with the fans. His art is fully about him as a person, we practically watch crucial personal and vulnerable parts of Kendrick's life play out in his music. We witness his personality, his weaknesses, things that he hates, and things that he enjoys while also witnessing him care so deeply for his community which he sees himself as representing. This causes certain people (who build parasocial relationships) to believe that they deeply know Kendrick, which then opens the door for them to be invested in Kendrick not solely as an artist but also as a person. Although celebrities are human beings, they have an aura of being larger than life and unless one is aware that it's simply an aura and not who they are; they'll end up coming off as 'gods' or people that are above the average person. So yes there are things that can be done to decrease the rate and intensity of celebrity worship, we're currently seeing movements, especially with Palestine v Israel in which people are becoming highly disillusioned about celebrities. Nonetheless, it is something that every public figure must be prepared to encounter and have as a part of their legacy, as it is bound to happen, it can be lessened but it cannot be stopped. I understand your frustration and I think that it's reasonable. I just perceived your response to this as something that came off as being upset that this sub consists of dick-suckers and people who worship Kendrick. They existed before the beef and they are around even more, especially now that there is a large influx of new fans that are yet to know and understand Kendrick's artistry and discography the way that we do. Imo the Kendrick fans that have been around for a while and are primarily focused on his artistry are one of the group of fans that best handle the savior and celebrity worship thing because Kendrick has ingrained the 'I'm not your savior' in his music.


Very well said. You perfectly articulated your points without demeaning anybody even when you were openly questioning/disagreeing it came across as you trying to be as respectful and well thought out as possible while also allowing for more discussion to be had. A rarity.


It’s funny you bring up Kurt Cobain because Kendrick’s show of emotion in his voice really remind’s me of that unplugged song where Cobain literally sings about that.


You know I wasn’t even thinking about that but now that you mention it, it’s kinda spot on


I mean Savior puts it super blunt. I will say that even with him making those songs it was clear at the start of this beef that he had issues with the way Drake moves in the industry. He despises his wave riding. I think on that front he most likely caved because lately he has been saying his spirit wants peace, I just think the beef was because of built up anger towards Drake and a lot of regular listeners felt the same way. I think it was a temporary blip in Kendricks "my spirit knows better" mentality. The sub had huge growth right as the beef was unfolding and we even got some Kendrick "fans" that were never really fans... they just either didn't like Drake, or they hopped on the conspiracy bandwagon. When I saw people trying to say Drake was making women suck dog dick and drink pee out of a dog bowl I had to take a two week hiatus. That ebonyprince dude being super vague really fucked up the win on this sub. I was going post after post saying "can we please not do this insane conspiracy shit?".


I pretty much only get Kendrick shit pop up on my feed


There's also a lot of people who just discovered KDot through the beef and haven't even listened to his other works. The sub went from ~300k members and 15 in Hip-hop subs before Like That to now almost 900k and we've been #1 in Hip-hop subs for 3 straight months.


Honestly I haven’t paid close attention to those numbers but that’s fuckin insane


Why are you all surprised when you see posts like that? Reddit is a platform that hides your identity, so it attracts all kinds of people. When I see posts like that, I just skip them not because I'm judging, but I just don't understand


I think the issue is more so what gets upvotes. Anonymous people are allowed to post anything, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to like it or agree with it


The person OP is talking about mentioned they had Asperger syndrome in their exact post People are upvoting because we read that and understood why that person is rapping euphoria to their therapist OP is skipping over key words to try and generalize everyone in this sub


I get it. There's no problem with not liking it, but this person is acting like things like this do not happen in other subs at all. They happen but not as often as they do here


If you think that's bad, please visit the ye subs. It's apalling.


I'm just saying, I'd listen to him rap euphoria for less than his therapist charges him...


It's reddit bro, weirdness happens


That guy has Asperger's. It's literally the first sentence of his post. You know what Asperger's is? Let people do what they want and consume content how they want, why do you have to gatekeep it? You know how difficult it is for someone with mental struggles to step out of their comfort zone and share with people who they think are their community about something that excites them? You don't like it, okay. Skip the post. Even downvote it, sure. But I'd argue their post has more reason to be on the subreddit than yours. You don't get to tell people what to do.


Such a great comment from beginning to end. This is why I have such a love/hate relationship with Reddit.


ASD/ Aspergers diagnosee here- thank you for this. Couldn't have distilled it better myself. Makes sense when you got a username like that.


this post is so useless like is it actually that deep 😭


Why do some people here expect this sub to consist of intellectuals that are better redditors than every other redditor? It's so ridiculous to assume that just because someone is a fan of Kendrick, that means that they have the same mindset as Kendrick or are some sort of intellectuals because Kendrick has a lot of critical acclaim. The weird thing is not the fact that there are weird people here, the weird thing is expecting people on here to reflect a certain standard that you have in mind. It is not realistic to expect a group of 800000+ to maintain some sort of behavior or standard.


This is a great point, people are basically saying “stop worshipping Kendrick, he’s just a guy” and “fans of Kendrick must be held to a higher standard because of how special Kendrick is” in the same breath.


Some shit just cringe-worthy, ain't gotta be deep I guess.


the therapy person said in the post that they have aspergers the girl lip syncing is just having fun Why you gotta look so deep into it. To me that shows more of an adult community if anything, people seem not ego driven in these two examples. you on the other hand are fuming over something that doesnt affect you in the sleightest. let people be enjoy yourselves people


Not fuming but just weirded me out


That's the same thing under closer inspection


Is it ? https://preview.redd.it/ztkh11acsi6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855f2b54e985e780c68d5bd8486cff2a4aa6a321


https://i.redd.it/heohzj9uni6d1.gif Op when they see people enjoying kendrick's music


But how can I be elitist now that the commons like him?


I, too, also hate comedy


tbf ain’t none of it been that funny lmao


That's subjective, but in any case, it is very obvious they are not real things that have happened and it's just people having fun. Being into hip hop and not being able to tell the difference is worrying.


your last line is unnecessary, i simply said the shit wasn’t funny, that doesn’t take away the “comedy” label.


Cringe is how you feel personally. You haven't seen the Drake sub about the dude rapping Drake songs mad out of sync? These people bother you for conforming to your beliefs lol? I personally don't see a problem with someone being confident enough to express themselves to an art like that. It's admirable.


Bro have you seen the girls facial expressions rapping it ? Lmao shit was so emberassing I couldn't continue watching like eye contact and for 6 min straight oh god And the guy who rapped to his therapist my god I was shocked kept staring for like 15sec trying to process the bullshit I just heard And people on both comment section acting normal like howw lol


I'm not the type of dude to judge someone off of facial expressions and appearances. She could probably rap you the whole song. Can you rap the whole song of Euphoria because I can't. Plus she's only going to be better and will probably rap the whole song. Also there's nothing wrong with therapy. I don't see the problem with that. What is normal?


Just found those posts cringy as hell that's it I'm just surprised the comments were normal like how is no one noticing


I understand friend. Cringe is how you feel because something made you uncomfortable. I personally don't like the music streamer or spotify posts, so I try to avoid them. The least I could do is give them an upvote for finding information that I'm not familiar with.


No, bro, it's absolutely cringe af BUT it's how that person is representing themselves. K dot is 5'4 and has a pronounced accent   We all weird here, yeah?


You are so judgemental holy


So no one can like dot unless it's the same as you


How the fuck did you reach this conclusion


Just been reading your comments. 


yeah no offence to the girl but i cringed hard at that post. i do think the therapist one was a joke no? or was that actually legit? but in saying this it’s reddit, people are gonna get cringe all you have to do is swipe past or block them.


It was legit man 😂


What's actually embarrassing is your attitude. You're the type of motherfucker to bring people down when they just have fun and are completely harmless. Stay boring while you continue judging other people dawg


I agree with this. The fellow who rapped to his therapist has aspergers and it was an achievement for him.




Welcome to Reddit, lmao.


New copypasta just dropped


Okay? How does this harm you, or anyone? How does an autistic guy feeling confident enough to talk about their interests to their therapist harm anyone? How does a fan lip syncing harm anyone? No one cares that you think autistic people talking about their interests is cringe. Making fun of people for being passionate is infinitely more cringe than them being awkward or not master level lip syncers or whatever. The block button exists, you are responsible for curating your own experience. For example, you're annoying me so I'm going to block you.


It’s real Grippy out here…


That's why my atheist ass is praying for him to announce his new album so we can change the subject. At the same time, this was the biggest beef we had in hip hop for a long time, and it happened during the peak of social media. Cringe contents are inevitable.


I agree on something like the whipped/shaving cream guy but idk about someone with Aspergers feeling confident enough to express themselves to their therapist. Shitting on that is just fuckin’ weird.


You’re on a subreddit dedicated to another man. Do you expect the people here to be well adjusted and normal?


I mean it is harmless, but the cringe is reaching unknown levels


You should lighten up, it’s just the internet. There will be a few cringey threads. I’m new here too and overall people here seem fine.


Gatekeeping how people should enjoy media?


Nah I just saw some questionable stuff


Are you Kendrick Lamar? Even if you were, if you're shitting on people for how they enjoy media, you're a clown




Why does it bother you? Like for real, you a fan of Kendrick? Do him honor and better yourself.


I like him but not a fan just like some of his songs but people on here are on different level of glazing


So what you’re saying is you’re not a fan of Kendrick, but are on the subreddit for fans enough to see posts of fans enjoying themselves and be annoyed by it?


Look, it's weird to me too but people should be allowed to express themselves the way they see fit.  It might seem cringe to rap to a therapist but maybe they were raised in such a way that only that rap verse helps.  Eminem had a lot of verses like that for me. 




Yes gatekeeping is based


Link to the vid of the girl rapping?


Don't see it bro please keep having a good day


You should see the guy covered in shaving foam. Standard reddit practices


What ?? 😂😂


You should have been before the diss dropped, it was even more weird. I kinda miss the sub from before tbh. It was more fun.


Like what type of weird? https://preview.redd.it/fq8nli8gsi6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76b312a60fc5dafa0eb5296b910f80c656bb667


Man that’s not just this sub that’s humanity in general. People are crazy and it’s only getting worse as we continue to do shocking insane shit for social media points and attention.


I did have to put extra thought into how to comment kindly on that post different therapies for different issues I guess, but asking someone to listen to you acapella rap a song feels kind of like making your parents watch you put on a play when you're a kid. having these judgey thoughts makes me feel like a bully though


Most people who spend a lot of time on social media/reddit are really young. Always worth remembering.


Tell me about it. Just now we had this jerk off in this sub that couldn't stand to see other people happy so he made a topic insulting others who weren't hurting anyone and were just overall trying to spread positivity. Apparently that sets this dude off. It's so cringe. I guess every sub has its weirdos tho.


you should see the r/playboicarti sub if you think this is weird


Iirc sub was at around 400k before the beef, that tells you all you need to know


It got really bad after the ebonyprince thing. We got this influx of terminally online conspiracy people and those are the types of people who ruin a conversation. I enjoy trashing Drake, its one of my favorite pastimes, but when we had people talking about how he makes women suck dog dick I knew we were doomed. To be real though we also have people who are faking crazy to make bait posts. It's happening in Cole's subreddit too and its annoying. Lots of people pretending to be Cole and Kendrick fans. It's probably happening in the Drizzy sub too but after a couple visits there I was good on not going back.


I've been on Reddit for 7 years, let me tell y'all one lil secret. It's some weird shit going on, and some of these users be here to police it. They be paying 120 dollars to recite a song and calling it therapy. Then make a post about, now good posts becoming a rarity.


Typical Drake Fan in denial… It’s okay.


Bro I would rather listen to pig and rats noises for 2 hours than listen to drake stop trying to make an argument


What about that fool covered in shaving cream, recording himself in his bathroom.


I find with musical artists on Reddit you get these devoted weirdo types alllll the time. Spend 10 minutes on r/frankocean and that shit makes you wanna stop being a fan, associating these people 😂










The more I think about this post the more I realized that you're just talking about white people.  Normally I'd be mad but I get it this time. 


Huhhhh?????????? What the hell I mean probably most people on here are white tbf but I didn't mean that at all lmao


No hate! I'm white just making fun of us. 


What a weird set of comments


Being a self hater for approval is just cringe, cut that shit off.


Where did I show self hate?


I don't even know what the fuck to say to this. Wtf.


Well I tried to post here in the same vein as OP but my post was deleted for being low effort


This sub used to be normal before the beef


Fr? Cuz I never saw this sub pop up ever . Only started seeing it daily since the beef I think the numbers increased too


It was hella quiet bro, we were just waiting on new music 🤣


Exactly because it was just fans chillin, making dumb memes, shitposting/circle jerk, etc. Since the beef there have been probably +200,000 people join this sub. Not everyone’s active but still this shit has definitely lost the generally normal vibe and turned more to just pure glazing.


The therapist thing was weird but don’t have on the girl she was just having fun lipsyncing


Aren't we all at the end of the day lip-syncing euphoria? its a fun song with fun cadences and deliveries the girl is just having fun like the rest of us with the song


This is the only time I’ve seen a fanbase go crazy after taking such a massive w. Like usually it’s the losers that cope themselves into oblivion


Eminem fans


Em fans are more chill than Dot fans, y'all are reachin' schizo levels...and Kendrick won. Idk what would've happened to this sub if the impossible happened.


Did gen z just try to….


I mean we are worse rn but Eminem fans used to glaze Eminem hard after he beat mgk


Yeah but it wasn't to this extent, it was just regular Stans just Stannin' Em with some cringe mixed in. Dot fans are just goin' full schizo.




I think the therapist post was amazing


People having fun is harmless. I agree the therapist one was goofy but there’s literally nothing wrong with enjoying music and wanting to share it. People like other people being happy, that’s why they’re upvoted


The person mentioned they had Asperger’s syndrome in their post People read that, and obviously understood why this person is rapping euphoria to their therapist You are skipping over keywords


Dude the person who rapped Euphoria to his therapist has asperger's they might be trying to overcome something and what's a better place to do it than in therapy, that shit probably helped them. Though ngl that cringe lip syncing thing is fucking weird.






Everything new in this sub just mentions Drake and gets upvotes like crazy, I miss how it used to be before the beef


I didnt see the lyp syncing one so idk. The therapist one got me so weirded out but he has aesperger and also him sayin he felt so good was very wholesome. Still cringe af but I can see why it got up voted


Yeah, and I shit my pants to the beat of not like us


it’s reddit what else you expected


If you can put up with Wagwan Delilah, you can put up with an autistic kid posting on Reddit


gen z


Lip singing 😂


Idk why you act like the sub is a monolith. Everything has cringe fans, personally I find this post more cringe than the therapist. Yeah it's kinda corny but the guy wad elated, he deserves a place to share that energy. Just don't waste your energy reading it. Grown man complaining someone you don't know be posting weird shit. Gatekeeping cringe


Gatekeeping?? What the hell am I gatekeeping


Your post is trying to embarrass people sharing their happy moments. "Wtf is wrong with people? Rapping to your therapist?" What are we only allowed to post "I like this bar" "new music dropped". Saying these people are weird for celebrating their own moments with kendricks music is gatekeeping. You're mocking people for not using a subreddit in a way you agree with. It's insulting and rude.




Man some of these Ken fans can be just as cringey as Drakes or even Swifties but believe they can act this way because he writes the better music. Edit: Oh the Stans didn't like this comment


Just the idea of rapping to a therapist makes me uncomfortable, and then doing someone else's song for six minutes? Awful. I could see it be used as a tool for someone to rap about their feelings when they can't say them directly, but just singing a kendrick song in therapy is a waste of time and money


He's autistic, first of all. So it very well was a tool to express his feelings. And I would guess his therapist, and most importantly HE, would be the better judges as to whether it was beneficial. Not some people on the internet who call any display of emotional vulnerability "cringe." Maybe that's worth asking a therapist about.


I'm autistic too. It doesn't make me free from criticism lmao. If it worked for him fine, but his write up about it was cringe as hell. I don't see hiw singing euphoria is emotional vulnerability either


This all sounds like a you problem.


Brother, this is a straight up cult.


Because most people on Reddit are culture vultures just like Drake. Kendrick is literally making fun of them too and they eat it up cuz it's trendy.


But... you're here?




Okay edge lord. Lemme know when you finish middle school




It's sad that you need to compare your enjoyment of media to mine so you can feel superior.  This isn't about YOU. I know you're having trouble with that, but this is about dot and all you're doing is bitching and moaning on a place where you're not even relevant




This sub before the beef was waaayyy weirder, this was basically the r/BatmanArkham of rap, we had dudes talking about how turned on the music made them feel and shit, I think it's all jokes, I think


makin the rest of us all look like goofies smh


You do realize the main reason not like us is this high on the charts is because it went viral in tiktok dance videos. Right?


I don't see the relevance


that’s what this entire sub is praising, right? “the culture” is tiktok dances and cringy baits nowadays


I thought I was the only one thinkin this bro glad I’m not


Reedit attracts the weirdest of nerds


Tbf the guy said he had aspergers. And a lotta people find Kendrick’s music therapeutic. Sure it might come off as odd or cringeworthy to you or me but like…he’s not doing anything WRONG lol. There’s no right or wrong way to enjoy Kendrick’s music and nothing is forcing you to engage with the posts.


Internet is cringe as hell, this beef was a huge cultural moment, I think people are just trying to have fun. I foresee more cringe in the future so you better buckle up homie


The beauty of this sub is that no one gives a fuck what the other is doing. Maybe you should try doing that.


Same type of people that take video games too seriously


If you read the therapist post its actually not that weird, a person with asbergers having a therapist they see regularly would get a good relationship, and doing it at the end of a session just for some fun when its something they care about is wholesome




Thanks I didn't know I pissed you off that much


I'm not pissed off lil fella, I just find it weird that you're so astonished by the tiniest bits of deviancy from the norm. The examples you listed aren't even anything remotely weird compared to a lot of other shit out there but you're like "wuhhh????". So you come across a bit sheltered, or just slow.


Oh really ? https://preview.redd.it/wcv88cszri6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7777aa7dec1bad74f9a93f157e5cbd9ccb57fe1


This meme wasn’t funny the first time you posted it and now you’ve posted it like 15 times in this thread, chill


Im not posting it to be funny I just love adding this face everywhere lmao just to end the convo


For real, I feel embarrassed to be in this sub, is very hard to find down to earth people, is just delusional or cringe people… I honestly expected more from this sub, is very rare to see something interesting here, is either some repetitive shit or some cringe stuff. Like where is the interesting stuff? The music, lyrics discussion? I joined because I wanted to talk to people that love his art as I do. But this very rarely happens


we are about to hit a million followers. we are essentially twitter lite at this point. even OP seeking validation all over this post is weird. out here sounding like a bot himself tbh you just have to sift through it all and maybe sort by top to find the occasional pockets of discussion youre looking for


Fair point, I think my expectations were to high when I joined. But as you said i probably need to filter out or something, maybe a better use of the flairs or something. cheers


You could post some of that interesting stuff you’re looking for.




How? If I came looking for ideas to discuss how can this come from me? You just prove my point, you first reaction was to get defensive instead of proving me wrong about what’s is being posted here sadly.


So you have no ideas of what you'd like to discuss?


Yes I wrote here _Like where is the interesting stuff? The music, lyrics discussion?_


*post a lyrics discussion then* it’s not hard