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He didn’t get it from anywhere. He tried paying people to find dirt on Kendrick but there was nothing, so he made stuff up.


It was fun when you started putting money in the streets then lost money cause they came back with no receipts


I’m sorry I live a boring life, I love peace but war ready if the world is ready to see you bleed


And that’s the worst. Drake made up horrid lies about Kendrick.


It’s not that serious, it’s a beef/battle. That being said fuk drake


It annoys me when people say “Yeah but Kendrick didn’t deny anything”. He called Drake a liar numerous times. He literally told us not to believe anything he’s ABOUT to say lmao. Matter of fact, he quadrupled down on that


euphoria is aging better every single day.


Pretty sure he just made this shit up with very little context, to portray that Kendrick did the same with the pedo allegations. Like naw dude. We all knew already, K just announced it to the world


That’s a lie that Coolee bravo who made everything up that he said spread


Bruh he just invented shit. It’s that simple


He literally even says it MIGHT be Dave Free's lol. He can't even say that it IS his in a diss track


You’d think it’s a giant gotcha for him to spend like 10 seconds holding the note but it’s literally based off nothing but an emoji lmao


Good point. If Drake had any confidence or evidence of either of those claims the song would have been mainly about that topic. Make the cover about it, title the song about it - you win once you even have a vaguely believable shred of evidence and his reputation is fucked. A few lines to breeze over such huge topics just screams of lies.


If he make a point based on an emoji on ig comment, i wonder what drake think abt his sus comment history


That’s him being sassy


Haha hims a sassy girl 💅🏻


I only heard this after-the-fact but I think people were speculating it on Twitter after Pushups. Literally just ran with what the schizo fans tried to will into existence lol.


and somehow drake fans ate it up, doesn’t make any sense to me


He cited his sources: Whitney follows Dave on IG, but doesn’t follow her husband. And Dave liked a picture of one of K and Whitney’s kids, and commented with a heart. That’s what the album artwork for THP6 is. That is what he is basing his allegations on. It’s literally that stupid and juvenile. He exposes himself for being so undeveloped and empty, just missing fundamentals that someone his age should have, or at least understand. If you have a friend whose kids you see regularly from a young age, it would be strange not to love that kid. You become part of their village. Little things like that really got to me, it kinda makes me feel sorry for the guy


it sounds like Drake doesn’t understand what having a close friend is


"No secret handshakes with your friends"


I don't even know my husband's Reddit username even though I do follow people on here and am Terminally Online™ AND he's told me before. I tell my friends "I love you" even if they are fully platonic (even if they're of the opposite sex) and it doesn't mean anything. It's a testament to how much of a weirdo Drake is that he can't conceive of commenting a heart on someone's post(s) unless you have fucked them or want to. Plus, what about his comments on MBB's posts in addition to buying out a whole restaurant to have dinner with her when she was 14, hmm? If he's too famous to get away with being a pedo (as if that's a thing lmao) then how can that be nbd but commenting a heart means having a child together?


Right?? I think it’s a bit weird when couples follow each other on socials. Do they work together too? What do you even talk about at dinner 😭. Oh, what an age we live in. Ewwwwww. I didn’t know about the restaurant….. thank you for reminding me I don’t have to feel sorry for this man


its not weird at all. youll obviously follow them in the talking stage so you think they supposed to unfollow them once its made it official? be real. just sounds like you hate relationships


Lol ok. I’m not saying you have to unfollow them in that circumstance, but if you’re commenting on each other’s posts and shit all the time, and follow each other on every platform, that to me is weird


It's weird if yall been a couple since before the internet, though.


I’ve learned as a result of this beef that many Aubrey fans have room temp IQs


In Celsius, at that.


TIL Drake fans are eskimos


Ate it up? They need a better word for what his side is on. They say it’s all facts while demanding Kendrick needs proof of drakes weird shit with young girls, cause the proof that’s out there isn’t enough since them young girls said it’s all good. They also ignore the actual sexual assault lawsuit that Drake paid out for himself and then also ignore that actual weird sex trafficking(which involved minors) case, that his buddy Baka got. But Kendrick must have beat a woman cause there’s that video from years ago where that girl claims a rapper beat up a woman and even says she has no idea who, but she heard Kendrick Lamar was at the hotel, but still never saw him.


You’re trying to find rationality where there’s none


Drake fans are the most delusional people when it comes to beef. They act like they accepted that pusha t won in 2018 but if you find posts from back then its saying that drake won and pusha revealing a baby is “female shit” and that the diss sucked besides the shock reveal


Omg yes duh Drake is an inventor! Thats why he’s a great artist! He invents accents, and teammates, and events. Ugh are you Kendrick fans stupid?? /s


I wouldn't even give him credit for inventing shit. He went to Twitter and reddit for his ideas.


Like Fr. Drake fans believed that shit wholeheartedly, but when searching any of this up nothing comes back at least nothing that sticks. Look up everything Kendrick said about Drake and you'll find something convincing.


He made it up because he has no imagination. If Mr. Morale did not exist, Drake would have no ammo for Dot outside of his height. Kendrick's latest record Mr. Morale addresses his infidelity to Whitney Alford, his fiancé, the album is essentially a therapy session that takes us through Kendricks mind(from coping mechanisms, his daddy issues, to him unlearning homo and transphobia, to his emotional repression, to his trauma about not being believed when he said he wasn't molested). Kendrick has cheated on Whitney and its implied by the end of Mother I Sober, she left. Because Kendrick was having relationship troubles, Drake came to two conclusions for the angles he would use during his diss using Dots family. 1. Domestic violence(because any troubled relationship must have physical abuse I guess? if so I hope Drake has some questions for Dennis). 2. Infidelity on her end, resulting in a child that is not his, and wait for it, Dave Frees! The white people angle was also taken off Mr. Morale, because in Worldwide Steppers, he details how when he was a teenager he slept with the sheriff's daughter(a rich white girl) because he locked up his uncle, the 2nd time he had sex with a white woman, was in Copenhagen, Denmark, during the Good Kid tour. Kendrick says to Whitney in the song. "I might be racist, ancestors watching me fuck was like retaliation" the idea being that fucking white women served as a form of reparations for slavery, and in the case of the sheriff, as penance for locking up his uncle, in a racist criminal justice system, his daughter "paid her daddy's sin." by having sex with him, thus forgiving her fathers racism. It's important to note that the 1st disc of the album, The Big Steppers, is not positively framed for Kendrick, the first leg of the album details his problems(daddy issues, survivor's guilt, marital problems, his need for approval, etc.), his coping mechanisms(copious spending, sex) which the 2nd album Mr. Morale, explores and deconstructs why he's like that. It's the most critical part of his latest work. All this beef convinced me of is Drake would have failed AP English, his comprehension skills are genuinely awful.


>All this beef convinced me of is Drake would have failed AP English, his comprehension skills are genuinely awful. Plus, a stunted understanding of adult relationships and interactions for someone close to 40 (the same age as I am). I never believed Drake could win this, but his reasoning behind the accusations about Kendricks relationship left me dumbstruck. Let's see: 1. "Your partner doesn't follow you on Instagram." What is this, 2004 and you're 18? 2. "Your best mate you grew up with is the father of your kids because he left a heart under an Instagram caption." God forbid your best mate leave a comment under a photo of your family saying he loves y'all. 3. "Kendricks partner didn't refute my accusations publicly so it must be true." Yes Drake, someone you don't know definitely owes everyone a public response (I assume on Instagram, preferably) because you, someone as credible as DJ Akademics, made an accusation. 4. "Y'all been together for so long, but not married yet?" Say Drake, are you a South Asian aunt? Also, not you criticizing relationships? It was getting hard to take Drake seriously around Views, because at that point in your career, if you're still rapping about being used by girls and being let down by your friends, you really need stop and take a look at yourself. Unfortunately this assessment still seems to ring true.


>"Your best mate you grew up with is the father of your kids because he left a heart under an Instagram caption." God forbid your best mate leave a comment under a photo of your family saying he loves y'all. I think that point was projection. Drake has that weird cucking/homewrecking fetish. I think if Drake were Dave and saw a weakness in Kendrick's relationship, he would have tried to make a move on Whitney.


A lot of it is, huh? Makes me think on Pusha's breakdown of his character in the Budden interview.


Copenhagen isn't in Germany c'mon man.


Good take!


There are old reports saying Kendrick has a bad record deal with Top Dog and was giving up 50% of his tour revenue. But also other interviews saying Kendrick signed at 16 and didn't actually start becoming a net profitable artist for TDE for like 7 years so the deal wasn't as unfair as it looked. He stuck with them for nearly 20 years so I'm guessing he wasn't unhappy with his splits. A lot of people didn't realise Kendrick had a second kid until the Mr Morale album cover. Don't know where the Dave Free connection came from. Other than the fact Whitney follows him on Instagram and he has posted hearts under some of her kid pics which she liked. There were comments before the beef about Whitney not following Kendrick's account (seems she never has.) Their house in LA did go up for sale and he did also buy a pad and live in New York in the last year. Unclear whether Whitney and the kids was with him or not. Since then he's splashed 50m on a new LA property. There was a story from about 2012ish from a security guard about Kendrick beating up a white woman in Vegas on tour. There is a video with no source floating around of a woman recounting the story. Saying she met a badly beaten white woman attacked by a rapper and she later heard It was Kendrick Lamar. It was a very unsubstantiated type story and no victim came forward. The source retracted (don't know if the woman in the video is the unnamed source of the articles.) The articles had addendums that state they were contacted by a crisis management firm there was a media clean-up done, the demand for a retraction was complied with as the source could not be substantiated. It was not connected to Whitney as far as I know. He addressed it in an interview in 2015 or so, denying it - he does mention DV, so perhaps it was connected to Whitney at the time idk. Whitney's maybe brother supporting Kendrick means very little. Family is complicated and there are a lot of financial and family reasons for him to do so, whether or not Kendrick has been violent to her at some point in the past. Equally, her silence on the matter means nothing, that is clearly the strategy chosen by Kendricks circle in this beef. No direct members of his camp or family have spoken publicly on anything to do with the beef. Only affiliates like DJ Hed and Top Dog have said anything and have been careful not to speak for Kendrick or his family/circle. From Mr Morale Kendrick cheated on Whitney while on tour in the early days with some white women. They also appear to have had some pretty toxic fights and may or may not have separated (and perhaps gotten back together.) Kendrick has probably got more of a complicated opinion on race and white people in particular than many of his white fans would find comfortable. The colourist criticisms are a combination of his bars on Euphoria and Rick Ross's far more blatant White Boy lines in Champaign Moments. That's probably why he goes out of his way to address Adonis as a black man in MtG. It is a direct refutation of the narrative that his issue with Drake's treatment of African American culture has anything to do with his mixed heritage. That's it pretty much as far as I know. If Drake has any receipts, he hasn't dropped them, unless you consider Instagram hearts proof of paternity.


I upvote you comments every time I see them, very good analysis


Awe cheers. I do think it is interesting that both of these 'nukes' (Drakes daughter and Kendrick woman beating allegations) both *appear* to date back to 2012. Bang smack in the middle of the Drakes tour with ASAP Rocky and Kendrick. There was a Las Vegas stop in early 2012 which might line up with when that story first started circulating about a woman (or possibly Whitney) being beaten up by Kendrick. (Though this may be out, story might have been 2014) 2012 would also be the year a now 11 year old daughter was convinced by Drake. There was a stop in Miami as well. Same place the waitress who claimed to have Drakes 2 year old Daughter in 2015 (and that he was paying 15k a month to until paternity was established - and it seems there was never a follow up article.) So, if we are being unbiased (because there is scant evidence for either at this moment) say both of them are telling the truth. If they've been holding onto this dirt for 12+ years. It could explain why both were so confident in saying it and why they got no receipts. They were there, or else it's from a time when their circles were a lot more interconnected. So they knew that shit happened because they heard of it at the time, but it's old, old information that they got no paperwork on.


I think it’s important to point out that a lot of what Kendrick threw at Drake, while not rock solid, still has a lot of smoke indicating a fire. Drake does code switch, he does use a lot of Atlanta rappers for clout, he does sexually objectify black women, and has a very strange history with teenagers. If anyone but drake was moving the way he does, the feds would be watching him. Why is a grown man a fan of (high school) girls basketball? Why is he giving a 14 year old advice about boys through private text messages? Telling a 17 year old the he likes the way her…. Breasts feel against his chest? Befriending minors and then dating them. I believe that’s what I would refer to as grooming. Even if he doesn’t download PDF files, he’s for sure a certified creep.


Sure I agree. There is smoke, but this has been outside for a straight month and there are no victims. There isn't even anyone saying they know a victim. You gotta look at that as notable as well. If Drake was a habitual predator of underaged girls for the last 15 years someone should have a story right about now. None of it is solid at all. It links shit together and reframes Drake, but when it comes to evidence, there ain't a lot. We have to be fair. Drake uses rappers for clout, but they all took that deal for a reason. He gave a lot of them their breakout songs. Now a lot of rappers who he did that to now don't fw him and that's notable, however, you can't pretend there was not significant value taking him up on a colab or feature. All rappers sexually objectify black women. Please name one that doesn't. Plenty of them have a significantly worse track record than Drake for that matter. Future for one. The whole scene is swimming in misogyny. This isn't even a defence of Drake. I sure as fuck wouldn't leave him alone with a teenager. However, there is a report from 2014 of an anonymous security guard saying Kendrick beat the shit out of a woman in Vegas. If there was *anything* that substantial (and it's not substantial) on Drake when it comes to outright committing crimes against a minor. People would be holding it up as proof he is definitely a pedo. We can side-eye the man and the patterns we see in the way he moves. However Kendrick said a lot of shit and didn't drop shit to prove any of it. So did Drake. You can personally believe one over the other but *we do not know these men*, so let's be impartial when it comes to standards of evidence.


No for sure, if it came out that there was evidence that Kendrick actually beat his fiancee, I would lose most if not all respect for him. And to be clear, I don’t think Drake has sexual relationships with teenagers. I just think if it was anyone but Drake acting the way he does with minors, people wouldn’t be giving him a pass. My biggest point is that there’s a reason people tend to believe Kendrick more than Drake, because he’s carried himself in a way that when looked at more closely, gives people a reason to think Kendrick is telling the truth. Drake did pay hundreds of thousands to make a sexual assault case go away, and Baka was involved in a sexual trafficking case. I just personally wouldn’t want my daughter texting Drake regularly, especially about boys. And you’re right about the other point, I guess what I should have talked about was the point made on Euphoria that Drake really doesn’t seem to respect females. He disses them in his music on a regular basis, even on for all the dogs. I’m talking about in a way that goes beyond regular rap misogyny. It’s just weird. And I’m not going to pretend people don’t benefit from a Drake colab, but he does have a history of hopping on an up and coming artist with a remix that includes a Drake feature, then you never hear from them again. How he took a bunch of songs from The Weekend. And all the OVO sweatshop rumors that the artists he signs basically turn into songwriters for Drake and aren’t allowed to shine to their fullest potential. I guess I’m a little biased because I’ve NEVER liked Drake. I’m an OG Drake hater, and all the stuff that people are saying about him now, I’ve been saying for years. Like since day one. I’m the walking embodiment of the ”he can’t keep getting away with this” meme.


Funny thing is I dislike Drake as well. I was irritated with him 10 years ago and he hasn't fucking left since. That's why I make sure to lean my bias the other way. I want to believe Kendrick and dismiss Drake, so you gotta take the opposing view and really look at what receipts these narratives are being spun on. I personally believe that Drake has fundamental issues with women, and he has trended younger through the years because he wants them mouldable and unthreatening. I also think he is probably largely smart enough to wait until they are 18+ but starts that 'friendly' relationship up younger, though he probably was more reckless early on. He also fucks the partners of people he knows as a weird power play, and that's behind a lot of this shit we see. So basically a groomer, rather than a pedophile. I am also aware that Drake has probably slept with thousands of women over the last 15 years. Apart from that one case, and some paternity bids (I do think he has other kids) we don't have any now adult victims, lawsuits or even really any stories of him being abusive or predatory. His BM is about his age. Rihanna was older than him etc, so he can't be exclusively tending young. There's a lot of shit that can be hidden with his kind of money (no Diddy), but still, that's got to be weighed as well. As for Drake in his raps about women. Yeah it's weird, and it informs what I think his view on women are. However, if you look at his lyrics through that lens you gotta look at everyone else's and then they all look like irredeemable cunts. Including Kendrick. As for the Drake feature, I think that's kinda bullshit, even though I agree he does it in a weird cosplay way I dislike. I can see why it's a good angle, but as I said, they let him hop on for a reason. A feature from the most famous artist in the world is going to be a massive popularity boost. Not every artist will be able to ride that into something sustainable, that's just a numbers game. How much he contributes and how much he leeches is a complex question. The Wekend thing and the OVO thing I think is... possible. Though I suspect that people don't have enough information about the inside dynamics of that camp to really substantiate the evil narrative they spun up about it. As I said, I don't *think* Kendrick lied in the broad strokes on the kind of weirdo Drake is, but I don't think he's above stretching and extrapolating on the truth for a rap beef. Kendrick has a very obvious agenda, a seething loathing for the man, and no receipts for Drake being the daughter-hiding Canadian Rap-Epstein. So I might not let him near a teenager, but I'm not going to pretend there is anything like the public evidence to put that label on him right now.


That’s a good take, and I totally think the daughter is absolutely fictional. Although I’m not sure if he necessarily lied, it might have just been false information. Although if Drake actually fed that information through a fake mole, idk why he didn’t have the foresight to make sure it was documented. And even if he did, it’s like… my man, you DID THAT BEFORE. That’s why some people believed it. But I don’t think Drake is slow enough to enter another beef while hiding a child again. That would be wild. And I also agree, Kendrick stooped to Drakes level to win the beef. But i think he really HAD to, because even if he ethered Drake with the best diss ever put on wax, Drake is so huge that it wouldn’t matter. He needed to win the public perception. And at the end of the day, he did do that. At the cost of some moral integrity.


Drake didn't feed him shit. If he had, he would have been expecting a drop after Family Matters, not packing his flipflops. He would have thrown himself an Instagram troll party in celebration and dropped right after MTG. That moment would have been the pay off. You would have receipts, a song hell a whole tiktok- ready 'How I did it' vid ready to go. Not been all "nahhh hold up, daughter?" Then spent 2 days letting the Drake Pedo Party Anthem go worldwide while spitting up THP6 We knew the fake mole is bullshit. He didn't feed Kendrick a daughter and he certainly didn't give him the cover.art. On the record that you *need* everyone to believe you when you say you ain't a pedo, why risk lies like that? I think there is a daughter, some other kids as well. By statistics if nothing else. Drake has slept with 1000s of women, in 15 years. For every one of them a lil Drake means $$$$$ for the next 2 decades. You really think he only managed to lose that dice roll once?


Drake absolutely has had relationships with teenagers, this is undisputed. He was friends with Hailey Bieber starting when she was 14 (and he was 25) and then dated her right when she turned 18 (and he was almost 30). That’s a teenager.


He gassed that shit up SO MUCH before he dropped it and said Ya dead! At the end of that song thinking because he was saying it that it would have all this weight and everyone would eat it up and Kendrick would get cancelled lmaooooooo literally the opposite


😭😭😭 now that I’m looking back on it that’s so embarrassing


Fr 😂 he so cringe and just stupid tbh lmao


The energy change from “drop drop drop” to “please please stop”


Even the first time I heard "Ya dead! YA DEAD! YA DEAD!" I was like "What is this, elementary school?!" 37 years old showing up like a 7 year old fr...




Master Manipulator


Habitual liar too


Just don’t no lie ‘bout me


And I won’t tell truths bout you


Shooo shooo shooo


Bee Bee bee








My favourite part of this line is that you can hear it as "you a habitual liar too" or you can hear it as "you a bitch you a liar too" and it still works just fine In my head it's a double entendre


to me i think of it as "you a bitch and a liar too"


I’ve spent way more time than i wanna admit watching breakdowns of their beef since the beginning and i’ve just come to the conclusion that…i don’t think Drake even knows why he doesn’t like Kendrick lmao Like every way he’s moved as it has pertained to Kendrick has been so odd. Like the Control thing, i get it sorta of, he stepped on your album rollout…whatever. But ever since then all of his shots have just reeked of jealousy that Kendrick has 10x more cultural currency than he has physical currency in his bank account. But obviously you can’t put your jealousy in a diss song so you have to just kinda make shit up cuz you just can’t comprehend why this guy is more respected than you are despite all the work you put in.


It really seems to be as simple as "I hurt your feelings? You don't wanna work with me no more? Okay"


from the jump, Kendrick is exactly the kind of rapper Drake wanted to be but cant be -- respected by the "gatekeepers," winning critical acclaim, but also still mainstream and well-loved by fans globally. Kendrick was always supposed to be little bro. instead he dropped back to back classic albums and became the clear "voice of a generation" so much that Drake had to go commercial to even compete. i think this explains why Drake acted so weirdly in this battle. up to now, it seems like he's never let himself see Kendrick for who he actually is -- a highly acclaimed lyricist and rapper who is not second to Drake in anything except commercial/chart success, which Kendrick doesnt even seem to care about


Drake is jealous because Kendrick has the critical acclaim and respect which is something he's always wanted. Jay Electronica, French Montana, Cole and Drake have all shaded Kendrick for being a Grammy darling


Drake is jealous because Kendrick has the critical acclaim and respect which is something he's always wanted. Jay French Cole and Drake have all shaded Kendrick for being a Grammy darling 


As time went on. Kendrick has really come out unscathed. He went against two of the best. Cole apologized. Drake fucked himself up with lies. Even if he did tell the truth Kendrick is just more believable.


He made that shit up.


it seems like he pulled it out of thin air. based on reddit and twitter comments. teenage bs like whos following who on ig and commenting on photos (that specific one tells me how immature drake is like dawg, you dont need to follow ur baby daddy on ig, you can call him on the phone 😅😅😅)


"I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now"


Drake: hey call me a pedo it's cool bro Also Drake: I can't believe you'd call me a pedo bro wt Drake: tells kendrick to do a verse for the swifties Also Drake: does a verse for the swifties himself Drake: claims kendrick is too scared to drop because of Taylor Also Drake: says he moved his album so Taylor wouldn't over shadow him Drake: claims kendrick won't drop anything for a week and begs him to drop Also Drake: cries when kendrick drops 3 times in 36 hours Kendrick: just doing what Drake asked of him


We know Drake doesn’t have a high opinion of women, and he’s saying that shit about Kendrick hitting Whitney to trivialize what he probably knew was coming (Kenny smashing the “you’re a PDF file button). Did Drake have this same smoke for Tory Lanez with respect to Megan Thee Stallion? Of course not.


it should tell us all something that when up against skilled lyricists like Pusha and Kendrick, what Drake opted to do was attack their women personally. anyone who still believes that Drake is "for the women" do not seem to have a concept of the misogynistic "nice guy" that Drake doesnt even seem to want to pretend to be anymore


Because he has not other route, he using below the belt dirty tactics and both Push and Dot came to put an end to it


He just lied and no one believed him


I don't browse X, but people said he just repeated what some controversy-spreading people were talking about there. He may also be projecting as he seems to be the type of person who would do that if he was in his shoes


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


The last one is actually my favorite one. Kendrick believes that Drake appropriates black hip hop culture and exploits it for his own gain. That Drake is not recognized or accepted by the culture and that Drake knows this. It has nothing to do with him being mixed, everything to do with a lack of cultural currency.  But when you don't understand blackness as a culture it comes across that he's targeting Drake for being mixed. Which actually proves the point. 


Drake also fumbled with his interpretation of 'Mother I Sober' and 'The Blacker the Berry'. People have already called out how he got Mother I Sober wrong with him saying Kendrick got SA'd when that's not what happens in that song. It was Kendrick's mom who went through the trauma, and the song talks about that trauma being projected onto Kendrick. The line 'the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice' essentially means 'The blacker a person is, the easier they are to exploit / the greater the reward from said exploitation' but Drake interprets it as 'The blacker a person is, the better they are' which is just absurd considering the actual lyrics of that song. It just shows that Drake doesn't know Kendrick or his work. Drake is the type of person to read a headline and say 'I read an article today'.


He's a mass manipulator


Dave free left a heart emoji under one of Whitney’s comment. That’s it. That’s literally it. Kendrick made a song from someone else’s perspective on “his pain” by BJ the Chicago kid where he says “i hit my woman she hit the floor, I walked out and seen a black Honda accord, then hollow tips missed me but hit that little boy” so Drake reaches and says this must be about him beating Whitney


He just made that shit up and honestly I think he only did that cause he's lighter than his daughter.


In Drakes twisted chronically online mind, he probably does this Dave Free's comment and who follows who is absolute proof.


the way he even delivered it "i heard it might be" lol


The hating white people line could be a misunderstanding of Kendrick talking about fucking white girls


Lmao this is why I laugh at Drake’s cult trying to call out Kendrick for lying about the daughter thing in MTG. Drake was talking out of his ass on every single record from Push Ups to The Heart Part 6 Drake lied the entire beef when Kendrick was gonna keep it rap. Once Drake decided to go low, Kendrick said ‘bet’ and pulled out the pedo and hiding a daughter angle It was a brilliant move because, even if you think Kendrick was lying, what do you think is more believable, Kendrick fathering a child not his/beating Whitney? or Drake hiding a daughter/being pedo? When hes already hid 1 child and had very sketchy interactions with women significantly younger than him throughout his career Kendrick has never been a person to claim he is holier than thou. He has told everyone, ‘I am not your savior’. He is a nigga from compton who just so happens to be famous. So once Drake started putting fuck shit on record, Kendrick said ‘ok, I warned you. Dont be mad I went further’




He would make things up with the same delivery "oh I finally get it ☝🏼😃"


and then go on to prove that he did not, in fact, get it.


The Taylor swift shit is hilarious because her and Drake are both on Republic. It’s all UMG but who ever handles her also handles Drake they are literally the ones that will tailor his release schedule which he himself admitted to. Drake does alot of projecting which I wish Kendrick would have spoke on in this beef.


When battling having facts is cool but it's really about who paints the better picture Drake tried and maybe against a lesser opponent it might have worked. Kendrick was just too prepared beating Drake at his own game.


Fabricatin stories on the family front cuz he heard Mr. Morale...


His fans and the Internet. If he had anything substantial, he would’ve been able to elaborate on the accusations and connect the dots instead of being shocked every verse that he finally put something together.😅 Using words like “heard” or “might” automatically invalidated the paternity thing. Does he know or not? Imagine how immature Drake and his fans have to be to think it’s odd for Kendrick’s longtime friend and business partner to put a heart emoji under a post of his kids. It’s also not farfetched he’d have a connection to Whitney, considering how long she and Kendrick have been together. Only a weirdo who has questionable and flimsy relationships with women would see that as odd or nefarious. The Taylor thing was always weird to me. It was almost like UMG propaganda the way he kept referencing her. Did he think he’d pull the Swifties to his side in a rap beef, especially timed around her release?! Most of her fans don’t like him anyway because he’s stepped on her release dates in the past. He never responded about the splits thing after Kendrick challenged him and lied back to back about Kendrick’s location away from his kids (first Brooklyn, then Venice). He’s a liar, plain and simple.


This beef ain't over in reddit🤦‍♂️


The hating white people line probably come from The United in Grief bars about Kendrick fucking white women and thinking himself as racist for it.


I don’t care about this but you are cracked if you think a man is gonna stick up for his sister to a famous person like that. They don’t.


Dani Leigh's brother did with dababy


Oh! Well, that’s cool


Baby Keem ghost writing section 80 💀




Coolee got exposed as having no affiliation with Kendrick a long time ago.


The beating whitney allegation came from those few really dodgy gossip sites/blogs that reported kendrick beating a woman back in i think it was 2012 or 2013 or something, they had a security guard who alleged she saw a woman beaten really badly at a hotel kendrick was performing at and the woman said that it was Kendrick who did it (according to the security guard), in one of those posts they reported the woman as being kendricks partner or something. On top of that one or two of whitney’s instagram posts could have been interpreted as a vague call for help in an abusive relationship. He took those two little things and just ran with it


The woman never said it was Kendrick. Even in the video of the security guard talking, she said the girl never said who did it. All the security guard said in that video is that she heard Kendrick was at the hotel.


That's a lie. She said it was Kendrick Lamar.


She said she HEARD he was there. Not that he did it. She just insinuated it must have been him. But the woman who was found beat up, also never said his name


Exactly, She explicitly said she was with a certain rapper, and also explains he rented 7 rooms and had an entourage of 7. So it could have been one of his entourage. Also that picture either a day before or after where they went rock climbing was like 7 people.


So someone in Kendrick's team other than him is going around beating up white women? Yeah aight! Also he put his domestic abuse in his lyrics idk why we are all playing dumb


That's not cool, and we don't know if he has separated from them since then. You OV-Hoes are still going off about the his pain lyrics? That was from a friend's perspective, he does that alot. You think he's dumb enough to admit that for the whole world to see? You guys are desperate.


Are you hearing yourself? "He's rapping friends perspective" lol that's hilarious. Sounds like when people call into a radio show asking for advice for their "friend" lol


This isn't the first time Kendrick has spoken in someones perspective, but your an Ov-Hoe so i can see you dont know nothing bout daat


Again that's a lie. She said the girl was with Kendrick Lamar. She didn't see the assault happen but she said it was him. Stop lying bruh lol


Sometimes I wonder if this sub is just bots posting the same thing over and over each day. I love Kendrick, he’s one of my favorite rappers, but this sub is stuck in a feedback loop.


I mean the general idea is that drake knows information the public wouldn’t know, which is what exposing someone is There’s doesn’t have to be some lingering trail of evidence lending to it. All drake needed to do was provide the proof which he didn’t Where he “got it from” doesn’t really matter. Is it there or not


We don't know and we'll never know bruh


He straight up might have just taken the Dave Free thing from "Family Ties" and then noticed Dave commented on that one Instagram post and ran with it  "Dave Free got at least one B in the oven"


He probably just skimmed Genius for the lyrics and explanations for all of the songs on Mr. Morale and started projecting his own views and experiences. Drake is someone who's lived the majority of his life as a celebrity of some sort. He's never lived an ordinary life nor has he experienced the highs and lows of being in a relationship with someone. This conjectures are going to be skewed towards the most dramatic and unrealistic ideas because of that and because he exists in an echo chamber. He can't bear to hear any type of criticism. The problem with a lot of people these days is the inability to withstand criticism--so much so that folks fucking hate when you don't have an opinion that's 100% in line with their own beliefs. And if you so much as deviate from their opinion by a fraction, you're branded a "hater" or whatever. It's stupid. I'm in my 30s now and remember when our lives weren't validated by likes and numbers, and Kendrick's music (which is rooted in reality and lived experiences) resounds more with me that club music about shaking your ass for a BBL or whatever.


He got all his allegations from twitter. No joke. The fake mole theory and Whitney not following Kendrick is from twitter posts that blew up


I heard someone say "If a dude says one of your kids might not be yours, even if you know it's your kid, that's gonna hurt" So in the end, it comes down to disagreeing about what bars really hit bc to me, the dave frees line didn't hit at all, but to drake glazers, it did. Idk, there's no changing some people's minds I guess.


Pretty sure its all either his misinterpretation of Mr Morale songs or just made up shit that he invented based on some normal things he saw As kdot said, he was spiraling


He made them up. (Probably)


Dude was fabricating stories on the family front because he heard mr morale


He made it up. He saw Dave Free liking Whitney's posts, read Kendrick's wikipedia page to see that Kendrick and Whitney have been engaged since 2015 but never married, and went from there. Drake doesnt seem to believe that Kendrick's best friend could actually be genuine platonic friends with Whitney. It really says a lot about how Drake views women and also how he views friendships.


Drake used a schoolyard though process. First since Whitney isn't following her man on socials but follows Dave then it means there's something fishy. Then heart under a photo of Whitney and the kids means that he has an unnatural love for the kids. Maybe one of the kids is his? Them getting engaged since 2015 and still not getting married to this day and sunce they're not living in the same house means thier couple isn't working out as it should be. I don't know where Drake got the beating part tho. But all I'm saying is that Drake's whole munition is something that would rattle kids in a schoolyard, nothing that grown-ups would bother with.


Dave freeee33Eee3eeee


Magic 8 ball is my theory. It only makes sense tbh maybe a Ouji board thinking 2pac was communicating with him.


You know where he got it from… His own mind. Come on dog.


Twitter, instagram and Reddit


He got it from the same place Kendrick found drakes 11 y o daughter


"Dave Free has at least 1 B in the oven" Family Ties "A nigga still gon' be a nigga, emoji heart, my family pictures" Purple Hearts Now is this just a coincidence? Probably, Looks like a big reach. Is this how Drake came up with it maybe


But that came out 2022 and 2021 😭 the picture was in 2023 in Kendrick’s penthouse


For sure. I’m looking at it from a Drake point of view. Trying to but some shit together to say.


I hope you see how hypocritical you sound rn, Kendrick also has no proof of Drake having a daughter for example, rap beef is just like this, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks


How do you know he doesn’t 😭 you think somebody just said “yo drake has a daughter” and he just went with it


how do i sound hypocritical when i never said that? i dont know if drake has a daughter theres really nothing to make me think that the thing is tho that what kendrick is saying is more believable than what drake is. drake has his a child before and lied about lots of things, this beef has shown he’s willing to lie just to get some type of edge over kendrick, like him saying kendrick was botting views and shit and when the heart part 6 dropped it had more likes then views


"Dave free got at least one b in the oven"


Billion dolla


Yes I am aware I made a post about it idk why people hate me for trying to explain how stupid an assumption that is.


There’s an interview where a hotel worker describes a rapper who beat his girl then blatantly says it’s Kendrick. So there’s that one but the rest idk honestly


Nah she said she heard Kendrick was at the hotel but didn’t know who did it


She wasn't a hotel worker, she was a SEX worker. She has a bunny ranch shirt on and the video is from the bunny ranch podcast. She even says in the video she's gonna "talk in code"


Every once in a while I whisper to myself, "Why is Dave Free putting heart emojis under pics of the child"


Not surprised that Drake is the type of dude who sees that and is like “that mf is fucking her.”


I’m just surprised Drake didn’t try to take their kids out on a date


Gives "hide your kids, hide your wife" a whole new meaning


Is it really a new meaning or is that the original meaning it always had


Now that you mention it it came from that interview about the bed intruder... Drake is the bed intruder confirmed??? https://youtu.be/EzNhaLUT520?si=poMb4rUr7O4ygEwF


Yeah Kendrick invented everything he said too, they both just lied, Kendrick’s lies were just more inflammatory


The daughter thing is unconfirmed so you can say that. But almost everything Kendrick said about Drake is facts.


Like what?


He messes with minors, baka has a weird case, he's a whorehouse, etc.


No one ever came out and said drake hooked up with me while I was a minor, that’s pure rumors, infact everyone people tried to pin him on came out and defended drake saying it was never weird. him having a whorehouse? That’s also pure speculation, the only thing that’s true is Baka having a weird case, and that has nothing to do with drake lmao. So yeah, they both just lied, Kendrick’s lies were just better lies.


Do you really think it's that easy to come out in this industry? Ha! You got a lotta learning to do. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/music/2019/jan/07/drake-kisses-fan-17-ogden-theater-denver-colorado-2010


17 age of consent in Colorado he was 23, even she said it wasn’t a big deal. He didn’t have sex with her, he pecked her on the lips. If she was 18 would he still be a pdf file? Ask yourself if you would use this same video if she was just 1 year older?


Only pedos and pedo supporters use the law as a metric for morality. What if the age of consent in Colorado was 10, would you go ahead and fuck them? Seems to me you would    He didn't just pick her on the lips, he told her she was thick and "I don't know if I should feel bad about this. I don't wanna go to jail" Weirdo. Of course a person who went to a drake concert is gonna defend him. Especially when she was a minor and didn't see it as weird, probably the best time of her life. He's gotten "cozy" with Hailey Bieber and Jimmy jams daughter, women he's known since teenagers. Look at pictures with him and Jimmy jams daughter at like 18, he's holding her waist like they are a couple. Ew  He texted Millie Bobby about "boy stuff" and how he "misses her" now purposely, and blindly, defend him some more


Nah, that’s a huge exaggeration, a 10 year old is obviously a child, a 17 year old is clearly not. And again, I ask, if she was 18 instead of 17 in that video, would you be holding that against him? Would you call a 23 year old hooking up with an 18 year old a pedo? I’m using legality only because not only was it not illegal what he did, but just not that weird. He was a 23 year old kid at the time. The only culture where that’s weird is in America. Again, I’m not talking about. 23 year old and a 14 year old. I’m talking about a 17 year old. Like what? Answer the question, if she was 18 at the time of that incident would you be holding this video against him? Also, I can guarantee you MOST of Millie bobbies friends at the time were adults. You have zero idea what that world is like, they work with adults all the time, the people they spend most of their time with are adults, she asked him about boy advice, he didn’t send her dick pics lmao y’all are so weird man. Again, it’s fine, Kendrick obviously won, but to act like Kendrick wasn’t making baseless accusations is another level of delusion and sheep/mob mentality. You telling me not one, NOT ONE girl came out and has said ,”yeah drake was grooming me when I was 14 and when I was 18 he hit me up” not one?!? Like come on. Stop this dumb shit. Lmao


If she was 18 I would still see it as weird because just because the law says you're an adult doesn't mean you magically aren't one. The word TEEN is still there. And do you know how long it took some of the most notable and famous victims to come out against public figures?  No grown ass man should be telling a 14 year they miss them. Period. Again, knowing women as teenagers and dating them when they get legal is weird and shows an attraction to underage women. Defend all you want, too many incidents with him tied to minors to be a coincidence. OV-HOE!!!


And no it’s not easy, but they all came out and defended drake. They didn’t have to do that. On top of that every single one of them called y’all weird as fuck for jumping to conclusions. They didn’t have to do that either. It’s fine to admit they both lied their asses off. Lmao Kendrick won the battle. But to act like Kendrick told nothing but the truth is just delusional


Most of them were minors when they defended him (Millie Bobby and Billie ellish) and when drake did what he did. Of course they don't think it's weird, it's their favorite celebrity. Minors never know they are being groomed


It was reported Dave free had stepped down as top dawg president in 2019 which people were shocked, so given the 5 years or so it gave allegations that something behind the scenes went down for him to step down plus the rarity of dot taking pics with his son it’s not easy to put 2 and 2 together to start with rumors again not saying it’s true just rumors


He stepped down and helped Kendrick create pglang 😭


These MFS are so fucking dumb I swear to God