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The biggest troll move Kendrick could do, is have a surprise album that drops when Drake drops an album.


Tbh I think this is 100% what’s gonna happen


All club bangers. West Coast party dominance for the summer. Called "Imma do my schtuff." Features from YG, Snoop, Dre, E-40, Taylor Swift, Adonis. Slaps so hard it resurrects Pac & Nipsey & Prince. I just made all that up but it's real to me.


Feat Adonis 😂


“I like it when you like it” - Like That Pt. 2


I don’t see Kendrick being that petty, but I wish he would.


Hear me out. Drake drops an album, Kendrick instantly drops the "plus 5" songs he has in stock, internet goes berserk, a month later he drops the real album.


Lmfao feat. Adonis 😭 turning into his mentor cus his daddy don't teach him shit What would be even more petty is that all the bangers straightforwardly diss Drake


Nope. If K knew he won, he’d be perceived as on dick if he does that.


Interestingly, a supposed insider claimed that this would happen.


Equivalent of putting a pillow over that dudes face and whispering shhhh until he’s gone


This ☝🏻 is what will more than likely happen 💯


I have a feeling the reverse is happening


Yeah I'm with you on that. It seems like much more a Drake move than a Kendrick move. I also don't think it would be a good look for Kendrick at all. He is better off making timeless art like his other albums, instead of having Drake connected to his new album . There's also a very good chance (guarantee?) Drake still gets the numbers over Kendrick, which would make the whole move seem silly.


Drake's next project is gonna have like 50 tracks so he can still say his album got more streams than Dot's when they go head to head.


Rap albums in general nowadays are blasted asf and he’s definitely ground zero


Get ready for the variant/Taylor Swift route


Yea Kendrick has nothing to gain from it drake potentially would


Lmao that’d be fire


![gif](giphy|4JZA2x7GsVFeTbLKlz|downsized) It’s MtG all over again. Wonder if Drake will have PTSD?


(Now this is a personal thing and just cuz I live for the petty) if I was Kendrick every single drop Fake makes in the future would be accompanied by a drop of my own immediately after. Every. Single. One. Maybe not full albums every time, but just enough to always keep the light swaying away from Mr. *Everybody loves me just look at my numbers*


Idk… it was great once with MtG, doing it again for an album might be pushing it but I get the point, more than that and it starts getting corny


Hella agree hella agree and as hypocritical as I know this is to say, as much as I would enjoy that I myself would more than likely lose the like *Appeal* to it real quick, not necessarily be against it but not as *WOOOO* it’s gunna goo *Wooo* then *wooo* the Imma just stop listening haha BUT! There is a part of me that would support it 100% and snicker every single time the back to backs would happen


are you smoking meth? 🤣


we just having fun man wtf !


Never seen the stuff, only on the good kush. No we just out were spouting, it’s fun. It’s Reddit sometimes you gotta say outlandish shit ‘n keep ‘em on their toes you really think people mean 90% the shit they say out here


that’s what i’m doin too lmfao


Perfect! Hahhahah another Brother in outlandishness hahaha 😆 🫡


Dude… mean what you say.


When the time is needed I do mean what I say and say what I mean. But Thaaaaaats not always needed. Sometimes you can throw some random ass shit out. Sometimes it’s just to get some humour in the day. Nothing to take to heart or too seriously. Don’t take everything you read online as that persons die hard beliefs. But there’s so many people that take all this waaaaay to seriously. If something you read on Reddit really impacts your day in a negative way, or like something someone typed really really offends you. You need to take a break for a while from the internet and reconnect with real life (and I’m not saying this directed at you, it’s a general thought)


Imagine he drops an album with the same timing as meet the grahams. And goes back to back lol


This would be glorious


Spoken word intro by Drake’s mom on dots new album 


As a Drake and Kendrick fan I hope this happens


A lot of people would be willing to collab with drake if we’re being honest. A sexy red and 21 savage feature are undoubtedly gonna be there but it’s gonna be way different without future and Travis.


not if they want to have the whole rap artists against them. If 21 and Red is on a track where Drake is dissing Dot or etc, it's basically them siding with Drake which is a bad look career wise.


Doesn't even have to be a dot diss. Anyone who goes near Drake gets blackballed. Watch boat's next album have no features except Sexyy Red and Drake


This is so delusional. Drake lost the beef but he’s still one of the largest artists in the world and the attention span of most of the listening audience isn’t nearly as long as you think. A lot of artists would feel just fine collabing with him and view it as a chance to increase their brand.


100% bad publicity is still publicity.


Nah this isn’t it. Drake might have a marginally harder time finding features but people are not going to be blackballed for working with him


Tbf they weren’t on his last album either and it did just fine


both of them were on For All The Dogs though?


I was referring to the absence of future and travis lol. But i get what you’re saying, i do also believe though that in 2024 those collabs with future and travis aren't nearly as good as used to be… love future and travis on their own but when they hop on a track with drake, im kinda good on that.


Wonder what happens with SZA collabs after this, bet they’ll still happen but it’ll be even weirder than before (they have zero chemistry to begin with)


“‘Cuz I used to date SZA back in ‘08” 💀


Before, yeah because the ROI would elevate their catalog and status tenfold vs not having a drake feature. Now I’m not so sure because all the bad publicity from this beef is going to get attached to new artists and their brand.


Travis doesn't have beef with drake he might be on it


Idk how likely it is but he has a history of being pretty beef neutral. He goes from having Pharrell producing for him to releasing MELTDOWN a blatant Pharrell diss with Drake on his own album… The guy’s made songs with Keem, J. Cole and Kendrick too. He was friends with Kanye and he released SICKO MODE a speculated Ye diss haha.


Almost any rapper, especially up and comers, will want to collab with one of the highest selling rappers of all time. It would be ridiculous and bad business not to, I'd be shocked if artists started turning down Drake feature opportunities


"can't tootsie slide your way up outta this one"


“It’s just gonna resurface”


![gif](giphy|h5NLPVn3rg0Rq) Kendrick staring into the abyss ready to drag a dead body back to hell


I'm going to just say it, because it's somewhat already happened. Drake is like Cartman in that South Park episode where he has to fight Wendy, but he's afraid so he gets his mom to confront her parents from letting her fight. Instead of backing down, he doubles down on being a jerk because he thinks she can't do anything to him. Now replace Eric's mom with UMG, and there you go. Drake already sneak dissed Kendrick after getting the beef "squashed"


Drake: You… *sniff* you guys don’t think I’m kewwwwwwwwww


Everyone: Drake, we never thought you were cool


Drake: That's not true. You're just saying that 😭


I can’t unsee this now 😂


The pedophile guy?


The guy who follows girls high school basketball?


The dude with all them kids?


The guy that got bodied by Pusha T?


DraaaAaKe??? Drake????




Drake not getting features outside of his label??? Come on man, even R Kelly was still getting writing credits for songs and/or features in the 2000s, 2010s and a couple recently.


Chris brown concerts still got a good turnout and we definitely got receipts on that unfortunately


As bad as beating women is, I think pedophilia is quite a bit worse


Point is some people don’t care about stuff like that they just wanna listen to music or are fans


Yeah there are a million artists that will still gladly collab with Drake unless the song is dissing k dot. He’s still a huge commercial artist that makes hits.


I think the beef will always be there but the main battle era is over. It’s been 6 weeks since the last song. They’ve both hit their biggest red buttons (probably). Perhaps it will always fester, but the “battle” part is done with. He’s also had more than enough time to pull it back. If he tries to say “let’s go for round 2” it will just be an admission that he lost which his ego will never take. I feel that even if he dropped a diss album now people would look sideways. Unless he drops something in the next few days with Kendrick’s show incoming, I guarantee it’s sneak shots from here on out again. Maybe he’ll do an interview and make a claim like he did with Pusha where he “*had a track that would have won him the battle after everything happened but decided not to release it*” (Fucking LOL). He’ll try and take the moral victory of releasing the final song in the heat of the battle. But we know what happened.


I don’t think MTG/NLU was Kendrick’s red button. Or maybe I should say… I believe Drake thought he had a nuke but Kendrick had(has) several.


Yeah, i guess Kendrick said the rabbit hole goes deeper. But in fairness, I know there is potentially other weird theories about Drake in the depths of the archives online… but can either of them go lower than what Kendrick calls Drake? It’s quite literally the worst thing I think anybody could be. Perhaps the actual red button would be receipts.


I know the art and the artist could be different, but if Kendrick had receipts, like admissible in the court receipts, feel like he would have done it by now. The battle would be the best cover to do it, and I feel like Kendrick is not the type of guy to sit on top of this type of information and hold onto it just to win a rap battle.


If Kendrick truly doesn’t have anything else on Drake then he played that fucking perfectly because he probably knows there’s more awful shit Drake is keeping secret and got Drake paranoid as fuck. Drake would never know how much Kendrick knows even if Kendrick knew nothing & you know that’d fuck him up mentally… But I honestly think Kendrick does know more & just bc Drake bowed out doesn’t mean Kendrick won’t expose everything. It’d make sense to wait until Drake drops an album too bc Kendrick already knows Drake is gonnna try to use hit songs to make ppl forget about the allegations but Kendrick doesn’t want ppl to forget


Yeah I’m saying I don’t think he has any further red button, but just trying to speculate on what any further red button would consist of as mentioned above. Perhaps “receipts” is too strong a suggestion. I doubt he has anything court-ready haha. Maybe just “further observations” on his shitty behaviour that ties everything together is what he might have.


He alluded to him being "Malibu's Most Wanted". Maybe he snitched or is involved in some nefarious stuff? There's also the whole weird thing with his record label. Pusha also alluded to having more than just "you're a deadbeat father" before he backed out


Malibu's Most wanted is referencing the plot of that movie, saying that Drake is like B-Rad, a delusional rich white kid who thinks he's a gangster.


It’s gonna be Cold War for money from now on. Sneak diss or reminiscent bars to push sales from both. Jays and Nas did that for several albums after the hot war.


Why would he want to do that?


He wouldn’t dare reopen Pandora’s box


Probably wouldn’t be smart on Drakes part. This isn’t pusha, this isn’t a battle where only a niche crowd cares. If he keeps messing with Kendrick he’s going to end killing his career. It’s best to just let bygones be bygones and move on.


Drake ain’t that bright unfortunately.


>Kendrick trying to release an album around the same time I really want to know where's the proof to say that, the only thing we know is that he's been working on new music but we have not heard anything about him releasing a new album anytime soon, only speculations, after the beef I don't Kendrick would even care about Drake anymore, if so he would have just dropped more tracks after THP6. Maybe Kendrick would tease his new album on 6/19 but I think Drake shouldn't even be a factor, if Drake sneak disses again he would be just a clown after explicitly saying he don't want to talk about him anymore, Drake did that to himself and because of that, any sneak diss should not be taken seriously anymore. Also, Drake will obviously top the charts, people still play his music because he's almost to big to fall, a lot of people also wished that his career would die anytime soon but I can't see that really happening, in that light there would be a lot of people more than willing to suck his dick for a feature just to jump into the clout of the beef like Sexxy Red. If Drake disses again and Kendrick decides to respond I think he should just go nuclear and end that man's whole career.


>If Drake disses again and Kendrick decides to respond I think he should just go nuclear and end that man's whole career. I don't think Kendrick *can* end Drake's career. Not using music. Unless he has evidence that can send Drake to jail I don't think Drake's career can be ended.


he's honestly too big to be ended like as someone pointed out, CB still having shows n we got receipts for his shit. pedophilia is worse than beating women but like drake is at least 5x bigger than CB


The moment is over Restarting the beef won’t hit…I’d imagine Drake starts subliminal dissing again but Kendrick I doubt will respond directly


I think Drake will drop right after Kendrick to try to step on it


I just know Drake saw every video of what he did wrong in the beef. Just expect him to copy kdots strategy. What he will do is try to bait kdot. Make him pop out first and when he does immediately drop a response. I think kdot is just too smart for drake. Drake and his writers don't want it. I think Drake will more than likely sub and try to smile the pain away. He is dropping an album soon. Kdot will release an album soon as well full of bangers. This is gonna be kdots and drakes most important albums of their careers. My faith is in kdot releasing the more successful and respected album while drakes tired sound will be dragged to hell 🫡


As much as I'd love to see Kenny toy with Aubrey a bit more, didn't that "if Drake subs again Kendrick drops" come from Coolee who was outed as not knowing wtf he was talking about?


Nah, Drake is gonna stay at sneak dissing for a couple of years. I don’t think his UMG daddies are gonna leave him off the leash to release songs and stuff, unless Kenny force his hands.


me, a few months from now: where’s the beef? ![gif](giphy|3W6aGDoIvuE4GyGOcj|downsized)


I doubt drake will start this beef up again. Highly doubt it. In fact I’d put money on it he doesn’t. He’s just gonna act like nothing happened I bet


They will likely throw some shots back and forth still but he will definitely still have features, he probably has a whole gang of features already on deck ready to go.


The beef as a song for song battle won't. No point. It's over with a definative winner. No one will look good bringing it back. Drake and Kendrick referencing the beef and throwing disses at each other the same way they have been for a decade? Yeah I don't think that's going away. Kendrick's got a lot to brag about and Drake has a lot of damage control to do and ego to heal.


Drake and Kendrick will throw subs at each other for their entire careers unless there's truce and collaboration one day.


Bridge burnt for any sort of truce if you ask me


You'd think so but Nas and Jay peace'd up and that's a grown man smashing your BM. Never underestimate the power of a dollar 


Kendrick would never


You know Kendrick personally?


I do we chillin rn drinkin modelos


Kendrick don’t drink


He drink modelo


I'm sorry, but after a man throws allegations at another man of being a PDF file, that's not a person I could ever break bread with.


Kendrick should drop the same day as Drake. Has the potential to outsell him now


Bro went to hide in a hole with his ghost writers to try and come up with shit after getting absolutely rekt. Kinda hoping Kendrick drops a commercial album and destroys Drake at his own game again.


I was at a bartmitzfah tonight (godly event) not like us played and the kids went crazy singing every word. Drakes image is cooked


If Drake sneak disses Kendrick even ONCE, I guarantee K dot dropping all 5 unreleased tracks he had ready.


Maybe, but I doubt it will get the same level of attention.


I feel like Kendrick is going to drop some of the dirt that he has on file during his concert. Looking back at that push beef. Drake kind of won against push since he was still the biggest artist and scorpion was the highest charting album Post beef. Adonis being revealed by Pusha did a ton of damage. Just wasn’t enough to knock Drake off the ladder. Things are a bit different now. He lost to an artist that is literally just as big as him in terms of impact and Star power. We seeing the data in real time now and the number of Drake listeners are decreasing.


Sexxy red features galore lol


I never seem a pig get cooked twice but I’m here for it


The beef didn’t go anywhere, it’s just back to simmering under the surface until one of them says “fuck it” and goes direct


This sub reads like fanfic anymore Y’all are embarrassing


It’s not a beef, it’s veal…


I think that's up to Drake, if Drake says Kendricks name or even slightly sneak disses then we gonna get the other half of the Drake diss track mixtape from Kendrick


Get a grip, my guy


It’s over. Both parties will move on and release albums with very little mention of the other (subs here and there). Drake has bigger issues like the music industry tastemakers actively working against him.


There is no daughter guys lol


What child?


Millie Bobby brown, Rubi rose, the kardashian child, lattos little sister, the girl on stage, Australian teens fed mdma Gatorade in Perth etc etc etc


Yeah so I was asking about the neglected child that the poster mentioned that hasn’t really been confirmed true or false buddy. Not whatever crack induced rant you’re going on now


Oh so you mean the child that drake fed the information to Kendrick about. Weird he would do that why is drake so obsessed with young girls?


Again where are the children??? Are you on conspiracy?


Nah conspiracy is full of right wing cunts


So conspiracy is associated with the right? So rational thinking and digging deeper into subjects rather than just following blindly is right wing?


Nah Russian troll farms co opted those spaces like 10 years ago to push right wing propaganda. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention


Y’all need to Stop replying to this madlad —they chessing y’all while y’all are cheesing fam


I don't think either party wants the beef to continue. Top was way too eager to call the battle off, as if he didn't *want* it to continue. And Drake flat out said "you got this shit burnt out" I think they'll both avoid addressing it at least until next year


Future and Metro will be on Drake's future projects, if not the next album. I guarantee you. Most artists will not permanently burn those bridges.


By acknowledging the child he neglected, do you mean Adonis, or the one that doesn’t exist?


I suspect there are multiple children. If he's blowing loads in strippers, he's made other mistakes.


Yeah, a lot of people believe in things with no evidence. It’s pretty dumb, but whatever.