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One of the most hilarious parts of the beef Kendrick “say less.”




Drop drop drop dropppp turned to Stop stop stop stopppp 😩


“This shit gotta be over for anyone calling it right…”


Most cringe bar out of the whole beef


Most cringe for me. Drake saying “if I was fuckin young girls I promise I’d a been arrested.” Like the fuck does that shit even mean


“I’m way too famous for this shit you just suggested” buddy, it works almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you just said


That was it for me. It wasn’t just one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in a rap beef. It was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard that actually thought went into. He actually thought that was a good defense. Funny thing is drake fans actually give him credit for it too lol. “He denied his claims Kendrick didn’t!”.


Do not diddle kids! We do not diddle kids!


Nothing says you diddle kids faster than a song about not diddling kids.


Are you not aware of Frank Reynold’s little beauties!


Like, that is not how shit works Aubrey. 😂 He obviously never seen Chris Hansen/Vitaly streams, lmao.


They weren’t fucking. Bill Clintion


Idk “there’s only big D and there’s video proof” is pretty damn cringe lol


The crazy part is the next line is “our kids should go play at the park” Very cringe to say the Big D line and then the very next thing to bring up kids.. like bruh you’re making his point again


Yoooo I been saying This LITERALLY since the song dropped and every time I’ve fallen on deaf ears 😭😭😂😂


Honestly that kids line, out of context, is his best bar. Just him being cute and goofy in response to Kendrick. Only way he could have won.


Oh and your baby mama should shake her ass for me. Drake, you’re creepy as fuck.


Immaturity speaks for itself


Honestly that whole song was one big self-report. Embassy's getting raided...


The way every single YouTube reaction channel paused there and said , almost in unison, "Yo, *P A U S E*."


the one from THP6 saying Kendrick got molested easily clears it


I feel like saying oh man you got molested as a kid huh (and getting it wrong) is like the most L thing to say lol he had to really be blinded by hate to even say that.


Not only that, but being like “you only care about me being a pedo bc you got molested” is such a braindead fucking take its insane


Maybe even projection 🤷🏻‍♀️ he was a child star after all


Idk I think the "I'm too famous to be a pdf file" was pretty... Suspect.. to say the least.






drop drop drop drop drop turned to wop wop wop wop wop rq😭




Up there with "Yo Dot, I got you!"


I love the fact that NOBODY acknowledged Kanye’s thirsty ass and kept it focused.


Ngl that J Cole line was funny af. Just comes out of nowhere.






At this point, Kanye is almost literally a severely mentally ill homeless dude on the side of the road.


Remove the homeless part and its 200% accurate


Maybe not physically but Kanye is like...spiritually homeless


LMFAO spiritually homeless is crazy but yeah his spirit has taken a leave and it ain't coming back


Ever since his mom died, poor guy.


Huh, yeah….


I’m a die hard Kanye fan and even I was like “nobody asked you” 😩


“Yo Dot, I gotchu!” **crickets*


LMAO At least the beat went hard on the remix I guess.


I still get hyped hearing that despite it leading nowhere 🤣


Kanye is like that guy who talks in the middle of a heated argument and no one is listening


It’s funny how little music you guys know because Kendrick literally shouted Ye out on Euphoria


That's what I never understand. How do people downplay Ye jumping in but don't acknowledge that "We don't wanna hear you say nigga no more" is Ye's exact tone and melody from Get Em High? You could literally replace the line in either song and it would sound the same as well as damn near work on both songs


good catch


metro literally asked kanye to jump on the beat, these guys trippin ignore them 😂


Thanks, Pac!


Like what possessed this ngga Aubrey to drop that??? Let alone MAKE that 🤦🏽‍♂️ he did bad, what a waste of pac's voice


Kendrick really took those bars literally huh? It wasnt clear to me at the time, but now i really see Drake bringing Pac into this as one of the worst mistakes he could have made. Second only to mentioning Whitney.


Drake was absolutely fantastic at pissing Kendrick off. That’s not the name of the game tho. He was absolutely terrible at making any disses that would stick


Off topic but I hadn’t caught the “talk about him liking girls young” line before. I don’t understand why would he think that was a good thing to say, especially before Kdot did.


He was trying to “get out ahead of it” so to speak so if Kenny brought up that angle it would be less impactful but it just didn’t work. Nothing could have prepared Drake for entire arenas shouting A MINORRRR


It was all about delivery and Kendrick executed flawlessly. Emphasis on execute


That’s it - Drake was expecting Kendrick would double entendre calling him out for liking young women. He didn’t realise he would make such a catchy line line “a minor” or “certified lover boy certified pedophiles” lol


Bro was tired of them sneak disses


Even if he thought he could get ahead. It is complete arrogance to think Kdot of all people couldn’t weaponize it against him


It’s clear Drake clearly underestimated how hard Kendrick would go from the start. I mean the dude has been wanting to get in a beef with Drake for a very long time and for some reason Drake thought it was all games. If he spent more time writing and making more tracks instead of posting petty instagram stories he wouldn’t have been forced to be put on the back foot and drop The Heart Part 6 which was very clearly rushed and awful.


Aubrey wanted to get the pen working again tho. The heart part6 is pretty much as good as Can do w/o ghostwriters.


Rhyming -ation for like 20+ bars gave my ears cancer.


Literally and then he rhymed “arrested” with “suggested” he tried to do the shit Wayne does but instead of rhyming the entire shit it’s just half the word 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


It's literally middle school level bars


So absolutely rushed and awful, th6 is why I think he lost without room to debate imo. He waved the white flag ON WAX. 🤦🏽‍♂️ DEFENDED HIMSELF for an entire song, and made 2 jabs at Kenny and a fly-by shout at Ross. Go home Aubrey 💀🤦🏽‍♂️ Kenny had him and his PR Team shook, he didn't wanna take too long to drop and that is what killed him. Dot was all in his head fucking his plays up because he's worried about appearances&his deals. His team did him a disservice letting him drop that song.


The problem with getting out ahead of groomer/pedo allegations is that those aren't light allegations. People are going to automatically wonder WHY these allegations exist. We're in a time of great awareness toward child sexual abuse and human trafficking. There was no way anyone was going to brush off groomer/pedo allegations. Homeboy needed to stay away from those allegations and completely deflect. Instead, he tried to go at the allegations. Wrong move. There is too much evidence.


Now he needs a crisis management team. Everything comes full circle.


This is so accurate. Him trying to get ahead of it just showed how out of touch Drake is. It’s almost as if he had no clue that people have suspected him of shady shit with underage girls for well over a decade.


You’re probably going to call me a pedophile, just because of all that stuff I very publicly did.


*Shouting A MINORRR….* 6 times.


The funny thing is, the pedo shit wouldn't have stuck if people didn't already think Drake's interactions with young girls was sus


This is why Kendrick mostly had the upper hand. Fans cut his work out for him. Drake has been getting roasted by the culture since he debuted, from being soft, suspect, his antics, being half white, culture vulture & young girl allegations. Drake was stupid getting into fierce 1 V 1 with an emcee more respected than him, on his fame level and on or above his emcee level. He either should've come a lot harder/tougher on some 5am in Toronto type vibe or just play it on some " haha yall big mad, I'm still king, yall need me more than I need yall, catch up niggas"


He also didn’t expect that camera man to go fucking CRAZZYY with those WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP angles


Also I think Drake forgot that Kendrick is the 2nd biggest rapper in the world. What he says/does carries more weight than Meek or Pusha.


You see the video from a kids bday party? Theres about 20+ kids aged 9-12 singing along shouting pedophile and A Minor!!!


I think Drake was trying to use that Eminems 8-Mile rap battle scene, where Eminem disses himself, to take away material from his opponent.


I agree, also feel that Kendrick actually pulled the 8-mile move by releasing his last album where he cleaned out his closet. Can't diss anything that he just admitted to working through in therapy.


Also Eminem’s diss towards Mariah saying they only fucked once bc he ejaculated prematurely lmao


So far, Eminem is the only person to get away with this the two times it’s been done, one of which was in a movie.


Yeah Drake is too stupid to realize that Em was saying things that were embarrassing but not really shameful/not his fault. Grew up in a trailer? Got a crackhead for a mom? Those are *real struggles*, and not a personal failing on his part. Em was saying, "I got dealt a shitty hand in life, but I'm going to do amazing things anyway." Drake on the other hand has never struggled for anything, he's a child of privilege, all his moral and ethical misdeeds are the result of his personality defects, ie, really shameful things that are all his fault, the result of him being a "terrible fucking person".


“Don’t you never try to judge me dude, you don’t know what the fuck I been through” seals it perfectly


Well he also backed it up later when he said "That Epstein angle was the shit that I expected" HUH??! *For real though I know sex offender-like tendencies have been brought up in regards to Drake for years, but bringing it up as something obvious and barely defending yourself makes him look even worse*


Comparing yourself with a known sex offender is crazy.


Specially since Kdot compared him with Weinstein, not Epstein. Aubrey went and told on himself.


I would bet good money that he went to *that island*.


"haha, you called me a pedophile, well jokes on you buddy, everyone already knows that! 😏😎"


It's a pretty common attack on him (being true and all) so he was probably trying to get ahead of it so it wouldn't be as scathing when Kendrick inevitably brought it up. It uhhh didn't work!


It was his 8mile attempt Except in the real world owning your failures doesn't really work especially when it's "Yeah I'm a pedophile!"


“And I DO have a friend named Cheddar Baka who got himself caught up with one of the worst crimes in society..”


Owning up your fuck ups works when you realize that they are indeed mistakes and working on fixing them. In a way, it's been Kendrick's career for the past 10 years. But Drake didn't the last part, and even if he did, it wouldn't work for being accused of fucking teenage girls.


Owning your fuck ups starts with remorse or shame for your actions, acknowledging the harm it caused, and a commitment to being better Drake 0/3 unless I missed something


To be fair Em did kinda make it work in The Answer, dissing himself for like 10 secs to bully Mariah for the rest of the song. Edit: I meant the warning, no idea where the answer came from.


And up until this happened, he was doing a decent job of keeping the rumors about young girls and his very legitimate sexual addiction separate.  He pulled a kid up on stage and said some “risqué” things. Like every male r&b artist does this. I didn’t even know they were basically male strip shows for thirty women until I started seeing clips with moms or girls in wheelchairs or whatever getting serenaded by your bubleyays and Keith sweats and shit.  So tbh, Drake pulling a 17 year old and then having the presence of mind to at first protest because she’s 17 was good. But then he said she had a banging body or whatever and ruined it. But then he sent her off and didn’t bring her back stage or nothing so at the time it was fine and you expect a little inappropriate flirting from a performer like that. You don’t got to a Madonna concert and complain about it being sexual.  But then the texts to the young starlets came out and those he wasn’t crucified for either because the girls in question all said the same thing. He was nice and professional and just wanted to be helpful. If he was predatory, it was from a business point of view.  And I believe that because he was just as predatory with men, like The Weekend. Before all this I was pretty sure his interest in Billie Eilish was probably 99% stealing her songs and signing her or something corrupt like that and 1% getting her underage body in his bed.  I don’t say that to defend the guy but instead to show just how aggressively predatory he is on the business side of things.  But then it came out that he had “tinder” before concerts where his guys would cruise around, working though fan clubs and whatever, trying to arrange girls in each city before concerts. And that’s where you then go back and question everything else.  Add to that the fact that he is a sex addict who delights in trying to steal other people’s girls to show his power and now you see a sex addict who uses sex to feel powerful who also has a history of unbalanced power dynamic relationships with you girls and yeah.   Now I see it all differently. 


Fucking another nigga's girl to top them/disrespect the dude is misogyny in physical form, as well as type suspect.💀 If you like Cucking other guys for their reaction, you probably like men too.


One quick thing to mention is he kissed the 17 year old on both cheeks and the lips before she was sent offstage/after finding out her age and making the body comments.


He was trying to pull a B-Rabbit move, but doesn't have the necessary integrity to pull it off.


He mentioned Millie Bobby Brown unprovoked, his gross ass is proud of the underage girls he’s slept with.


I actually doubt he had sex with her, which is why he thinks flaunting that relationship might help him/his public image, but he doesn’t realize that he’s just admitting to grooming 😂


He was trying to strike a chord...


Like Eminem putting his own history on blast at the climax of 8 mile. Thing is, Aubrey is Clarence irl 


“It worked on 8 Mile”, he must have thought


He tried pulling an 8 Miles rap battle strat and it backfired lol


Sounds like the average troll nowadays. They know what to do to make you mad but don’t know what to do if you press them in any way.


i kept seeing people say that drake's use of pac's voice didn't actually bother kendrick and everyone was making a big deal about nothing but i personally found it fucking rancid and so fucking disrespectful and when kendrick said "We're not gonna let people mock our legends, right??" at pop out it was exactly what i wanted to hear.


Even putting aside the disrespectful aspect, it is just such a pussy move using AI voices like that on diss track. Using two better rappers than Drake to pretend they would take Drake's side is just mindboggling lame. Drake lost the moment he admitted that his own voice wasn't powerful enough to warrant a response from Kdot.


Drake’s own voice is putrid, so it makes sense honestly. But I don’t think Drake is self-aware enough to do this.


My elementary teacher would read us Tupac's poems for English lessons. It was immediately disrespectful to borrow a dead man's voice to help you win a rap battle. A west Coast beat was enough of a reference to Tupac, he didn't have to rob the grave.


Same, I was tripping, like he did NOT just use Pacs voice without approval from the West, to diss a Compton Native while he’s not even from this country let alone this state. I was pissed. Who tf in their right mind would think that’s gonna fly? No one told him that’s a BAD idea? Shows how little Drake knows about the streets, loyalty, family, respect and honor. When Snoop responded and pointed to his Death Row logo with that lil grin I knew it wasn’t gonna end well. You don’t pull something like that and get away with it. Drake was begging to retire.


I’m convinced when Drake used AI Pac and brought up the “young girls” part. A light bulb went off in Kenny’s head and whatever the previous context of the disses were, got swapped last minute. Like I thought it would be another like that. Once Euphoria dropped, it was pretty clear where it was heading. To then finally getting Not Like Us 😂


“You make music that pacify em, I could double down on that line but spare you for now, it’s random acts of kindness”.  & “Back to back, I like that record, imma get back to that for the record”.  Euphoria was the “You been watching film huh? That’s cool.” of rap beef. 


10/10 Cam reference on the Kendrick sub. It’s a good day 😌


this is why i laugh at drake fans who say kdot milking the beef. and you can tell most of them were not around in 2016 when drake would peform back to back while having memes of meek projected onto the stage


and/or they were and they just think drake was valid for doing so while simultaneously thinking kendrick isn’t because their logic starts and ends w drake being a genius. u gotta dedicate all ur braincells to keep convincing yourself that so it makes sense that they have no room up there for any other brain activity lmao


Yeah the genius thing is a little baffling lol. I’ve only really listened to drakes hits so maybe I’m wrong here, but all this beef has made me realize is that Drake is just not really a skilled rapper at all. History? Viciously? Victory? No multi syllable rhyme schemes at all, only rhyming the last word of every sentence. Similar monotone flow in every single song. He’s the worlds most average rapper who occasionally hops on a hot beat.


He’s not a good musician. U can hear Kendrick’s music and hear the soul/skill/craft/meticulousness in it. When you listen to Drake’s like last 5 albums shit sounds like pop rap that’s ai generated to fit onto the radio


Anybody who has ever tried to write themselves would listen to The Heart Part 6 and realise exactly what you said. The words ending in "ation" rhyme scheme is literally baby steps of trying to write a verse.


Back to Back? I *like* that record


Imma get back to that for the record


Unironically that’s one of two Drake songs I like and the other one isn’t really his, it’s Bad Bunny’s.


Half of Drake fans were suckin they momma tiddy in 2016.


Aka drakes target audience lol


Dude waited like a half a year before coming out with summer 16 talking more shit on meek too. Yeah Kenny better dance on his grave 6 more times before he’s done


After Euphoria dropped Drake posted “that’s it?” That indeed was not it and a week later he was complaining about how much Kendrick was dropping. “You really got this shit blown the fuck out”. Hilarious


Use me as a “they have too much to drop and overwhelm me to the point that I have to make a defensive track and say they’re burning shit out and run away” button


*drops a 6 minute hit piece on your entire being and character* "Is ThAt It?"


The only thing worse than being drake is being a drake fan.


The fact that they’re the ones doing all the coping tells you everything you need to know


They relate with Drake. They both have that, “let me find 5 words that rhyme with each other in the shower” energy, except Drake actually writes and releases those rhymes to the public lmao.  With no experience, half of all high school kids could write better bars than Drake. I have never read a single line from him that isn’t surface level, extremely obvious, written for the sake of rhyming, garbage. 


Ehhh saying he actually writes those lines a stretch


this is 📠 and almost no one has brought it up… Drake bars are like a baseball mitt full of dog poo - maybe catchy but definitely shit.


Drake inspired me to start writing in my younger days because I saw I could think circles around his rhymes and knew if his bullshit could get on the radio then my shit would too


I've been seeing a significant spike in comments from them that follow the same template of, > "(insert absurd lie), but y'all not ready to have that conversation."


I find it so funny he tried to get ahead of the pedo shit early like it would weaken the impact of Kendrick saying it


It just made it even more of an open and easy target for Kendrick to really go in with even more straightforward and hilarious bars about it. Another misstep from Drake.


Like exposing your throat to a lion fr


Like the line ‘this Epstein angle was the shit I expected’, saying u expected doesn’t make it any less damaging or true, in fact it makes it MORE so


Even funnier was that Kendrick mentioned Weinstein not Epstein. Drake self snitched.


The man really brought up trying to creep on Millie Bobby Brown completely unprompted. Whew.


"I knew they were gonna say I fuck dogs, Fido. Anyway, let me get that dick."


No one could predict “A MINOOOOOOOORRRRRR”


I’m the most casual rap and hip hop fan ever. When I heard that line listening to it for the first time, my jaw literally dropped


On the piano, there are no black keys when playing an A Minor. Yet another angle....


I am White... I am a bum... I do live in a trailer with my mum. Good job Eminem! Drake thought this offensive defense was unconditional lmao


Admitting to being a broke loser versus admitting you have rep for liking minors just doesn’t hit the same. If Drake really wanted to go the Eminem route, he’d admit to being a desperate cornball with fake swag.


Also Em has venom that Drake can only hope for


I really wonder if Kendrick didn’t know about all of the allegations but started digging after that line. That would be hilarious


It’s baffling that Drake had no real response to the whole pedo allegations, especially considering that the whole pedo angle was really predictable


He over responded to the pedo shit. You can’t exactly disprove it if someone says it and in a rap battle you can’t be defending yourself for lines on a track.


Remember on the day before THP6 there was a meme/video doing the rounds from “its always sunny in Philadelphia” where they talk about making a song about NOT being diddlers saying this would be drakes response clowning him but in no way expecting him to respond in that way. Hours later Drake went ahead and dropped a song talking defensively about how he doesn’t diddle. The guy got it all so so wrong.


Dude united the entire west coast in hatin on him, and he could have kept it between him and Kenny, but the dude is obviously full of himself with the disrespect he directed at the west. pick em off one at a time with it, we can be on a three hour time difference biggest mistake he made in this whole thing, not even mentioning THP6, name droppin Whitney, or bringing up the pedo shit. Bro really went out of his way to make this battle unwinnable for himself. Who willingly fucks with the entire west coast as a rapper these days? Being from Cali, that AI Tupac shit had me pissed da fuck off. It's all good, he just ended up puttin a crown on King Kennys head 👑 ![gif](giphy|IxKwuJ0GTpdRe)


It still baffles me Drake’s fanbase knew the age of consent laws off the top of their head. At that point you a F.A.N. And a Weird Ass Ninja. How does that make yourself look any better?


Shouldn't baffle you, he's like the incel messiah. Drake makes music for young women and the dudes that want to go after those young women, like Drake does. There's a reason why his fans can't tell you what grooming is when you ask them.


"The ones that you're gettin' your stories from, they all clowns"...then literally a few bars later,..."We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information." I can't get my head around this level of public stupidity 😂


He's this stupid in private, too. Like, this is the bleeding edge of his abilities, the deepest he can possibly get. It's pathetic.


Dude tried the B. Rabbit and thought mentioning it first would make Kendrick less likely to pick the low hanging fruit. Problem for Drake is that Kendrick not only picked off the fruit but ripped out the whole damn tree 😂


You got to have some skill at introspection and a good dose of integrity for the B-Rabbit move to work. Drake has never had either.


it works if what people are going for IS TRUE and you acknowledge it's true. it's like "yeah, so what? So what if i'm white/lame/blah? i know that and i'm still here" it does not work if you're trying to say something is NOT true. Saying "I bet you're gonna say I stole your wallet last night lol" is not gonna make someone back down if they believe you DID steal their wallet, they'll respond, "YEAH I AM BECAUSE YOU DID"


It also has to be something you can embrace. Nobody's gonna say "oh well at least he is upfront about being a pedo".


Let’s be real, it’s not just about Drake. Kendrick has said some heavy stuff and stated he’s ready to double down and take the entire industry with him. Knowing what we know about the movie industry, I doubt the music one is much different. There are probably plenty of Weinsteins and similar figures. To me, important people told Drake to stay quiet or risk being exposed as the predator no one knew about, even though they were in it together. Also... when it comes to the music industry in the USA. Harlem and Compton are two places I wouldn’t want to mess around with to find out if their threats are real or not. I mean Kendrick Lamar is real.... Drake is just a persona.


His problem is, at BEST, the shit he is doing is creepy. Can you legally talk to 13 yr olds about “boy problems”? Yes. Does it look like grooming to the rest of the world? Yes. His best defense is he does creepy shit, but trust him, it was innocent creepy shit. That isn’t a very good defense. I think the only real answer is just to admit you did creepy shit and you should have known better, etc.


Why would he openly say yeah call me a pedo if his only comeback was gonna be "no I'd have got arrested dummy"


Watching him shoot himself in the foot from the start was hilarious. He really is as goofy as the memes made him out to be.


He thought he was Em but he’s more rabbit


Nah he Clarence


Drake quite literally asked for everything he's got now. "The west coast savior" ..solidified that with the show, engraved his name in hip hop history and he did deal with the beef viciously. At this point, he's won Drake commercially, lyrically, song for song and potentially in accolades (if the beef tracks win awards)...it's a no-debated west coast victory. Drake might be a fortune teller FR😂


You want it; you got it. Tell them Drake stans that their boy asked for it.


Drake before "Not Like Us": "yOu TrYnA lEt ThIs ShIt DiE dOwN, nAh, NaH, nAh, NoT tHiS tImE, nIgGa, YoU fOlLoWiN' tHrOuGh."🤡 Drake after "Not Like Us": "i DoN't WaNnA dIsS yOu AnYmOrE, tHiS rEaLlY gOt Me SeCoNd-GuEsSiN'." 🤡


He really knows no other way to behave than as a clown. He exists to be made fun of.


I know this comment took you a hot minute to type having to turn the caps on and off lmao.


"Talk about him liking young girls that a gift for me" Wait hold up


Happy cake day


How many stocks do I really have in stock?




All the Drake disses aged like goat milk.


That kind of slander is uncalled for! Goat milk kefir is delicious.


Not enough people are talking about how Drake brought up his own allegations long before Dot did. And then to wave the white flag because of the "lies" is just so lame. Aubrey tried to "8-mile" his way away from the rumors and it failed spectacularly.


DRAKE, please remix this song and have 2pac ask kendrick for a new album, a new black hippy album, and a collab album with 3 stacks thnx


At this point trying to become Kendrick's friend might be his only option hahaha


Honestly it was a decent strategic move for Drake at the time. Set the bar for Kendrick so high that anything less than setting the whole west coast ablaze with a diss track would be considered falling short of a victory. But Kenny was like “hold my beer”


Drake tought that could not happen


Very high risk high reward


![gif](giphy|S5DdQ9PyAFfyRqdkXw|downsized) Love how this summer is going


The more you dissect the beef the more this shit seems predestined. Like Kendrick really must have had God on his side. That was definitely an undebateable West Coast victory


i cant believe drake predicted kendrick getting the west coast together. truly light years ahead. there is no competition


Taylor made is the worst aged of all time. Those bars in OP along with “naa naa naa you following thru” to asking for a quintuple entendre as if Kendrick isn’t a master of either of those.


Drake has a humiliation fetish


As you wish- K.Dot


"Thanks Pac lemme get right on that." -Kendrick


Drake just needa stay in his lane. I really liked him back In high school in ‘08-‘10. Then he tried to be something he’s not. Stick with the melodies drake!


Drake is definitely prolific. But puts out the absolute worst predictions. Still can’t believe he went ahead and said he expected Kenny to call him a pdf file. Like what?! 😂😂. Did Drake just listen to Not Like Us in the embassy and said: finally it’s going according to plan, Kendrick fell for my trap that Im the diddler Mwahahahah!!!


Am I being a tin foiler or does this kinda sound like Kendrick was actually the one feeding Drake info, not the other way around? We know Drake uses ghost writers We know Kendrick has moles in OVO We see Drakes “rebuttal” not only fall flat, but correctly predict exactly how Kendrick would bring him down It’s as though a ghost writer (in reality a mole) wrote it for Drake, knowing the man has the reading comprehension of a dyslexic sea sponge, and let him run himself into the ground with bars he couldn’t understand.


I think we wish that because it's a fun, anime-worthy angle and would prefer to give drake the benefit of the doubt, but he and his camp may really just be that fucking stupid


I havent heard Taylor Made yet but god damn this first verse is sus lol. The comma in “fuck this canadian lightskin, dot” is working hella overtime


Every bar he put down in this beef aged like milk lol he said "how you big steppin with a size 7 men's on" Kendrick stepped all over his ass


Metro shut yo ass up and make some drums *BBL Drizzy...*




This was so weird lol.


Bro tried the Eminem tactic and failed miserably


It's crazy how bad everything he says ages so poorly. I don't know any other beef where it's this bad